84 research outputs found

    Error-resilient performance of Dirac video codec over packet-erasure channel

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    Video transmission over the wireless or wired network requires error-resilient mechanism since compressed video bitstreams are sensitive to transmission errors because of the use of predictive coding and variable length coding. This paper investigates the performance of a simple and low complexity error-resilient coding scheme which combines source and channel coding to protect compressed bitstream of wavelet-based Dirac video codec in the packet-erasure channel. By partitioning the wavelet transform coefficients of the motion-compensated residual frame into groups and independently processing each group using arithmetic and Forward Error Correction (FEC) coding, Dirac could achieves the robustness to transmission errors by giving the video quality which is gracefully decreasing over a range of packet loss rates up to 30% when compared with conventional FEC only methods. Simulation results also show that the proposed scheme using multiple partitions can achieve up to 10 dB PSNR gain over its existing un-partitioned format. This paper also investigates the error-resilient performance of the proposed scheme in comparison with H.264 over packet-erasure channel

    Factor Graph Based Detection Schemes for Mobile Terrestrial DVB Systems with Long OFDM Blocks

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the performance of second generation digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems in mobile terrestrial environments and proposes an iterative detection algorithm based on factor graphs (FG) to reduce the distortion caused by the time variation of the channel, providing error-free communication in very severe mobile conditions. The research work focuses on mobile scenarios where the intercarrier interference (ICI) is very high: high vehicular speeds when long orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) blocks are used. As a starting point, we provide the theoretical background on the main topics behind the transmission and reception of terrestrial digital television signals in mobile environments, along with a general overview of the main signal processing techniques included in last generation terrestrial DVB systems. The proposed FG-based detector design is then assessed over a simpli ed bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)-OFDM communication scheme for a wide variety of mobile environments. Extensive simulation results show the e ectiveness of the proposed belief propagation (BP) algorithm over the channels of interest in this research work. Moreover, assuming that low density parity-check (LDPC) codes are decoded by means of FG-based algorithms, a high-order FG is de ned in order to accomplish joint signal detection and decoding into the same FG framework, o ering a fully parallel structure very suitable when long OFDM blocks are employed. Finally, the proposed algorithms are analyzed over the physical layer of DVB-T2 speci cation. Two reception schemes are proposed which exploit the frequency and time-diversity inherent in time-varying channels with the aim of achieving a reasonable trade-o among performance, complexity and latency.Doktoretza tesi honek bigarren belaunaldiko telebista digitalaren eraginkortasuna aztertzen du eskenatoki mugikorrean, eta faktoreen grafoetan oinarritzen den hartzaile iteratibo bat proposatzen du denboran aldakorra den kanalak sortzen duen distortsioa leundu eta seinalea errorerik gabe hartzea ahalbidetzen duena. Proposatutako detektorea BICM-OFDM komunikazio eskema orokor baten gainean ebaluatu da lurreko broadcasting kanalaren baldintzak kontutan hartuz. Simulazio emaitzek algoritmo honen eraginkortasuna frogatzen dute Doppler frekuentzia handietan. Ikerketa lanaren bigarren zatian, faktoreen grafoetan oinarritutako detektorea eskema turbo zabalago baten baitan txertatu da LDPC dekodi katzaile batekin batera. Hartzaile diseinu honen abantaila nagusia da OFDM simbolo luzeetara ondo egokitzen dela. Azkenik, proposatutako algoritmoa DVB-T2 katearen baitan inplementatu da, bi hartzaile eskema proposatu direlarik seinaleak duen dibertsitate tenporal eta frekuentziala probesteko, beti ere eraginkortasunaren, konplexutasunaren eta latentziaren arteko konpromisoa mantenduz.Este trabajo de tesis analiza el rendimiento de la segunda generación de la televisión digital terreste en escenarios móviles y propone un algoritmo iterativo basado en grafos de factores para la detección de la señal y la reducción de la distorsión causada por la variación temporal del canal, permitiendo así recibir la señal libre de errores. El detector basado en grafos de factores propuesto es evaluado sobre un esquema de comunicaciones general BICM-OFDM en condiciones de transmisión propios de canales de difusión terrestres. Los resultados de simulación presentados muestran la e ciencia del algoritmo de detección propuesto en presencia de frecuencias Doppler muy altas. En una segunda parte del trabajo de investigación, el detector propuesto es incorporado a un esquema turbo junto con un decodi cador LDPC, dando lugar a un receptor iterativo que presenta características especialmente apropiadas para su implementación en sistemas OFDM con longitudes de símbolo elevadas. Por último, se analiza la implementación del algoritmo propuesto sobre la cadena de recepción de DVB-T2. Se presentan dos esquemas de recepción que explotan la diversidad temporal y frecuencial presentes en la señal afectada por canales variantes en el tiempo, consiguiendo un compromiso razonable entre rendimiento, complejidad y latencia

    Design techniques for graph-based error-correcting codes and their applications

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    In ShannonÂs seminal paper, ÂA Mathematical Theory of CommunicationÂ, he defined ÂChannel Capacity which predicted the ultimate performance that transmission systems can achieve and suggested that capacity is achievable by error-correcting (channel) coding. The main idea of error-correcting codes is to add redundancy to the information to be transmitted so that the receiver can explore the correlation between transmitted information and redundancy and correct or detect errors caused by channels afterward. The discovery of turbo codes and rediscovery of Low Density Parity Check codes (LDPC) have revived the research in channel coding with novel ideas and techniques on code concatenation, iterative decoding, graph-based construction and design based on density evolution. This dissertation focuses on the design aspect of graph-based channel codes such as LDPC and Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) codes via density evolution, and use the technique (density evolution) to design IRA codes for scalable image/video communication and LDPC codes for distributed source coding, which can be considered as a channel coding problem. The first part of the dissertation includes design and analysis of rate-compatible IRA codes for scalable image transmission systems. This part presents the analysis with density evolution the effect of puncturing applied to IRA codes and the asymptotic analysis of the performance of the systems. In the second part of the dissertation, we consider designing source-optimized IRA codes. The idea is to take advantage of the capability of Unequal Error Protection (UEP) of IRA codes against errors because of their irregularities. In video and image transmission systems, the performance is measured by Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). We propose an approach to design IRA codes optimized for such a criterion. In the third part of the dissertation, we investigate Slepian-Wolf coding problem using LDPC codes. The problems to be addressed include coding problem involving multiple sources and non-binary sources, and coding using multi-level codes and nonbinary codes

    DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices

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    This paper reviews the main technical solutions adopted by the next-generation mobile broadcasting standard DVB-NGH, the handheld evolution of the second-generation digital terrestrial TV standard DVB-T2. The main new technical elements introduced with respect to DVB-T2 are: layered video coding with multiple physical layer pipes, time-frequency slicing, full support of an IP transport layer with a dedicated protocol stack, header compression mechanisms for both IP and MPEG-2 TS packets, new low-density parity check coding rates for the data path (down to 1/5), nonuniform constellations for 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and 256QAM, 4-D rotated constellations for Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), improved time interleaving in terms of zapping time, end-to-end latency and memory consumption, improved physical layer signaling in terms of robustness, capacity and overhead, a novel distributed multiple input single output transmit diversity scheme for single-frequency networks (SFNs), and efficient provisioning of local content in SFNs. All these technological solutions, together with the high performance of DVB-T2, make DVB-NGH a real next-generation mobile multimedia broadcasting technology. In fact, DVB-NGH can be regarded the first third-generation broadcasting system because it allows for the possibility of using multiple input multiple output antenna schemes to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna wireless communications. Furthermore, DVB-NGH also allows the deployment of an optional satellite component forming a hybrid terrestrial-satellite network topology to improve the coverage in rural areas where the installation of terrestrial networks could be uneconomical.Gómez Barquero, D.; Douillard, C.; Moss, P.; Mignone, V. (2014). DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):246-257. doi:10.1109/TBC.2014.2313073S24625760

    Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems

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    El uso combinado de diversidad en el dominio temporal, frecuencial y espacial constituye una valiosa herramienta para mejorar la recepción de servicios de difusión móviles. Gracias a la mejora conseguida por las técnicas de diversidad es posible extender la cobertura de los servicios móviles además de reducir la infraestructura de red. La presente tesis investiga el uso de técnicas de diversidad para la provisión de servicios móviles en la familia europea de sistemas de difusión terrestres estandarizada por el prpoyecto DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). Esto incluye la primera y segunda generación de sistemas DVB-T (Terrestrial), DVB-NGH (Handheld), y DVB-T2 (Terrestrial 2nd generation), así como el sistema de siguiente generación DVB-NGH. No obstante, el estudio llevado a cabo en la tesis es genérico y puede aplicarse a futuras evoluciones de estándares como el japonés ISDB-T o el americano ATSC. Las investigaciones realizadas dentro del contexto de DVB-T, DVB-H y DVBT2 tienen como objetivo la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles en redes terrestres. Esta Convergencia puede facilitar la introducción de servicios móviles de TB debido a la reutilización de espectro, contenido e infraestructura. De acuerdo a los resultados, la incorporación de entrelazado temporal en la capa física para diversidad temporal, y de single-input multiple-output (SIMO) para diversidad espacial, son esenciales para el rendimiento de sistemas móviles de difusión. A pesar de que las técnicas upper later FEC (UL-FEC) pueden propocionar diversidad temporal en sistemas de primera generación como DVB-T y DVB-H, requieren la transmisión de paridad adicional y no son útiles para la recepción estática. El análisis en t�ñerminos de link budjget revela que las técnicas de diversidad noson suficientes para facilitar la provision de servicios móviles en redes DVB-T y DVB-T2 planificadas para recepción fija. Sin embargo, el uso de diversidad en redes planificadas para recepción portableGozálvez Serrano, D. (2012). Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16273Palanci

    On distributed coding, quantization of channel measurements and faster-than-Nyquist signaling

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    This dissertation considers three different aspects of modern digital communication systems and is therefore divided in three parts. The first part is distributed coding. This part deals with source and source- channel code design issues for digital communication systems with many transmitters and one receiver or with one transmitter and one receiver but with side information at the receiver, which is not available at the transmitter. Such problems are attracting attention lately, as they constitute a way of extending the classical point-to-point communication theory to networks. In this first part of this dissertation, novel source and source-channel codes are designed by converting each of the considered distributed coding problems into an equivalent classical channel coding or classical source-channel coding problem. The proposed schemes come very close to the theoretical limits and thus, are able to exhibit some of the gains predicted by network information theory. In the other two parts of this dissertation classical point-to-point digital com- munication systems are considered. The second part is quantization of coded chan- nel measurements at the receiver. Quantization is a way to limit the accuracy of continuous-valued measurements so that they can be processed in the digital domain. Depending on the desired type of processing of the quantized data, different quantizer design criteria should be used. In this second part of this dissertation, the quantized received values from the channel are processed by the receiver, which tries to recover the transmitted information. An exhaustive comparison of several quantization cri- teria for this case are studied providing illuminating insight for this quantizer design problem. The third part of this dissertation is faster-than-Nyquist signaling. The Nyquist rate in classical point-to-point bandwidth-limited digital communication systems is considered as the maximum transmission rate or signaling rate and is equal to twice the bandwidth of the channel. In this last part of the dissertation, we question this Nyquist rate limitation by transmitting at higher signaling rates through the same bandwidth. By mitigating the incurred interference due to the faster-than-Nyquist rates, gains over Nyquist rate systems are obtained

    Design and Analysis of Forward Error Control Coding and Signaling for Guaranteeing QoS in Wireless Broadcast Systems

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    Broadcasting systems are networks where the transmission is received by several terminals. Generally broadcast receivers are passive devices in the network, meaning that they do not interact with the transmitter. Providing a certain Quality of Service (QoS) for the receivers in heterogeneous reception environment with no feedback is not an easy task. Forward error control coding can be used for protection against transmission errors to enhance the QoS for broadcast services. For good performance in terrestrial wireless networks, diversity should be utilized. The diversity is utilized by application of interleaving together with the forward error correction codes. In this dissertation the design and analysis of forward error control and control signalling for providing QoS in wireless broadcasting systems are studied. Control signaling is used in broadcasting networks to give the receiver necessary information on how to connect to the network itself and how to receive the services that are being transmitted. Usually control signalling is considered to be transmitted through a dedicated path in the systems. Therefore, the relationship of the signaling and service data paths should be considered early in the design phase. Modeling and simulations are used in the case studies of this dissertation to study this relationship. This dissertation begins with a survey on the broadcasting environment and mechanisms for providing QoS therein. Then case studies present analysis and design of such mechanisms in real systems. The mechanisms for providing QoS considering signaling and service data paths and their relationship at the DVB-H link layer are analyzed as the first case study. In particular the performance of different service data decoding mechanisms and optimal signaling transmission parameter selection are presented. The second case study investigates the design of signaling and service data paths for the more modern DVB-T2 physical layer. Furthermore, by comparing the performances of the signaling and service data paths by simulations, configuration guidelines for the DVB-T2 physical layer signaling are given. The presented guidelines can prove useful when configuring DVB-T2 transmission networks. Finally, recommendations for the design of data and signalling paths are given based on findings from the case studies. The requirements for the signaling design should be derived from the requirements for the main services. Generally, these requirements for signaling should be more demanding as the signaling is the enabler for service reception.Siirretty Doriast

    Cloud Transmission: System Performance and Application Scenarios

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    [EN] Cloud Transmission (Cloud Txn) System is a flexible multi-layer system that uses spectrum overlay technology to simultaneously deliver multiple program streams with different characteristics and robustness for different services (mobile TV, HDTV and UHDTV) in one RF channel. The transmitted signal is formed by superimposing a number of independent signals at desired power levels, to form a multilayered signal. The signals of different layers can have different coding, bit rate, and robustness. For the top layer, system parameters are chosen to provide very robust transmission that can be used for high speed mobile broadcasting service to portable devices. The bit rate is traded for more powerful error correction coding and robustness so that the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) threshold at the receiver is a negative value in the range of -2 to -3 dB. The top layer is designed to withstand combined noise, co-channel interference and multipath distortion power levels higher than the desired signal power. The lowerlayer signal can be DVB-T2 signal or other newly designed system to deliver HDTV/UHDTV to fixed receivers. The system concept is open to technological advances that might come in the future: all new technologies, BICM/Non Uuniform-QAM, rotated constellations, Time Frequency Slicing or MIMO techniques can be implemented in the Cloud Txn lower (high data) rate layer. The main focus of this paper is to thoroughly describe the performance of this newly presented Cloud Transmission broadcasting system.This work has been financially supported in part by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (UFI 11/30), by the Basque Government (IT-683- 13 and SAIOTEK), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project NG-RADIATE (TEC2009-14201), and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project HEDYT-GBB (TEC2012- 33302

    System Development and VLSI Implementation of High Throughput and Hardware Efficient Polar Code Decoder

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    Polar code is the first channel code which is provable to achieve the Shannon capacity. Additionally, it has a very good performance in terms of low error floor. All these merits make it a potential candidate for the future standard of wireless communication or storage system. Polar code is received increasing research interest these years. However, the hardware implementation of hardware decoder still has not meet the expectation of practical applications, no matter from neither throughput aspect nor hardware efficient aspect. This dissertation presents several system development approaches and hardware structures for three widely known decoding algorithms. These algorithms are successive cancellation (SC), list successive cancellation (LSC) and belief propagation (BP). All the efforts are in order to maximize the throughput meanwhile minimize the hardware cost. Throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) decoder is proposed for SC decoding. By introducing the concept of constituent code, the decoding latency is significantly reduced with a negligible decoding performance loss. However, the specifically designed computation unites dramatically increase the hardware cost, and how to handle the conventional polar code sets and constituent codes sets makes the hardware implementation more complicated. By exploiting the natural property of conventional SC decoder, datapaths for decoding constituent codes are compatibly built via computation units sharing technique. This approach does not incur additional hardware cost expect some multiplexer logic, but can significantly increase the decoding throughput. Other techniques such as pre-computing and gate-level optimization are used as well in order to further increase the decoding throughput. A specific designed partial sum generator (PSG) is also investigated in this dissertation. This PSG is hardware efficient and timing compatible with proposed TCSC decoder. Additionally, a polar code construction scheme with constituent codes optimization is also presents. This construction scheme aims to reduce the constituent codes based SC decoding latency. Results show that, compared with the state-of-art decoder, TCSC can achieve at least 60% latency reduction for the codes with length n = 1024. By using Nangate FreePDK 45nm process, TCSC decoder can reach throughput up to 5.81 Gbps and 2.01 Gbps for (1024, 870) and (1024, 512) polar code, respectively. Besides, with the proposed construction scheme, the TCSC decoder generally is able to further achieve at least around 20% latency deduction with an negligible gain loss. Overlapped List Successive Cancellation (OLSC) is proposed for LSC decoding as a design approach. LSC decoding has a better performance than LS decoding at the cost of hardware consumption. With such approach, the l (l > 1) instances of successive cancellation (SC) decoder for LSC with list size l can be cut down to only one. This results in a dramatic reduction of the hardware complexity without any decoding performance loss. Meanwhile, approaches to reduce the latency associated with the pipeline scheme are also investigated. Simulation results show that with proposed design approach the hardware efficiency is increased significantly over the recently proposed LSC decoders. Express Journey Belief Propagation (XJBP) is proposed for BP decoding. This idea origins from extending the constituent codes concept from SC to BP decoding. Express journey refers to the datapath of specific constituent codes in the factor graph, which accelerates the belief information propagation speed. The XJBP decoder is able to achieve 40.6% computational complexity reduction with the conventional BP decoding. This enables an energy efficient hardware implementation. In summary, all the efforts to optimize the polar code decoder are presented in this dissertation, supported by the careful analysis, precise description, extensively numerical simulations, thoughtful discussion and RTL implementation on VLSI design platforms