56,427 research outputs found

    Self-Calibration of Cameras with Euclidean Image Plane in Case of Two Views and Known Relative Rotation Angle

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    The internal calibration of a pinhole camera is given by five parameters that are combined into an upper-triangular 3×33\times 3 calibration matrix. If the skew parameter is zero and the aspect ratio is equal to one, then the camera is said to have Euclidean image plane. In this paper, we propose a non-iterative self-calibration algorithm for a camera with Euclidean image plane in case the remaining three internal parameters --- the focal length and the principal point coordinates --- are fixed but unknown. The algorithm requires a set of N7N \geq 7 point correspondences in two views and also the measured relative rotation angle between the views. We show that the problem generically has six solutions (including complex ones). The algorithm has been implemented and tested both on synthetic data and on publicly available real dataset. The experiments demonstrate that the method is correct, numerically stable and robust.Comment: 13 pages, 7 eps-figure

    SiO masers in TX Cam: Simultaneous VLBA observations of two 43 GHz masers at four epochs

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    We present the results of simultaneous high resolution observations of v=1 and v=2, J=1-0 SiO masers toward TX Cam at four epochs covering a stellar cycle. Near maser maximum (Epochs III and IV), the individual components of both masers are distributed in ring-like structures but the ring is severely disrupted near stellar maser minimum (Epochs I and II). In Epochs III and IV there is a large overlap between the radii at which the two maser transitions occur. However in both epochs the average radius of the v=2 maser ring is smaller than for the v=1 maser ring, the difference being larger for Epoch IV. The observed relative ring radii in the two transitions, and the trends on the ring thickness, are close to those predicted by the model of Humphreys et al. (\cite{humphreys02}). In many individual features there is an almost exact overlap in space and velocity of emission from the two transitions, arguing against pure radiative pumping. At both Epochs III and IV in many spectral features only 50% of the flux density is recovered in our images, implying significant smooth maser structure. For both transitions we find that red- and blue-shifted masers occur in all parts of the rings, with relatively few masers at the systemic velocity. Thus there is no evidence for rotation, although the blue-shifted masers are somewhat more prominent to the west. At all four epochs red-shifted components are generally brighter than blue-shifted ones. At Epochs III and IV, we see many filamentary or spoke-like features in both v=1 and v=2 masers, especially in the red-shifted gas. These spokes show systematic velocity gradients consistent with a decelerating outward flow with increasing radius. We outline a possible model to explain why, given the presence of these spokes, there is a deficit of maser features at the systemic velocity.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figs, accepted to A&A, Abstract is reduced (see the paper for full length

    POLOCALC: a Novel Method to Measure the Absolute Polarization Orientation of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We describe a novel method to measure the absolute orientation of the polarization plane of the CMB with arcsecond accuracy, enabling unprecedented measurements for cosmology and fundamental physics. Existing and planned CMB polarization instruments looking for primordial B-mode signals need an independent, experimental method for systematics control on the absolute polarization orientation. The lack of such a method limits the accuracy of the detection of inflationary gravitational waves, the constraining power on the neutrino sector through measurements of gravitational lensing of the CMB, the possibility of detecting Cosmic Birefringence, and the ability to measure primordial magnetic fields. Sky signals used for calibration and direct measurements of the detector orientation cannot provide an accuracy better than 1 deg. Self-calibration methods provide better accuracy, but may be affected by foreground signals and rely heavily on model assumptions. The POLarization Orientation CALibrator for Cosmology, POLOCALC, will dramatically improve instrumental accuracy by means of an artificial calibration source flying on balloons and aerial drones. A balloon-borne calibrator will provide far-field source for larger telescopes, while a drone will be used for tests and smaller polarimeters. POLOCALC will also allow a unique method to measure the telescopes' polarized beam. It will use microwave emitters between 40 and 150 GHz coupled to precise polarizing filters. The orientation of the source polarization plane will be registered to sky coordinates by star cameras and gyroscopes with arcsecond accuracy. This project can become a rung in the calibration ladder for the field: any existing or future CMB polarization experiment observing our polarization calibrator will enable measurements of the polarization angle for each detector with respect to absolute sky coordinates.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Journal of Astronomical Instrumentatio

    Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping

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    The calibration parameters of a mobile robot play a substantial role in navigation tasks. Often these parameters are subject to variations that depend either on changes in the environment or on the load of the robot. In this paper, we propose an approach to simultaneously estimate a map of the environment, the position of the on-board sensors of the robot, and its kinematic parameters. Our method requires no prior knowledge about the environment and relies only on a rough initial guess of the parameters of the platform. The proposed approach estimates the parameters online and it is able to adapt to non-stationary changes of the configuration. We tested our approach in simulated environments and on a wide range of real-world data using different types of robotic platforms. (C) 2012 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japa

    High angle of attack position sensing for the Southampton University magnetic suspension and balance system

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    An all digital five channel position detection system is to be installed in the Southampton University Magnetic Suspension and Balance System (SUMSBS). The system is intended to monitor a much larger range of model pitch attitudes than has been possible hitherto, up to a maximum of a 90 degree angle of attack. It is based on the use of self-scanning photodiode arrays and illuminating laser light beams, together with purpose built processing electronics. The principles behind the design of the system are discussed, together with the results of testing one channel of the system which was used to control the axial position of a magnetically suspended model in SUMSBS. The removal of optically coupled heave position information from the axial position sensing channel is described