363 research outputs found

    CCBR-Driven Business Process Evolution

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    Process-aware information systems (PAIS) allow coordinating the execution of business processes by providing the right tasks to the right people at the right time. In order to support a broad spectrum of business processes, PAIS must be flexible at run-time. Ad-hoc deviations from the predefined process schema as well as the quick adaptation of the process schema itself due to changes of the underlying business processes must be supported. This paper presents an integrated approach combining the concepts and methods provided by the process management systems ADEPT and CBRFlow. Integrating these two systems enables ad-hoc modifications of single process instances, the memorization of these modifications using conversational case-based reasoning, and their reuse in similar future situations. In addition, potential process type changes can be derived from cases when similar ad-hoc modifications at the process instance level occur frequently

    Fault management of web services

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    The use of service-oriented (SO) distributed systems is increasing. Within service orientation web services (WS) are the de facto standard for implementing service-oriented systems. The consumers of WS want to get uninterrupted and reliable service from the service providers. But WS providers cannot always provide services in the expected level due to faults and failures in the system. As a result the fault management of these systems is becoming crucial. This work presents a distributed event-driven architecture for fault management of Web Services. According to the architecture the managed WS report different events to the event databases. From event databases these events are sent to the event processors. The event processors are distributed over the network. They process the events, detect fault scenarios in the event stream and manage faults in the WS

    Automated IT Service Fault Diagnosis Based on Event Correlation Techniques

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    In the previous years a paradigm shift in the area of IT service management could be witnessed. IT management does not only deal with the network, end systems, or applications anymore, but is more and more concerned with IT services. This is caused by the need of organizations to monitor the efficiency of internal IT departments and to have the possibility to subscribe IT services from external providers. This trend has raised new challenges in the area of IT service management, especially with respect to service level agreements laying down the quality of service to be guaranteed by a service provider. Fault management is also facing new challenges which are related to ensuring the compliance to these service level agreements. For example, a high utilization of network links in the infrastructure can imply a delay increase in the delivery of services with respect to agreed time constraints. Such relationships have to be detected and treated in a service-oriented fault diagnosis which therefore does not deal with faults in a narrow sense, but with service quality degradations. This thesis aims at providing a concept for service fault diagnosis which is an important part of IT service fault management. At first, a motivation of the need of further examinations regarding this issue is given which is based on the analysis of services offered by a large IT service provider. A generalization of the scenario forms the basis for the specification of requirements which are used for a review of related research work and commercial products. Even though some solutions for particular challenges have already been provided, a general approach for service fault diagnosis is still missing. For addressing this issue, a framework is presented in the main part of this thesis using an event correlation component as its central part. Event correlation techniques which have been successfully applied to fault management in the area of network and systems management are adapted and extended accordingly. Guidelines for the application of the framework to a given scenario are provided afterwards. For showing their feasibility in a real world scenario, they are used for both example services referenced earlier

    Uma ferramenta unificada para projeto, desenvolvimento, execução e recomendação de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina

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    Orientadores: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Anderson de Rezende RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Devido ao grande crescimento do uso de tecnologias para a aquisição de dados, temos que lidar com grandes e complexos conjuntos de dados a fim de extrair conhecimento que possa auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão em diversos domínios de aplicação. Uma solução típica para abordar esta questão se baseia na utilização de métodos de aprendizado de máquina, que são métodos computacionais que extraem conhecimento útil a partir de experiências para melhorar o desempenho de aplicações-alvo. Existem diversas bibliotecas e arcabouços na literatura que oferecem apoio à execução de experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, no entanto, alguns não são flexíveis o suficiente para poderem ser estendidos com novos métodos, além de não oferecerem mecanismos que permitam o reuso de soluções de sucesso concebidos em experimentos anteriores na ferramenta. Neste trabalho, propomos um arcabouço para automatizar experimentos de aprendizado de máquina, oferecendo um ambiente padronizado baseado em workflow, tornando mais fácil a tarefa de avaliar diferentes descritores de características, classificadores e abordagens de fusão em uma ampla gama de tarefas. Também propomos o uso de medidas de similaridade e métodos de learning-to-rank em um cenário de recomendação, para que usuários possam ter acesso a soluções alternativas envolvendo experimentos de aprendizado de máquina. Nós realizamos experimentos com quatro medidas de similaridade (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler e baseada em TF-IDF) e um método de learning-to-rank (LRAR) na tarefa de recomendar workflows modelados como uma sequência de atividades. Os resultados dos experimentos mostram que a medida Jaro-Winkler obteve o melhor desempenho, com resultados comparáveis aos observados para o método LRAR. Em ambos os casos, as recomendações realizadas são promissoras, e podem ajudar usuários reais em diferentes tarefas de aprendizado de máquinaAbstract: Due to the large growth of the use of technologies for data acquisition, we have to handle large and complex data sets in order to extract knowledge that can support the decision-making process in several domains. A typical solution for addressing this issue relies on the use of machine learning methods, which are computational methods that extract useful knowledge from experience to improve performance of target applications. There are several libraries and frameworks in the literature that support the execution of machine learning experiments. However, some of them are not flexible enough for being extended with novel methods and they do not support reusing of successful solutions devised in previous experiments made in the framework. In this work, we propose a framework for automating machine learning experiments that provides a workflow-based standardized environment and makes it easy to evaluate different feature descriptors, classifiers, and fusion approaches in a wide range of tasks. We also propose the use of similarity measures and learning-to-rank methods in a recommendation scenario, in which users may have access to alternative machine learning experiments. We performed experiments with four similarity measures (Jaccard, Sorensen, Jaro-Winkler, and a TF-IDF-based measure) and one learning-to-rank method (LRAR) in the task of recommending workflows modeled as a sequence of activities. Experimental results show that Jaro-Winkler yields the highest effectiveness performance with comparable results to those observed for LRAR. In both cases, the recommendations performed are very promising and might help real-world users in different daily machine learning tasksMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    A service broker for Intercloud computing

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    This thesis aims at assisting users in finding the most suitable Cloud resources taking into account their functional and non-functional SLA requirements. A key feature of the work is a Cloud service broker acting as mediator between consumers and Clouds. The research involves the implementation and evaluation of two SLA-aware match-making algorithms by use of a simulation environment. The work investigates also the optimal deployment of Multi-Cloud workflows on Intercloud environments

    Change Support in Process-Aware Information Systems - A Pattern-Based Analysis

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    In today's dynamic business world the economic success of an enterprise increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. Process-aware information systems (PAIS) offer promising perspectives in this respect and are increasingly employed for operationally supporting business processes. To provide effective business process support, flexible PAIS are needed which do not freeze existing business processes, but allow for loosely specified processes, which can be detailed during run-time. In addition, PAIS should enable authorized users to flexibly deviate from the predefined processes if required (e.g., by allowing them to dynamically add, delete, or move process activities) and to evolve business processes over time. At the same time PAIS must ensure consistency and robustness. The emergence of different process support paradigms and the lack of methods for comparing existing change approaches have made it difficult for PAIS engineers to choose the adequate technology. In this paper we suggest a set of changes patterns and change support features to foster the systematic comparison of existing process management technology with respect to process change support. Based on these change patterns and features, we provide a detailed analysis and evaluation of selected systems from both academia and industry. The identified change patterns and change support features facilitate the comparison of change support frameworks, and consequently will support PAIS engineers in selecting the right technology for realizing flexible PAIS. In addition, this work can be used as a reference for implementing more flexible PAIS

    Providing Integrated Life Cycle Support in Process-Aware Information Systems

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    The need for more flexibility of process-aware information systems (PAISs) has been discussed for several years and different approaches for adaptive process management have emerged. However, only few of them provide support for both changes of individual process instances and the propagation of process type changes to a collection of related process instances. Furthermore, knowledge about process changes has not yet been exploited by any of these systems. This paper presents the ProCycle approach which overcomes this practical limitation by capturing the whole process life cycle and all kinds of changes in an integrated way. Users are not only allowed to deviate from the predefined process in exceptional situations, but are also assisted in retrieving and reusing knowledge about previously performed changes in this context. If similar instance deviations occur frequently, process engineers will be supported in deriving improved process models from them. This, in turn, allows engineers to evolve the PAIS (including the knowledge about the changes) over time. Feasability of the ProCycle approach is demonstrated by a proof-of-concept prototype which combines adaptive process management technology with concepts and methods provided by case-based reasoning (CBR) technology

    Knowledge-based systems for knowledge management in enterprises : Workshop held at the 21st Annual German Conference on AI (KI-97)

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