218 research outputs found

    Disclosing large-scale directed functional connections in MEG with the multivariate phase slope index.

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    Abstract The phase slope index (PSI) is a method to disclose the direction of frequency-specific neural interactions from magnetoencephalographic (MEG) time series. A fundamental property of PSI is that of vanishing for linear mixing of independent neural sources. This property allows PSI to cope with the artificial instantaneous connectivity among MEG sensors or brain sources induced by the field spread. Nevertheless, PSI is limited by being a bivariate estimator of directionality as opposite to the multidimensional nature of brain activity as revealed by MEG. The purpose of this work is to provide a multivariate generalization of PSI. We termed this measure as the multivariate phase slope index (MPSI). In order to test the ability of MPSI in estimating the directionality, and to compare the MPSI results to those obtained by bivariate PSI approaches based on maximizing imaginary part of coherency and on canonical correlation analysis, we used extensive simulations. We proved that MPSI achieves the highest performance and that in a large number of simulated cases, the bivariate methods, as opposed to MPSI, do not detect a statistically significant directionality. Finally, we applied MPSI to assess seed-based directed functional connectivity in the alpha band from resting state MEG data of 61 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. The obtained results highlight a directed functional coupling in the alpha band between the primary visual cortex and several key regions of well-known resting state networks, e.g. dorsal attention network and fronto-parietal network

    Identifying causal networks of neuronal sources from EEG/MEG data with the phase slope index: a simulation study

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The investigation of functional neuronal synchronization has recently become a growing field of research. With high temporal resolution, electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography are well-suited measurement techniques to identify networks of interacting sources underlying the recorded data. The analysis of the data in terms of effective connectivity, nevertheless, contains intrinsic issues such as the problem of volume conduction and the non-uniqueness of the inverse solution. Here, we briefly introduce a series of existing methods assessing these problems. To determine the locations of interacting brain sources robust to volume conduction, all computations are solely based on the imaginary part of the cross-spectrum as a trustworthy source of information. Furthermore, we demonstrate the feasibility of estimating causal relationships of systems of neuronal sources with the phase slope index in realistically simulated data. Finally, advantages and drawbacks of the applied methodology are highlighted and discussed

    Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope correlation: a technical review on MEG methods

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    The human brain can be divided into multiple areas, each responsible for different aspects of behaviour. Healthy brain function relies upon efficient connectivity between these areas and, in recent years, neuroimaging has been revolutionised by an ability to estimate this connectivity. In this paper we discuss measurement of network connectivity using magnetoencephalography (MEG), a technique capable of imaging electrophysiological brain activity with good (~5mm) spatial resolution and excellent (~1ms) temporal resolution. The rich information content of MEG facilitates many disparate measures of connectivity between spatially separate regions and in this paper we discuss a single metric known as power envelope correlation. We review in detail the methodology required to measure power envelope correlation including i) projection of MEG data into source space, ii) removing confounds introduced by the MEG inverse problem and iii) estimation of connectivity itself. In this way, we aim to provide researchers with a description of the key steps required to assess envelope based functional networks, which are thought to represent an intrinsic mode of coupling in the human brain. We highlight the principal findings of the techniques discussed, and furthermore, we show evidence that this method can probe how the brain forms and dissolves multiple transient networks on a rapid timescale in order to support current processing demand. Overall, power envelope correlation offers a unique and verifiable means to gain novel insights into network coordination and is proving to be of significant value in elucidating the neural dynamics of the human connectome in health and disease

    Assessment of ADHD Through Electroencephalographic Measures of Functional Connectivity

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    The main objective of the chapter is to review the types of electroencephalographic measures of functional connectivity that have been used so far in the study/diagnosis of ADHD. The review will include the methods and results so far reported in the literature as well as those conducted by our research group

    Selective attention and speech processing in the cortex

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    In noisy and complex environments, human listeners must segregate the mixture of sound sources arriving at their ears and selectively attend a single source, thereby solving a computationally difficult problem called the cocktail party problem. However, the neural mechanisms underlying these computations are still largely a mystery. Oscillatory synchronization of neuronal activity between cortical areas is thought to provide a crucial role in facilitating information transmission between spatially separated populations of neurons, enabling the formation of functional networks. In this thesis, we seek to analyze and model the functional neuronal networks underlying attention to speech stimuli and find that the Frontal Eye Fields play a central 'hub' role in the auditory spatial attention network in a cocktail party experiment. We use magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure neural signals with high temporal precision, while sampling from the whole cortex. However, several methodological issues arise when undertaking functional connectivity analysis with MEG data. Specifically, volume conduction of electrical and magnetic fields in the brain complicates interpretation of results. We compare several approaches through simulations, and analyze the trade-offs among various measures of neural phase-locking in the presence of volume conduction. We use these insights to study functional networks in a cocktail party experiment. We then construct a linear dynamical system model of neural responses to ongoing speech. Using this model, we are able to correctly predict which of two speakers is being attended by a listener. We then apply this model to data from a task where people were attending to stories with synchronous and scrambled videos of the speakers' faces to explore how the presence of visual information modifies the underlying neuronal mechanisms of speech perception. This model allows us to probe neural processes as subjects listen to long stimuli, without the need for a trial-based experimental design. We model the neural activity with latent states, and model the neural noise spectrum and functional connectivity with multivariate autoregressive dynamics, along with impulse responses for external stimulus processing. We also develop a new regularized Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to fit this model to electroencephalography (EEG) data

    Network-based brain computer interfaces: principles and applications

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) make possible to interact with the external environment by decoding the mental intention of individuals. BCIs can therefore be used to address basic neuroscience questions but also to unlock a variety of applications from exoskeleton control to neurofeedback (NFB) rehabilitation. In general, BCI usability critically depends on the ability to comprehensively characterize brain functioning and correctly identify the user s mental state. To this end, much of the efforts have focused on improving the classification algorithms taking into account localized brain activities as input features. Despite considerable improvement BCI performance is still unstable and, as a matter of fact, current features represent oversimplified descriptors of brain functioning. In the last decade, growing evidence has shown that the brain works as a networked system composed of multiple specialized and spatially distributed areas that dynamically integrate information. While more complex, looking at how remote brain regions functionally interact represents a grounded alternative to better describe brain functioning. Thanks to recent advances in network science, i.e. a modern field that draws on graph theory, statistical mechanics, data mining and inferential modelling, scientists have now powerful means to characterize complex brain networks derived from neuroimaging data. Notably, summary features can be extracted from these networks to quantitatively measure specific organizational properties across a variety of topological scales. In this topical review, we aim to provide the state-of-the-art supporting the development of a network theoretic approach as a promising tool for understanding BCIs and improve usability

    Time-Lagged Multidimensional Pattern Connectivity (TL-MDPC): An EEG/MEG Pattern Transformation Based Functional Connectivity Metric

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    Functional and effective connectivity methods are essential to study the complex information flow in brain networks underlying human cognition. Only recently have connectivity methods begun to emerge that make use of the full multidimensional information contained in patterns of brain activation, rather than unidimensional summary measures of these patterns. To date, these methods have mostly been applied to fMRI data, and no method allows vertex-to-vertex transformations with the temporal specificity of EEG/MEG data. Here, we introduce time-lagged multidimensional pattern connectivity (TL-MDPC) as a novel bivariate functional connectivity metric for EEG/MEG research. TL-MDPC estimates the vertex-to-vertex transformations among multiple brain regions and across different latency ranges. It determines how well patterns in ROI at time point can linearly predict patterns of ROI at time point . In the present study, we use simulations to demonstrate TL-MDPC's increased sensitivity to multidimensional effects compared to a unidimensional approach across realistic choices of number of trials and signal-to-noise ratios. We applied TL-MDPC, as well as its unidimensional counterpart, to an existing dataset varying the depth of semantic processing of visually presented words by contrasting a semantic decision and a lexical decision task. TL-MDPC detected significant effects beginning very early on, and showed stronger task modulations than the unidimensional approach, suggesting that it is capable of capturing more information. With TL-MDPC only, we observed rich connectivity between core semantic representation (left and right anterior temporal lobes) and semantic control (inferior frontal gyrus and posterior temporal cortex) areas with greater semantic demands. TL-MDPC is a promising approach to identify multidimensional connectivity patterns, typically missed by unidimensional approaches