119 research outputs found

    Equations of parametric surfaces with base points via syzygies

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    Let S be a tensor product parametrized surface in P ; that is, S is given as the image of φ : P × P → P . This paper will show that the use of syzygies in the form of a combination of moving planes and moving quadrics provides a valid method for finding the implicit equation of S when certain base points are present. This work extends the algorithm provided by Cox [Cox, D.A., 2001. Equations of parametric curves and surfaces via syzygies. In: Symbolic Computation: Solving Equations in Algebra, Geometry, and Engineering. Contemporary Mathematics vol. 286, pp. 1-20] for when φ has no base points, and it is analogous to some of the results of Busé et al. [Busé, L., Cox, D., D\u27Andrea, C., 2003. Implicitization of surfaces in P in the presence of base points. J. Algebra Appl. 2 (2), 189-214] for the case of a triangular parametrization φ : P → P with base points. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 3 1 1 3 3 2

    Equations of parametric surfaces with base points via syzygies

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    Suppose SS is a parametrized surface in complex projective 3-space mathbfP3mathbf{P}^3 given as the image of phi:mathbfP1imesmathbfP1omathbfP3phi: mathbf{P}^1 imes mathbf{P}^1 o mathbf{P}^3. The implicitization problem is to compute an implicit equation F=0F=0 of SS using the parametrization phiphi. An algorithm using syzygies exists for computing FF if phiphi has no base points, i.e. phiphi is everywhere defined. This work is an extension of this algorithm to the case of a surface with multiple base points of total multiplicity k. We accomplish this in three chapters. In Chapter 2, we develop the concept and properties of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity in biprojective spaces. In Chapter 3, we give a criterion for regularity in biprojective spaces. These results are applied to the implicitization problem in Chapter 4

    Matrix representations for toric parametrizations

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    In this paper we show that a surface in P^3 parametrized over a 2-dimensional toric variety T can be represented by a matrix of linear syzygies if the base points are finite in number and form locally a complete intersection. This constitutes a direct generalization of the corresponding result over P^2 established in [BJ03] and [BC05]. Exploiting the sparse structure of the parametrization, we obtain significantly smaller matrices than in the homogeneous case and the method becomes applicable to parametrizations for which it previously failed. We also treat the important case T = P^1 x P^1 in detail and give numerous examples.Comment: 20 page

    Implicitization of rational surfaces using toric varieties

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    A parameterized surface can be represented as a projection from a certain toric surface. This generalizes the classical homogeneous and bihomogeneous parameterizations. We extend to the toric case two methods for computing the implicit equation of such a rational parameterized surface. The first approach uses resultant matrices and gives an exact determinantal formula for the implicit equation if the parameterization has no base points. In the case the base points are isolated local complete intersections, we show that the implicit equation can still be recovered by computing any non-zero maximal minor of this matrix. The second method is the toric extension of the method of moving surfaces, and involves finding linear and quadratic relations (syzygies) among the input polynomials. When there are no base points, we show that these can be put together into a square matrix whose determinant is the implicit equation. Its extension to the case where there are base points is also explored.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure. Numerous major revisions. New proof of method of moving surfaces. Paper accepted and to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Implicitization of Bihomogeneous Parametrizations of Algebraic Surfaces via Linear Syzygies

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    We show that the implicit equation of a surface in 3-dimensional projective space parametrized by bi-homogeneous polynomials of bi-degree (d,d), for a given positive integer d, can be represented and computed from the linear syzygies of its parametrization if the base points are isolated and form locally a complete intersection

    Compactifications of rational maps, and the implicit equations of their images

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    In this paper we give different compactifications for the domain and the codomain of an affine rational map ff which parametrizes a hypersurface. We show that the closure of the image of this map (with possibly some other extra hypersurfaces) can be represented by a matrix of linear syzygies. We compactify An−1\Bbb {A}^{n-1} into an (n−1)(n-1)-dimensional projective arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subscheme of some PN\Bbb {P}^N. One particular interesting compactification of An−1\Bbb {A}^{n-1} is the toric variety associated to the Newton polytope of the polynomials defining ff. We consider two different compactifications for the codomain of ff: Pn\Bbb {P}^n and (P1)n(\Bbb {P}^1)^n. In both cases we give sufficient conditions, in terms of the nature of the base locus of the map, for getting a matrix representation of its closed image, without involving extra hypersurfaces. This constitutes a direct generalization of the corresponding results established in [BuseJouanolou03], [BuseChardinJouanolou06], [BuseDohm07], [BotbolDickensteinDohm09] and [Botbol09].Comment: 2 images, 28 pages. To appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Curvilinear Base Points, Local Complete Intersection and Kozsul Syzygies in Biprojective Spaces

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    We prove analogs of results of Cox/Schenck on the structure of certain ideals in the bigraded polynomial ring k[s,u;t,v].Comment: 12 page
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