6 research outputs found

    eCrash: a framework for performing evolutionary testing on third-party Java components

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    The focus of this paper is on presenting a tool for generating test data by employing evolutionary search techniques, with basis on the information provided by the structural analysis and interpretation of the Java bytecode of third-party Java components, and on the dynamic execution of the instrumented test object. The main objective of this approach is that of evolving a set of test cases that yields full structural code coverage of the test object. Such a test set can be used for effectively performing the testing activity, providing confidence in the quality and robustness of the test object. The rationale of working at the bytecode level is that even when the source code is unavailable structural testing requirements can still be derived, and used to assess the quality of a test set and to guide the evolutionary search towards reaching specific test goals

    Using dynamic analysis of Java bytecode for evolutionary object-oriented unit testing

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    The focus of this paper is on presenting a methodology for generating and optimizing test data by employing evolutionary search techniques, with basis on the information provided by the analysis and interpretation of Java bytecode and on the dynamic execution of the instrumented test object. The main reason to work at the bytecode level is that even when the source code is unavailable, structural testing requirements can still be derived and used to assess the quality of a given test set and to guide the evolutionary search towards reaching specific test goals. Java bytecode retains enough high-level information about the original source code for an underlying model for program representation to be built. The observations required to select or generate test data are obtained by employing dynamic analysis techniques – i.e. by instrumenting, tracing and analysing Java bytecode

    Evolutionary unit-testing of third party object-oriented Java software

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidad de Extremadura para obtenção do Diploma de Estudios Avanzados, orientada por Francisco Fernandéz de Vega.Evolutionary Testing is an emerging methodology for automatically generating high quality test data. The focus of this work is on presenting a searchbased approach for the the unit-testing of third-party object-oriented Java software. Test cases are represented and evolved using the Strongly Typed Genetic Programming paradigm, which effectively mimics the inheritance and polymorphic properties of object-oriented programs and enables the maintenance of call dependences when applying tree construction, mutation or crossover. Our strategy for evaluating the quality of test cases includes instrumenting the test object for basic block analysis and structural event dispatch, and executing the instrumented test object using the generated test cases as “inputs” – in order to collect trace information and derive coverage metrics. Static analysis, instrumentation and execution tracing is performed solely with basis on the high-level information extracted from the Java Bytecode of the test object. Given that the test object’s source code is often unavailable, working at the Bytecode level allows broadening the scope of applicability of our approach; it can be used, for instance, to perform structural testing on third-party Java components. Test objects are represented internally by weighted control-flow graphs; strategies are introduced for favouring test cases that exercise problematic structures and difficult control-flow paths, which involve dynamic weight reevaluation. The aim is that of efficiently guiding the search process towards achieving full structural coverage – which often involves promoting the definition of complex and intricate test cases that define elaborate state scenarios. The work performed so far allowed us to develop the prototype of a test case generation tool, called eCrash. Experiments have been carried and quality solutions have been found, proving the pertinence of our methodology and encouraging further studies

    Twenty-five Years Of Research In Structural And Mutation Testing

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Research in software testing has been carried out for approximately forty years, but its importance has escalated very quickly in the last ten or fifteen years. In particular, structural and mutation testing are techniques which havereceived a large amount of investment in both academia and software development industry. In this paper, we draw a historical perspective on how they appeared and how they evolved. In particular, the main contributions on structural and mutation testing from two Brazilian researching groups - ICMC-USP and FEEC-UNICAMP - are described. We highlight the workproduced and published in these twenty-five years in the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering and elsewhere, as well its impact in the community of software testing. © 2011 IEEE.4049FAPESP,CNPq,Google,Mack Pesquisa,CAPES,PRCEU-USPFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Harrold, M.J., Testing: A roadmap (2000) ICSE - Future of SE Track, pp. 61-72Beizer, B., (1984) Software System Testing and Quality Assurance, , NewYork: Van Nostrand Reinhold CompanyPezz, M., Young, M., (2007) Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques, , John Wiley and SonsSpillner, A., Linz, T., Schaefer, H., (2007) Software Testing Foundation, , RockynookMaldonado, J.C., Chaim, M.L., Jino, M., Seleo de casos de testes baseada na anlise de fluxo de dados atravs dos critrios potenciais usos II SBES - Simpsio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 88), Canela, RS, Oct. 1988, pp. 24-35Martins, E., Integrando injecao de falhas e testes formais na validacao da tolerancia a falhas IX Simposio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 95), Recife, PE, 1995, pp. 223-239Rombaldi, A.M.A.P.J.B.S., Proteste: Um ambiente de apoio ao teste de programas VI Simpsio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 92), Canela, RS, Oct. 1992McCabe, T.J., A software complexity measure (1976) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2 (6), pp. 308-320. , DecMyers, G.J., (1979) The Art of Software Testing, , Wiley, New YorkBeizer, B., (1990) Software Testing Techniques, , 2nd ed. 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