252 research outputs found

    Modelling Net Primary Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Mapping of Spatial Biomass Distribution in Kazakhstan

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    Biomass is an important ecological variable for understanding the responses of vegetation to the currently observed global change. The impact of changes in vegetation biomass on the global ecosystem is also of high relevance. The vegetation in the arid and semi-arid environments of Kazakhstan is expected to be affected particularly strongly by future climate change. Therefore, it is of great interest to observe large-scale vegetation dynamics and biomass distribution in Kazakhstan. At the beginning of this dissertation, previous research activities and remote-sensing-based methods for biomass estimation in semi-arid regions have been comprehensively reviewed for the first time. The review revealed that the biggest challenge is the transferability of methods in time and space. Empirical approaches, which are predominantly applied, proved to be hardly transferable. Remote-sensing-based Net Primary Productivity (NPP) models, on the other hand, allow for regional to continental modelling of NPP time-series and are potentially transferable to new regions. This thesis thus deals with modelling and analysis of NPP time-series for Kazakhstan and presents a methodological concept for derivation of above-ground biomass estimates based on NPP data. For validation of the results, biomass field data were collected in three study areas in Kazakhstan. For the selection of an appropriate model, two remote-sensing-based NPP models were applied to a study area in Central Kazakhstan. The first is the Regional Biomass Model (RBM). The second is the Biosphere Energy Transfer Hydrology Model (BETHY/DLR). Both models were applied to Kazakhstan for the first time in this dissertation. Differences in the modelling approaches, intermediate products, and calculated NPP, as well as their temporal characteristics were analysed and discussed. The model BETHY/DLR was then used to calculate NPP for Kazakhstan for 2003–2011. The results were analysed regarding spatial, intra-annual, and inter-annual variations. In addition, the correlation between NPP and meteorological parameters was analysed. In the last part of this dissertation, a methodological concept for derivation of above-ground biomass estimates of natural vegetation from NPP time-series has been developed. The concept is based on the NPP time-series, information about fractional cover of herbaceous and woody vegetation, and plants’ relative growth rates (RGRs). It has been the first time that these parameters are combined for biomass estimation in semi-arid regions. The developed approach was finally applied to estimate biomass for the three study areas in Kazakhstan and validated with field data. The results of this dissertation provide information about the vegetation dynamics in Kazakhstan for 2003–2011. This is valuable information for a sustainable land management and the identification of regions that are potentially affected by a changing climate. Furthermore, a methodological concept for the estimation of biomass based on NPP time-series is presented. The developed method is potentially transferable. Providing that the required information regarding vegetation distribution and fractional cover is available, the method will allow for repeated and large-area biomass estimation for natural vegetation in Kazakhstan and other semi-arid environments

    Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fires Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Forest Fire Management Towards an Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management

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    During the last two decades, interest in forest fire research has grown steadily, as more and more local and global impacts of burning are being identified. The definition of fire regimes as well as the identification of factors explaining spatial and temporal variations in these fire characteristics are recently hot fields of research. Changes in these fire regimes have important social and ecological implications. Whether these changes are mainly caused by land use or climate warming, greater efforts are demanded to manage forest fires at different temporal and spatial scales. The European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)’s Special Interest Group (SIG) on Forest Fires was created in 1995, following the initiative of several researchers studying Mediterranean fires in Europe. It has promoted five technical meetings and several specialised publications since then, and represents one of the most active groups within the EARSeL. The SIG has tried to foster interaction among scientists and managers who are interested in using remote sensing data and techniques to improve the traditional methods of fire risk estimation and the assessment of fire effect. The aim of the 6th international workshop is to analyze the operational use of remote sensing in forest fire management, bringing together scientists and fire managers to promote the development of methods that may better serve the operational community. This idea clearly links with international programmes of a similar scope, such as the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and the Global Observation of Forest Cover/Land Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) who, together with the Joint Research Center of the European Union sponsor this event. Finally, I would like to thank the local organisers for the considerable lengths they have gone to in order to put this material together, and take care of all the details that the organization of this event requires.JRC.H.3-Global environement monitorin

    Anthropogenic impact on ecosystems and land degradation in the Eastern Mongolian Steppe

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    Põhjapoolkera soode põhjaveetaseme seire täiendamine optiliste ja termiliste satelliidiandmete abil

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneSood on märgalad, kuhu taimede mittetäieliku lagunemise tõttu on talletunud palju turvast, , mis sisaldab suurt kogust süsinikku. Turvas on moodustunud aastatuhandete jooksul niisketes tingimustes. Inimtegevuse surve ning globaalne kliima soojenemine on põhjustanud soode kuivenemise ning seetõttu talletunud süsiniku lendumist kasvuhoonegaaside (KHG), peamiselt süsihappegaasina (CO2), mis põhjustab omakorda kliima soojenemist. Ka teised KHG-d, metaan ja naerugaas, lenduvad soodest ja nendegi puhul on olulisimaks teguriks põhjaveetaseme langus. Seetõttu on täpsem teadmine soode põhjaveetaseme muutustest olulise tähtsusega Maa kliima muutumise ennustamisel. Käesolev väitekiri annab ülevaate uuringutest, mille välitööde osa tehti Eestis Endla looduskaitsealal Männikjärve ja Linnusaare rabades, võrdlevad analüüsid aga sarnaste soodega Soomes, Rootsis, Kanadas ja USA-s. Töö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli täiendada Põhjapoolkera soode põhjaveetaseme sattelliidi-põhist kaugseiret, mille alusel hinnati tulemuste olulisust, võrreldes seda soodes tehtud kohapealsete mõõtmistega. Esmakordselt näidati, et kasutatud optiliste ja termiliste spektrite signaalid, mis on turba veesisalduse ja rohelise (kasvuperioodi) taimkatte määramise seisukohast kõige tundlikumad, , iseloomustavad usaldusväärselt soode põhjaveetaset. Täiendava uuringuga taimkatte mõjust seosele leiti vastav niiskusindeks ja selle kõige usaldusväärsemad kohad (pikslid) soodes, mis omakorda võimaldas üldistada tulemust kogu soo ulatuses. Algselt Eesti soodes välja töötatud metoodika õigustas ennast ka teistes soodes nii Euroopas kui ka Põhja-Ameerikas ning seda soovitatakse kasutada edasistes uuringutes.Peatlands are a type of wetlands, which have accumulated huge quantities of carbon as a plant matter. The accumulation of this carbon occurred in water-logged conditions and took thousands of years. Global climate change can lead to the drying of peatlands and, thus, the release of accumulated carbon in the form of greenhouse gas – carbon dioxide (CO2). Releasing CO2 into the atmosphere will amplify global climate change. Therefore, knowledge of water table depth in peatlands is essential for predicting future Earth climate. In this thesis, we present results of our four articles integrated together and they share one general aim – to improve the estimation of water table depth in Northern Hemisphere peatlands using remotely sensed information in thermal and optical spectra. We evaluated the usefulness of this information to detect the temporal and spatial changes in water table depth based on in-situ data collected in peatlands. Particularly, we used signals sensitive to moisture and green vegetation, and utilized them in several indices that indicate soil moisture conditions. In this thesis, we have determined, for the first time, that used in our study moisture index based on optical data has a strong temporal relationship with in-situ measured water table depth in peatlands. Moreover, we discussed the impact of vegetation cover on that relationship and suggested a method for selecting the most informative pixels of moisture index. In conclusion, we suggest the future perspectives of using optical-based moisture index together with challenges it might have.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536954

    Forest landscapes and global change. New frontiers in management, conservation and restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference

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    This volume contains the contributions of numerous participants at the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, which took place in Bragança, Portugal, from 21 to 24 of September 2010. The conference was dedicated to the theme Forest Landscapes and Global Change - New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration. The 128 papers included in this book follow the structure and topics of the conference. Sections 1 to 8 include papers relative to presentations in 18 thematic oral and two poster sessions. Section 9 is devoted to a wide-range of landscape ecology fields covered in the 12 symposia of the conference. The Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference register the growth of scientific interest in forest landscape patterns and processes, and the recognition of the role of landscape ecology in the advancement of science and management, particularly within the context of emerging physical, social and political drivers of change, which influence forest systems and the services they provide. We believe that these papers, together with the presentations and debate which took place during the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference – Bragança 2010, will definitively contribute to the advancement of landscape ecology and science in general. For their additional effort and commitment, we thank all the participants in the conference for leaving this record of their work, thoughts and science