466 research outputs found

    Evaluating Cache Coherent Shared Virtual Memory for Heterogeneous Multicore Chips

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    The trend in industry is towards heterogeneous multicore processors (HMCs), including chips with CPUs and massively-threaded throughput-oriented processors (MTTOPs) such as GPUs. Although current homogeneous chips tightly couple the cores with cache-coherent shared virtual memory (CCSVM), this is not the communication paradigm used by any current HMC. In this paper, we present a CCSVM design for a CPU/MTTOP chip, as well as an extension of the pthreads programming model, called xthreads, for programming this HMC. Our goal is to evaluate the potential performance benefits of tightly coupling heterogeneous cores with CCSVM

    Agile SoC Development with Open ESP

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    ESP is an open-source research platform for heterogeneous SoC design. The platform combines a modular tile-based architecture with a variety of application-oriented flows for the design and optimization of accelerators. The ESP architecture is highly scalable and strikes a balance between regularity and specialization. The companion methodology raises the level of abstraction to system-level design and enables an automated flow from software and hardware development to full-system prototyping on FPGA. For application developers, ESP offers domain-specific automated solutions to synthesize new accelerators for their software and to map complex workloads onto the SoC architecture. For hardware engineers, ESP offers automated solutions to integrate their accelerator designs into the complete SoC. Conceived as a heterogeneous integration platform and tested through years of teaching at Columbia University, ESP supports the open-source hardware community by providing a flexible platform for agile SoC development.Comment: Invited Paper at the 2020 International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) - Special Session on Opensource Tools and Platforms for Agile Development of Specialized Architecture


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    Heterogeneous many-core architectures that consist of big, fast cores and small, energy-efficient cores are very promising for future high-performance computing (HPC) systems. These architectures offer a good balance between single-threaded perfor- mance and multithreaded throughput. Such systems impose challenges on the design of programming model and runtime system. Specifically, these challenges include (a) how to fully utilize the chip’s performance, (b) how to manage heterogeneous, un- reliable hardware resources, and (c) how to generate and manage a large amount of parallel tasks. This dissertation proposes and evaluates a Python-based programming framework called PyDac. PyDac supports a two-level programming model. At the high level, a programmer creates a very large number of tasks, using the divide-and-conquer strategy. At the low level, tasks are written in imperative programming style. The runtime system seamlessly manages the parallel tasks, system resilience, and inter- task communication with architecture support. PyDac has been implemented on both an field-programmable gate array (FPGA) emulation of an unconventional het- erogeneous architecture and a conventional multicore microprocessor. To evaluate the performance, resilience, and programmability of the proposed system, several micro-benchmarks were developed. We found that (a) the PyDac abstracts away task communication and achieves programmability, (b) the micro-benchmarks are scalable on the hardware prototype, but (predictably) serial operation limits some micro-benchmarks, and (c) the degree of protection versus speed could be varied in redundant threading that is transparent to programmers

    Heterogeneous CPU/GPU Memory Hierarchy Analysis and Optimization

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    In this master thesis, we propose a scheduling reordering for heterogeneous processors based on a hysteresis detector to give some fairness and speedup to the memory request threads taking advantage of the bank level parallelism at the memory system organization

    Robust and Traffic Aware Medium Access Control Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient mm-Wave Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    To cater to the performance/watt needs, processors with multiple processing cores on the same chip have become the de-facto design choice. In such multicore systems, Network-on-Chip (NoC) serves as a communication infrastructure for data transfer among the cores on the chip. However, conventional metallic interconnect based NoCs are constrained by their long multi-hop latencies and high power consumption, limiting the performance gain in these systems. Among, different alternatives, due to the CMOS compatibility and energy-efficiency, low-latency wireless interconnect operating in the millimeter wave (mm-wave) band is nearer term solution to this multi-hop communication problem. This has led to the recent exploration of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) wireless technologies in wireless NoC architectures (WiNoC). To realize the mm-wave wireless interconnect in a WiNoC, a wireless interface (WI) equipped with on-chip antenna and transceiver circuit operating at 60GHz frequency range is integrated to the ports of some NoC switches. The WIs are also equipped with a medium access control (MAC) mechanism that ensures a collision free and energy-efficient communication among the WIs located at different parts on the chip. However, due to shrinking feature size and complex integration in CMOS technology, high-density chips like multicore systems are prone to manufacturing defects and dynamic faults during chip operation. Such failures can result in permanently broken wireless links or cause the MAC to malfunction in a WiNoC. Consequently, the energy-efficient communication through the wireless medium will be compromised. Furthermore, the energy efficiency in the wireless channel access is also dependent on the traffic pattern of the applications running on the multicore systems. Due to the bursty and self-similar nature of the NoC traffic patterns, the traffic demand of the WIs can vary both spatially and temporally. Ineffective management of such traffic variation of the WIs, limits the performance and energy benefits of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology. Hence, to utilize the full potential of the novel mm-wave interconnect technology in WiNoCs, design of a simple, fair, robust, and efficient MAC is of paramount importance. The main goal of this dissertation is to propose the design principles for robust and traffic-aware MAC mechanisms to provide high bandwidth, low latency, and energy-efficient data communication in mm-wave WiNoCs. The proposed solution has two parts. In the first part, we propose the cross-layer design methodology of robust WiNoC architecture that can minimize the effect of permanent failure of the wireless links and recover from transient failures caused by single event upsets (SEU). Then, in the second part, we present a traffic-aware MAC mechanism that can adjust the transmission slots of the WIs based on the traffic demand of the WIs. The proposed MAC is also robust against the failure of the wireless access mechanism. Finally, as future research directions, this idea of traffic awareness is extended throughout the whole NoC by enabling adaptiveness in both wired and wireless interconnection fabric

    A Virtual SIMD Machine Approach for Abstracting Heterogeneous Multicore Processors

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    The heterogeneous design of multi-core processors, such as the Cell processor, introduced new challenges in porting high-level languages. Our project is developing tools that hide the underlying details of the Cell processor and eases parallel programming. We present a Virtual SIMD machine (VSM) paradigm that can be used to parallelize array expression automatically. The novelty is the use of a virtual SIMD machine model to completely hide the underlying details required for programming the Cell processor. The VSM paradigm can also be used to develop an automatic parallelizing compiler for the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE). In this paper we give an overview of the VSM interface and present preliminary results that show the performance of our VSM and its behavior on multiple accelerator cores using basic arrays operations

    Extending and Implementing the Self-adaptive Virtual Processor for Distributed Memory Architectures

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    Many-core architectures of the future are likely to have distributed memory organizations and need fine grained concurrency management to be used effectively. The Self-adaptive Virtual Processor (SVP) is an abstract concurrent programming model which can provide this, but the model and its current implementations assume a single address space shared memory. We investigate and extend SVP to handle distributed environments, and discuss a prototype SVP implementation which transparently supports execution on heterogeneous distributed memory clusters over TCP/IP connections, while retaining the original SVP programming model

    The Virtual Block Interface: A Flexible Alternative to the Conventional Virtual Memory Framework

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    Computers continue to diversify with respect to system designs, emerging memory technologies, and application memory demands. Unfortunately, continually adapting the conventional virtual memory framework to each possible system configuration is challenging, and often results in performance loss or requires non-trivial workarounds. To address these challenges, we propose a new virtual memory framework, the Virtual Block Interface (VBI). We design VBI based on the key idea that delegating memory management duties to hardware can reduce the overheads and software complexity associated with virtual memory. VBI introduces a set of variable-sized virtual blocks (VBs) to applications. Each VB is a contiguous region of the globally-visible VBI address space, and an application can allocate each semantically meaningful unit of information (e.g., a data structure) in a separate VB. VBI decouples access protection from memory allocation and address translation. While the OS controls which programs have access to which VBs, dedicated hardware in the memory controller manages the physical memory allocation and address translation of the VBs. This approach enables several architectural optimizations to (1) efficiently and flexibly cater to different and increasingly diverse system configurations, and (2) eliminate key inefficiencies of conventional virtual memory. We demonstrate the benefits of VBI with two important use cases: (1) reducing the overheads of address translation (for both native execution and virtual machine environments), as VBI reduces the number of translation requests and associated memory accesses; and (2) two heterogeneous main memory architectures, where VBI increases the effectiveness of managing fast memory regions. For both cases, VBI significanttly improves performance over conventional virtual memory
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