15 research outputs found

    Criteria of evaluating multimedia presentations produced in English by students of engineering and technical specialties

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    EN: The article is devoted to the problem of evaluating the formation of skills and abilities of producing a presentation in English by students of engineering and technical specialties. The criteria for evaluation are defined and described. Key words: a multimedia presentation in English, evaluating of formation of skills and abilities, students of engineering and technical specialties

    Рекомендованные приложения для создания презентаций и дидактических видео. Результаты исследования

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    The article describes the preliminary results of the implementation of WorkPackage 4 (WP4) “Selection and testing new ICT tools” in the framework of the international research network IRNe, represented by researchers from partner institutions in Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Australia. These results concern the analysis and study of some categories of ICT-tools for making multimedia presentations and didactic videos. All the package period has been divided into 5 main stages. Authors presented a ranking list based on quality and quantity assessment of chosen ICT-tools and proposed some recommendations of features for good presentation and didactic video as well as specified typical mistakes of designers and users.У статті розглянуті попередні підсумки реалізації Робочого пакету 4 (WP4) "Вибір і тестування нових ІКТ інструментів " в рамках міжнародної дослідницької мережі IRNe, в особі дослідників з установ-партнерів в Польщі, Словаччині, Україні, Австралії. Ці результати стосуються аналізу і вивчення деяких категорій ІКТ-інструментів для створення мультимедійних презентацій та дидактичні відео. Весь період пакет був розділений на 5 основних етапів. Автори представили список ранжирування на основі якості та оцінки кількості обраних ІКТ-інструментів і запропонував деякі рекомендації можливостей для гарної презентації та дидактичної відео, а також зазначених типових помилок проектувальників і користувачів.В статье рассмотрены предварительные итоги реализации Рабочего пакета 4 (WP4) "Выбор и тестирование новых ИКТ инструментов" в рамках международной исследовательской сети IRNe, в лице исследователей из учреждений-партнеров в Польше, Словакии, Украины, Австралии. Эти результаты касаются анализа и изучения некоторых категорий ИКТ-инструментов для создания мультимедийных презентаций и дидактические видео. Весь период пакет был разделен на 5 основных этапов. Авторы представили список ранжирования на основе качества и оценки числа избранных ИКТ-инструментов и предложил некоторые рекомендации возможностей для хорошей презентации и дидактической видео, а также указанных типичных ошибок проектировщиков и пользователей

    Evaluasi Efektifitas Tayangan Multimedia yang Disajikan pada Seminar di BATAN

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    ABSTRAKTayangan multimedia merupakan alat bantu yang banyak digunakan pada saat penyajian hasil penelitian pada suatu seminar. Tayangan multimedia yang efektif akan dapat meningkatkan daya tangkap peserta dan mampu mengkomunikasikan buah pikiran antara penyaji dan peserta. Untuk mengetahui tingkat efektifitas tayangan, telah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap 30 tayangan hasil penelitian yang dipilih secara acak pada 3 seminar di BATAN. Dari 30 tayangan yang dievaluasi, 28 tayangan milik penyaji dari BATAN dan 2 milik penyaji dari luar BATAN. Parameter yang dievaluasi dibatasi hanya 10 parameter dan substansi dari materi tidak termasuk dalam parameter yang dievaluasi. Evaluasi dilakukan secara visual dengan metode analisis kuantitatif dan pendekatan analisis kualitatif diskriptif sederhana. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa tayangan yang disajikan memperoleh nilai rata-rata terendah 1,5 dan tertinggi 2,6 dengan skala penilaian 1 - 4. Nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa tayangan tersebut dikategorikan kurang efektif. Nilai tayangan milik penyaji dari BATAN dan luar BATAN tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai yang mencolok.ABSTRACTEvaluation on the Effectiveness of the Multimedia Presentation presented at Seminar in BATAN. Multimedia presentation is a tool that is widely used by researcher in presenting the research results at a seminar. An effective presentation will be able to improve participants comprehension and communicate ideas between presenters and participants. To determine the level of effectiveness of the presentation, an evaluation of 30 presentations from 3 seminar in BATAN which were selected randomly has been conducted. Among 30 presentations to be evaluated, 28 presentations belong to the Batan presenter and 2 presentations belong to the presenter from outside BATAN. The evaluated parameters were limited to only 10 parameters and the content of the presentation was not included in the evaluated parameters. Evaluation was performed visually using quantitative analysis and a simple qualitative descriptive analysis method. The result showed that the evaluated presentation obtained the lowest average score of 1.5 and the highest average score of 2.6. These values indicated that the presentations were categorized less effective. There was no significant difference in score between the presentation belongs to presenters from BATAN and presenters from outside BATAN.

    Evaluasi Efektifitas Tayangan Multimedia yang Disajikan pada Seminar di BATAN

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    ABSTRAKTayangan multimedia merupakan alat bantu yang banyak digunakan pada saat penyajian hasil penelitian pada suatu seminar. Tayangan multimedia yang efektif akan dapat meningkatkan daya tangkap peserta dan mampu mengkomunikasikan buah pikiran antara penyaji dan peserta. Untuk mengetahui tingkat efektifitas tayangan, telah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap 30 tayangan hasil penelitian yang dipilih secara acak pada 3 seminar di BATAN. Dari 30 tayangan yang dievaluasi, 28 tayangan milik penyaji dari BATAN dan 2 milik penyaji dari luar BATAN. Parameter yang dievaluasi dibatasi hanya 10 parameter dan substansi dari materi tidak termasuk dalam parameter yang dievaluasi. Evaluasi dilakukan secara visual dengan metode analisis kuantitatif dan pendekatan analisis kualitatif diskriptif sederhana. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa tayangan yang disajikan memperoleh nilai rata-rata terendah 1,5 dan tertinggi 2,6 dengan skala penilaian 1 - 4. Nilai tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa tayangan tersebut dikategorikan kurang efektif. Nilai tayangan milik penyaji dari BATAN dan luar BATAN tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai yang mencolok.ABSTRACTEvaluation on the Effectiveness of the Multimedia Presentation presented at Seminar in BATAN. Multimedia presentation is a tool that is widely used by researcher in presenting the research results at a seminar. An effective presentation will be able to improve participants comprehension and communicate ideas between presenters and participants. To determine the level of effectiveness of the presentation, an evaluation of 30 presentations from 3 seminar in BATAN which were selected randomly has been conducted. Among 30 presentations to be evaluated, 28 presentations belong to the Batan presenter and 2 presentations belong to the presenter from outside BATAN. The evaluated parameters were limited to only 10 parameters and the content of the presentation was not included in the evaluated parameters. Evaluation was performed visually using quantitative analysis and a simple qualitative descriptive analysis method. The result showed that the evaluated presentation obtained the lowest average score of 1.5 and the highest average score of 2.6. These values indicated that the presentations were categorized less effective. There was no significant difference in score between the presentation belongs to presenters from BATAN and presenters from outside BATAN.


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    The purpose of this article is to present the results of students’ self-evaluations of their developed presentation competences during their seminar presentations as a part of both a human resource course and an organizational dynamic course in the online master program International Management. Video pedagogy employed in the courses was assessed and its effect on competency development was questioned. The main research question was which aspects of presentation competence the students develop while delivering, watching and discussing online presentations, according to their self-assessments. The methodology of self-assessment of the gained competences questioned the development course-embedded presentation competence in a virtual learning environment. A questionnaire was sent to all students attending the courses during two academic years. Students rated their acquired skills on the 7-point Likert scale. The results proved hypothesis that students had developed their online presentation competences and that they had become more self-confident. The course designers gained the feedback regarding the collaborative tool, course organization and original aim to develop presentation skills in the virtual classroom. Improvement of these exercises, meaning instruction, design, and feedback will be employed the following next year.Svrha ovog rada je prikazati rezultate samoevaluacije studenata, u kojoj su studenti evaluirali razvoj svojih prezentacijskih kompetencija na kolegijima ljudski resursi i organizacijska dinamika, održanim na online specijalističkom programu Međunarodni menadžment na DOBA Fakultetu. Procijenjena je video pedagogija tih kolegija i propitan njen utjecaj na razvoj kompetencija. Glavno istraživačko pitanje je koji vidovi prezentacijskih kompetencija studenti razvijaju prezentirajući, sudjelujući i diskutirajući tijekom online prezentiranja, a prema vlastitim procjenama. Metodom samoprocjene propituju su stečene prezentacijske kompetencije u virtualnom obrazovnom okruženju. Upitnik je bio poslan svim studentima koji su sudjelovali na navedenim kolegijima tijekom dvije akademske godine. Studenti su ocjenjivali svoje stečene vještine na 7 stupanjskoj Likertovoj skali. Rezultati su potvrdili hipotezu da su studenti stekli online prezentacijske kompetencije i povećali svoj samopouzdanje. Dizajneri obrazovnog sadržaja dobili su povratnu informaciju o suradničkom alatu, organizaciji kolegija i originalnom cilju da razviju prezentacijske vještine u virtualnoj učionici. Poboljšanje korištenih vježbi, konkretno uputa, dizajna i povratnih informacija, provest će se iduće akademske godine

    Definición teórica de las características del ciberperiodismo: elementos de la comunicación digital

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    El estudio del ciberperiodismo, como nuevo medio de comunicación, exige una investigación teórica básica que permita, en primer lugar, definir con claridad los conceptos y características que definen el nuevo fenómeno. En este artículo hacemos un recorrido por los postulados teóricos de esos conceptos: hipertextualidad, interactividad, multimedialidad y memoria. Hacemos también referencia a las corrientes metodológicas empleadas para su medición y estudio. La conclusión es que nos encontramos frente a un nuevo medio con nuevas características que, correctamente definidas, pueden ser observadas empíricamente, lo que nos permitirá establecer las correspondientes tipologías genéricas

    Supporting multimedia user interface design using mental models and representational expressiveness

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    This thesis addresses the problem of output media allocation in the design of multimedia user interfaces. The literature survey identifies a formal definition of the representational capabilities of different media.as important in this task. Equally important, though less prominent in the literature, is that the correct mental model of a domain is paramount for the successful completion of tasks. The thesis proposes an original linguistic and cognitive based descriptive framework, in two parts. The first part defines expressiveness, the amount of representational abstraction a medium provides over any domain. The second part describes how this expressiveness is linked to the mental models that media induce, and how this in turn affects task performance. It is postulated that the mental models induced by different media, will reflect the abstractive representation those media offer over the task domain. This must then be matched to the abstraction required by tasks to allow them to be effectively accomplished. A 34 subject experiment compares five media, of two levels of expressiveness, over a range of tasks, in a complex and dynamic domain. The results indicate that expressiveness may allow media to be matched more closely to tasks, if the mental models they are known to induce are considered. Finally, the thesis proposes a tentative framework for media allocation, and two example interfaces are designed using this framework. This framework is based on the matching of expressiveness to the abstraction of a domain required by tasks. The need for the methodology to take account of the user's cognitive capabilities is stressed, and the experimental results are seen as the beginning of this procedure

    Fostering Connections, Empowering Communities, Celebrating the World

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    Selected Papers from the 2016 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Editor: Aleidine Moeller, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1. Analyzing Song Lyrics as an Authentic Language Learning Opportunity — Georgia Coats 2. Prose Combat: Contemporary Target Language Songs as Authentic Text — Kirsten Halling & Pascale Abadie 3. Enhancing the Use of Music in Language Learning through Technology — Nick Ziegler 4. The Case for Integrating Dance in the Language Classroom — Angela N. Gardner 5. Digital Language Learning: Bringing Community to the Classroom — Leah McKeeman & Blanca Oviedo 6. Digital Storytelling in the Foreign Language Classroom — Martha E. Castañeda & Nohelia Rojas-Miesse 7. Collaborative Online International Learning: Students and Professors Making Global Connections — Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco & Delane Bender-Slack 8. In Search of Defining “Best Practice:” A K–16 Connection — Susan M. Knight 9. Challenges and Triumphs of Co-Teaching in the World Language Classroom — Katrina M. Reinhardt & Rose Q. Egan 10. Developing World Language Students’ Proficiency with Reader’s Workshops and Extensive Reading During Literature Circles— Brigid M. Burke 11. Fostering Connections: Using Memorials to Teach History in Study Abroad —.Susanne Wagner 12. Analyzing Interpretive Communication in the AP German Culture and Language — Cori Crane 286 pp

    Multimedia Journalism and Narrative Flow

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