14 research outputs found

    Adaptive bootstrap signal separators for BPSK/QAM-modulated wireless CDMA systems in a multipath environment

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    CDMA is an attractive multiple-access scheme, because of its potential capacity increase and its anti-multipath fading capability. For satisfactory performance, however, the effect of the near-far problem has to be resolved. This problem can be combated by using power-control, which, however, results in an overall reduction in communication ranges, and thus in a loss of capacity. Among other methods for mitigating the near-far problem is the use of decorrelating receivers, both of fixed type, which directly utilizes the cross-correlation of the users codes, and of adaptive type, which uses recursive algorithms that leads to signal decorrelation. Not to lessen the importance of other adaptive algorithms, the current research concentrates on what was termed in the literature bootstrap algorithm . Although the emphasis will be on applying the adaptive bootstrap decorrelator, the fixed type will be used primarily to provide comparison. Also used for comparison are both blind adaptive and training sequence based MMSE. Most of the literature on multiuser detection has been assuming BPSK. However, a need for transferring wideband data demands using modulation schemes with high bits/cycle, such as QAM. Therefore, modification of the receiver is considered, so that QAM-modulation can be applied efficiently, using the complex signal approach of this modulation. For the asynchronous channel, vast amounts of research have been devoted to using one-shot matched filter banks followed by conventional decorrelators which implement the inverse of some (partial) correlation matrix. In this work, an adaptive bootstrap version is presented, which is suitable for the one-shot structure shown previously to be more robust to errors in delay estimation. It has also been noted that such a correlation matrix can, depending on the channel characteristics, become ill-conditioned or even singular. Therefore, another matched filtering structure, followed by what is called a multishot conventional (fixed type) decorrelator, has been previously suggested to mitigate this singularity problem. However, the fixed type of the multishot decorrelator is expected to have similar non-robustness to errors in delay estimation as was previously shown for the one-shot. Therefore, the adaptive multishot bootstrap decorrelator is presented and evaluated. Also, by adding an adaptive canceler, an extension to the above matched filter-decorrelator combination, will be proposed and evaluated. A multipath time-variant fading environment will be used in some of these performance evaluations. Finally, when handling multipath channels, the question is raised whether path combining should be done before or after the signals are decorrelated. For the asynchronous case, a one-shot extension of the bootstrap algorithm is presented, which is capable of decorrelating the signals from resolved paths of different users, to facilitate the decorrelate before combining case

    On adaptive code division multiple access detectors

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    Several variations of adaptive CDMA synchronous receiver schemes which can automatically adjust to the system parameters, are studied in this dissertation. Unlike their non-adaptive counterparts, these adaptive detectors require no knowledge of the received signals\u27 energies and have similar or better performance. Minimum energy and decorrelating criterion are used to update the weights. Since weights are updated according to the changes of the detector\u27s outputs, hence no training sequence is required. The convergences of some of the aforementioned adaptive detectors are also disscussed. The detectors proposed in this dissertation are near-far resistant,thus rendering the high-precision power control unnecessary. Among them, the two-stage adaptive detector with a soft tentative decision is worth mentioning. It combines the advantages of two different two-stage detectors and approaches the performance of the optimum detector, but with much less complexity

    Asynchronous multiuser decorrelating detector for AWGN channel

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    Decorrelating detector is one of the sub-optimum detectors for CDMA applications that generally has better performance than the conventional detector and is near-far resistant. Synchronous decorrelating detector employing DPSK modulation is considered and its simulation results are presented. Attention is focussed on one-shot decorrelating detector for a two user case for asynchronous transmission, where each symbol interval is considered seperately. Initially the performance of the detector with exact estimation of the relative delay is analyzed and then the effect of inaccurate estimation on the probability of error is discussed

    Fractionally sampled decorrelating detectors for time-varying rayleigh fading CDMA channels

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    In this dissertation, we propose novel decorrelating multiuser detectors in DSCDMA time-varying frequency-nonselective and frequency-selective fading channels and analyze their performance. We address the common shortcomings of existing multiuser detectors in a mobile environment, such as detector complexity and the error floor. An analytical approach is employed almost exclusively and Monte Carlo simulation is used to confirm the theoretical results. Practical channel models, such as Jakes\u27 and Markovian, are adopted in the numerical examples. The proposed detectors are of the decorrelating type and utilize fractional sampling to simultaneously achieve two goals: (1) the novel realization of a decorrelator with lower computational complexity and shorter processing latency; and (2) the significant reduction of the probability of error floor associated with time-varying fading. The analysis of the impact of imperfect power control on IS-95 multiple access interference is carried out first and the ineffectiveness of IS-95 power control in a mobile radio environment is demonstrated. Fractionally-spaced bit-by-bit decorrelator structures for the frequency-nonselective and frequency-selective channels are then proposed. The matrix singularity problem associated with decorrelation is also addressed, and its solution is suggested. A decorrelating receiver employing differentially coherent detection for an asynchronous CDMA, frequency-nonselective time-varying Rayleigh fading channel is proposed. A maximum likelihood detection principle is applied at the fractionally spaced decorrelator output, resulting in a significantly reduced error floor. For coherent detection, a novel single-stage and two-stage decision feedback (DF) maximum a posteriori (MAP) channel estimator is proposed. These estimators are applicable to a channel with an arbitrary spaced-time correlation function. The fractionally-spaced decorrelating detector is then modified and extended to a frequency-selective time-varying fading channel, and is shown to be capable of simultaneously eliminating MAI, ISI, and path cross-correlation interference. The implicit equivalent frequency diversity is exploited through multipath combining, and the effective time diversity is achieved by fractional sampling for significant performance improvement. The significance of the outcome of this research is in the design of new lower complexity multiuser detectors that do not exhibit the usual deficiencies and limitations associated with a time-varying fading and multipath CDMA mobile environment

    Adaptive interference cancelation techniques for multicarrier modulated systems

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    Current wireline systems and wireless broadcasting systems employ multicarrier modulation (MCM). This includes the high-rate digital subscriber line (HDSL), digital audio broadcasting system (DAB) and the digital terrestrial television broadcasting system (dTTb). Multicarrier modulation is also envisioned for high-speed indoor wireless local area networks (WLAN). Additionally, multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA), a hybrid of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and CDMA, is proposed for the downlink (base-to-mobile) of a 3rd generation wireless system as part of the IMT-2000 standardization process. The performance of an MC-CDMA system--similar to a direct sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA) system--is limited by the presence of multiple access interference (MAI) . Downlink communications also suffers from MAI as a result of the multipath channel effect, even if it implements orthogonal code multiplexing. Additionally, transmissions aimed at different mobile users may be assigned different powers in order to increase the system capacity, essentially creating a near-far problem for some users. Due to the MC-CDMA signal structure the conventional decorrelator (based on the inverse of the correlation matrix) is dependent on the channel coefficients, suggesting the use of an adaptive multiuser detector, which can track a time-variant channel. The performance of a blind adaptive multiuser detector for MC-CDMA, based on the bootstrap algorithm, is investigated and compared to the performance of the conventional decorrelator. Additionally, the performance is investigated for different channel conditions. First, for a non-faded flat additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Second, for a frequency selective channel with and without correlation between the channel coefficients at the different subcarriers. In general, the mobile terminal suffers from limited available resources such as computing power or battery life and, therefore, cannot accommodate the same level of receiver complexity as the base station. For the downlink, however, the received signal structure is less complex due to the assumed synchronized transmission. Moreover, the mobile receiver is merely required to detect the desired user\u27s data stream. To reduce the complexity, detectors are proposed that do not require knowledge of the active users nor their respective codes, but rather use a combined code to represent all the interfering users at once. The performance of the reduced complexity conventional decorrelator is compared to the performance of an adaptive reduced complexity detector using the bootstrap algorithm. The performance of these detectors is also investigated for the aforementioned channel types. For spectral-efficiency, closely spaced subcarriers are used in a multicarrier modulated system. A resulting drawback is a high sensitivity of the performance to a frequency offset. This results from a Doppler shift, due to mobile movement, as well as from a mismatch between the carrier frequencies at the transmitter and receiver. To mitigate this problem an adaptive decorrelator based frequency offset correction scheme is developed for OFDM and its performance is investigated. Additionally, a blind frequency offset estimation and correction structure is proposed based on a stochastic gradient method. The convergence and statistical properties of this estimator are investigated. A blind adaptive joint multiuser detection and frequency offset correction structure for downlink MC-CDMA is developed. This detector is a combination of the structures for multiuser detection for MC-CDMA and frequency offset correction for OFDM. Moreover, the performance of this detector is investigated and compared to a joint detector based on a minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion

    An adaptive asynchronous CDMA receiver and its convergence analysis

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    An adaptive CDMA receiver scheme assuming perfect synchronization has been generalized in this thesis to the asynchronous channel, a much more practical assumption of the real system. Similar formulas are derived and as its synchronous version, it is still near-far resistant and requires no knowldge [sic] of received signal amplitudes and training sequences. Thus, sophisticated high-precision power control and user power estimation are not necessary and the receiver is particularly useful in mobile communications since it can adjust itself adaptively to changes in the power of the users. Tile convergence and transient behavior of the receiver are also investigated and found to have similar results to its synchronous counterpart. A new way to analyze the error performance of the decorrelator is also proposed and the error probability of the one-shot decorrelator is formulated for the general case in an alternative way using the new idea, which is much simpler. Furthermore, the singularity problem associated with the one-shot decorrelator is addressed and its effect on the performance of the receiver is discussed

    Channel estimation and signal enhancement for DS-CDMA systems

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    This dissertation focuses on topics of Bayesian-based multiuser detection, space-time (S-T) transceiver design, and S-T channel parameter estimation for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. Using the Bayesian framework, various linear and simplified nonlinear multiuser detectors are proposed, and their performances are analyzed. The simplified non-linear Bayesian solutions can bridge the performance gap between sub-optimal linear multiuser detectors and the optimum multiuser detector. To further improve the system capacity and performance, S-T transceiver design approaches with complexity constraint are investigated. Novel S-T receivers of low-complexity that jointly use the temporal code-signature and the spatial signature are proposed. Our solutions, which lead to generalized near-far resistant S-T RAKE receivers, achieve better interference suppression than the existing S-T RAKE receivers. From transmitter side, we also proposed a transmit diversity (TD) technique in combination with differential detection for the DS-CDMA systems. It is shown that the proposed S-T TD scheme in combination with minimum variance distortionless response transceiver (STTD+MVDR) is near-far resistant and outperforms the conventional STTD and matched filter based (STTD+MF) transceiver scheme. Obtaining channel state information (CSI) is instrumental to optimum S-T transceiver design in wireless systems. Another major focus of this dissertation is to estimate the S-T channel parameters. We proposed an asymptotic, joint maximum likelihood (ML) method of estimating multipath channel parameters for DS-CDMA systems. An iterative estimator is proposed to further simplify the computation. Analytical and simulation results show that the iterative estimation scheme is near-far resistant for both time delays and DOAs. And it reaches the corresponding CRBs after a few iterations

    Randomly Spread CDMA: Asymptotics via Statistical Physics

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    This paper studies randomly spread code-division multiple access (CDMA) and multiuser detection in the large-system limit using the replica method developed in statistical physics. Arbitrary input distributions and flat fading are considered. A generic multiuser detector in the form of the posterior mean estimator is applied before single-user decoding. The generic detector can be particularized to the matched filter, decorrelator, linear MMSE detector, the jointly or the individually optimal detector, and others. It is found that the detection output for each user, although in general asymptotically non-Gaussian conditioned on the transmitted symbol, converges as the number of users go to infinity to a deterministic function of a "hidden" Gaussian statistic independent of the interferers. Thus the multiuser channel can be decoupled: Each user experiences an equivalent single-user Gaussian channel, whose signal-to-noise ratio suffers a degradation due to the multiple-access interference. The uncoded error performance (e.g., symbol-error-rate) and the mutual information can then be fully characterized using the degradation factor, also known as the multiuser efficiency, which can be obtained by solving a pair of coupled fixed-point equations identified in this paper. Based on a general linear vector channel model, the results are also applicable to MIMO channels such as in multiantenna systems.Comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Coherent receiver design and analysis for interleaved division multiple access (IDMA)

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    This thesis discusses a new multiuser detection technique for cellular wireless communications. Multiuser communications is critical in cellular systems as multiple terminals (users) transmit to base stations (or wireless infrastructure). Efficient receiver methods are needed to maximise the performance of these links and maximise overall throughput and coverage while minimising inter-cell interference. Recently a new technique, Interleave-Division Multiple Access (IDMA), was developed as a variant of direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA). In this new scheme users are separated by user specific interleavers, and each user is allocated a low rate code. As a result, the bandwidth expansion is devoted to the low rate code and not weaker spreading codes. IDMA has shown to have significant performance gains over traditional DS-CDMA with a modest increase in complexity. The literature on IDMA primarily focuses on the design of low rate forward error correcting (FEC) codes, as well as channel estimation. However, the practical aspects of an IDMA receiver such as timing acquisition, tracking, block asynchronous detection, and cellular analysis are rarely studied. The objective of this thesis is to design and analyse practical synchronisation, detection and power optimisation techniques for IDMA systems. It also, for the first time, provides a novel analysis and design of a multi-cell system employing a general multiuser receiver. These tools can be used to optimise and evaluate the performance of an IDMA communication system. The techniques presented in this work can be easily employed for DS-CDMA or other multiuser receiver designs with slight modification. Acquisition and synchronisation are essential processes that a base-station is required to perform before user's data can be detected and decoded. For high capacity IDMA systems, which can be heavily loaded and operate close to the channel capacity, the performance of acquisition and tracking can be severely affected by multiple access interference as well as severe drift. This thesis develops acquisition and synchronisation algorithms which can cope with heavy multiple access interference as well as high levels of drift. Once the timing points have been estimated for an IDMA receiver the detection and decoding process can proceed. An important issue with uplink systems is the alignment of frame boundaries for efficient detection. This thesis demonstrates how a fully asynchronous system can be modelled for detection. This thesis presents a model for the frame asynchronous IDMA system, and then develops a maximum likelihood receiver for the proposed system. This thesis develops tools to analyse and optimise IDMA receivers. The tools developed are general enough to be applied to other multiuser receiver techniques. The conventional EXIT chart analysis of unequal power allocated multiuser systems use an averaged EXIT chart analysis for all users to reduce the complexity of the task. This thesis presents a multidimensional analysis for power allocated IDMA, and shows how it can be utilised in power optimisation. Finally, this work develops a novel power zoning technique for multicell multiuser receivers using the optimised power levels, and illustrates a particular example where there is a 50% capacity improvement using the proposed scheme. -- provided by Candidate

    Optimization of multidimensional equalizers based on MMSE criteria for multiuser detection

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis is about designing a multidimensional equalizer for uplink interleaved division multiple access (IDMA) transmission. Multidimensional equalizer can be classified into centralized and decentralized multidimensional equalizer. Centralized multidimensional equalizer (MDE) have been used to remove both inter-symbol interference (ISI) and multiaccess interference (MAI) effects from the received signal. In order to suppress MAI effects, code division multiple access (CDMA) has been used with MDE to minimize the correlation between users' signals. The MDE structure can be designed using linear equalizer (MLE) or decision feedback equalizer (MDFE). Previous studies on MDE employed adaptive algorithms to estimate filter co-effi cients during the training mode, i.e. the symbol equalization was not optimal, for two users. In our work, we applied MDE on IDMA receiver for multipath selective fading channels and also derived new equations to obtain the optimal filter taps for both types of MDE equalizers, i.e. MDFE and MLE, based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. The optimal filter taps are calculated for more than two users. Moreover, we investigated the performance of the optimal MDFE using both IDMA (MDFE-IDMA) and CDMA (MDFE-CDMA) detectors. Generally, the MDE equalizer suffers from residual MAI interference effects at low signal-to-noise-ratios (SNR) due to the delay inherent in the convergence of the crossover filter taps. Therefore, a new decentralized multidimensional equalizer has been proposed to IDMA detector. Within design of decentralized equalizer, the convergence problem has been resolved by replacing the crossover filters with parallel interference canceler (PIC) for removing MAI dispersion. The proposed decentralized multidimensional equalizer shows a higher efficiency in removing MAI interference when compared with existing receivers in the literature. However, this is achieved at the expense of higher computational complexity compared to centralized multidimensional equalization