9 research outputs found

    A Real-time Model for Multiple Human Face Tracking from Low-resolution Surveillance Videos

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    AbstractThis article discusses a novel approach of multiple-face tracking from low-resolution surveillance videos. There has been significant research in the field of face detection using neural-network based training. Neural network based face detection methods are highly accurate, albeit computationally intensive. Hence neural network based approaches are not suitable for real-time applications. The proposed approach approximately detects faces in an image solely using the color information. It detects skin region in an image and finds existence of eye and mouth region in the skin region. If it finds so, it marks the skin region as a face and fits an oriented rectangle to the face. The approach requires low computation and hence can be applied on subsequent frames from a video. The proposed approach is tested on FERET face database images, on different images containing multiple faces captured in unconstrained environments, and on frames extracted from IP surveillance camera

    Comparative Study of Skin Color Detection and Segmentation in HSV and YCbCr Color Space

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    AbstractThis paper presented a comparative study of human skin color detection HSV and YCbCr color space. Skin color detection is the process of separation between skin and non-skin pixels. It is difficult to develop uniform method for the segmentation or detection of human skin detection because the color tone of human skin is drastically varied for people from one region to another. Literature survey shows that there is a variety of color space is applied for the skin color detection. RGB color space is not preferred for color based detection and color analysis because of mixing of color (chrominance) and intensity (luminance) information and its non uniform characteristics. Luminance and Hue based approaches discriminate color and intensity information even under uneven illumination conditions. Experimental result shows the efficiency of YCbCr color space for the segmentation and detection of skin color in color images

    The Specialized Mappings Architecture

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    Estimation and prediction of evolving color distributions for skin segmentation under varying illumination

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    Abordagens multiescala para descrição de textura

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    Orientadores: Hélio Pedrini, William Robson SchwartzDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Visão computacional e processamento de imagens desempenham um papel importante em diversas áreas, incluindo detecção de objetos e classificação de imagens, tarefas muito importantes para aplicações em imagens médicas, sensoriamento remoto, análise forense, detecção de pele, entre outras. Estas tarefas dependem fortemente de informação visual extraída de imagens que possa ser utilizada para descrevê-las eficientemente. Textura é uma das principais propriedades usadas para descrever informação tal como distribuição espacial, brilho e arranjos estruturais de superfícies. Para reconhecimento e classificação de imagens, um grande grupo de descritores de textura foi investigado neste trabalho, sendo que apenas parte deles é realmente multiescala. Matrizes de coocorrência em níveis de cinza (GLCM) são amplamente utilizadas na literatura e bem conhecidas como um descritor de textura efetivo. No entanto, este descritor apenas discrimina informação em uma única escala, isto é, a imagem original. Escalas podem oferecer informações importantes em análise de imagens, pois textura pode ser percebida por meio de diferentes padrões em diferentes escalas. Dessa forma, duas estratégias diferentes para estender a matriz de coocorrência para múltiplas escalas são apresentadas: (i) uma representação de escala-espaço Gaussiana, construída pela suavização da imagem por um filtro passa-baixa e (ii) uma pirâmide de imagens, que é definida pelo amostragem de imagens em espaço e escala. Este descritor de textura é comparado com outros descritores em diferentes bases de dados. O descritor de textura proposto e então aplicado em um contexto de detecção de pele, como forma de melhorar a acurácia do processo de detecção. Resultados experimentais demonstram que a extensão multiescala da matriz de coocorrência exibe melhora considerável nas bases de dados testadas, exibindo resultados superiores em relação a diversos outros descritores, incluindo a versão original da matriz de coocorrência em escala únicaAbstract: Computer vision and image processing techniques play an important role in several fields, including object detection and image classification, which are very important tasks with applications in medical imagery, remote sensing, forensic analysis, skin detection, among others. These tasks strongly depend on visual information extracted from images that can be used to describe them efficiently. Texture is one of the main used characteristics that describes information such as spatial distribution, brightness and surface structural arrangements. For image recognition and classification, a large set of texture descriptors was investigated in this work, such that only a small fraction is actually multi-scale. Gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM) have been widely used in the literature and are known to be an effective texture descriptor. However, such descriptor only discriminates information on a unique scale, that is, the original image. Scales can offer important information in image analysis, since texture can be perceived as different patterns at distinct scales. For that matter, two different strategies for extending the GLCM to multiple scales are presented: (i) a Gaussian scale-space representation, constructed by smoothing the image with a low-pass filter and (ii) an image pyramid, which is defined by sampling the image both in space and scale. This texture descriptor is evaluated against others in different data sets. Then, the proposed texture descriptor is applied in skin detection context, as a mean of improving the accuracy of the detection process. Experimental results demonstrated that the GLCM multi-scale extension has remarkable improvements on tested data sets, outperforming many other feature descriptors, including the original GLCMMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã