21 research outputs found

    Reconstruction et description des fonctions de distribution d'orientation en imagerie de diffusion à haute résolution angulaire

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    This thesis concerns the reconstruction and description of orientation distribution functions (ODFs) in high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) such as q-ball imaging (QBI). QBI is used to analyze more accurately fiber structures (crossing, bending, fanning, etc.) in a voxel. In this field, the ODF reconstructed from QBI is widely used for resolving complex intravoxel fiber configuration problem. However, until now, the assessment of the characteristics or quality of ODFs remains mainly visual and qualitative, although the use of a few objective quality metrics is also reported that are directly borrowed from classical signal and image processing theory. At the same time, although some metrics such as generalized anisotropy (GA) and generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) have been proposed for classifying intravoxel fiber configurations, the classification of the latters is still a problem. On the other hand, QBI often needs an important number of acquisitions (usually more than 60 directions) to compute accurately ODFs. So, reducing the quantity of QBI data (i.e. shortening acquisition time) while maintaining ODF quality is a real challenge. In this context, we have addressed the problems of how to reconstruct high-quality ODFs and assess their characteristics. We have proposed a new paradigm allowing describing the characteristics of ODFs more quantitatively. It consists of regarding an ODF as a general three-dimensional (3D) point cloud, projecting a 3D point cloud onto an angle-distance map (ADM), constructing an angle-distance matrix (ADMAT), and calculating morphological characteristics of the ODF such as length ratio, separability and uncertainty. In particular, a new metric, called PEAM (PEAnut Metric), which is based on computing the deviation of ODFs from a single fiber ODF represented by a peanut, was proposed and used to classify intravoxel fiber configurations. Several ODF reconstruction methods have also been compared using the proposed metrics. The results showed that the characteristics of 3D point clouds can be well assessed in a relatively complete and quantitative manner. Concerning the reconstruction of high-quality ODFs with reduced data, we have proposed two methods. The first method is based on interpolation by Delaunay triangulation and imposing constraints in both q-space and spatial space. The second method combines random gradient diffusion direction sampling, compressed sensing, resampling density increasing, and missing diffusion signal recovering. The results showed that the proposed missing diffusion signal recovering approaches enable us to obtain accurate ODFs with relatively fewer number of diffusion signals.Ce travail de thèse porte sur la reconstruction et la description des fonctions de distribution d'orientation (ODF) en imagerie de diffusion à haute résolution angulaire (HARDI) telle que l’imagerie par q-ball (QBI). Dans ce domaine, la fonction de distribution d’orientation (ODF) en QBI est largement utilisée pour étudier le problème de configuration complexe des fibres. Toutefois, jusqu’à présent, l’évaluation des caractéristiques ou de la qualité des ODFs reste essentiellement visuelle et qualitative, bien que l’utilisation de quelques mesures objectives de qualité ait également été reportée dans la littérature, qui sont directement empruntées de la théorie classique de traitement du signal et de l’image. En même temps, l’utilisation appropriée de ces mesures pour la classification des configurations des fibres reste toujours un problème. D'autre part, le QBI a souvent besoin d'un nombre important d’acquisitions pour calculer avec précision les ODFs. Ainsi, la réduction du temps d’acquisition des données QBI est un véritable défi. Dans ce contexte, nous avons abordé les problèmes de comment reconstruire des ODFs de haute qualité et évaluer leurs caractéristiques. Nous avons proposé un nouveau paradigme permettant de décrire les caractéristiques des ODFs de manière plus quantitative. Il consiste à regarder un ODF comme un nuage général de points tridimensionnels (3D), projeter ce nuage de points 3D sur un plan angle-distance (ADM), construire une matrice angle-distance (ADMAT), et calculer des caractéristiques morphologiques de l'ODF telles que le rapport de longueurs, la séparabilité et l'incertitude. En particulier, une nouvelle métrique, appelé PEAM (PEAnut Metric) et qui est basée sur le calcul de l'écart des ODFs par rapport à l’ODF (représenté par une forme arachide) d’une seule fibre, a été proposée et utilisée pour classifier des configurations intravoxel des fibres. Plusieurs méthodes de reconstruction des ODFs ont également été comparées en utilisant les paramètres proposés. Les résultats ont montré que les caractéristiques du nuage de points 3D peuvent être évaluées d'une manière relativement complète et quantitative. En ce qui concerne la reconstruction de l'ODF de haute qualité avec des données réduites, nous avons proposé deux méthodes. La première est basée sur une interpolation par triangulation de Delaunay et sur des contraintes imposées à la fois dans l’espace-q et dans l'espace spatial. La deuxième méthode combine l’échantillonnage aléatoire des directions de gradient de diffusion, le compressed sensing, l’augmentation de la densité de ré-échantillonnage, et la reconstruction des signaux de diffusion manquants. Les résultats ont montré que les approches de reconstruction des signaux de diffusion manquants proposées nous permettent d'obtenir des ODFs précis à partir d’un nombre relativement faible de signaux de diffusion

    Reconstruction algorithms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-142).This dissertation presents image reconstruction algorithms for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) that aims to increase the imaging efficiency. Algorithms that reduce imaging time without sacrificing the image quality and mitigate image artifacts are proposed. The goal of increasing the MR efficiency is investigated across multiple imaging techniques: structural imaging with multiple contrasts preparations, Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI), Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI), and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM). The main theme connecting the proposed methods is the utilization of prior knowledge on the reconstructed signal. This prior often presents itself in the form of sparsity with respect to either a prespecified or learned signal transformation.by Berkin Bilgic.Ph.D

    Diffusion directions imaging (high resolution reconstruction of white matter fascicles from low angular resolution diffusion MRI)

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    L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir une chaine de traitement complète pour la reconstruction des faisceaux de la matière blanche à partir d'images pondérées en diffusion caractérisées par une faible résolution angulaire. Cela implique (i) d'inférer en chaque voxel un modèle de diffusion à partir des images de diffusion et (ii) d'accomplir une ''tractographie", i.e., la reconstruction des faisceaux à partir de ces modèles locaux. Notre contribution en modélisation de la diffusion est une nouvelle distribution statistique dont les propriétés sont étudiées en détail. Nous modélisons le phénomène de diffusion par un mélange de telles distributions incluant un outil de sélection de modèle destiné à estimer le nombre de composantes du mélange. Nous montrons que le modèle peut être correctement estimé à partir d'images de diffusion ''single-shell" à faible résolution angulaire et qu'il fournit des biomarqueurs spécifiques pour l'étude des tumeurs. Notre contribution en tractographie est un algorithme qui approxime la distribution des faisceaux émanant d'un voxel donné. Pour cela, nous élaborons un filtre particulaire mieux adapté aux distributions multi-modales que les filtres traditionnels. Pour démontrer l'applicabilité de nos outils en usage clinique, nous avons participé aux trois éditions du MICCAI DTI Tractography challenge visant à reconstruire le faisceau cortico-spinal à partir d'images de diffusion ''single-shell" à faibles résolutions angulaire et spatiale. Les résultats montrent que nos outils permettent de reconstruire toute l'étendue de ce faisceau.The objective of this thesis is to provide a complete pipeline that achieves an accurate reconstruction of the white matter fascicles using clinical diffusion images characterized by a low angular resolution. This involves (i) a diffusion model inferred in each voxel from the diffusion images and (ii) a tractography algorithm fed with these local models to perform the actual reconstruction of fascicles. Our contribution in diffusion modeling is a new statistical distribution, the properties of which are extensively studied. We model the diffusion as a mixture of such distributions, for which we design a model selection tool that estimates the number of mixture components. We show that the model can be accurately estimated from single shell low angular resolution diffusion images and that it provides specific biomarkers for studying tumors. Our contribution in tractography is an algorithm that approximates the distribution of fascicles emanating from a seed voxel. We achieve that by means of a particle filter better adapted to multi-modal distributions than the traditional filters. To demonstrate the clinical applicability of our tools, we participated to all three editions of the MICCAI DTI Tractography challenge aiming at reconstructing the cortico-spinal tract from single-shell low angular and low spatial resolution diffusion images. Results show that our pipeline provides a reconstruction of the full extent of the CST.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Advanced VLBI Imaging

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    Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is an observational technique developed in astronomy for combining multiple radio telescopes into a single virtual instrument with an effective aperture reaching up to many thousand kilometers and enabling measurements at highest angular resolutions. The celebrated examples of applying VLBI to astrophysical studies include detailed, high-resolution images of the innermost parts of relativistic outflows (jets) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and recent pioneering observations of the shadows of supermassive black holes (SMBH) in the center of our Galaxy and in the galaxy M87. Despite these and many other proven successes of VLBI, analysis and imaging of VLBI data still remain difficult, owing in part to the fact that VLBI imaging inherently constitutes an ill-posed inverse problem. Historically, this problem has been addressed in radio interferometry by the CLEAN algorithm, a matching-pursuit inverse modeling method developed in the early 1970-s and since then established as a de-facto standard approach for imaging VLBI data. In recent years, the constantly increasing demand for improving quality and fidelity of interferometric image reconstruction has resulted in several attempts to employ new approaches, such as forward modeling and Bayesian estimation, for application to VLBI imaging. While the current state-of-the-art forward modeling and Bayesian techniques may outperform CLEAN in terms of accuracy, resolution, robustness, and adaptability, they also tend to require more complex structure and longer computation times, and rely on extensive finetuning of a larger number of non-trivial hyperparameters. This leaves an ample room for further searches for potentially more effective imaging approaches and provides the main motivation for this dissertation and its particular focusing on the need to unify algorithmic frameworks and to study VLBI imaging from the perspective of inverse problems in general. In pursuit of this goal, and based on an extensive qualitative comparison of the existing methods, this dissertation comprises the development, testing, and first implementations of two novel concepts for improved interferometric image reconstruction. The concepts combine the known benefits of current forward modeling techniques, develop more automatic and less supervised algorithms for image reconstruction, and realize them within two different frameworks. The first framework unites multiscale imaging algorithms in the spirit of compressive sensing with a dictionary adapted to the uv-coverage and its defects (DoG-HiT, DoB-CLEAN). We extend this approach to dynamical imaging and polarimetric imaging. The core components of this framework are realized in a multidisciplinary and multipurpose software MrBeam, developed as part of this dissertation. The second framework employs a multiobjective genetic evolutionary algorithm (MOEA/D) for the purpose of achieving fully unsupervised image reconstruction and hyperparameter optimization. These new methods are shown to outperform the existing methods in various metrics such as angular resolution, structural sensitivity, and degree of supervision. We demonstrate the great potential of these new techniques with selected applications to frontline VLBI observations of AGN jets and SMBH. In addition to improving the quality and robustness of image reconstruction, DoG-HiT, DoB-CLEAN and MOEA/D also provide such novel capabilities as dynamic reconstruction of polarimetric images on minute time-scales, or near-real time and unsupervised data analysis (useful in particular for application to large imaging surveys). The techniques and software developed in this dissertation are of interest for a wider range of inverse problems as well. This includes such versatile fields such as Ly-alpha tomography (where we improve estimates of the thermal state of the intergalactic medium), the cosmographic search for dark matter (where we improve forecasted bounds on ultralight dilatons), medical imaging, and solar spectroscopy

    Occluder-aided non-line-of-sight imaging

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    Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging is the inference of the properties of objects or scenes outside of the direct line-of-sight of the observer. Such inferences can range from a 2D photograph-like image of a hidden area, to determining the position, motion or number of hidden objects, to 3D reconstructions of a hidden volume. NLOS imaging has many enticing potential applications, such as leveraging the existing hardware in many automobiles to identify hidden pedestrians, vehicles or other hazards and hence plan safer trajectories. Other potential application areas include improving navigation for robots or drones by anticipating occluded hazards, peering past obstructions in medical settings, or in surveying unreachable areas in search-and-rescue operations. Most modern NLOS imaging methods fall into one of two categories: active imaging methods that have some control of the illumination of the hidden area, and passive methods that simply measure light that already exists. This thesis introduces two NLOS imaging methods, one of each category, along with modeling and data processing techniques that are more broadly applicable. The methods are linked by their use of objects (‘occluders’) that reside somewhere between the observer and the hidden scene and block some possible light paths. Computational periscopy, a passive method, can recover the unknown position of an occluding object in the hidden area and then recover an image of the hidden scene behind it. It does so using only a single photograph of a blank relay wall taken by an ordinary digital camera. We develop also a framework using an optimized preconditioning matrix to improve the speed at which these reconstructions can be made and greatly improve the robustness to ambient light. Lastly, we develop tools necessary to demonstrate recovery of scenes at multiple unknown depths – paving the way towards three-dimensional reconstructions. Edge-resolved transient imaging, an active method, enables the formation of 2.5D representations – a plan view plus heights – of large-scale scenes. A pulsed laser illuminates spots along a small semi-circle on the floor, centered on the edge of a vertical wall such as in a doorway. The wall edge occludes some light paths, only allowing the laser light reflecting off of the floor to illuminate certain portions of the hidden area beyond the wall, depending on where along the semi-circle it is illuminating. The time at which photons return following a laser pulse is recorded. The occluding wall edge provides angular resolution, and time-resolved sensing provides radial resolution. This novel acquisition strategy, along with a scene response model and reconstruction algorithm, allow for 180° field of view reconstructions of large-scale scenes unlike other active imaging methods. Lastly, we introduce a sparsity penalty named mutually exclusive group sparsity (MEGS), that can be used as a constraint or regularization in optimization problems to promote solutions in which certain components are mutually exclusive. We explore how this penalty relates to other similar penalties, develop fast algorithms to solve MEGS-regularized problems, and demonstrate how enforcing mutual exclusivity structure can provide great utility in NLOS imaging problems

    New quantitative phase imaging modalities on standard microscope platforms

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    Three new reconstruction methods for quantitative phase imaging, including two interrelated two-dimensional methods, called multifilter phase imaging with partially coherent light and phase optical transfer function recovery, which lead to a third three-dimensional method, called tomographic deconvolution phase microscopy, were developed in response to a growing need among biomedical end users for solutions which can be integrated on standard microscope platforms. The performance of these new methods were evaluated using modelling and simulation as well as experimentation with known test cases. In addition to the development of new methods, existing methods for quantitative phase imaging were applied to characterize the effects of manufacturing, cleaving, and fusion splicing in large-mode-area erbium- and ytterbium-doped optical fibers.Ph.D