2,360 research outputs found

    Examining patients’ satisfaction in Jordanian emergency departments through business process improvement implementation

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    There have been recent advancements in healthcare services provision to enhance patients’ satisfaction. Previous research has concluded that Jordanian ratings of service quality and quality of care provided in public hospitals are lower compared to other nations in the region and abroad. These studies, however, failed to utilize any standardized customer satisfaction tools. At the same little empirical research has attempted to investigate the link of business process improvement in Jordanian hospitals to the enhancement of patients’ satisfaction. This research bridges the gap in the literature by first testing and validating SERVQUAL, a customer satisfaction tool, in Jordanian hospital environments while examining the effect the split-flow model, a proven business process improvement model, on increasing the positive experience of patients in public hospitals’ emergency departments in Jordan. Based on data obtained from a questionnaire comprised of the validated SERVQUAL instrument and a new survey measuring patients’ ratings of the split-flow model implementation components, the dissertation concluded that SERVQUAL is an effective tool for measuring customer (patient) satisfaction and that the business process improvements influences patients’ satisfaction. Overall, a clear, specified, and monitored process of receiving, handling, and discharging patients yield better experience. More specifically, the look, feel, and appeal of facilities is related to patients’ satisfaction in Jordan. The more modern, up-to-date, and neat looking facilities and staff are, the better experience patients reported. Further, higher degrees of responsiveness and empathy are associated with increased levels of patients’ satisfaction in Jordan. The implementation of split-flow model component decreased wait times, hastened v general team assessment, and provided clear information on patients’ conditions, discharge instructions, and future visits, which generated better ratings. This research is important in many respects. It uncovered the dearth of specific quantitative metrics on patients’ satisfaction in Jordan. Most measures of the construct are survey-based, jeopardizing the reliability and validity of inferences drawn from the analyses utilized. Further, the analysis has demonstrated that Jordanian emergency departments have business processes that need reengineering to enhance patients’ satisfaction. More experimental research is needed to test the viability of different business processes in emergency departments to yield an optimized design and process guaranteeing higher rates of satisfaction

    Evaluating the Effect of Organizational Justice on Turnover Intention in the Public Hospitals of Jordan: Mediated-Moderated Model of Employee Silence, Workplace Bullying, and Work Stress

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    Purpose: The goal of this study is to determine how organizational justice (OJ), employee silence (ES), and workplace bullying (WB) affect turnover intention (TI). ES and WB play mediating roles in this study, and work stress (WS) acts as a moderator between ES, WB, and IT.   Design/methodology/approach: The study has selected for a quantitative method of analysis in order to meet its goal. 370 nurses from Jordan's public hospitals filled out questionnaires based on a random sample. Smart PLS 3.3.3 was used to evaluate the data.   Findings: Results show that OJ is highly impacted by IT. OJ also has a close relationship with ES and WB. ES and WB hence have a substantial relationship with IT. More significantly, the study showed that the OJ and IT were mediated through the ES and WB. Additionally, WS acts as a mediator between WB and IT.   Practical implications: This paper adds to the body of theoretical and applied research on turnover intention analysis. This study's theoretical framework should make it easier for individuals to understand the difficulties that come with the intention to turnover in Jordan's public hospitals. However, this study offers Jordanian decision-makers with useful guidance on how to encourage Jordanians to lessen their intentions to turnover by thoroughly examining the critical factors that influence turnover intention.   Originality/value: It is important to take into account the rising rate of employee turnover at Jordan's public hospitals. Turnover has become a significant concern for management on a global scale

    Clinical Leadership in Jordanian Hospitals: The Clinicians' Perspective

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    The main aim of this study is to explore the nature of leadership in Jordanian hospitals. This study consists of four objectives; the first objective is to identify the extent to which clinicians perform their role of managing and leading Jordanian hospitals .The second objective for this study is to explore the source of power and authority being adopted in Jordanian hospitals. Then the third objective is to differentiate between doctors and other clinicians from nurses and AHPS in practicing leadership. While the fourth objective to explore the obstacles in developing CL in Jordanian hospitals. The methodology of a qualitative approach was adopted through analyzing the contents, thus, semi-structured interview was conducted with 38 participants from managers who have a clinical mission besides managerial and supervising ones. The study has found out that there is a lack of administrative qualifications for clinicians, and seems difficult to apply the transformational style in Jordanian hospitals due the fear of responsibility and bad distribution of power and authority among clinicians and doctors in particular. Furthermore, there is a lack cultural diversity and this weakens the provided medical services in matching globalization and international criteria. Communication channels in Jordanian hospitals are acceptable; because both technical and personal settings among clinicians are emerged. Unfortunately, there was no specific and clear agenda for both quality and ethical considerations .Doctors are dominated by the concept of bureaucracy and centralism. Accordingly, some obstacles have been revealed in Jordanian hospitals; doctors are the biggest obstacle because they are holding the whole power. Also, communication channels with other departments and among colleagues are weak. Furthermore, the clinical culture did not reach the creation of cultural system .This is due to the weak coordination among academic faculties and governmental departments to shape the meaningful concept of health care management and leadership. The researcher recommends that both quality and ethical considerations should be involved in more practical sense and doctors need to be trained to carry out the administrative responsibilities by involving nurses and AHPS to ensure the distribution of power and diversity. This study has added the academic contribution by presenting a new mass of knowledge, and considering clinical team members in Jordanian hospitals as a uniform by creating the comprehensiveness of work culture. Finally, the study proved that both experience and knowledge are additional authorities beside position, law and work that may enrich performance

    Recursos de emprego e desempenho no trabalho entre médicos no setor de Saúde da Jordânia: o papel mediador da satisfação no trabalho

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    Purpose:  Individuals, groups, and organizations are all affected by job performance.  Many challenges face the organization such as job performance across the globe as well as in Jordan. The present study aims to investigate how job resources affect a hospital physician’s performance, as well as the role of job satisfaction in mediating these relationships. Theoretical framework: The key idea behind this research will be the focus on job demands-resources theory (JD-R). However, a lack of studies that explore the JDR, and job performance in the Jordan context. methodology: The information was gathered through a questionnaire of 346 physicians who work at Jordan's Ministry of Health. In this paper, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess and evaluate the offered hypotheses. Findings: The study found that five core elements of job resources (skill variety, task identity, performance feedback, autonomy, and job security) have a significant positive correlation with job satisfaction, while one core element (task significance) was insignificant. Furthermore, job resources were shown to have a significant indirect relationship with job performance, with job satisfaction acting as a mediator. Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings of this paper show that the JDR can accurately forecast physicians. The findings can be used as a foundation for future research in this field. The findings of the study will help the Jordanian government design policies to support and encourage physicians in the current work environment. Originality: This paper is a ground-breaking effort to see if job demands resources may be used as a theoretical framework to predict physician performance.Objetivo: IndivĂ­duos, grupos e organizações sĂŁo todos afetados pelo desempenho no trabalho. Muitos desafios enfrentam a organização, como o desempenho no trabalho em todo o mundo, bem como na Jordânia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar como os recursos do trabalho afetam o desempenho do mĂ©dico hospitalar, bem como o papel da satisfação no trabalho na mediação dessas relações.   Referencial teĂłrico: A ideia-chave por trás desta pesquisa será o foco nas demandas de trabalho - teoria dos recursos (JDR). No entanto, a falta de estudos que exploram o JDR e o desempenho no trabalho no contexto da Jordânia.   metodologia: As informações foram coletadas por meio de um questionário de 346 mĂ©dicos que trabalham no MinistĂ©rio da SaĂşde da Jordânia. Neste trabalho, foi utilizada a modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) para avaliar e avaliar as hipĂłteses oferecidas.   Resultados: O estudo descobriu que cinco elementos centrais dos recursos do trabalho (variedade de habilidades, identidade da tarefa, feedback de desempenho, autonomia e segurança no trabalho) tĂŞm uma correlação positiva significativa com a satisfação no trabalho, enquanto um elemento central (significado da tarefa) foi insignificante. AlĂ©m disso, os recursos do trabalho demonstraram ter uma relação indireta significativa com o desempenho no trabalho, com a satisfação no trabalho atuando como mediador.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Os resultados deste artigo mostram que o JDR pode prever com precisĂŁo os mĂ©dicos. As descobertas podem ser usadas como base para pesquisas futuras neste campo. Os resultados do estudo ajudarĂŁo o governo Jordaniano a projetar polĂ­ticas para apoiar e incentivar os mĂ©dicos no ambiente de trabalho atual.   Originalidade/valor: Este artigo Ă© um esforço inovador para ver se o trabalho exige recursos pode ser usado como um quadro teĂłrico para prever o desempenho do mĂ©dico

    U.S. Trade Relations with Arab Countries: Past, Present, and Future

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    Arab countries have adopted market economy principles and pursued policies designed to strengthen their economies. The cornerstone of Arab countries' long-term economic objectives has been to increase trade and support economic growth via regional and global integration. To this end, Arab countries are attempting to broaden their engagement in the multilateral trading system by joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition, some Arab countries entered into trade arrangements with the United States (U.S.) to foster economic development, attract investment, and develop peaceful relationship. These trade agreements carry several implications for local economies

    Determinants of nurses' pain management practices in Jordan: The moderating role of patient's barriers

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    In spite of the significant advancement in methods and tools associated with pain management, there is still a deficiency in the pain management practices. Therefore, the aim of this study is to empirically determine the level of pain management practices, evaluate the significant predictors of pain management practices (i.e. knowledge, attitude, subjective norm and self-efficacy), examine the moderating effect of patient barriers on the relationship between the predictors and the pain management practices, and to investigate the applicability of Field theory in explaining the pain management practices in Jordan. Six latent variables were involved including five exogenous and one endogenous variables and a cross-sectional survey was used in conducting the study. The instrument is consisted of 93 items adapted from the previous studies. The questionnaires were distributed to 600 nurses in 13 hospitals located in the central region of Jordan. The nurses were selected at random using a multistage cluster technique. Of 600, only 307 questionnaires were returned and used for analysis. Data collection was carried out for the period of six months from October 2014 until March 2015. Data were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings support the majority of the hypothesized relationships, specifically the hypothesized direct effects of attitude, self-efficacy, knowledge, and subjective norms on the pain management practices. In addition, patient-related barriers moderate one of these relationships. That is, the relationship between attitudes towards the pain management and the pain management practices is weaker for nurses who perceived high barriers from their patients as opposed to nurses who perceived low patient-related barriers. Collectively, the determinant variables of pain management practices accounted for 78% of the variance in the pain management practices. Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications are discussed

    Perceived social support, family relationships, and health-related quality of life among women with breast cancer in Jordan.

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Jordanian women. Perceived social support (PSS) and family relationships are strongly associated with positive psychosocial outcomes and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This area was widely explored in Western countries, but little attention was devoted to investigate this area in Middle East region. Purpose: to investigate the interrelationships among PSS, family relationships, and HRQoL of women with breast cancer in Jordan using an exploratory cross-sectional design. Method: The contextual model of HRQoL designed by Ashing-Giwa (2005) provided the foundation for this study. A total of 140 women were recruited from one large governmental hospital in Jordan using convenience sampling. Survey data were collected in the breast cancer clinic using the Medical Outcomes Study--Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS), Family Relationship Index (FRI), and the Quality of Life-Breast Cancer Version (QOL-BC). Statistical analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics; data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: A majority of the participants were 41 to 60 years (70%), married (63.6%), had stage II of breast cancer (41%), and were housewives (80.7%). Women with breast cancer had moderate levels of overall HRQoL, and moderate to high levels of perceived social support. In addition, women scored the highest in spiritual well-being and the lowest in the psychological well-being. Despite the presence of COVID-19, women scored the highest in the affectionate and positive social interaction social support. Women with breast cancer who were supported by their social network members had higher levels of HRQoL and psychological well-being. In addition, women who reported that the pandemic of COVID-19 affected the level of social support they received had lower levels of total HRQoL, physical well-being, psychological well-being, and social well-being. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for psychological counseling services to improve psychological well-being for cancer patients in Jordan. Psychosocial care for cancer patients is still underdeveloped, fragmented, and neglected area. More efforts are needed to focus on other elements of the cancer experience (e.g., social and psychological), besides the physical aspect. The results of this study are beneficial for nursing science and address the gaps in psychosocial cancer care and areas for improvement

    A Comparative Study of Women’s Health Care: Non-Syrian Refugee Women Living in Amman and Syrian Refugee Women Living in Refugee Camps

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    The purpose of this study is to compare access and quality of women’s health care in Amman for non-Syrian refugee women and women’s health care in Syrian refugee camps. I also sought to understand how women’s health care could be improved in both Amman and in Syrian refugee camps. I hypothesized that Syrian refugee women in camps will have less access and lower quality women’s health care since refugee camps’ funding is limited, making medical equipment and women’s health care providers short. Since women in Amman often have more stable family situations and jobs, I thought they would have more access to high quality women’s health care. I started by researching the most pressing women’s health care issues in Jordan, such as lack of postpartum care for new mothers. I interviewed women’s health care providers and patients in Amman, as well as women’s health care providers and patients in Zaatari and Azraq Camp. I also interviewed a staff member at the National Women’s Health Care Center in Amman to obtain an overview women’s health care in Jordan as a whole. I found that there are many aspects of women’s health care, such as newborn education and access to contraceptives, that Amman excels in more so than in the refugee camps. However, there are other areas of women’s health where women in refugee camps are actually roughly the same or slightly better off than some groups of women in Amman, such as breastfeeding education. Thus my findings were different from my hypothesis, since women’s health care was not always more limited in Syrian refugee camps than in Amman.Women’s health care is incredibly important to a woman’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, and when women’s health care is inadequate, it disempowers women. Thus, I wanted to understand the state of women’s health care in two different Jordanian settings to see what can be done in terms of improvement, which would better the lives of women living in both settings
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