51 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for analysing and assessing the performance of virtual learning groups

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    Collaborative distance learning involves a variety of elements and factors that have to be considered and measured in order to analyse and assess group and individual performance more effectively and objectively. This paper presents an approach that integrates qualitative, social network analysis (SNA) and quantitative techniques for evaluating online collaborative learning interactions. Integration of various different data sources, tools and techniques provides a more complete and robust framework for group modelling and guarantees a more efficient evaluation of group effectiveness and individual competence. Our research relies on the analysis of a real, long-term, complex collaborative experience, which is initially evaluated in terms of principled criteria and a basic qualitative process. At the end of the experience, the coded student interactions are further analysed through the SNA technique to assess participatory aspects, identify the most effective groups and the most prominent actors. Finally, the approach is contrasted and completed through a statistical technique which sheds more light on the results obtained that far. The proposal draws a well-founded line toward the development of a principled framework for the monitoring and analysis of group interaction and group scaffolding which can be considered a major issue towards the actual application of the CSCL proposals to real classrooms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    It’s About Time: 4th International Workshop on Temporal Analyses of Learning Data

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    Interest in analyses that probe the temporal aspects of learning continues to grow. The study of common and consequential sequences of events (such as learners accessing resources, interacting with other learners and engaging in self-regulatory activities) and how these are associated with learning outcomes, as well as the ways in which knowledge and skills grow or evolve over time are both core areas of interest. Learning analytics datasets are replete with fine-grained temporal data: click streams; chat logs; document edit histories (e.g. wikis, etherpads); motion tracking (e.g. eye-tracking, Microsoft Kinect), and so on. However, the emerging area of temporal analysis presents both technical and theoretical challenges in appropriating suitable techniques and interpreting results in the context of learning. The learning analytics community offers a productive focal ground for exploring and furthering efforts to address these challenges as it is already positioned in the “‘middle space’ where learning and analytic concerns meet” (Suthers & Verbert, 2013, p 1). This workshop, the fourth in a series on temporal analysis of learning, provides a focal point for analytics researchers to consider issues around and approaches to temporality in learning analytics


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    This research aimed to identify the collaborative English learning at UIN Raden Intan Lampung. Classroom Action Research is the research method in this study. The researchers employed the theory from Harmer (2007) and Dillenbourg (1999) as the fundamental theory in this research. Collaborative learning is an effective strategy for teaching Sharia Economics students at UIN Raden Intan Lampung. There are five stages in this action research: diagnosing, planning, action, observation, and reflection. The findings show that collaborative learning can improve students' speaking ability because this strategy can increase their engagement, confidence, and critical thinking to deliver their ideas in classroom activities

    Effectiveness of marketing plan as cooperative learning technique

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    Es innegable la importancia que el trabajo en equipo tiene como capacidad transversal en los nuevos planes de estudio universitarios. Por ello, es importante conocer qué es el aprendizaje cooperativo y su eficiencia sobre los equipos de estudiantes que lo utilizan. El objetivo de este artículo consiste en operacionalizar el concepto de aprendizaje cooperativo y estudiar sus consecuencias sobre el aprendizaje individual de los miembros de un equipo y el rendimiento global obtenido por el mismo. Se utilizan los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales sobre una muestra de 319 alumnos en una asignatura de marketing en una universidad pública española. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que el aprendizaje cooperativo mejora el aprendizaje de la asignatura en la que se aplica y el rendimiento del equipo, por lo que abogamos por que se favorezca su uso en las aulas y proponemos nuevas líneas de investigación para completar nuestro conocimiento sobre el aprendizaje cooperativo.The importance of teamwork as a core capacity in the new university curricula is beyond all doubt. It is therefore crucial to know what cooperative learning is and how efficient it is for teams of students that use it. Thus, the aim of this paper is to operationalise the concept of cooperative learning and to study its consequences on both the individual learning of the members of a team and on the overall performance achieved by the team as a whole. Structural equation models were used on a sample of 319 students in a marketing subject at a Spanish public university. The results obtained show that students learn better in subjects in which cooperative learning is applied, and the team's performance also improves. We therefore fully endorse fostering its use in the classroom. Lastly, several new lines of research are proposed to complete current knowledge about cooperative learning.Queremos mostrar nuestro agradecimiento al Proyecto de Innovación Educativa 10G136-348: « Influencia del aprendizaje cooperativo del marketing estratégico en el rendimiento del estudiante » de la Universitat Jaume I (Castellón)

    Aplicación del procedimiento formal definido para evaluar, monitorear y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo en su etapa de proceso mediante la creación de mecanismos

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    With the constant development of information and communication technologies, new learning opportunities have beenopened up, and the potential of new technologies and the ways in which they can be exploited have been recognized. Therefore, the useof digital technology has been increased to support teaching and learning. In these cases, the technology has also been a great boomto support collaborative learning, which is why this article shows how to apply the formal procedure generated to evaluate, monitorand improve the collaborative learning process, taking into account the execution of two case studies that were developed in differenteducational environments. The results indicated that it is not enough to provide a group of people with some activity and a softwaretool; it is also necessary to analyze all the external factors that can influence this process, mainly: characteristics of the groups, activitiesand technology. In addition to involving the use of a tool that contains the necessary mechanisms that allow the teacher to carry outmonitoring and evaluation of the collaborative process, thus generating the improvement of this.Con el desarrollo constante de tecnologías de la información y comunicación se han abierto nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje, además de reconocer el potencial de las nuevas tecnologías y las formas en que pueden ser explotadas, por lo tanto se han incrementado los usos de la tecnología digital para apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. En este sentido, la tecnología también ha sido de gran auge para apoyar el aprendizaje colaborativo. Es por ello que el presente artículo muestra cómo se hace la aplicación del procedimiento formal generado para evaluar, monitorear y mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje colaborativo, teniendo como base la ejecución de dos casos de estudio que se desarrollan en ambientes educativos distintos. Los resultados indican que no es suficienteproporcionar a un grupo de personas alguna actividad y una herramienta software; es necesario también analizar todos los factores externos que pueden influir en este proceso, entre ellos: características de los grupos, actividades y tecnología. Además de involucrar el uso de una herramienta que contenga los mecanismos necesarios que permitan al docente realizar un monitoreo y evaluación de dicho proceso para mejorar el proceso colaborativo realizado

    Procesos pedagógicos y uso de tecnología en el aula

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    Computer supports have diversified the possibilities for interactivity in classroom teaching. Collaborative games, response feedback systems and simulated participation are indicative of the wide range of activities for which these technologies have found application in classroom education processes. In this article, evidence is offered for the contributions made to classroom pedagogical processes by computer mediation. The bibliographic analysis conducted permitted the identification of 2 pedagogic processes generated, an inductive and a deductive one, were identified. The computer-mediated teaching activities associated with each process in this literature were then classified and analyzed. Finally, inferences were drawn regarding the advantages of computer mediation in this scenario, being the main contributions, structuring and gradual deepening of subject content, the strengthening of collaboration processes, the diversification of learning environments and increased student participation.Los soportes computacionales han diversificado las posibilidades de interactividad de la enseñanza en sala de clase. Los usos del computador en actividades educativas tales como juegos colaborativos, sistemas de retroalimentación de respuesta o participación simulada, entre otros, ponen en evidencia las diversas alternativas que tiene el uso de esta tecnología al interior del proceso educativo desarrollado en el aula. En este contexto, el propósito del artículo es evidenciar el aporte que genera la mediación computacional para los procesos pedagógicos implementados en la sala de clase de la educación escolar formal. Para ello se realizó un análisis bibliográfico que permitió identificar dos configuraciones de los procesos pedagógicos generados, la Inductiva y la Deductiva. Se analizaron y sistematizaron las actividades de enseñanza mediadas por el computador asociadas a ambos procesos. Entre los resultados se delimitan las ventajas del uso de la tecnología en este escenario, destacándose como principales aportes la estructuración y profundización gradual de los contenidos, el fortalecimiento de los procesos de colaboración, la diversificación de los entornos de aprendizaje, y el incremento de la participación estudiantil

    Exploring the Benefits of Using Gamification and Videogames for Physical Exercise: a Review of State of Art

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    There is a lack of motivation in children and adolescents to do physical exercise and at the same time a worldwide obesity epidemic. Gamification and active videogames can be used to increase the motivation of young people, promoting healthy habits. In this work we explore different studies on active videogames, eSports and gamification applied to physical exercise and health promotion. Main findings include positive effects in a reduction in body weight and in the promotion to continue performing of physical exercise. It also contributes to increase the motivation in children and adolescents to practice exercise. The personalization of user experience and emerging technologies (big data, wearables, smart technologies, etc.) are presented as promising opportunities to keep the engagement in game-based program and gamification of physical exercise

    CODILA: A Collaborative and Distributed Learning Activity applied to software engineering courses in Latin American Universities

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    Software engineering is a highly relevant area in the academia and also in the industry. Typically, there is an important demand for well-trained software engineers, since the code in consumer products is doubling every two years approximately [4], [16]. Professionals who have finished their studies in Computer Science or Informatics have many job opportunities, because there is an unsatisfied demand for these professionals.Software engineering is a highly relevant area in the academia and also in the industry. Typically, there is an important demand for well-trained software engineers, since the code in consumer products is doubling every two years approximately [4], [16]. Professionals who have finished their studies in Computer Science or Informatics have many job opportunities, because there is an unsatisfied demand for these professionals