1,418 research outputs found

    Dynamic and Static congestion models: A review

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    We begin by providing an overview of the conventional static equilibrium approach. In such model both the flow of trips and congestion delay are assumed to be constant. A drawback of the static model is that the time interval during which travel occurs is not specified so that the model cannot describe changes in the duration of congestion that result from changes in demand or capacity. This limitation is overcome in the Vickrey/Arnott, de Palma Lindsey bottleneck model, which combines congestion in the form of queuing behind a bottleneck with users' trip-timing preferences and departure time decisions. We derive the user equilibrium and social optimum for the basic bottleneck model, and explain how the optimum can be decentralized using a time-varying toll. They then review some extensions of the basic model that encompass elastic demand, user heterogeneity, stochastic demand and capacity and small networks. We conclude by identifying some unresolved modelling issues that apply not only to the bottleneck model but to trip-timing preferences and congestion dynamics in general

    Dynamic and Static congestion models: A review

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    We begin by providing an overview of the conventional static equilibrium approach. In such model both the flow of trips and congestion delay are assumed to be constant. A drawback of the static model is that the time interval during which travel occurs is not specified so that the model cannot describe changes in the duration of congestion that result from changes in demand or capacity. This limitation is overcome in the Vickrey/Arnott, de Palma Lindsey bottleneck model, which combines congestion in the form of queuing behind a bottleneck with users' trip-timing preferences and departure time decisions. We derive the user equilibrium and social optimum for the basic bottleneck model, and explain how the optimum can be decentralized using a time-varying toll. They then review some extensions of the basic model that encompass elastic demand, user heterogeneity, stochastic demand and capacity and small networks. We conclude by identifying some unresolved modelling issues that apply not only to the bottleneck model but to trip-timing preferences and congestion dynamics in genera

    Stochastic bottleneck capacity, merging traffic and morning commute

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    This paper investigates the impact of stochastic capacity at the downstream bottleneck after a merge and the impact of merging behavior on the morning commuters' departure-time patterns. The classic bottleneck theory is extended to include a uniformly distributed capacity and the commuters' equilibrium departure patterns are derived for two different merging rules. The results show that uncertainty in the bottleneck capacity increases the commuters' mean trip cost and lengthens the peak period, and that the system total cost is lower under give-way merging than under a fixed-rate merging. Capacity paradoxes with dynamic user responses are found under both merging rules

    Congestion behavior and tolls in a bottleneck model with stochastic capacity

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    In this paper we investigate a bottleneck model in which the capacity of the bottleneck is assumed stochastic and follows a uniform distribution. The commuters’ departure time choice is assumed to follow the user equilibrium principle according to mean trip cost. The analytical solution of the proposed model is derived. Both the analytical and numerical results show that the capacity variability would indeed change the commuters’ travel behavior by increasing the mean trip cost and lengthening the peak period. We then design congestion pricing schemes within the framework of the new stochastic bottleneck model, for both a time-varying toll and a single-step coarse toll, and prove that the proposed piecewise time-varying toll can effectively cut down, and even eliminate, the queues behind the bottleneck. We also find that the single-step coarse toll could either advance or postpone the earliest departure time. Furthermore, the numerical results show that the proposed pricing schemes can indeed improve the efficiency of the stochastic bottleneck through decreasing the system’s total travel cost

    Bottleneck model revisited: An activity-based perspective

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    The timing of commuting trips made during morning and evening peaks has typically been investigated using Vickrey’s bottleneck model. However, in the conventional trip-based approach, the decisions that commuters make during the day about their activity schedules and time use are not explicitly considered. This study extends the bottleneck model to address the scheduling problem of commuters’ morning home-to-work and evening work-to-home journeys by using an activity-based approach. A day-long activity-travel scheduling model is proposed for the simultaneous determination of departure times for morning and evening commutes, together with allocations of time during the day among travel and activities undertaken at home or at the workplace. The proposed model maximizes the total net utility of the home-based tour, which is the difference between the benefits derived from participating in activities and the disutility incurred by travel between activity locations. The properties of the model solution are analytically explored and compared with the conventional bottleneck model for a special case with constant marginal-activity utility. For the case with linear marginal-activity utility, we develop a heuristic procedure to seek the equilibrium scheduling solution. We also explore the effects of marginal-work utility (or the employees’ average wage level) and of flexible work-hour schemes on the scheduling problem in relation to the morning and evening commuting tours.postprin

    Congestion behavior under uncertainty on morning commute with preferred arrival time interval

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    This paper extends the bottleneck model to study congestion behavior of morning commute with flexible work schedule. The proposed model assumes a stochastic bottleneck capacity which follows a uniform distribution and homogeneous commuters who have the same preferred arrival time interval. The commuters are fully aware of the stochastic properties of travel time and schedule delay distributions at all departure times that emerge from day-to-day capacity variations. The commuters' departure time choice follows user equilibrium (UE) principle in terms of the expected trip cost. Analytical and numerical solutions of this model are provided. The equilibrium departure time patterns are examined which show that the stochastic capacity increases the mean trip cost and lengthens the rush hour. The adoption of flexitime results in less congestion and more efficient use of bottleneck capacity than fixed-time work schedule. The longer the flexi-time interval is, the more uniformly distributed the departure times are

    Modelling dynamic stochastic user equilibrium for urban road networks

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    In this study a dynamic assignment model is developed which estimates travellers' route and departure time choices and the resulting time varying traffic patterns during the morning peak. The distinctive feature of the model is that it does not restrict the geometry of the network to specific forms. The proposed framework of analysis consists of a travel time model, a demand model and a demand adjustment mechanism. Two travel time models are proposed. The first is based on elementary relationships from traffic flow theory and provides the framework for a macroscopic simulation model which calculates the time varying flow patterns and link travel times given the time dependent departure rate distributions; the second is based on queueing theory and models roads as bottlenecks through which traffic flow is either uncongested or fixed at a capacity independent of traffic density. The demand model is based on the utility maximisation decision rule and defines the time dependent departure rates associated with each reasonable route connecting, the O-D pairs of the network, given the total utility associated with each combination of departure time and route. Travellers' choices are assumed to result from the trade-off between travel time and schedule delay and each individual is assumed to first choose a departure time t, and then select a reasonable route, conditional on the choice of t. The demand model has therefore the form of a nested logit. The demand adjustment mechanism is derived from a Markovian model, and describes the day-to-day evolution of the departure rate distributions. Travellers are assumed to modify their trip choice decisions based on the information they acquire from recent trips. The demand adjustment mechanism is used in order to find the equilibrium state of the system, defined as the state at which travellers believe that they cannot increase their utility of travel by unilaterally changing route or departure time. The model outputs exhibit the characteristics of real world traffic patterns observed during the peak, i. e., time varying flow patterns and travel times which result from time varying departure rates from the origins. It is shown that increasing the work start time flexibility results in a spread of the departure rate distributions over a longer period and therefore reduces the level of congestion in the network. Furthermore, it was shown that increasing the total demand using the road network results in higher levels of congestion and that travellers tend to depart earlier in an attempt to compensate for the increase in travel times. Moreover, experiments using the queueing theory based travel time model have shown that increasing the capacity of a bottleneck may cause congestion to develop downstream, which in turn may result in an increase of the average travel time for certain O-D pairs. The dynamic assignment model is also applied to estimate the effects that different road pricing policies may have on trip choices and the level of congestion; the model is used to demonstrate the development of the shifting peak phenomenon. Furthermore, the effect of information availability on the traffic patterns is investigated through a number of experiments using the developed dynamic assignment model and assuming that guided drivers form a class of users characterised by lower variability of preferences with respect to route choice
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