69 research outputs found

    Sandbox prefetching: safe run-time evaluation of aggressive prefetchers

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    pre-printMemory latency is a major factor in limiting CPU per- formance, and prefetching is a well-known method for hiding memory latency. Overly aggressive prefetching can waste scarce resources such as memory bandwidth and cache capacity, limiting or even hurting performance. It is therefore important to employ prefetching mechanisms that use these resources prudently, while still prefetching required data in a timely manner. In this work, we propose a new mechanism to deter-mine at run-time the appropriate prefetching mechanism for the currently executing program, called Sandbox Prefetching. Sandbox Prefetching evaluates simple, aggressive offset prefetchers at run-time by adding the prefetch address to a Bloom filter, rather than actually fetching the data into the cache. Subsequent cache accesses are tested against the contents of the Bloom filter to see if the aggressive prefetcher under evaluation could have accurately prefetched the data, while simultaneously testing for the existence of prefetchable streams. Real prefetches are performed when the accuracy of evaluated prefetchers exceeds a threshold. This method combines the ideas of global pattern confirmation and immediate prefetching action to achieve high performance. Sandbox Prefetching improves performance across the tested workloads by 47.6% compared to not using any prefetching, and by 18.7% compared to the Feedback Directed Prefetching technique. Performance is also improved by 1.4% compared to the Access Map Pattern Matching Prefetcher, while incurring consid- erably less logic and storage overheads

    Computer-language based data prefetching techniques

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    Data prefetching has long been used as a technique to improve access times to persistent data. It is based on retrieving data records from persistent storage to main memory before the records are needed. Data prefetching has been applied to a wide variety of persistent storage systems, from file systems to Relational Database Management Systems and NoSQL databases, with the aim of reducing access times to the data maintained by the system and thus improve the execution times of the applications using this data. However, most existing solutions to data prefetching have been based on information that can be retrieved from the storage system itself, whether in the form of heuristics based on the data schema or data access patterns detected by monitoring access to the system. There are multiple disadvantages of these approaches in terms of the rigidity of the heuristics they use, the accuracy of the predictions they make and / or the time they need to make these predictions, a process often performed while the applications are accessing the data and causing considerable overhead. In light of the above, this thesis proposes two novel approaches to data prefetching based on predictions made by analyzing the instructions and statements of the computer languages used to access persistent data. The proposed approaches take into consideration how the data is accessed by the higher-level applications, make accurate predictions and are performed without causing any additional overhead. The first of the proposed approaches aims at analyzing instructions of applications written in object-oriented languages in order to prefetch data from Persistent Object Stores. The approach is based on static code analysis that is done prior to the application execution and hence does not add any overhead. It also includes various strategies to deal with cases that require runtime information unavailable prior to the execution of the application. We integrate this analysis approach into an existing Persistent Object Store and run a series of extensive experiments to measure the improvement obtained by prefetching the objects predicted by the approach. The second approach analyzes statements and historic logs of the declarative query language SPARQL in order to prefetch data from RDF Triplestores. The approach measures two types of similarity between SPARQL queries in order to detect recurring query patterns in the historic logs. Afterwards, it uses the detected patterns to predict subsequent queries and launch them before they are requested to prefetch the data needed by them. Our evaluation of the proposed approach shows that it high-accuracy prediction and can achieve a high cache hit rate when caching the results of the predicted queries.Precargar datos ha sido una de las técnicas más comunes para mejorar los tiempos de acceso a datos persistentes. Esta técnica se basa en predecir los registros de datos que se van a acceder en el futuro y cargarlos del almacenimiento persistente a la memoria con antelación a su uso. Precargar datos ha sido aplicado en multitud de sistemas de almacenimiento persistente, desde sistemas de ficheros a bases de datos relacionales y NoSQL, con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos de acceso a los datos y por lo tanto mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones que usan estos datos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los enfoques existentes utilizan predicciones basadas en información que se encuentra dentro del mismo sistema de almacenimiento, ya sea en forma de heurísticas basadas en el esquema de los datos o patrones de acceso a los datos generados mediante la monitorización del acceso al sistema. Estos enfoques presentan varias desventajas en cuanto a la rigidez de las heurísticas usadas, la precisión de las predicciones generadas y el tiempo que necesitan para generar estas predicciones, un proceso que se realiza con frecuencia mientras las aplicaciones acceden a los datos y que puede tener efectos negativos en el tiempo de ejecución de estas aplicaciones. En vista de lo anterior, esta tesis presenta dos enfoques novedosos para precargar datos basados en predicciones generadas por el análisis de las instrucciones y sentencias del lenguaje informático usado para acceder a los datos persistentes. Los enfoques propuestos toman en consideración cómo las aplicaciones acceden a los datos, generan predicciones precisas y mejoran el rendimiento de las aplicaciones sin causar ningún efecto negativo. El primer enfoque analiza las instrucciones de applicaciones escritas en lenguajes de programación orientados a objetos con el fin de precargar datos de almacenes de objetos persistentes. El enfoque emplea análisis estático de código hecho antes de la ejecución de las aplicaciones, y por lo tanto no afecta negativamente el rendimiento de las mismas. El enfoque también incluye varias estrategias para tratar casos que requieren información de runtime no disponible antes de ejecutar las aplicaciones. Además, integramos este enfoque en un almacén de objetos persistentes y ejecutamos una serie extensa de experimentos para medir la mejora de rendimiento que se puede obtener utilizando el enfoque. Por otro lado, el segundo enfoque analiza las sentencias y logs del lenguaje declarativo de consultas SPARQL para precargar datos de triplestores de RDF. Este enfoque aplica dos medidas para calcular la similtud entre las consultas del lenguaje SPARQL con el objetivo de detectar patrones recurrentes en los logs históricos. Posteriormente, el enfoque utiliza los patrones detectados para predecir las consultas siguientes y precargar con antelación los datos que necesitan. Nuestra evaluación muestra que este enfoque produce predicciones de alta precisión y puede lograr un alto índice de aciertos cuando los resultados de las consultas predichas se guardan en el caché.Postprint (published version

    Energy Efficiency and Performance in Multiprocessors Systems on Chip

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    As process technology shrinks, the transistor count on CPUs has increased. The breakdown of Dennard scaling has led to diminishing returns in terms of performance per power. A trend which promises to impact future CPU designs. This breakdown is due in part to the increase in transistor leakage driven static power. We, now, have constrained energy and power budgets. Thus, energy consumption has to be justified by an increased in performance. Simultaneously, architects have shifted to chip multiprocessors(CMPs) designs with large shared last level cache(LLC) to mitigate the cost of long latency off-chip memory access. A primary reason for that shift is the power efficiency of CMPs. Additionally, technology scaling has allowed the integration of platform components on the chip; a design referred to as multiprocessors system on chip (MpSoC). This integration improves the system performance as the communication latency between the components is reduced. Memory subsystems are essential to CPUs performance. Larger caches provide the CPU faster access to a larger data set. Consequently, the size of last level caches have increased to become a significant leakage power dissipation source. We propose a technique to facilitate power gating a partition of the LLC by migrating the high temporal blocks to a live partition; Thus reducing the performance impact. Given the high latency of memory subsystems, prefetching improves CPU performance by speculating future memory accesses and requesting the data ahead of the demand. In the context of CMPs running multiple concurrent processes, prefetching accuracy is critical to prevent cache pollution effects. Furthermore, given the current constraint energy environment, there is a need for lightweight prefetchers with high accuracy. To this end, we present BFetch a lightweight and accurate prefetcher driven by control flow predictions and effective address speculation. MpSoCs have mostly been used in mobile devices. The energy constraint is more pronounced in MpSoCs-based, battery powered mobile devices. The need to address the energy consumption in MpSoCs is further accentuated by the proliferation of mobile devices. This dissertation presents a framework to optimize the energy in MpSoCs. The proposed framework minimizes the energy consumption while meeting performance and power budgets constraints. We first apply this framework to the CPU then extend it to accommodate the GPU

    MxTasks: a novel processing model to support data processing on modern hardware

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    The hardware landscape has changed rapidly in recent years. Modern hardware in today's servers is characterized by many CPU cores, multiple sockets, and vast amounts of main memory structured in NUMA hierarchies. In order to benefit from these highly parallel systems, the software has to adapt and actively engage with newly available features. However, the processing models forming the foundation for many performance-oriented applications have remained essentially unchanged. Threads, which serve as the central processing abstractions, can be considered a "black box" that hardly allows any transparency between the application and the system underneath. On the one hand, applications are aware of the knowledge that could assist the system in optimizing the execution, such as accessed data objects and access patterns. On the other hand, the limited opportunities for information exchange cause operating systems to make assumptions about the applications' intentions to optimize their execution, e.g., for local data access. Applications, on the contrary, implement optimizations tailored to specific situations, such as sophisticated synchronization mechanisms and hardware-conscious data structures. This work presents MxTasking, a task-based runtime environment that assists the design of data structures and applications for contemporary hardware. MxTasking rethinks the interfaces between performance-oriented applications and the execution substrate, streamlining the information exchange between both layers. By breaking patterns of processing models designed with past generations of hardware in mind, MxTasking creates novel opportunities to manage resources in a hardware- and application-conscious way. Accordingly, we question the granularity of "conventional" threads and show that fine-granular MxTasks are a viable abstraction unit for characterizing and optimizing the execution in a general way. Using various demonstrators in the context of database management systems, we illustrate the practical benefits and explore how challenges like memory access latencies and error-prone synchronization of concurrency can be addressed straightforwardly and effectively

    Improving the efficiency of multicore systems through software and hardware cooperation

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    Increasing processors' clock frequency has traditionally been one of the largest drivers of performance improvements for computing systems. In the first half of the 2000s, however, it became clear that continuing to increase frequency was not a viable solution anymore. Power consumption and power density became prohibitively costly, and processor manufacturers moved to multicore designs. This new paradigm introduced multiple challenges not present in single-threaded processors. Applications running on multicore systems share different resources such as the cache hierarchy and the memory bus. Resource sharing occurs at much finer degree when cores support multithreading as well. In this case, applications share the processor¿s pipeline too. Running multiple applications on the same processor allows for better utilization of its resources¿which otherwise may just lie idle if an application does not use them. But sharing resources may create interferences between applications running on the system. While the degree of these interferences depends on the nature of the applications, it is typically desirable to reduce them in order to improve efficiency. Most currently available processors expose a set of sensors and actuators that software can use to monitor and control resource sharing among the applications running on a system. But it is typically up to end users to analyze their workloads of interest and to manually use the actuators provided by the processor. Because of this, in many cases the different mechanisms for controlling resource sharing are simply left unused. In this thesis we present different techniques that rely on software/hardware interaction to monitor and improve application interference¿and thus improve system efficiency. First we conduct a quantitative study showing the benefits of hardware/software cooperation on system efficiency. Then we narrow our focus on a given hardware knob: data prefetching. Specifically we develop and evaluate several adaptive solutions for improving the efficiency of hardware data prefetching on multicore systems. The impact of the solutions presented in this thesis, however, goes beyond the particular case of data prefetching. They serve as illustrative examples for developing software/hardware cooperation schemes that enable the efficient sharing of resources in multicore systems.L'increment de la freqüència dels processadors ha estat tradicionalment un dels majors responsables de la millora de rendiment dels sistemes de computació. Tanmateix, a la primera meitat del segle XXI es va fer evident que continuar incrementant la freqüència ja no era una solució viable. El consum de potència i la densitat de potència van esdevenir massa costosos, i els dissenyadors de processadors van adoptar dissenys "multicore". Aquest nou paradigma va introduir molts reptes que no eren presents als processadors "single-threaded". Les aplicacions que s'executen a processadors multicore comparteixen diferent recursos tal i com la jerarquia de "cache" i el bus de memòria. En processadors que suporten "multi-threading" encara comparteixen més recursos: en aquest cas les aplicacions també comparteixen els recursos del "pipeline". Executar diverses aplicacions en un processador permet una millor utilització dels seus recursos, que d'altra forma podrien no tenir cap utilitat si l'aplicació en execució no els utilitzés. Compartir recursos, però, pot crear interferències entre les aplicacions executant-se al sistema. Encara que el nivell d'aquestes interferències depèn de les aplicacions que s'executen conjuntament, normalment és desitjable reduir-les per tal de millorar la eficiència. Molts dels processadors actuals exposen un conjunt sensors i actuadors que el software pot utilitzar per supervisar i controlar la compartició de recursos entre les diferents aplicacions executant-se al sistema. En general és responsabilitat dels usuaris analitzar les aplicacions del seu interès i després configurar els actuadors de forma manual. Això suposa una dificultat afegida i per aquest motiu, en molts casos els diferents mecanismes per controlar com es comparteixen els recursos senzillament no es fan servir. En aquesta tesi, presentem diferents tècniques basades en la interacció del software i el hardware per supervisar i reduir la interferència entre aplicacions, i d'aquesta forma millorar la eficiència del sistema. Primer es presenta un estudi quantitatiu que mostra els beneficis de la cooperació entre software i hardware en la eficiència del sistema. Després el focus es centra en un actuador en concret: "data prefetching". En concret, desenvolupem i avaluem diferents solucions adaptatives per millorar la eficiència de hardware data prefetching a sistemes multicore. L'impacte de les solucions presentades a aquesta tesi, però, no es limiten a aquest cas concret. Al contrari, serveixen com exemples il·lustratius per desenvolupar tècniques de cooperació software i hardware que permetin compartir els recursos en sistemes multicore de forma eficient. La compartició de recursos en un processador és un factor crucial que afecta significativament a la seva eficiència. Però, altres nivells d'un sistema de computació també comparteixen recursos. En grans instal·lacions de computació com els "datacenters", les aplicacions també poden compartir altres recursos com la xarxa o l'emmagatzemament. Com a cas d'estudi considerem el disseny d'un sistema d'un sistema de comptabilitat d'energia basat en la cooperació entre el software i el hardware per a grans instal·lacions de computació. En aquest context, explorem diverses alternatives per als sensors i actuadors que es requereixen, així com també analitzem els diferents aspectes claus en el disseny d'un sistema d'aquestes característiques

    Performance analysis and optimization of the Java memory system

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    A Branch-Directed Data Cache Prefetching Technique for Inorder Processors

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    The increasing gap between processor and main memory speeds has become a serious bottleneck towards further improvement in system performance. Data prefetching techniques have been proposed to hide the performance impact of such long memory latencies. But most of the currently proposed data prefetchers predict future memory accesses based on current memory misses. This limits the opportunity that can be exploited to guide prefetching. In this thesis, we propose a branch-directed data prefetcher that uses the high prediction accuracies of current-generation branch predictors to predict a future basic block trace that the program will execute and issues prefetches for all the identified memory instructions contained therein. We also propose a novel technique to generate prefetch addresses by exploiting the correlation between the addresses generated by memory instructions and the values of the corresponding source registers at prior branch instances. We evaluate the impact of our prefetcher by using a cycle-accurate simulation of an inorder processor on the M5 simulator. The results of the evaluation show that the branch-directed prefetcher improves the performance on a set of 18 SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks by an average of 38.789% over a no-prefetching implementation and 2.148% over a system that employs a Spatial Memory Streaming prefetcher

    Memory hierarchies for future HPC architectures

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    Efficiently managing the memory subsystem of modern multi/manycore architectures is increasingly becoming a challenge as systems grow in complexity and heterogeneity. In the field of high performance computing (HPC) in particular, where massively parallel architectures are used and input sets of several terabytes are common, careful management of the memory hierarchy is crucial to exploit the full computing power of these systems. The goal of this thesis is to provide computer architects with valuable information to guide the design of future systems, and in particular of those more widely used in the field of HPC, i.e., symmetric multicore processors (SMPs) and GPUs. With that aim, we present an analysis of some of the inefficiencies and shortcomings of current memory management techniques and propose two novel schemes leveraging the opportunities that arise from the use of new and emerging programming models and computing paradigms. The first contribution of this thesis is a block prefetching mechanism for task-based programming models. Using a task-based programming model simplifies parallel programming and allows for better resource utilization in the supercomputers used in the field of HPC, while enabling sophisticated memory management techniques. The scheme proposed relies on a memory-aware runtime system to guide prefetching while avoiding the main drawbacks of traditional prefetching mechanisms, i.e., cache pollution and lack of timeliness. It leverages the information provided by the user about tasks¿ input data to prefetch contiguous blocks of memory that are certain to be useful. The proposed scheme targets SMPs with large cache hierarchies and uses heuristics to dynamically decide the best cache level to prefetch into without evicting useful data. The focus of this thesis then turns to heterogeneous architectures combining GPUs and traditional multicore processors. The current trend towards tighter coupling of GPU and CPU enables new collaborative computations that tax the memory subsystem in a different manner than previous heterogeneous computations did, and requires careful analysis to understand the trade-offs that are to be expected when designing future memory organizations. The second contribution is an in-depth analysis on the impact of sharing the last-level cache between GPU and CPU cores on a system where the GPU is integrated on the same die as the CPU. The analysis focuses on the effect that a shared cache can have on collaborative computations where GPU and CPU threads concurrently work on a problem and share data at fine granularities. The results presented here show that sharing the last-level cache is largely beneficial as it allows for better resource utilization. In addition, the evaluation shows that collaborative computations benefit significantly from the faster CPU-GPU communication and higher cache hit rates that a shared cache level provides. The final contribution of this thesis analyzes the inefficiencies and drawbacks of demand paging as currently implemented in discrete GPUs by NVIDIA. Then, it proposes a novel memory organization and dynamic migration scheme that allows for efficient data sharing between GPU and CPU, specially when executing collaborative computations where data is migrated back and forth between the two separate memories. This scheme migrates data at cache line granularities transparently to the user and operating system, avoiding false sharing and the unnecessary data transfers that occur with demand paging. The results show that the proposed scheme is able to outperform the baseline system by reducing the migration latency of data that is copied multiple times between the two memories. In addition, analysis of different interconnect latencies shows that fine-grained data sharing between GPU and CPU is feasible as long as future interconnect technologies achieve four to five times lower round-trip times than PCI-Express 3.0.La gestión eficiente del subsistema de memoria se ha convertido en un problema complejo a la vez que los sistemas crecen en complejidad y heterogeneidad. En el campo de la computación de altas prestaciones (HPC) en particular, donde arquitecturas masivamente paralelas son usadas y entradas de varios terabytes son comunes, una gestión cuidadosa de la jerarquía de memoria es crucial para conseguir explotar todo el potencial de estas arquitecturas. El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar a los arquitectos de computadores información valiosa para el diseño de los sistemas del futuro, y en concreto de los más comúnmente usados en el campo de HPC, los procesadores multinúcleo simétricos (SMP) y las tarjetas gráficas (GPU). Para ello, presentamos un análisis de las ineficiencias y los inconvenientes de los sistemas de gestión de memoria actuales, y proponemos dos técnicas nuevas que aprovechan las oportunidades surgidas del uso de nuevos y emergentes modelos de programación y paradigmas de computación. La primera contribución de esta tesis es un mecanismo de prefetch de bloques para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Usando modelos de programación orientados a tareas simplifica la programación paralela y permite hacer un mejor uso de los recursos en los supercomputadores usados en HPC, mientras permiten el uso de sofisticados mecanismos de gestión de memoria. La técnica propuesta se basa en un sistema de runtime para guiar el prefetch de datos mientras evita los principales inconvenientes tradicionalmente asociados con prefetching, la polución de cache y la medida incorrecta de los tiempos. El mecanismo utiliza la información sobre las entradas de las tareas proporcionada por el usuario para prefetchear bloques contiguos de memoria sobre los que hay certeza que serán utilizados. El mecanismo está dirigido a arquitecturas SMP con amplias jerarquías de cache, y usa heurísticas para decidir dinámicamente en qué nivel de caché colocar los datos sin desplazar datos útiles. El focus de la tesis gira luego a arquitecturas heterogéneas que combinan GPUs con procesadores multinúcleo tradicionales. La actual tendencia a unir GPU y CPU permite el uso de una nueva serie de computaciones colaborativas que afectan al subsistema de memoria de forma diferente que las computaciones heterogéneas anteriores, y requiere de un cuidadoso análisis para entender las consecuencias que esto tiene en el diseño de las organizaciones de memoria futuras. La segunda contribución de la tesis es un análisis detallado del impacto que supone compartir el último nivel de cache entre núcleos de GPU y CPU en sistemas donde la GPU está integrada en el mismo chip que la CPU. El análisis se centra en el efecto que la cache compartida tiene en colaboraciones colaborativas donde hilos de GPU y CPU trabajan concurrentemente en un problema y comparten datos a grano fino. Los resultados presentados en esta tesis muestran que compartir el último nivel de cache es mayormente beneficioso ya que permite un mejor uso de los recursos. Además, la evaluación muestra que las computaciones colaborativas se benefician en gran medida de la comunicación más rápida entre GPU y CPU y las mayores tasas de acierto de cache que un nivel de cache compartido proporcionan

    Computer-language based data prefetching techniques

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    Data prefetching has long been used as a technique to improve access times to persistent data. It is based on retrieving data records from persistent storage to main memory before the records are needed. Data prefetching has been applied to a wide variety of persistent storage systems, from file systems to Relational Database Management Systems and NoSQL databases, with the aim of reducing access times to the data maintained by the system and thus improve the execution times of the applications using this data. However, most existing solutions to data prefetching have been based on information that can be retrieved from the storage system itself, whether in the form of heuristics based on the data schema or data access patterns detected by monitoring access to the system. There are multiple disadvantages of these approaches in terms of the rigidity of the heuristics they use, the accuracy of the predictions they make and / or the time they need to make these predictions, a process often performed while the applications are accessing the data and causing considerable overhead. In light of the above, this thesis proposes two novel approaches to data prefetching based on predictions made by analyzing the instructions and statements of the computer languages used to access persistent data. The proposed approaches take into consideration how the data is accessed by the higher-level applications, make accurate predictions and are performed without causing any additional overhead. The first of the proposed approaches aims at analyzing instructions of applications written in object-oriented languages in order to prefetch data from Persistent Object Stores. The approach is based on static code analysis that is done prior to the application execution and hence does not add any overhead. It also includes various strategies to deal with cases that require runtime information unavailable prior to the execution of the application. We integrate this analysis approach into an existing Persistent Object Store and run a series of extensive experiments to measure the improvement obtained by prefetching the objects predicted by the approach. The second approach analyzes statements and historic logs of the declarative query language SPARQL in order to prefetch data from RDF Triplestores. The approach measures two types of similarity between SPARQL queries in order to detect recurring query patterns in the historic logs. Afterwards, it uses the detected patterns to predict subsequent queries and launch them before they are requested to prefetch the data needed by them. Our evaluation of the proposed approach shows that it high-accuracy prediction and can achieve a high cache hit rate when caching the results of the predicted queries.Precargar datos ha sido una de las técnicas más comunes para mejorar los tiempos de acceso a datos persistentes. Esta técnica se basa en predecir los registros de datos que se van a acceder en el futuro y cargarlos del almacenimiento persistente a la memoria con antelación a su uso. Precargar datos ha sido aplicado en multitud de sistemas de almacenimiento persistente, desde sistemas de ficheros a bases de datos relacionales y NoSQL, con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos de acceso a los datos y por lo tanto mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones que usan estos datos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los enfoques existentes utilizan predicciones basadas en información que se encuentra dentro del mismo sistema de almacenimiento, ya sea en forma de heurísticas basadas en el esquema de los datos o patrones de acceso a los datos generados mediante la monitorización del acceso al sistema. Estos enfoques presentan varias desventajas en cuanto a la rigidez de las heurísticas usadas, la precisión de las predicciones generadas y el tiempo que necesitan para generar estas predicciones, un proceso que se realiza con frecuencia mientras las aplicaciones acceden a los datos y que puede tener efectos negativos en el tiempo de ejecución de estas aplicaciones. En vista de lo anterior, esta tesis presenta dos enfoques novedosos para precargar datos basados en predicciones generadas por el análisis de las instrucciones y sentencias del lenguaje informático usado para acceder a los datos persistentes. Los enfoques propuestos toman en consideración cómo las aplicaciones acceden a los datos, generan predicciones precisas y mejoran el rendimiento de las aplicaciones sin causar ningún efecto negativo. El primer enfoque analiza las instrucciones de applicaciones escritas en lenguajes de programación orientados a objetos con el fin de precargar datos de almacenes de objetos persistentes. El enfoque emplea análisis estático de código hecho antes de la ejecución de las aplicaciones, y por lo tanto no afecta negativamente el rendimiento de las mismas. El enfoque también incluye varias estrategias para tratar casos que requieren información de runtime no disponible antes de ejecutar las aplicaciones. Además, integramos este enfoque en un almacén de objetos persistentes y ejecutamos una serie extensa de experimentos para medir la mejora de rendimiento que se puede obtener utilizando el enfoque. Por otro lado, el segundo enfoque analiza las sentencias y logs del lenguaje declarativo de consultas SPARQL para precargar datos de triplestores de RDF. Este enfoque aplica dos medidas para calcular la similtud entre las consultas del lenguaje SPARQL con el objetivo de detectar patrones recurrentes en los logs históricos. Posteriormente, el enfoque utiliza los patrones detectados para predecir las consultas siguientes y precargar con antelación los datos que necesitan. Nuestra evaluación muestra que este enfoque produce predicciones de alta precisión y puede lograr un alto índice de aciertos cuando los resultados de las consultas predichas se guardan en el caché
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