15,215 research outputs found

    The Performance of a Second Generation Service Discovery Protocol In Response to Message Loss

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    We analyze the behavior of FRODO, a second generation service discovery protocol, in response to message loss in the network. Earlier protocols, like UPnP and Jini rely on underlying network layers to enhance their failure recovery. A comparison with UPnP and Jini shows that FRODO performs more efficiently in maintaining consistency, with shorter latency, not relying on lower network layers for robustness and therefore functions correctly on a simple lightweight protocol stack

    Multiple description video coding for stereoscopic 3D

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    In this paper, we propose an MDC schemes for stereoscopic 3D video. In the literature, MDC has previously been applied in 2D video but not so much in 3D video. The proposed algorithm enhances the error resilience of the 3D video using the combination of even and odd frame based MDC while retaining good temporal prediction efficiency for video over error-prone networks. Improvements are made to the original even and odd frame MDC scheme by adding a controllable amount of side information to improve frame interpolation at the decoder. The side information is also sent according to the video sequence motion for further improvement. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated in error free and error prone environments especially for wireless channels. Simulation results show improved performance using the proposed MDC at high error rates compared to the single description coding (SDC) and the original even and odd frame MDC

    Deep Multiple Description Coding by Learning Scalar Quantization

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    In this paper, we propose a deep multiple description coding framework, whose quantizers are adaptively learned via the minimization of multiple description compressive loss. Firstly, our framework is built upon auto-encoder networks, which have multiple description multi-scale dilated encoder network and multiple description decoder networks. Secondly, two entropy estimation networks are learned to estimate the informative amounts of the quantized tensors, which can further supervise the learning of multiple description encoder network to represent the input image delicately. Thirdly, a pair of scalar quantizers accompanied by two importance-indicator maps is automatically learned in an end-to-end self-supervised way. Finally, multiple description structural dissimilarity distance loss is imposed on multiple description decoded images in pixel domain for diversified multiple description generations rather than on feature tensors in feature domain, in addition to multiple description reconstruction loss. Through testing on two commonly used datasets, it is verified that our method is beyond several state-of-the-art multiple description coding approaches in terms of coding efficiency.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. (DCC 2019: Data Compression Conference). Testing datasets for "Deep Optimized Multiple Description Image Coding via Scalar Quantization Learning" can be found in the website of https://github.com/mdcnn/Deep-Multiple-Description-Codin

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)

    Optimal packet loss protection of progressively compressed 3D meshes

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    ©20009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.We consider a state of the art system that uses layered source coding and forward error correction with Reed- Solomon codes to efficiently transmit 3D meshes over lossy packet networks. Given a transmission bit budget, the performance of this system can be optimized by determining how many layers should be sent, how each layer should be packetized, and how many parity bits should be allocated to each layer such that the expected distortion at the receiver is minimum. The previous solution for this optimization problem uses exhaustive search, which is not feasible when the transmission bit budget is large.We propose instead an exact algorithm that solves this optimization problem in linear time and space. We illustrate the advantages of our approach by providing experimental results for the CPM (Compressed Progressive Meshes) mesh compression techniqueDFG Research Training Group GK-1042

    Streaming of Plants in Distributed Virtual Environments

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    International audienceJust as in the real world, plants are important objects in virtual world for creating pleasant and realistic environments, especially those involving natural scenes. As such, much effort has been made in realistic modeling of plants. As the trend moves towards networked and distributed virtual environment, however, the current models are inadequate as they are not designed for progressive transmissions. In this paper, we fill in this gap by proposing a progressive representation for plants based on generalized cylinders. To facilitate the transmission of the plants, we quantify the visual contribution of each branch and use this weight in packet scheduling. We show the efficiency of our representations and effectiveness of our packet scheduler through simulations

    Robust multi-view video streaming through adaptive intra refresh video transcoding

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    A multi-view video (MVV) transcoder has been designed. The objective is to deliver maximum quality 3D video data from the source to the 2D video destination, through a wireless communication channel using all of its available bandwidth. This design makes use of the spatial and view downscaling algorithm. The method involves the reuse of motion information obtained from both the reference frames and views. Consequently, highly compressed MVV is converted into low bit rate single view video that is compliant with H.264/AVC format. Adaptive intra refresh (AIR) error resilience tool is configured to mitigate the error propagation resulting from channel conditions. Experimental results indicate that error resilience plus transcoding performed better than the cascaded technique. Simulation results demonstrated an efficient 3D video streaming service applied to low power mobile devices
