6,117 research outputs found

    Using Social Media for Government Passive Expert-Sourcing

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    Social Media have been initially used by government agencies for general public oriented -˜citizen-sourcing’. Though this enabled the collection of useful policy relevant information and knowledge from the general public, and provided valuable insights into their relevant perceptions, it would be quite useful if this could be combined with the collection of policy relevant information and knowledge from experts as well (-˜expert-sourcing’). In this paper, a passive expert-sourcing method based on social media, which has been developed in a European research project, is evaluated from a fundamental perspective: the wicked problems theory perspective. In particular, we investigate to what extent this method enables government agencies to collect high quality information concerning the main elements of important social problems to be addressed through public policies: particular issues posed, alternative interventions/ actions, and advantages/disadvantages of them; as well as to what extent there is consensus about these elements among different stakeholder groups. For this purpose data are collected through interviews with Members of the Greek Parliament. From their analysis interesting conclusions have been drawn about the strengths and weaknesses of this expert-sourcing method, as well as required impro-vements of it

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Evaluating Open Data Innovation: A Measurement Model for Digital Innovation Contests

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    Digital innovation contests emerge as important intermediaries in open data markets. However the understanding of how contests affect innovation value chains is low and there is a lack of innovation measurement frameworks to support the management of digital innovation contests. Therefore, in this paper we apply design science to design a measurement model for digital innovation contests from the organizer’s perspective that adds to the available knowledge of innovation measurement. We use a recent case of digital innovation contests to motivate the model and discuss its implications on the innovation value chain. The measurement model contributes with new knowledge in the area of open data innovation and provides support for practice in managing innovation through digital innovation contests. For future research we intend to enhance the model to also measure the effects on innovation ecosystems, to operationalize the measures and to evaluate the model in several digital innovation contests as well as to include the perspective of the participants

    Sustainability in fashion supply chains: Examining the dynamics of small and medium enterprise sustainability in fashion industry multitier supply chains

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    Sustainability in supply chain management (SSCM) has become established in both academia and increasingly in practice (Fraser, MĂŒller and Schwarzkopf, 2020). As stakeholders continue to require organisations to take more responsibility for their entire supply chains, this has led to the development of multitier SSCM. Despite small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs’) pivotal impact on the global economy, environmental and social responsibility commitments and SSCM have been largely overlooked (Chow et al., 2017). Little attention has been paid to the convergence of sustainability dimensions in SMEs. This thesis examines how sustainability-inspired SMEs in the fashion industry in Scotland implement sustainability and diffuse sustainability across the diverse supply chain. This leads to an investigation of the factors that influence sustainability practices along the supply chain and practices adopted to verify sustainability in the supply chain, with an overall view to improving multidimensional performance. This research adopts an exploratory multiple case study approach that combines multiple data sources: semi-structured interviews, observation, and secondary data analysis. The empirical study includes two SME fashion retailers registered in Scotland and their respective supply chain partners. This thesis contributes to SSCM research in SMEs by exploring from both the conceptual and empirical points of view, investigating fashion SMEs’ sustainability and SSCM and developing a conceptual sustainability performance rating model. This conceptual model uses multidimensional sustainability measurement criteria derived from the literature to determine sustainability performance levels from the farm to the retailer. Evaluation of the supply chain is likely to aid supplier selection, sustainability comparison and transparency. The investigated fashion SMEs and their supply chains are used to exemplify the usefulness of the proposed conceptual sustainability performance model. Based on the supply chains investigated, both retailers’ sustainability performances are similar, while one supply chain outperformed the other. In addition, the research findings show that SME retailers face the greatest challenge in managing supply chain sustainability, while the most influential suppliers can develop creative approaches to diffuse sustainability within the supply chain. This thesis suggests that there is considerable need for further qualitative research and the proposed model perhaps needs to be implemented in various business models to evaluate its validity

    Factors for implementing green supply chain management in the construction industry

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    Purpose: The objectives of this study are to elaborate on the concepts, dimensions and elements of green supply chain management (GSCM) and develop a framework of GSCM implementation for the construction industry Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the findings from a study where experts were asked to contribute their opinions related to GSCM in the construction industry. To develop the model, the Delphi method was used. The objective of this method is to achieve the most reliable consensus in a group of experts Findings: The research result is a developed framework for GSCM in the construction industry comprising five concepts, 22 dimensions, and 82 elements. Research limitations/implications: The limitation of this research is that its output was the discovered elements, but it did not cover the implementation of this model in construction projects, so some elements may be missing. Practical implications: The output of the research could give new perspective to manage the construction project based on Green Supply Chain Method. Social implications: The stakeholder of the construction project has to learn with this concept (Green Supply Chain) in order to improve construction’s project performance. Originality/value: The originality of this research is that it is a new theme in the area of the construction supply chain. Previous research merely considered the concept of GSCM in construction. Therefore, this research develops an assessment model for performance indicators of GSCM implementation in construction projects.Peer Reviewe

    Ethics and taxation : a cross-national comparison of UK and Turkish firms

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    This paper investigates responses to tax related ethical issues facing busines

    The University in the Learning Economy

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    In all parts of the world, universities are exposed to a growing pressure to change. This is caused by the emergence of new relationship between the economic dynamics and the production of knowledge as well as by policy and administrative initiatives finding their rationale in interpretations of these changes. In this paper an attempt is made to specify some of the new challenges, and suggest appropriate responses. Under the heading ‘the learning economy’ changes in the context of universities are identified. One important conclusion is that traditional modes of organisation, characterised by sharp and rigid borders between disciplines and isolation from the society at large are being challenged and alternatives have to be developed. Another conclusion is that strategies of alliance and networking have become a key factor behind the success of universities. A third conclusion is that the universities’ most significant contribution to society and the economy will remain welleducated graduates with critical minds and good learning skills.Production of knowledge, education, networks

    Seeing through two lenses: applying actor-centred and structural perspectives to understand farmer innovation and technological change

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    Science and technology can make a major contribution to ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition. Developing and spreading of innovations in agriculture and nutrition therefore is a main objective of international agricultural research. Despite decades of research, understanding the complex processes around technological change by small-scale farmers remains a challenge for researchers. Whereas behavioural approaches often neglect the influence of the wider innovation systems, approaches that focus on larger systemic challenges tend to downplay human agency. Research approaches that analytically differentiate structural and actor-centred perspectives and their interplay hold potential for more nuanced understanding of farmer innovation and technological change. This thesis reviewed and explored the application of approaches that aim to understand farmer innovation and technological change through the interplay of two analytical lenses: actor-centred and structural. The three empirical research studies addressed different aspects of agriculture and nutrition, and included multiple study locations. Although each of the studies had its own objectives, they all relate to analytical dualism. In this regard, the study approaches separately focused on actor-centred and structural perspectives, and analysed how these influenced each other. Data collection and analysis in the empirical chapters followed these principles by developing and applying adapted conceptualisations of seed systems and agricultural innovation systems. The systematic literature review in Chapter 2 provided an overview on methods for studying farmers choices and demand for seed of roots, tuber and banana crops. The review identified 46 studies in which researchers studied various aspects and types of farmers demand for seed of five crops in 18 countries. The qualitative analysis and categorization of the identified studies have led into a classification scheme. In one type of studies farmers expressed their preferences and choices through surveys or engagements in trials, auctions, choice experiments and interviews (explicit demand articulation). In another types of studies, researchers characterized farmers use of varieties through determinants of adoption, current seed management practices or the functioning of their seed and farming systems (implicit demand articulation). The study of the cassava seed system in Chapter 3 developed and applied a research approach that recognizes the interplay between farmers demand for seed and the seed supply functions of the cassava seed system in Nigeria. The farmers maintained and gradually replaced a portfolio of varieties from multiple sources that reflected individual trait preferences. The national agriculture development program alone did not have the capacity to supply farmers with sufficient seed of desired varieties. Exchange between farmers and informal seed sellers contributed to the distribution of seed and new varieties. Informal seed sellers and decentralized seed multipliers have the potential to respond to farmers heterogeneous demands. However, they would need continuous support from formal seed system actors to reach underserved markets. The study of innovation and scaling in Kenya and Uganda in Chapter 4 analysed innovation processes in agriculture and nutrition through farmer-centred and structural perspectives. In an international research and development project, researchers introduced farmers to new agriculture and nutrition practices in action learning activities. The farmers selected, adapted and combined the promoted practices according to their individual preferences and needs. In addition to the researchers from the project, a wide range of innovation support providers encouraged farmers to develop innovations in farming, marketing, and nutrition. Promoting farmer innovation processes beyond the project sites and duration would require the engagement of multiple innovation support providers in creating an enabling environment for experimentation and demand articulation. Analysing the empirical chapters with the overarching theoretical framework of the thesis highlights how structural conditions of seed systems and agricultural innovation systems influenced farmer innovation or technological change processes. The cases also illustrate how farmers reacted upon these conditions through social interactions. As a major finding, the analysis points out that the process of structural elaboration how the agency of farmers influenced structural conditions - remains limited across the empirical chapters. This indicates a need to empower actors in articulating their demands for research and extension services and shaping their institutional environments.Wissenschaft und Technologie können einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erreichung der ErnĂ€hrungssicherheit und zur Verbesserung der ErnĂ€hrung leisten. Die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Innovationen in Landwirtschaft und ErnĂ€hrung ist daher ein Hauptziel der internationalen Agrarforschung. Jedoch bleibt das VerstĂ€ndnis der komplexen Prozesse rund um den technologischen Wandel durch Kleinbauern eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die Wissenschaft. WĂ€hrend verhaltensorientierte AnsĂ€tze hĂ€ufig den Einfluss der umfassenderen Innovationssysteme vernachlĂ€ssigen, neigen AnsĂ€tze zur Lösung von systemischen Herausforderungen, das menschliche Handeln herunterzuspielen. ForschungsansĂ€tze, die strukturelle und akteurszentrierte Perspektiven und deren Zusammenspiel analytisch differenzieren, haben Potenzial fĂŒr ein differenzierteres VerstĂ€ndnis von bĂ€uerlicher Innovation und technologischem Wandel. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Anwendung von AnsĂ€tzen erforscht, die bĂ€uerliche Innovation und technologischen Wandel durch das Zusammenspiel von zwei analytischen Linsen untersucht: einer handlungsbezogenen und einer strukturbezogenen. Die drei empirischen Forschungsarbeiten behandelten unterschiedliche Aspekte von Landwirtschaft und ErnĂ€hrung, und beziehen sie sich alle auf den analytischen Dualismus. Hierbei konzentrierten sich die Studien getrennt auf handlungsbezogene und strukturbezogene Perspektiven und analysierten, wie diese sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Die systematische Literaturrecherche in Kapitel 2 gab einen Überblick ĂŒber Methoden zur Untersuchung von Bedarfen von Landwirten zu Saatgut von Wurzel-, Knollen- und Bananenkulturen. Dabei wurden 46 Studien ermittelt, in denen Forscher verschiedene Aspekte und Typen von Bedarfen der Landwirte nach Saatgut untersuchten. Die qualitative Analyse und Kategorisierung der identifizierten Studien fĂŒhrte zu einem Klassifizierungsschema. In einer Art von Studien drĂŒckten die Landwirte ihre PrĂ€ferenzen und Entscheidungen durch Umfragen oder die Teilnahme an Versuchen, Auktionen, Choice-Experimenten und Interviews aus (explizite Bedarfsartikulation). In einer anderen Art von Studien charakterisierten die Forscher die Nutzung von Sorten anhand von Adoptionsfaktoren, Saatgutmanagementpraktiken oder der Funktionsweise ihrer Saatgut- und Farmsysteme (implizite Bedarfsartikulation). In der Studie ĂŒber das Manioksaatgutsystem in Kapitel 3 wurde ein Forschungsansatz entwickelt und angewandt, der das Zusammenspiel zwischen dem Bedarf der Landwirte nach Saatgut und den Funktionen des Saatgutangebots des Manioksaatgutsystems in Nigeria aufzeigt. Die Landwirte unterhielten und ersetzten nach und nach ein Portfolio von Sorten aus verschiedenen Quellen, die individuelle MerkmalsprĂ€ferenzen widerspiegelten. Das nationale Landwirtschaftsentwicklungsprogramm allein war nicht in der Lage, die Bauern mit ausreichend Saatgut der gewĂŒnschten Sorten zu versorgen. Der Austausch zwischen Bauern und informellen SaatguthĂ€ndlern trug zur Verbreitung von Saatgut und neuen Sorten bei. Informelle SaatguthĂ€ndler und dezentrale Saatgutvermehrer haben das Potenzial, auf die heterogenen Bedarfe der Bauern zu reagieren, brĂ€uchten jedoch kontinuierliche UnterstĂŒtzung durch die Akteure des formellen Saatgutsystems. In der Studie ĂŒber Innovation und Skalierung in Kenia und Uganda in Kapitel 4 wurden Innovationsprozesse in der Landwirtschaft und ErnĂ€hrung aus bĂ€uerlicher und struktureller Perspektive analysiert. Im Rahmen eines internationalen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekts stellten Forscher den Bauern neue Landwirtschafts- und ErnĂ€hrungspraktiken vor. Die Landwirte wĂ€hlten, adaptierten und kombinierten die vorgestellten Praktiken nach ihren individuellen PrĂ€ferenzen und BedĂŒrfnissen. DarĂŒber hinaus ermutigte ein breites Spektrum an InnovationsunterstĂŒtzern die Landwirte, Innovationen in den Bereichen Landwirtschaft, Vermarktung und ErnĂ€hrung zu entwickeln. Die Förderung bĂ€uerlicher Innovationsprozesse ĂŒber die Projektstandorte und -dauer hinaus wĂŒrde das Engagement mehrerer InnovationsunterstĂŒtzer zur Schaffung eines förderlichen Umfelds fĂŒr bĂ€uerliche Forschung und Bedarfsartikulation erfordern. Die Analyse der empirischen Kapitel mit dem ĂŒbergreifenden theoretischen Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigt, wie die strukturellen Bedingungen der Saatgutsysteme und der landwirtschaftlichen Innovationssysteme bĂ€uerlichen Innovations- oder technologische VerĂ€nderungsprozesse beeinflussten. Die FĂ€lle veranschaulichen auch, wie die Landwirte auf diese Bedingungen durch soziale Interaktionen reagierten. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis der Analyse ist, dass der Prozess der strukturellen Umgestaltung - also die Art und Weise, wie die Landwirte die strukturellen Bedingungen beeinflussten - in allen empirischen Kapiteln eingeschrĂ€nkt bleibt. Dies verdeutlicht, dass die Akteure in die Lage versetzt werden mĂŒssen, ihre Bedarfe an Forschungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen zu artikulieren und ihr institutionelles Umfeld mitzugestalten
