1,050 research outputs found

    Persistence-based Pooling for Shape Pose Recognition

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a novel pooling approach for shape classification and recognition using the bag-of-words pipeline, based on topological persistence, a recent tool from Topological Data Analysis. Our technique extends the standard max-pooling, which summarizes the distribution of a visual feature with a single number, thereby losing any notion of spatiality. Instead, we propose to use topological persistence, and the derived persistence diagrams, to provide significantly more informative and spatially sensitive characterizations of the feature functions, which can lead to better recognition performance. Unfortunately, despite their conceptual appeal, persistence diagrams are difficult to handle , since they are not naturally represented as vectors in Euclidean space and even the standard metric, the bottleneck distance is not easy to compute. Furthermore, classical distances between diagrams, such as the bottleneck and Wasserstein distances, do not allow to build positive definite kernels that can be used for learning. To handle this issue, we provide a novel way to transform persistence diagrams into vectors, in which comparisons are trivial. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of our construction on the Non-Rigid 3D Human Models SHREC 2014 dataset, where we show that topological pooling can provide significant improvements over the standard pooling methods for the shape pose recognition within the bag-of-words pipeline

    Alakfelismerés az utakon részleges pontfelhőkből

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    Building an enhanced vocabulary of the robot environment with a ceiling pointing camera

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    Mobile robots are of great help for automatic monitoring tasks in different environments. One of the first tasks that needs to be addressed when creating these kinds of robotic systems is modeling the robot environment. This work proposes a pipeline to build an enhanced visual model of a robot environment indoors. Vision based recognition approaches frequently use quantized feature spaces, commonly known as Bag of Words (BoW) or vocabulary representations. A drawback using standard BoW approaches is that semantic information is not considered as a criteria to create the visual words. To solve this challenging task, this paper studies how to leverage the standard vocabulary construction process to obtain a more meaningful visual vocabulary of the robot work environment using image sequences. We take advantage of spatio-temporal constraints and prior knowledge about the position of the camera. The key contribution of our work is the definition of a new pipeline to create a model of the environment. This pipeline incorporates (1) tracking information to the process of vocabulary construction and (2) geometric cues to the appearance descriptors. Motivated by long term robotic applications, such as the aforementioned monitoring tasks, we focus on a configuration where the robot camera points to the ceiling, which captures more stable regions of the environment. The experimental validation shows how our vocabulary models the environment in more detail than standard vocabulary approaches, without loss of recognition performance. We show different robotic tasks that could benefit of the use of our visual vocabulary approach, such as place recognition or object discovery. For this validation, we use our publicly available data-set

    A Statistical Model of Riemannian Metric Variation for Deformable Shape Analysis

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    The analysis of deformable 3D shape is often cast in terms of the shape's intrinsic geometry due to its invariance to a wide range of non-rigid deformations. However, object's plasticity in non-rigid transformation often result in transformations that are not completely isometric in the surface's geometry and whose mode of deviation from isometry is an identifiable characteristic of the shape and its deformation modes. In this paper, we propose a novel generative model of the variations of the intrinsic metric of de formable shapes, based on the spectral decomposition of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. To this end, we assume two independent models for the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues of the graph-Laplacian of a 3D mesh which are learned in a supervised way from a set of shapes belonging to the same class. We show how this model can be efficiently learned given a set of 3D meshes, and evaluate the performance of the resulting generative model in shape classification and retrieval tasks. Comparison with state-of-the-art solutions for these problems confirm the validity of the approach

    Dense Visual Word Spatial Arrangement Dan Penerapannya Pada Pengenalan Gambar Secara Otomatis

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    Bag of visual word (BoVW) merupakan metode yang menjelaskan isi dari gambar. Metode ini hanya menghitung banyaknya word dan tidak memberikan informasi spatial. Terdapat metode Visual word spatial arrangement (WSA) dimana metode ini memberikan informasi spatial tentang word tertentu pada gambar dengan menggunakan interest point sebagai detektor. WSA kurang dapat memberikan informasi yang penting pada gambar dikarenakan interest point yang dihasilkan oleh detektor dapat memberikan titik-titik yang berpotensi tidak merupakan representasi yang penting dari gambar tersebut. Pada paper ini diusulkan metode dense visual word spatial arrangement (DVSA) yang merupakan modifikasi metode dari WSA. Metode ini tidak menggunakan detektor interest point untuk menghitung deskriptor lokal melainkan dengan menghitung deskriptor lokal pada bagian komponen piksel-piksel yang saling berdekatan. Hasil pengujian pada 4485 gambar dengan 15 jenis kelas menggunakan 10-fold cross validation untuk 2 word metode yang diusulkan memberikan peningkatan performa sebesar 12.68 % dari akurasi BoVW sedangkan akurasi WSA lebih baik 15.62 % dari BoVW. Untuk 4 word metode yang diusulkan memberikan peningkatan performa akurasi sebesar 30.99 % dari akurasi BoVW dan peningkatan performa 18.16 % dari WSA. Sedangkan untuk 6 word metode yang diusulkan memberikan peningkatan performa sebesar 29.98 % dari akurasi BoVW dan peningkatan performa 18.75 % dari WSA. Peningkatan performa akurasi sebesar 36.2 % didapatkan oleh metode yang diusulkan dengan 6 word terhadap BoVW dengan 2 word. Peningkatan performa sampai 18.75 % yang dihasilkan DVSA dibandingkan WSA dan peningkatan performa sampai 30.99 % dibandingkan BoVW dengan jumlah word yang sama menunjukkan metode yang diusulkan kompetitif untuk mengenali jenis gambar


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    Developing an intelligent system, capable of learning discriminative high-level features from high dimensional data lies at the core of solving many computer vision (CV ) and machine learning (ML) tasks. Scene or human action recognition from videos is an important topic in CV and ML. Its applications include video surveillance, robotics, human-computer interaction, video retrieval, etc. Several bio inspired hand crafted feature extraction systems have been proposed for processing temporal data. However, recent deep learning techniques have dominated CV and ML by their good performance on large scale datasets. One of the most widely used deep learning technique is Convolutional neural network (CNN) or its variations, e.g. ConvNet, 3DCNN, C3D. CNN kernel scheme reduces the number of parameters with respect to fully connected Neural Networks. Recent deep CNNs have more layers and more kernels for each layer with respect to early CNNs, and as a consequence, they result in a large number of parameters. In addition, they violate the pyramidal plausible architecture of biological neural network due to the increasing number of filters at each higher layer resulting in difficulty for convergence at training step. In this dissertation, we address three main questions central to pyramidal structure and deep neural networks: 1) Is it worth to utilize pyramidal architecture for proposing a generalized recognition system? 2) How to enhance pyramidal neural network (PyraNet) for recognizing action and dynamic scenes in the videos? 3) What will be the impact of imposing pyramidal structure on a deep CNN? In the first part of the thesis, we provide a brief review of the work done for action and dynamic scene recognition using traditional computer vision and machine learning approaches. In addition, we give a historical and present overview of pyramidal neural networks and how deep learning emerged. In the second part, we introduce a strictly pyramidal deep architecture for dynamic scene and human action recognition. It is based on the 3DCNN model and the image pyramid concept. We introduce a new 3D weighting scheme that presents a simple connection scheme with lower computational and memory costs and results in less number of learnable parameters compared to other neural networks. 3DPyraNet extracts features from both spatial and temporal dimensions by keeping biological structure, thereby it is capable to capture the motion information encoded in multiple adjacent frames. 3DPyraNet model is extended with three modifications: 1) changing input image size; 2) changing receptive field and overlap size in correlation layers; and 3) adding a linear classifier at the end to classify the learned features. It results in a discriminative approach for spatiotemporal feature learning in action and dynamic scene recognition. In combination with a linear SVM classifier, our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in one-vs-all accuracy on three video benchmark datasets (KTH, Weizmann, and Maryland). Whereas, it gives competitive accuracy on a 4th dataset (YUPENN). In the last part of our thesis, we investigate to what extent CNN may take advantage of pyramid structure typical of biological neurons. A generalized statement over convolutional layers from input up-to fully connected layer is introduced that further helps in understanding and designing a successful deep network. It reduces ambiguity, number of parameters, and their size on disk without degrading overall accuracy. It also helps in giving a generalize guideline for modeling a deep architecture by keeping certain ratio of filters in starting layers vs. other deeper layers. Competitive results are achieved compared to similar well-engineered deeper architectures on four benchmark datasets. The same approach is further applied on person re-identification. Less ambiguity in features increase Rank-1 performance and results in better or comparable results to the state-of-the-art deep models

    Towards Geometric Understanding of Motion

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    The motion of the world is inherently dependent on the spatial structure of the world and its geometry. Therefore, classical optical flow methods try to model this geometry to solve for the motion. However, recent deep learning methods take a completely different approach. They try to predict optical flow by learning from labelled data. Although deep networks have shown state-of-the-art performance on classification problems in computer vision, they have not been as effective in solving optical flow. The key reason is that deep learning methods do not explicitly model the structure of the world in a neural network, and instead expect the network to learn about the structure from data. We hypothesize that it is difficult for a network to learn about motion without any constraint on the structure of the world. Therefore, we explore several approaches to explicitly model the geometry of the world and its spatial structure in deep neural networks. The spatial structure in images can be captured by representing it at multiple scales. To represent multiple scales of images in deep neural nets, we introduce a Spatial Pyramid Network (SpyNet). Such a network can leverage global information for estimating large motions and local information for estimating small motions. We show that SpyNet significantly improves over previous optical flow networks while also being the smallest and fastest neural network for motion estimation. SPyNet achieves a 97% reduction in model parameters over previous methods and is more accurate. The spatial structure of the world extends to people and their motion. Humans have a very well-defined structure, and this information is useful in estimating optical flow for humans. To leverage this information, we create a synthetic dataset for human optical flow using a statistical human body model and motion capture sequences. We use this dataset to train deep networks and see significant improvement in the ability of the networks to estimate human optical flow. The structure and geometry of the world affects the motion. Therefore, learning about the structure of the scene together with the motion can benefit both problems. To facilitate this, we introduce Competitive Collaboration, where several neural networks are constrained by geometry and can jointly learn about structure and motion in the scene without any labels. To this end, we show that jointly learning single view depth prediction, camera motion, optical flow and motion segmentation using Competitive Collaboration achieves state-of-the-art results among unsupervised approaches. Our findings provide support for our hypothesis that explicit constraints on structure and geometry of the world lead to better methods for motion estimation
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