10 research outputs found

    InversOS: Efficient Control-Flow Protection for AArch64 Applications with Privilege Inversion

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    With the increasing popularity of AArch64 processors in general-purpose computing, securing software running on AArch64 systems against control-flow hijacking attacks has become a critical part toward secure computation. Shadow stacks keep shadow copies of function return addresses and, when protected from illegal modifications and coupled with forward-edge control-flow integrity, form an effective and proven defense against such attacks. However, AArch64 lacks native support for write-protected shadow stacks, while software alternatives either incur prohibitive performance overhead or provide weak security guarantees. We present InversOS, the first hardware-assisted write-protected shadow stacks for AArch64 user-space applications, utilizing commonly available features of AArch64 to achieve efficient intra-address space isolation (called Privilege Inversion) required to protect shadow stacks. Privilege Inversion adopts unconventional design choices that run protected applications in the kernel mode and mark operating system (OS) kernel memory as user-accessible; InversOS therefore uses a novel combination of OS kernel modifications, compiler transformations, and another AArch64 feature to ensure the safety of doing so and to support legacy applications. We show that InversOS is secure by design, effective against various control-flow hijacking attacks, and performant on selected benchmarks and applications (incurring overhead of 7.0% on LMBench, 7.1% on SPEC CPU 2017, and 3.0% on Nginx web server).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    A Trusted and Privacy-Enhanced In-Memory Data Store

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    The recent advent of hardware-based trusted execution environments provides isolated execution, protected from untrusted operating systems, allowing for the establishment of hardware-shielded trust computing base components. As the processor provides such a “shielded” trusted execution environment (TEE), their use will allow users to run appli cations securely, for example on the remote cloud servers, whose operating systems and hardware are exposed to potentially malicious remote attackers, non-controlled system administrators and staff from the cloud providers. On the other hand, Linux containers managed by Docker or Kubernetes are interesting solutions to provide lower resource footprints, faster and flexible startup times, and higher I/O performance, compared with virtual machines (VM) enabled by hypervisors. However, these solutions suffer from soft ware kernel mechanisms, easier to be compromised in confidentiality and integrity as sumptions of supported application data. In this dissertation we designed, implemented and evaluated a Trusted and Privacy-Enhanced In-Memory Data Store, making use of a hardware-shielded containerised OS-library to support its trust-ability assumptions. To support large datasets, requiring data to be mapped outside those hardware-enabled con tainers, our solution uses partial homomorphic encryption, allowing trusted operations executed in the protected execution environment to manage in-memory always-encrypted data, that can be or not mapped inside the TEE.Os recentes avanços de ambientes de execução confiáveis baseados em hardware fornecem execução isolada, protegida contra sistemas operativos não confiáveis, permitindo o estabelecimento de componentes base de computação de confiança protegidos por hardware. Como o processador fornece esses ambientes de execução confiável e "protegida" (TEE), o seu uso permitirá que os utilizadores executem aplicações com segurança, por exemplo em servidores cloud remotos, cujos sistemas operativos e hardware estão expostos a atacantes potencialmente maliciosos assim como administradores de sistema não controlados e membros empregados dos sistemas de cloud. Por outro lado, os containers Linux geridos por sistemas Docker ou Kubernetes são soluções interessantes para poupar recursos físicos, obter tempos de inicialização mais rápidos e flexíveis e maior desempenho de I/O (interfaces de entrada e saída), em comparação com as tradicionais máquinas virtuais (VM) activadas pelos hipervisores. No entanto, essas soluções sofrem com software e mecanismos de kernel mais fáceis de comprometerem os dados das aplicações na sua integridade e privacidade. Nesta dissertação projectamos, implementamos e avaliamos um Sistema de Armazenamento de Dados em Memória Confiável e Focado na Privacidade, utilizando uma biblioteca conteinerizada e protegida por hardware para suportar as suas suposições de capacidade de confiança. Para oferecer suporte para grandes conjuntos de dados, exigindo assim que os dados sejam mapeados fora dos containers seguros pelo hardware, a solução utiliza encriptação homomórfica parcial, permitindo que operações executadas no ambiente de execução protegido façam gestão de dados na memória que estão permanentemente cifrados, estando eles mapeados dentro ou fora dos containers seguros

    Hardening High-Assurance Security Systems with Trusted Computing

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    We are living in the time of the digital revolution in which the world we know changes beyond recognition every decade. The positive aspect is that these changes also drive the progress in quality and availability of digital assets crucial for our societies. To name a few examples, these are broadly available communication channels allowing quick exchange of knowledge over long distances, systems controlling automatic share and distribution of renewable energy in international power grid networks, easily accessible applications for early disease detection enabling self-examination without burdening the health service, or governmental systems assisting citizens to settle official matters without leaving their homes. Unfortunately, however, digitalization also opens opportunities for malicious actors to threaten our societies if they gain control over these assets after successfully exploiting vulnerabilities in the complex computing systems building them. Protecting these systems, which are called high-assurance security systems, is therefore of utmost importance. For decades, humanity has struggled to find methods to protect high-assurance security systems. The advancements in the computing systems security domain led to the popularization of hardware-assisted security techniques, nowadays available in commodity computers, that opened perspectives for building more sophisticated defense mechanisms at lower costs. However, none of these techniques is a silver bullet. Each one targets particular use cases, suffers from limitations, and is vulnerable to specific attacks. I argue that some of these techniques are synergistic and help overcome limitations and mitigate specific attacks when used together. My reasoning is supported by regulations that legally bind high-assurance security systems' owners to provide strong security guarantees. These requirements can be fulfilled with the help of diverse technologies that have been standardized in the last years. In this thesis, I introduce new techniques for hardening high-assurance security systems that execute in remote execution environments, such as public and hybrid clouds. I implemented these techniques as part of a framework that provides technical assurance that high-assurance security systems execute in a specific data center, on top of a trustworthy operating system, in a virtual machine controlled by a trustworthy hypervisor or in strong isolation from other software. I demonstrated the practicality of my approach by leveraging the framework to harden real-world applications, such as machine learning applications in the eHealth domain. The evaluation shows that the framework is practical. It induces low performance overhead (<6%), supports software updates, requires no changes to the legacy application's source code, and can be tailored to individual trust boundaries with the help of security policies. The framework consists of a decentralized monitoring system that offers better scalability than traditional centralized monitoring systems. Each monitored machine runs a piece of code that verifies that the machine's integrity and geolocation conform to the given security policy. This piece of code, which serves as a trusted anchor on that machine, executes inside the trusted execution environment, i.e., Intel SGX, to protect itself from the untrusted host, and uses trusted computing techniques, such as trusted platform module, secure boot, and integrity measurement architecture, to attest to the load-time and runtime integrity of the surrounding operating system running on a bare metal machine or inside a virtual machine. The trusted anchor implements my novel, formally proven protocol, enabling detection of the TPM cuckoo attack. The framework also implements a key distribution protocol that, depending on the individual security requirements, shares cryptographic keys only with high-assurance security systems executing in the predefined security settings, i.e., inside the trusted execution environments or inside the integrity-enforced operating system. Such an approach is particularly appealing in the context of machine learning systems where some algorithms, like the machine learning model training, require temporal access to large computing power. These algorithms can execute inside a dedicated, trusted data center at higher performance because they are not limited by security features required in the shared execution environment. The evaluation of the framework showed that training of a machine learning model using real-world datasets achieved 0.96x native performance execution on the GPU and a speedup of up to 1560x compared to the state-of-the-art SGX-based system. Finally, I tackled the problem of software updates, which makes the operating system's integrity monitoring unreliable due to false positives, i.e., software updates move the updated system to an unknown (untrusted) state that is reported as an integrity violation. I solved this problem by introducing a proxy to a software repository that sanitizes software packages so that they can be safely installed. The sanitization consists of predicting and certifying the future (after the specific updates are installed) operating system's state. The evaluation of this approach showed that it supports 99.76% of the packages available in Alpine Linux main and community repositories. The framework proposed in this thesis is a step forward in verifying and enforcing that high-assurance security systems execute in an environment compliant with regulations. I anticipate that the framework might be further integrated with industry-standard security information and event management tools as well as other security monitoring mechanisms to provide a comprehensive solution hardening high-assurance security systems

    Systems Support for Trusted Execution Environments

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    Cloud computing has become a default choice for data processing by both large corporations and individuals due to its economy of scale and ease of system management. However, the question of trust and trustoworthy computing inside the Cloud environments has been long neglected in practice and further exacerbated by the proliferation of AI and its use for processing of sensitive user data. Attempts to implement the mechanisms for trustworthy computing in the cloud have previously remained theoretical due to lack of hardware primitives in the commodity CPUs, while a combination of Secure Boot, TPMs, and virtualization has seen only limited adoption. The situation has changed in 2016, when Intel introduced the Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and its enclaves to the x86 ISA CPUs: for the first time, it became possible to build trustworthy applications relying on a commonly available technology. However, Intel SGX posed challenges to the practitioners who discovered the limitations of this technology, from the limited support of legacy applications and integration of SGX enclaves into the existing system, to the performance bottlenecks on communication, startup, and memory utilization. In this thesis, our goal is enable trustworthy computing in the cloud by relying on the imperfect SGX promitives. To this end, we develop and evaluate solutions to issues stemming from limited systems support of Intel SGX: we investigate the mechanisms for runtime support of POSIX applications with SCONE, an efficient SGX runtime library developed with performance limitations of SGX in mind. We further develop this topic with FFQ, which is a concurrent queue for SCONE's asynchronous system call interface. ShieldBox is our study of interplay of kernel bypass and trusted execution technologies for NFV, which also tackles the problem of low-latency clocks inside enclave. The two last systems, Clemmys and T-Lease are built on a more recent SGXv2 ISA extension. In Clemmys, SGXv2 allows us to significantly reduce the startup time of SGX-enabled functions inside a Function-as-a-Service platform. Finally, in T-Lease we solve the problem of trusted time by introducing a trusted lease primitive for distributed systems. We perform evaluation of all of these systems and prove that they can be practically utilized in existing systems with minimal overhead, and can be combined with both legacy systems and other SGX-based solutions. In the course of the thesis, we enable trusted computing for individual applications, high-performance network functions, and distributed computing framework, making a <vision of trusted cloud computing a reality

    Automated tailoring of system software stacks

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    In many industrial sectors, device manufacturers are moving away from expensive special-purpose hardware units and consolidate their systems on commodity hardware. As part of this change, developers are enabled to run their applications on general-purpose operating systems like Linux, which already supports thousands of different devices out of the box and can be used in a wide range of target scenarios. Furthermore, the Linux ecosystem allows them to integrate existing implementations of standard functionality in the form of shared libraries. However, as the libraries and the Linux kernel are designed as generic building blocks in order to support as many applications as possible, they cannot make assumptions about specific use cases for a single-purpose device. This generality leads to unnecessary overheads in narrowly defined target scenarios, as unneeded components do not only take up space on the target system but have to be maintained over the lifetime of the device as well. While the Linux kernel provides a configuration system to disable unneeded functionality like device drivers, determining the required features from over 16000 options is an infeasible task. Even worse, most shared libraries cannot be customized even though only around 10 percent of their functions are ever used by applications. In this thesis, I present my approaches for the automated identification and removal of unnecessary components in all layers of the software stack. As the configuration system is an integral part of the Linux kernel, we embrace its presence and automatically generate custom-fitted configurations for observed target scenarios with the help of an extracted variability model. For the much more diverse realm of shared libraries, with different programming languages, build systems, and a lack of configurability, I demonstrate a different approach. By identifying individual functions as logically distinct units, we construct a symbol-level dependency graph across the applications and all their required libraries. We then remove unneeded code at the binary level and rearrange the remaining parts to take up minimal space in the binary file by formulating their placement as an optimization problem. To lower the number of unnecessary updates to unused components in a deployed system, I lastly present an automated method to determine the impact of software changes on a target scenario and provide guidance for developers on whether they need to update their systems. Applying these techniques to different target systems, I demonstrate that we can disable up to 87 percent of configuration options in a Debian Linux kernel, shrink the size of an embedded OpenWrt kernel by 59 percent, and speed up the boot process of the embedded system by 21 percent. As part of the shared library tailoring process, we can remove 13060 functions from all libraries in OpenWrt and reduce their total size by 31 percent. In the memcached Docker container, we identify 381 entirely unneeded shared libraries and shrink the container image size by 82 percent. An analysis of the development history of two large library projects over the course of more than two years further shows that between 68 and 82 percent of all changes are not required for an OpenWrt appliance, reducing the number of patch days by up to 69 percent. These results demonstrate the broad applicability of our automated methods for both the Linux kernel and shared libraries to a wide range of scenarios. From embedded systems to server applications, custom-tailored system software stacks contribute to the reduction of overheads in space and time