2,644 research outputs found

    Retrieval of canopy component temperatures through Bayesian inversion of directional thermal measurements

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    Evapotranspiration is usually estimated in remote sensing from single temperature value representing both soil and vegetation. This surface temperature is an aggregate over multiple canopy components. The temperature of the individual components can differ significantly, introducing errors in the evapotranspiration estimations. The temperature aggregate has a high level of directionality. An inversion method is presented in this paper to retrieve four canopy component temperatures from directional brightness temperatures. The Bayesian method uses both a priori information and sensor characteristics to solve the ill-posed inversion problem. The method is tested using two case studies: 1) a sensitivity analysis, using a large forward simulated dataset, and 2) in a reality study, using two datasets of two field campaigns. The results of the sensitivity analysis show that the Bayesian approach is able to retrieve the four component temperatures from directional brightness temperatures with good success rates using multi-directional sensors (Srspectra˜0.3, Srgonio˜0.3, and SrAATSR˜0.5), and no improvement using mono-angular sensors (Sr˜1). The results of the experimental study show that the approach gives good results for high LAI values (RMSEgrass=0.50 K, RMSEwheat=0.29 K, RMSEsugar beet=0.75 K, RMSEbarley=0.67 K); but for low LAI values the results were unsatisfactory (RMSEyoung maize=2.85 K). This discrepancy was found to originate from the presence of the metallic construction of the setup. As these disturbances, were only present for two crops and were not present in the sensitivity analysis, which had a low LAI, it is concluded that using masked thermal images will eliminate this discrepanc

    Application of the EM-algorithm for Bayesian network modelling to improve forest growth estimates

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    AbstractLeaf area index (LAI) is a biophysical variable that is related to atmosphere-biosphere exchange of CO2. One way to obtain LAI value is by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) biophysical products (LAI MODIS). The LAI MODIS has been used to improve the physiological principles predicting growth (3-PG) model within a Bayesian Network (BN) set-up. The MODIS time series, however, contains gaps caused by persistent clouds, cloud contamination, and other retrieval problems. We therefore formulated the EM-algorithm to estimate the missing MODIS LAI values. The EM-algorithm is applied to three different cases: successive and not successive two winter seasons, and not successive missing MODIS LAI during the time study of 26 successive months at which the performance of the BN is assessed. Results show that the MODIS LAI is estimated such that the maximum value of the mean absolute error between the original MODIS LAI and the estimated MODIS LAI by EM-algorithm is 0.16. This is a low value, and shows the success of our approach. Moreover, the BN output improves when the EM-algorithm is carried out to estimate the inconsecutive missing MODIS LAI such that the root mean square error reduces from 1.57 to 1.49. We conclude that the EM-algorithm within a BN can handle the missing MODIS LAI values and that it improves estimation of the LAI

    Optimal Exploitation of the Sentinel-2 Spectral Capabilities for Crop Leaf Area Index Mapping

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    The continuously increasing demand of accurate quantitative high quality information on land surface properties will be faced by a new generation of environmental Earth observation (EO) missions. One current example, associated with a high potential to contribute to those demands, is the multi-spectral ESA Sentinel-2 (S2) system. The present study focuses on the evaluation of spectral information content needed for crop leaf area index (LAI) mapping in view of the future sensors. Data from a field campaign were used to determine the optimal spectral sampling from available S2 bands applying inversion of a radiative transfer model (PROSAIL) with look-up table (LUT) and artificial neural network (ANN) approaches. Overall LAI estimation performance of the proposed LUT approach (LUTN₅₀) was comparable in terms of retrieval performances with a tested and approved ANN method. Employing seven- and eight-band combinations, the LUTN₅₀ approach obtained LAI RMSE of 0.53 and normalized LAI RMSE of 0.12, which was comparable to the results of the ANN. However, the LUTN50 method showed a higher robustness and insensitivity to different band settings. Most frequently selected wavebands were located in near infrared and red edge spectral regions. In conclusion, our results emphasize the potential benefits of the Sentinel-2 mission for agricultural applications

    Estimating the crop leaf area index using hyperspectral remote sensing

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    AbstractThe leaf area index (LAI) is an important vegetation parameter, which is used widely in many applications. Remote sensing techniques are known to be effective but inexpensive methods for estimating the LAI of crop canopies. During the last two decades, hyperspectral remote sensing has been employed increasingly for crop LAI estimation, which requires unique technical procedures compared with conventional multispectral data, such as denoising and dimension reduction. Thus, we provide a comprehensive and intensive overview of crop LAI estimation based on hyperspectral remote sensing techniques. First, we compare hyperspectral data and multispectral data by highlighting their potential and limitations in LAI estimation. Second, we categorize the approaches used for crop LAI estimation based on hyperspectral data into three types: approaches based on statistical models, physical models (i.e., canopy reflectance models), and hybrid inversions. We summarize and evaluate the theoretical basis and different methods employed by these approaches (e.g., the characteristic parameters of LAI, regression methods for constructing statistical predictive models, commonly applied physical models, and inversion strategies for physical models). Thus, numerous models and inversion strategies are organized in a clear conceptual framework. Moreover, we highlight the technical difficulties that may hinder crop LAI estimation, such as the “curse of dimensionality” and the ill-posed problem. Finally, we discuss the prospects for future research based on the previous studies described in this review

    Quantifying Vegetation Biophysical Variables from Imaging Spectroscopy Data: A Review on Retrieval Methods

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    An unprecedented spectroscopic data stream will soon become available with forthcoming Earth-observing satellite missions equipped with imaging spectroradiometers. This data stream will open up a vast array of opportunities to quantify a diversity of biochemical and structural vegetation properties. The processing requirements for such large data streams require reliable retrieval techniques enabling the spatiotemporally explicit quantification of biophysical variables. With the aim of preparing for this new era of Earth observation, this review summarizes the state-of-the-art retrieval methods that have been applied in experimental imaging spectroscopy studies inferring all kinds of vegetation biophysical variables. Identified retrieval methods are categorized into: (1) parametric regression, including vegetation indices, shape indices and spectral transformations; (2) nonparametric regression, including linear and nonlinear machine learning regression algorithms; (3) physically based, including inversion of radiative transfer models (RTMs) using numerical optimization and look-up table approaches; and (4) hybrid regression methods, which combine RTM simulations with machine learning regression methods. For each of these categories, an overview of widely applied methods with application to mapping vegetation properties is given. In view of processing imaging spectroscopy data, a critical aspect involves the challenge of dealing with spectral multicollinearity. The ability to provide robust estimates, retrieval uncertainties and acceptable retrieval processing speed are other important aspects in view of operational processing. Recommendations towards new-generation spectroscopy-based processing chains for operational production of biophysical variables are given

    Remote Sensing of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation: A Review from the Perspective of Remote Sensing Specialists

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    Remote sensing, the science of obtaining information via noncontact recording, has swept the fields of ecology, biodiversity and conservation (EBC). Several quality review papers have contributed to this field. However, these papers often discuss the issues from the standpoint of an ecologist or a biodiversity specialist. This review focuses on the spaceborne remote sensing of EBC from the perspective of remote sensing specialists, i.e., it is organized in the context of state-of-the-art remote sensing technology, including instruments and techniques. Herein, the instruments to be discussed consist of high spatial resolution, hyperspectral, thermal infrared, small-satellite constellation, and LIDAR sensors; and the techniques refer to image classification, vegetation index (VI), inversion algorithm, data fusion, and the integration of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS)

    Review of the use of remote sensing for monitoring wildfire risk conditions to support fire risk assessment in protected areas

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    Fire risk assessment is one of the most important components in the management of fire that offers the framework for monitoring fire risk conditions. Whilst monitoring fire risk conditions commonly revolved around field data, Remote Sensing (RS) plays key role in quantifying and monitoring fire risk indicators. This study presents a review of remote sensing data and techniques for fire risk monitoring and assessment with a particular emphasis on its implications for wildfire risk mapping in protected areas. Firstly, we concentrate on RS derived variables employed to monitor fire risk conditions for fire risk assessment. Thereafter, an evaluation of the prominent RS platforms such as Broadband, Hyperspectral and Active sensors that have been utilized for wildfire risk assessment. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness in obtaining information that has operational use or immediate potentials for operational application in protected areas (PAs). RS techniques that involve extraction of landscape information from imagery were summarised. The review concludes that in practice, fire risk assessment that consider all variables/indicators that influence fire risk is impossible to establish, however it is imperative to incorporate indicators or variables of very high heterogeneous and “multi-sensoral or multivariate fire risk index approach for fire risk assessment in PA.Keywords: Protected Areas, Fire Risk conditions; Remote Sensing, Wildfire risk assessmen


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    Remotely sensed images from satellites and aircrafts, as well as regional networks and monitoring stations such as eddy flux towers, are collecting large volumes of multivariate data that contain information about the land surface and ecosystem processes. To derive from these systems information and knowledge relevant to how the Earth system functions and how it is changing, we need tools that to filter and mine the large data streams currently being acquired at different spatial and temporal scales. A challenge for Earth System Science lies in accurately identifying and portraying the relationships between the measurements at the sensor and quantity o f interest (i.e. ecosystem process or land surface property)