2,908 research outputs found

    The significance of video evidence analysis in the investigation of murder cases against the police

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    The researcher attempts to establish the significance of video evidence analysis in the investigation of murder cases against the police. The evidence obtained could be crucial and admissible in court and ultimately resulted in the successful prosecution of an accused person. In order for investigators to conduct an effective investigation, it is important that they become familiar with the application of video evidence, its purpose, benefits and shortfalls. In order to achieve the intended goals and objectives of video evidence, the investigators should know how to collect, package, process and analyse video evidence. The clarification and processing of the crime scene of video evidence as well as the identification of a suspect at the scene of crime is very much important and without video evidence it would be difficult to convict an accused person in a court of law.Police PracticeM. Tech. (Forensic Investigation

    Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures for IDDE and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

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    In April 2003, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). A total of 45 New Hampshire communities (six fully regulated and 39 partially regulated) became subject to Stormwater Phase II regulations based on their designation as Urbanized Areas according to the 2000 US Census

    Responding to Cross Border Child Trafficking in South Asia: An Analysis of the Feasibility of a Technologically Enabled Missing Child Alert System

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    This report examines the feasibility of a technologically enabled system to help respond to the phenomenon of cross-border child trafficking in South Asia, and makes recommendations on how to proceed with a pilot project in the selected areas of Bangladesh, Nepal and India. The study was commissioned by the Missing Child Alert (MCA) programme which is an initiative led by Plan. MCA is an initiative to address cross-border child trafficking in South Asia, led by Plan. The aim of the programme is to link existing institutions, mechanisms and resources in order to tackle the phenomenon from a regional perspective. To achieve this, Plan propose to implement a technologically equipped, institutionalised system of alert that can assist in the rescue, rehabilitation, repatriation and reintegration of children who are at risk of, or are victims of, cross-border trafficking

    Peterson v. State of Idaho Department of Transportation Respondent\u27s Brief Dckt. 43374

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    From ‘dirty word’ to ‘critical enabler’ : the evolution of peacekeeping-intelligence

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    Funding: This work was part of study funding received from the Commonwealth Scholarships, the UK government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) for a full course of study in the UK.The article provides a historical analysis of the evolution of ‘Peacekeeping-Intelligence’ (PKI) as a UN intelligence system and tool of conflict management. It examines the processes leading to the development of the PKI Policy by analyzing the analytical entities that cumulatively contextualized these developments. It also examines the institutional mechanisms at the UNHQ, the underlying logic, and the challenges surrounding these processes. The article first traces the various iterations of information and analysis structures within the UN since the early 1960s. It then focuses on intelligence developments in the 1990s and the new millennium, where the lack of intelligence capabilities, particularly at the mission level, was identified as an underlining factor for the operational problems faced by the UN. It concludes with an examination of the PKI policy as an evolutionary step in UN peacekeeping. The paper argues that PKI offers a new pathway to effective peacekeeping and provides a foundation for enhanced decision-making through situational awareness, the safety and security of peacekeepers, and the protection of civilians.Peer reviewe

    Challenges caused by IUU fishing in the offshore : lessons for Liberia\u27s fisheries based on a global review and analysis

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    Pemetaan Kebutuhan Teknologi Pada Komputer Untuk Pemerintah Kota Surabaya (Studi Kasus: Badan Perencanaan Dan Pembangunan Kota)

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    Komputer merupakan salah satu alat pendukung perkerjaan yang sangat penting, dan melekat erat pada setiap individu termasuk di kantor pemerintahan. Saat ini, perkembangan pelayanan yang ada di Surabaya telah berpengaruh pada meningkatnya jumlah permintaan komputer dari setiap Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yang masuk ke Unit Perlengkapan. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa teknologi merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam pemilihan komputer. Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat menyebabkan pemetaan kebutuhan teknologi untuk setiap jabatan menjadi penting agar tidak terjadi kerenggangan teknologi pada setiap jabatan. Dimana, kerenggangan terhadap teknologi untuk setiap jabatan dapat memicu pengeluaran yang sia-sia untuk teknologi komputer. Berdasarkan pada pemetaan yang telah dilakukan pada survei lapangan, kesalahan pada pengalokasian komputer menjadi masalah utama yang memicu kenaikan pada permintaan komputer. Melalui analisa beban kerja dan beban kerja aplikasi yang digunakan pada setiap jabatan, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun sebuah kerangka umum yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kebutuhan teknologi pada setiap jabatan. Kerangka ini akan digunakan untuk membantu mengoptimalkan pembagian komputer di setiap SKPD. Selain itu, optimasi dalam pengalokasian komputer dapat membantu bagian perlengkapan dan pengadaan untuk menghemat pengeluaran dan menghindari adanya gap untuk teknologi. ========================================================================================================== Computer is one of many supporting tools needed by office including in Surabaya city government. The growth of innovation and development in Surabaya city government, has affected the number of computer asset request from each Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPDs) in procurement unit. Technology is one of the important aspect that needed to be considered in selecting computer unit. However, a speedy growth in technology causing a computer technology mapping in organization becomes necessary in order to avoid technology gap. Because, technology gap itself can lead to waste of budget spent on the computer technology. Based on the direct survey, the deployment of the computer becomes a major cause that trigger a sharp increment in computer asset request from SKPD. Through the analysis of job analysis and application workload in each functional position, this research aims to construct a general framework to define the level of technology for each functional position. This framework will be used to define and optimize the deployment of computer unit in each SKPDs based on the function. Besides, optimization in computer deployment can reduce unnecessary procurement that will help procurement unit to save more budget and avoid technology gap

    An investigation into the efficacy of single low dose of insulin in the prevention of excessive cutaneous scarring in breast surgery

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    Early human fetuses have the ability to heal wounds by completely regenerating tissues, leaving no evidence of scarring. However in the adult scarring is the inevitable endpoint of the wound healing process. Sometimes these scars can be pathological in nature causing both functional and aesthetic problems to those affected. Every year millions of people around the globe acquire problematic or pathological scars either whilst undergoing surgery or from traumatic injuries and at present there remain a severely limited number of pharmacological treatment options to offer these patients. Importantly currently there exists no treatment that can either eliminate or reliably reduce acquired scars. Not only is the treatment of acquired scars problematic but also the clinical assessment of scars is largely subjective in nature and frequently relies on assessment scales that show large amounts of inter-rater variation and lack quantification. Especially subjective is the measurement of scar colour, which can be markedly different from the surrounding skin and cause significant distress to the patient. Without an objective assessment framework clinicians cannot reliably examine scars nor gauge responses to any treatment. The aim of this thesis is thus two-fold. Firstly a new anti-scarring treatment in the form of insulin will be tested in a randomised, double blind, intra-patient, placebo controlled trial where patients undergoing elective bilateral breast surgery will have low-dose insulin injected subcutaneously to one breast and placebo to the other at the time of surgery. Patients will be followed up for 12 months and their scars compared to examine the therapeutic effect of insulin upon scars. Secondly the thesis aims to test the validity of new methods of assessing the scar colour of a subset of patients within the insulin trial using previously untested photographic devices and software. These devices are hoped to add much needed quantification to scar assessment.Open Acces

    The Investigative Factors in Whodunit Homicides: Italian Case

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    Gli studi sulla risolvibilità dei casi di omicidio si sono tradizionalmente focalizzati sull'esame dei fattori relativi alle caratteristiche delle vittime o degli autori oppure sulle circostanze che caratterizzano l’evento omicidiario. Vi è infatti una certa carenza di ricerche finalizzate ad accertare la potenziale influenza dei fattori legati al processo investigativo sul positivo esito delle indagini. Ciò è dovuto principalmente alle difficoltà legate all'ottenimento dei dati necessari, che non possono essere recuperati nelle banche dati di polizia su cui tali studi si basano abitualmente, ma possono essere ottenuti solo attraverso la cooperazione degli investigatori stessi. Attraverso la distribuzione di un sondaggio a quasi un centinaio di investigatori appartenenti all’Arma dei Carabinieri, questa ricerca ha identificato una serie di fattori investigativi alcuni dei quali sono risultati positivamente correlati con la soluzione dei casi di omicidio trattati. Più specificamente, i risultati emersi dall'analisi statistica descrittiva e inferenziale hanno corroborato le ipotesi di partenza, secondo cui l'implementazione di alcune buone pratiche associate ad un’efficace gestione delle risorse umane, alla scrupolosa esecuzione delle attività condotte sulla scena del crimine, nonché ad alcune specifiche strategie e tecniche investigative possono aumentare significativamente la soluzione dei casi. Il presente studio contribuisce al dibattito accademico in primo luogo introducendo un approccio olistico attraverso il quale valutare l'effetto dei fattori investigativi sulla risoluzione di quei casi di omicidio che richiedono un certo livello di sforzo investigativo da parte delle forze di polizia e, in secondo luogo, proponendo alcune innovative prospettive attraverso le quali superare i limiti della letteratura esistente.Research on homicide clearance has traditionally focussed on examining factors pertaining to the characteristics of the victims or perpetrators or the circumstances surrounding the murder. There has been a relative dearth of research addressing the potential influence of investigative factors on the positive outcomes of murder investigations. This was primarily due to the difficulties involved in obtaining the requisite data, which cannot be found in the police databases that such studies routinely rely on, but rather can only be obtained via the cooperation of detectives themselves. Through administering a survey to almost one-hundred Italian Carabinieri homicide detectives, this research identified a number of investigative factors that have been observed in previous studies, of which some were found to be positively correlated with clearance. More specifically, the findings emerging out of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis conducted for the purposes of this research corroborated the study’s hypotheses, which posited that the implementation of certain best practices associated with human resource management, crime scene activities, investigative strategies and techniques can positively impact upon homicide clearance. The present study contributes to academic debates on homicide clearance, firstly, by introducing a holistic approach through which to evaluate the effect of investigative factors on solving those murder cases which require a certain level of investigative effort on the behalf of the police, and secondly, by presenting avenues through which to overcome the limitations in extant literature
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