6,988 research outputs found

    Establishing a protocol for single cell transcriptome sequencing of the rat brain

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    Analysis of Uncharacterized mKiaa1211 Expression during Mouse Development and Cardiovascular Morphogenesis

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    Mammalian Kiaa1211 and Kiaa1211-like are a homologous pair of uncharacterized, highly conserved genes cloned from fetal and adult brain cDNA libraries. Herein we map the in utero spatiotemporal expression of mKiaa1211 and mKiaa1211L mRNA and their expression patterns in postnatal testis, skin, gastrointestinal, and adipose progenitor tissues. Significantly, mKiaa1211 is present throughout the early stages of mouse heart development, particularly in the second heart field (SHF) lineage as it differentiates from mesenchymal cells into cardiomyocytes. We also show that mKiaa1211 is expressed within several early neuronal tissues destined to give rise to central, peripheral, and sympathetic nervous system structures. Expression profiling revealed that the paralog mKiaa1211L is not expressed during the normal developmental process and that mKiaa1211 expression was noticeably absent from most adult terminally differentiated tissues. Finally, we confirm that a previously uncharacterized CRISPR/CAS-generated mKiaa1211 mouse mutant allele is hypomorphic

    Advancing brain barriers RNA sequencing: guidelines from experimental design to publication

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    Background: RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) in its varied forms has become an indispensable tool for analyzing differential gene expression and thus characterization of specific tissues. Aiming to understand the brain barriers genetic signature, RNA seq has also been introduced in brain barriers research. This has led to availability of both, bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq datasets over the last few years. If appropriately performed, the RNA-Seq studies provide powerful datasets that allow for significant deepening of knowledge on the molecular mechanisms that establish the brain barriers. However, RNA-Seq studies comprise complex workflows that require to consider many options and variables before, during and after the proper sequencing process.Main body: In the current manuscript, we build on the interdisciplinary experience of the European PhD Training Network BtRAIN (https://www.btrain-2020.eu/) where bioinformaticians and brain barriers researchers collaborated to analyze and establish RNA-Seq datasets on vertebrate brain barriers. The obstacles BtRAIN has identified in this process have been integrated into the present manuscript. It provides guidelines along the entire workflow of brain barriers RNA-Seq studies starting from the overall experimental design to interpretation of results. Focusing on the vertebrate endothelial blood–brain barrier (BBB) and epithelial blood-cerebrospinal-fluid barrier (BCSFB) of the choroid plexus, we provide a step-by-step description of the workflow, highlighting the decisions to be made at each step of the workflow and explaining the strengths and weaknesses of individual choices made. Finally, we propose recommendations for accurate data interpretation and on the information to be included into a publication to ensure appropriate accessibility of the data and reproducibility of the observations by the scientific community.Conclusion: Next generation transcriptomic profiling of the brain barriers provides a novel resource for understanding the development, function and pathology of these barrier cells, which is essential for understanding CNS homeostasis and disease. Continuous advancement and sophistication of RNA-Seq will require interdisciplinary approaches between brain barrier researchers and bioinformaticians as successfully performed in BtRAIN. The present guidelines are built on the BtRAIN interdisciplinary experience and aim to facilitate collaboration of brain barriers researchers with bioinformaticians to advance RNA-Seq study design in the brain barriers community

    Genetic and functional analyses of the developing asymmetric zebrafish habenula

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    The vertebrate brain develops anatomical and functional left-right asymmetries in localised regions, without affecting the laterality of the surrounding structures. To understand how brain laterality develops, we studied the development of robust habenular asymmetries in larval zebrafish. The left and right dorsal habenulae (dHb) have different sizes, asymmetric patterns of gene expression and establish distinct afferent and efferent connections. Although we are beginning to understand the molecular pathways that establish these asymmetries, the pathways underlying formation of the habenular progenitors remains largely elusive. Also, despite several habenular gene expression patterns being broadly asymmetric, there are no habenular markers for smaller habenular neuronal subpopulations in 4 dpf zebrafish. Lastly, we still need to investigate the importance of habenular asymmetry for its correct function and normal behaviour. This thesis aims to tackle these three gaps in habenular asymmetry research. To do so, we first characterised the A66u757 mutant, which develops a smaller and symmetric habenula. The causative mutation is in the rerea gene, which encodes a co-regulator of nuclear receptors that modulates the expression of fgf8. In line with this, the pattern of fgf8 expression is expanded in the diencephalon of mutants, and the parapineal is malformed, as observed in other FGF signalling mutants. Lastly, we show that the habenular phenotype of these mutants is concomitant with a delay in the formation of habenular progenitors. Second, to understand which neuronal subpopulations compose the zebrafish habenula at 4 dpf, we developed a protocol to obtain habenular single cells for RNA sequencing. Cells collected from the left and right nuclei still express habenular genes in an asymmetric fashion. However, to increase the number of collected cells, we harvested GFP-positive cells from a transgenic line that expresses GFP in the dHb and in the olfactory organ. Consequently, we sequenced 586 cells, which were separated into dHb, ventral habenula and olfactory organ clusters. However, due to the relatively small number of sequenced cells, we did not manage to discriminate subpopulations of the dHb. We propose optimisation steps that will allow us to finish this work. Lastly, to study the role of habenular asymmetry in behaviour, we tested two habenular mutants in an operant learning paradigm, through the ROAST assay. We show that wild-type and left-isomerised dHb mutant larvae learn to terminate an aversive stimulus by changing the direction of a stereotypical aversive-heat-response. Despite not finding differences between these mutants and wild-types, we did not exclude the role of the habenula in this assay and propose future research to further test this function

    Whole transcriptome profiling reveals the RNA content of motor axons

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    Most RNAs within polarized cells such as neurons are sorted subcellularly in a coordinated manner. Despite advances in the development of methods for profiling polyadenylated RNAs from small amounts of input RNA, techniques for profiling coding and non-coding RNAs simultaneously are not well established. Here, we optimized a transcriptome profiling method based on double-random priming and applied it to serially diluted total RNA down to 10 pg. Read counts of expressed genes were robustly correlated between replicates, indicating that the method is both reproducible and scalable. Our transcriptome profiling method detected both coding and long non-coding RNAs sized >300 bases. Compared to total RNAseq using a conventional approach our protocol detected 70% more genes due to reduced capture of ribosomal RNAs. We used our method to analyze the RNA composition of compartmentalized motoneurons. The somatodendritic compartment was enriched for transcripts with post-synaptic functions as well as for certain nuclear non-coding RNAs such as 7SK. In axons, transcripts related to translation were enriched including the cytoplasmic non-coding RNA 7SL. Our profiling method can be applied to a wide range of investigations including perturbations of subcellular transcriptomes in neurodegenerative diseases and investigations of microdissected tissue samples such as anatomically defined fiber tracts

    Identification of novel synaptic components by transcriptome profiling of the murine neuromuscular junction

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    The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has been studied for over a century, yet we still do not have a complete picture of all its structural and functional components, knowledge of which is paramount in devising treatment strategies for neuromuscular diseases. Previous microarray-based approaches aimed at elucidating novel NMJ components were hindered by technological limitations. Recent technological advancements propelled next-generation RNA-sequencing with its wider dynamic range to the forefront of transcriptome-level gene expression profiling. We utilized laser-capture microdissection to isolate myonuclei underlying the NMJ combined with RNA-sequencing and successfully generated NMJ gene expression profiles of fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow-twitch soleus (SOL) muscles and identified a large number of potential novel NMJ genes. The expression levels of canonical NMJ genes were nearly identical between the EDL and SOL, which suggests that the core NMJ gene program might be well conserved between different skeletal muscle types. We used in vivo muscle electroporation to overexpress one of our candidate genes, the transcription factor T-box 21 (TBX21), in the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle and observed an increased density of postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors. TBX21 may thus represent a novel transcription factor contributing to the regulation of the NMJ gene program, with a role in postsynaptic sensitivity. We also generated NMJ gene expression profiles of the TA muscle of 10-month-old (“young”) and 30-month-old (“old”) mice to investigate the effect of aging on the NMJ gene program. Strikingly, the NMJ gene program was remarkably stable, with nearly identical expression levels of canonical NMJ genes between young and old mice. This implies that age-related perturbations of the NMJ are likely caused by external factors, such as accumulated myofiber damage and changes in nerve input, rather than by gradual dysregulation of the NMJ gene program with increasing age. Our findings argue against the hypothesis that aging leads to a broad deterioration of the NMJ gene program that would contribute to perturbations of NMJ structure and function. Furthermore, functional annotation analysis of our different NMJ gene expression datasets strongly indicates the importance of an extensive number of hitherto unknown glycoproteins, as well as of posttranslational modifications, especially glycosylations, at the synaptic basal lamina. We highlight a set of candidate genes that encode for enzymes putatively involved in these processes at the NMJ, and which are potentially involved in the pathophysiology of neuromuscular diseases such as congenital myasthenic syndromes. This thesis expands our understanding of the complexity of the NMJ and lays the foundation for further research that will functionally characterize novel synaptic components and provide the basis for novel therapeutic treatment strategies

    The Alternative Choice of Constitutive Exons throughout Evolution

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    Alternative cassette exons are known to originate from two processes exonization of intronic sequences and exon shuffling. Herein, we suggest an additional mechanism by which constitutively spliced exons become alternative cassette exons during evolution. We compiled a dataset of orthologous exons from human and mouse that are constitutively spliced in one species but alternatively spliced in the other. Examination of these exons suggests that the common ancestors were constitutively spliced. We show that relaxation of the 59 splice site during evolution is one of the molecular mechanisms by which exons shift from constitutive to alternative splicing. This shift is associated with the fixation of exonic splicing regulatory sequences (ESRs) that are essential for exon definition and control the inclusion level only after the transition to alternative splicing. The effect of each ESR on splicing and the combinatorial effects between two ESRs are conserved from fish to human. Our results uncover an evolutionary pathway that increases transcriptome diversity by shifting exons from constitutive to alternative splicin
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