267 research outputs found

    Blur-Robust Face Recognition via Transformation Learning

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    Abstract. This paper introduces a new method for recognizing faces degraded by blur using transformation learning on the image feature. The basic idea is to transform both the sharp images and blurred im-ages to a same feature subspace by the method of multidimensional s-caling. Different from the method of finding blur-invariant descriptors, our method learns the transformation which both preserves the mani-fold structure of the original shape images and, at the same time, en-hances the class separability, resulting in a wide applications to various descriptors. Furthermore, we combine our method with subspace-based point spread function (PSF) estimation method to handle cases of un-known blur degree, by applying the feature transformation correspond-ing to the best matched PSF, where the transformation for each PSF is learned in the training stage. Experimental results on the FERET database show the proposed method achieve comparable performance a-gainst the state-of-the-art blur-invariant face recognition methods, such as LPQ and FADEIN.

    Robust single-sample face recognition by sparsity-driven sub-dictionary learning using deep features

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    Face recognition using a single reference image per subject is challenging, above all when referring to a large gallery of subjects. Furthermore, the problem hardness seriously increases when the images are acquired in unconstrained conditions. In this paper we address the challenging Single Sample Per Person (SSPP) problem considering large datasets of images acquired in the wild, thus possibly featuring illumination, pose, face expression, partial occlusions, and low-resolution hurdles. The proposed technique alternates a sparse dictionary learning technique based on the method of optimal direction and the iterative \u2113 0 -norm minimization algorithm called k-LIMAPS. It works on robust deep-learned features, provided that the image variability is extended by standard augmentation techniques. Experiments show the effectiveness of our method against the hardness introduced above: first, we report extensive experiments on the unconstrained LFW dataset when referring to large galleries up to 1680 subjects; second, we present experiments on very low-resolution test images up to 8 7 8 pixels; third, tests on the AR dataset are analyzed against specific disguises such as partial occlusions, facial expressions, and illumination problems. In all the three scenarios our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches adopting similar configurations

    Subspace discovery for video anomaly detection

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    PhDIn automated video surveillance anomaly detection is a challenging task. We address this task as a novelty detection problem where pattern description is limited and labelling information is available only for a small sample of normal instances. Classification under these conditions is prone to over-fitting. The contribution of this work is to propose a novel video abnormality detection method that does not need object detection and tracking. The method is based on subspace learning to discover a subspace where abnormality detection is easier to perform, without the need of detailed annotation and description of these patterns. The problem is formulated as one-class classification utilising a low dimensional subspace, where a novelty classifier is used to learn normal actions automatically and then to detect abnormal actions from low-level features extracted from a region of interest. The subspace is discovered (using both labelled and unlabelled data) by a locality preserving graph-based algorithm that utilises the Graph Laplacian of a specially designed parameter-less nearest neighbour graph. The methodology compares favourably with alternative subspace learning algorithms (both linear and non-linear) and direct one-class classification schemes commonly used for off-line abnormality detection in synthetic and real data. Based on these findings, the framework is extended to on-line abnormality detection in video sequences, utilising multiple independent detectors deployed over the image frame to learn the local normal patterns and infer abnormality for the complete scene. The method is compared with an alternative linear method to establish advantages and limitations in on-line abnormality detection scenarios. Analysis shows that the alternative approach is better suited for cases where the subspace learning is restricted on the labelled samples, while in the presence of additional unlabelled data the proposed approach using graph-based subspace learning is more appropriate

    Dissimilarity-based learning for complex data

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    Mokbel B. Dissimilarity-based learning for complex data. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2016.Rapid advances of information technology have entailed an ever increasing amount of digital data, which raises the demand for powerful data mining and machine learning tools. Due to modern methods for gathering, preprocessing, and storing information, the collected data become more and more complex: a simple vectorial representation, and comparison in terms of the Euclidean distance is often no longer appropriate to capture relevant aspects in the data. Instead, problem-adapted similarity or dissimilarity measures refer directly to the given encoding scheme, allowing to treat information constituents in a relational manner. This thesis addresses several challenges of complex data sets and their representation in the context of machine learning. The goal is to investigate possible remedies, and propose corresponding improvements of established methods, accompanied by examples from various application domains. The main scientific contributions are the following: (I) Many well-established machine learning techniques are restricted to vectorial input data only. Therefore, we propose the extension of two popular prototype-based clustering and classification algorithms to non-negative symmetric dissimilarity matrices. (II) Some dissimilarity measures incorporate a fine-grained parameterization, which allows to configure the comparison scheme with respect to the given data and the problem at hand. However, finding adequate parameters can be hard or even impossible for human users, due to the intricate effects of parameter changes and the lack of detailed prior knowledge. Therefore, we propose to integrate a metric learning scheme into a dissimilarity-based classifier, which can automatically adapt the parameters of a sequence alignment measure according to the given classification task. (III) A valuable instrument to make complex data sets accessible are dimensionality reduction techniques, which can provide an approximate low-dimensional embedding of the given data set, and, as a special case, a planar map to visualize the data's neighborhood structure. To assess the reliability of such an embedding, we propose the extension of a well-known quality measure to enable a fine-grained, tractable quantitative analysis, which can be integrated into a visualization. This tool can also help to compare different dissimilarity measures (and parameter settings), if ground truth is not available. (IV) All techniques are demonstrated on real-world examples from a variety of application domains, including bioinformatics, motion capturing, music, and education

    Extended Supervised Descent Method for Robust Face Alignment

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    Abstract. Supervised Descent Method (SDM) is a highly efficient and accurate approach for facial landmark locating/face alignment. It learns a sequence of descent directions that minimize the difference between the estimated shape and the ground truth in HOG feature space during training, and utilize them in testing to predict shape increment itera-tively. In this paper, we propose to modify SDM in three respects: 1) Multi-scale HOG features are applied orderly as a coarse-to-fine feature detector; 2) Global to local constraints of the facial features are con-sidered orderly in regression cascade; 3) Rigid Regularization is applied to obtain more stable prediction results. Extensive experimental result-s demonstrate that each of the three modifications could improve the accuracy and robustness of the traditional SDM methods. Furthermore, enhanced by the three-fold improvements, the extended SDM compares favorably with other state-of-the-art methods on several challenging face data sets, including LFPW, HELEN and 300 Faces in-the-wild.
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