1,598 research outputs found

    Stabilization of structure-preserving power networks with market dynamics

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    This paper studies the problem of maximizing the social welfare while stabilizing both the physical power network as well as the market dynamics. For the physical power grid a third-order structure-preserving model is considered involving both frequency and voltage dynamics. By applying the primal-dual gradient method to the social welfare problem, a distributed dynamic pricing algorithm in port-Hamiltonian form is obtained. After interconnection with the physical system a closed-loop port-Hamiltonian system of differential-algebraic equations is obtained, whose properties are exploited to prove local asymptotic stability of the optimal points.Comment: IFAC World Congress 2017, accepted, 6 page

    Review of trends and targets of complex systems for power system optimization

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    Optimization systems (OSs) allow operators of electrical power systems (PS) to optimally operate PSs and to also create optimal PS development plans. The inclusion of OSs in the PS is a big trend nowadays, and the demand for PS optimization tools and PS-OSs experts is growing. The aim of this review is to define the current dynamics and trends in PS optimization research and to present several papers that clearly and comprehensively describe PS OSs with characteristics corresponding to the identified current main trends in this research area. The current dynamics and trends of the research area were defined on the basis of the results of an analysis of the database of 255 PS-OS-presenting papers published from December 2015 to July 2019. Eleven main characteristics of the current PS OSs were identified. The results of the statistical analyses give four characteristics of PS OSs which are currently the most frequently presented in research papers: OSs for minimizing the price of electricity/OSs reducing PS operation costs, OSs for optimizing the operation of renewable energy sources, OSs for regulating the power consumption during the optimization process, and OSs for regulating the energy storage systems operation during the optimization process. Finally, individual identified characteristics of the current PS OSs are briefly described. In the analysis, all PS OSs presented in the observed time period were analyzed regardless of the part of the PS for which the operation was optimized by the PS OS, the voltage level of the optimized PS part, or the optimization goal of the PS OS.Web of Science135art. no. 107

    Smart Microgrids: Overview and Outlook

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    The idea of changing our energy system from a hierarchical design into a set of nearly independent microgrids becomes feasible with the availability of small renewable energy generators. The smart microgrid concept comes with several challenges in research and engineering targeting load balancing, pricing, consumer integration and home automation. In this paper we first provide an overview on these challenges and present approaches that target the problems identified. While there exist promising algorithms for the particular field, we see a missing integration which specifically targets smart microgrids. Therefore, we propose an architecture that integrates the presented approaches and defines interfaces between the identified components such as generators, storage, smart and \dq{dumb} devices.Comment: presented at the GI Informatik 2012, Braunschweig Germany, Smart Grid Worksho

    Computational Intelligence Approaches for Energy Optimization in Microgrids

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    The future electrical system termed as smart grid represents a significant paradigm shift for power industry. Nowadays, microgrids are becoming smarter with the integration of renewable energy resources (RESs) , diesel generators , energy storage systems (ESS), and plug-in electric vehicles (PEV or EV) . However, these integration bring with new challenges for intelligent management systems. The classical power generation approaches can no longer be applied to a microgrid with unpredictable renewable energy resources. To relive these problem, a proper power system optimization and a suitable coordination strategy are needed to balance the supply and demand. This thesis presents three projects to study the optimization and control for smart community and to investigate the strategic impact and the energy trading techniques for interconnected microgrids. The first goal of this thesis is to propose a new game-theoretic framework to study the optimization and decision making of multi-players in the distributed power system. The proposed game theoretic special concept-rational reaction set (RRS) is capable to model the game of the distributed energy providers and the large residential consumers. Meanwhile, the residential consumers are able to participate in the retail electricity market to control the market price. Case studies are conducted to validate the system framework using the proposed game theoretic method. The simulation results show the effectiveness and the accuracy of the proposed strategic framework for obtaining the optimum profits for players participating in this market. The second goal of the thesis is to study a distributed convex optimization framework for energy trading of interconnected microgrids to improve the reliability of system operation. In this work, a distributed energy trading approach for interconnected operation of islanded microgrids is studied. Specifically, the system includes several islanded microgrids that can trade energy in a given topology. A distributed iterative deep cut ellipsoid (DCE) algorithm is implemented with limited information exchange. This approach will address the scalability issue and also secure local information on cost functions. During the iterative process, the information exchange among interconnected microgrids is restricted to electricity prices and expected trading energy. Numerical results are presented in terms of the convergent rate of the algorithm for different topologies, and the performance of the DCE algorithm is compared with sub-gradient algorithm. The third goal of this thesis is to use proper optimization approaches to motivate the household consumers to either shift their loads from peaking periods or reduce their consumption. Genetic algorithm (GA) and dynamic programming (DP) based smart appliance scheduling schemes and time-of-use pricing are investigated for comparative studies with demand response

    A Multi-Market-Driven Approach to Energy Scheduling of Smart Microgrids in Distribution Networks

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    In order to coordinate the economic desire of microgrid (MG) owners and the stability operation requirement of the distribution system operator (DSO), a multi-market participation framework is proposed to stimulate the energy transaction potential of MGs through distributed and centralized ways. Firstly, an MG equipped with storage can contribute to the stability improvement at special nodes of the distribution grid where the uncertain factors (such as intermittent renewable sources and electric vehicles) exist. The DSO is thus interested in encouraging specified MGs to provide voltage stability services by creating a distribution grid service market (DGSM), where the dynamic production-price auction is used to capture the competition of the distributed MGs. Moreover, an aggregator, serving as a broker and controller for MGs, is considered to participate in the day-ahead wholesale market. A Stackelberg game is modeled accordingly to solve the price and quantity package allocation between aggregator and MGs. Finally, the modified IEEE-33 bus distribution test system is used to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed multi-market mechanism. The results under this framework improve both MGs and utility

    Integrated framework for modeling the interactions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles aggregators, parking lots and distributed generation facilities in electricity markets

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    This paper presents an integrated framework for the optimal resilient scheduling of an active distribution system in the day-ahead and real-time markets considering aggregators, parking lots, distributed energy resources, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) interactions. The main contribution of this paper is that the impacts of traffic patterns on the available dispatchable active power of PHEVs in day-ahead and real-time markets are explored. A two stage framework is considered. Each stage consists of a four-level optimization procedure that optimizes the scheduling problems of PHEVs, parking lots and distributed energy resources, aggregators, and active distribution system. The distribution system procures ramp-up and ramp-down services for the upward electricity market in a real-time horizon. The active distribution system can utilize a switching procedure to sectionalize its system into a multi-microgrid system to mitigate the impacts of external shocks. The model was assessed by the 123-bus test system. The proposed algorithm reduced the interruption and operating costs of the 123-bus test system by about 94.56% for the worst-case external shock. Further, the traffic pattern decreased the available ramp-up and ramp-down of parking lots by about 58.61% concerning the no-traffic case.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Local energy trading for microgrids:Modeling human behavior, uncertainty and grid constraints

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    Electricity is one of the major drivers of today’s society and its rapid development, however, it also significantly contributes to the ongoing global warming. To reduce its impact, the energy transition aims to change the electricity production by switching from fossil fuels to more renewable and sustainable energy sources. In adition, the energy transition also addresses required changes in the heating and mobility sector.These changes have a significant impact on the electricity system, and an intelligent (active) management of the electricity production and consumption is required. Throughout the last years, many approaches have been proposed to manage production and consumption. At the core of this thesis, we focus on three different aspects of such approaches.1: We consider and analyze the impact of human behavior on the outcome of a local electricity market. Due to the direct participation of households, the question arises how human preferences and behavior affect the outcome of the market. Therefore, we translate a behavioral model from social science into a multi-objective optimization problem, which uses the personal preferences and motives of households and creates tailor-made bidcurves. We analyze the results on an household and the market level to derive implications for future maket design.2: The shift in electricity production leads to increased uncertainties in the future energy system. To deal with such uncertainties, we focus on a joint energy management of a neighborhood. We apply ideas and techniques from robust optimization to deal with the uncertainty, and mainly focus on an approach combining static robust optimization with a rolling horizon framework. Hereby, we generalize the rolling horizon by allowing more flexible starting time slots and compare and analyze two such generalized rolling horizon versions.3: The increased peaks due to the additional production and generation pose a serious burden to the current electricity grid. To ensure a safe operation, we focus on grid constraints in the context of a real-time control approach, which implements day-ahead and intraday market solutions. We use the planned solutions to guide the real-time decisions, and identify an interesting connection between day-ahead operations and their real-time realization