318 research outputs found

    The Mathematical Abstraction Theory, The Fundamentals for Knowledge Representation and Self-Evolving Autonomous Problem Solving Systems

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    The intention of the present study is to establish the mathematical fundamentals for automated problem solving essentially targeted for robotics by approaching the task universal algebraically introducing knowledge as realizations of generalized free algebra based nets, graphs with gluing forms connecting in- and out-edges to nodes. Nets are caused to undergo transformations in conceptual level by type wise differentiated intervening net rewriting systems dispersing problems to abstract parts, matching being determined by substitution relations. Achieved sets of conceptual nets constitute congruent classes. New results are obtained within construction of problem solving systems where solution algorithms are derived parallel with other candidates applied to the same net classes. By applying parallel transducer paths consisting of net rewriting systems to net classes congruent quotient algebras are established and the manifested class rewriting comprises all solution candidates whenever produced nets are in anticipated languages liable to acceptance of net automata. Furthermore new solutions will be added to the set of already known ones thus expanding the solving power in the forthcoming. Moreover special attention is set on universal abstraction, thereof generation by net block homomorphism, consequently multiple order solving systems and the overall decidability of the set of the solutions. By overlapping presentation of nets new abstraction relation among nets is formulated alongside with consequent alphabetical net block renetting system proportional to normal forms of renetting systems regarding the operational power. A new structure in self-evolving problem solving is established via saturation by groups of equivalence relations and iterative closures of generated quotient transducer algebras over the whole evolution.Comment: This article is a part of my thesis giving the unity for both knowledge presentation and self-evolution in autonomous problem solving mathematical systems and for that reason draws heavily from my previous work arxiv:1305.563

    Weak Cat-Operads

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    An operad (this paper deals with non-symmetric operads)may be conceived as a partial algebra with a family of insertion operations, Gerstenhaber's circle-i products, which satisfy two kinds of associativity, one of them involving commutativity. A Cat-operad is an operad enriched over the category Cat of small categories, as a 2-category with small hom-categories is a category enriched over Cat. The notion of weak Cat-operad is to the notion of Cat-operad what the notion of bicategory is to the notion of 2-category. The equations of operads like associativity of insertions are replaced by isomorphisms in a category. The goal of this paper is to formulate conditions concerning these isomorphisms that ensure coherence, in the sense that all diagrams of canonical arrows commute. This is the sense in which the notions of monoidal category and bicategory are coherent. The coherence proof in the paper is much simplified by indexing the insertion operations in a context-independent way, and not in the usual manner. This proof, which is in the style of term rewriting, involves an argument with normal forms that generalizes what is established with the completeness proof for the standard presentation of symmetric groups. This generalization may be of an independent interest, and related to matters other than those studied in this paper. Some of the coherence conditions for weak Cat-operads lead to the hemiassociahedron, which is a polyhedron related to, but different from, the three-dimensional associahedron and permutohedron.Comment: 38 pages, version prepared for publication in Logical Methods in Computer Science, the authors' last version is v

    Up-to-homotopy algebras with strict units

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    We prove the existence of minimal models Ă  la Sullivan for operads with non trivial arity zero. So up-to-homotopy algebras with strict units are just operad algebras over these minimal models. As an application we give another proof of the formality of the unitary n -little disks operad over the rationals.Preprin

    Categorification of Hopf algebras of rooted trees

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    We exhibit a monoidal structure on the category of finite sets indexed by P-trees for a finitary polynomial endofunctor P. This structure categorifies the monoid scheme (over Spec N) whose semiring of functions is (a P-version of) the Connes--Kreimer bialgebra H of rooted trees (a Hopf algebra after base change to Z and collapsing H_0). The monoidal structure is itself given by a polynomial functor, represented by three easily described set maps; we show that these maps are the same as those occurring in the polynomial representation of the free monad on P.Comment: 29 pages. Does not compile with pdflatex due to dependency on the texdraw package. v2: expository improvements, following suggestions from the referees; final version to appear in Centr. Eur. J. Mat

    On generating series of finitely presented operads

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    Given an operad P with a finite Groebner basis of relations, we study the generating functions for the dimensions of its graded components P(n). Under moderate assumptions on the relations we prove that the exponential generating function for the sequence {dim P(n)} is differential algebraic, and in fact algebraic if P is a symmetrization of a non-symmetric operad. If, in addition, the growth of the dimensions of P(n) is bounded by an exponent of n (or a polynomial of n, in the non-symmetric case) then, moreover, the ordinary generating function for the above sequence {dim P(n)} is rational. We give a number of examples of calculations and discuss conjectures about the above generating functions for more general classes of operads.Comment: Minor changes; references to recent articles by Berele and by Belov, Bokut, Rowen, and Yu are adde

    On Koszulity for operads of Conformal Field Theory

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    We study two closely related operads: the Gelfand-Dorfman operad GD and the Conformal Lie Operad CLie. The latter is the operad governing the Lie conformal algebra structure. We prove Koszulity of the Conformal Lie operad using the Groebner bases theory for operads and an operadic analogue of the Priddy criterion. An example of deformation of an operad coming from the Hom structures is considered. In particular we study possible deformations of the Associative operad from the point of view of the confluence property. Only one deformation, the operad which governs the identity (α(ab))c=a(α(bc))(\alpha(ab))c=a(\alpha (bc)) turns out to be confluent. We introduce a new Hom structure, namely Hom--Gelfand-Dorfman algebras and study their basic properties.Comment: 24 page
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