8,500 research outputs found

    Parametric Macromodels of Differential Drivers with Pre-Emphasis

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    This paper discusses the extraction of behavioral models of differential drivers with pre-emphasis for the assessment of signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility effects in multigigabit data transmission systems. A suitable model structure is derived and the procedure for its estimation from port transient waveforms is illustrated. The proposed methodology is an extension of the macromodeling based on parametric relations applied to plain differential drivers. The obtained models preserve the accuracy and efficiency strengths of behavioral parametric macromodels for conventional devices. A realistic application example involving a high-speed communication path and a 3.125 Gb/s commercial driver model with pre-emphasis is presente

    Behavioral modeling of PWL analog circuits using symbolic analysis

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    Behavioral models are used both for top-down design and for bottom-up verification. During top-down design, models are created that reflect the nominal behavior of the different analog functions, as well as the constraints imposed by the parasitics. In this scenario, the availability of symbolic modeling expressions enable designers to get insight on the circuits, and reduces the computational cost of design space exploration. During bottom-up verification, models are created that capture the topological and constitutive equations of the underlying devices into behavioral descriptions. In this scenario symbolic analysis is useful because it enables to automatically obtain these descriptions in the form of equations. This paper includes an example to illustrate the use of symbolic analysis for top-down design.ComisiĂłn Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIC97-058

    Metodologia Per la Caratterizzazione di amplificatori a basso rumore per UMTS

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    In questo lavoro si presenta una metodologia di progettazione elettronica a livello di sistema, affrontando il problema della caratterizzazione dello spazio di progetto dell' amplificatore a basso rumore costituente il primo stadio di un front end a conversione diretta per UMTS realizzato in tecnologia CMOS con lunghezza di canale .18u. La metodologia Ăš sviluppata al fine di valutare in modo quantititativo le specifiche ottime di sistema per il front-end stesso e si basa sul concetto di Piattaforma Analogica, che prevede la costruzione di un modello di prestazioni per il blocco analogico basato su campionamento statistico di indici di prestazioni del blocco stesso, misurati tramite simulazione di dimensionamenti dei componenti attivi e passivi soddisfacenti un set di equazioni specifico della topologia circuitale. Gli indici di prestazioni vengono successivamente ulizzati per parametrizzare modelli comportamentali utilizzati nelle fasi di ottimizzazione a livello di sistema. Modelli comportamentali atti a rappresentare i sistemi RF sono stati pertanto studiati per ottimizzare la scelta delle metriche di prestazioni. L'ottimizzazione dei set di equazioni atti a selezionare le configurazione di interesse per il campionamento ha al tempo stesso richiesto l'approfondimento dei modelli di dispositivi attivi validi in tutte le regioni di funzionamento, e lo studio dettagliato della progettazione degli amplificatori a basso rumore basati su degenerazione induttiva. Inoltre, il problema della modellizzazione a livello di sistema degli effetti della comunicazione tra LNA e Mixer Ăš stato affrontato proponendo e analizzando diverse soluzioni. Il lavoro ha permesso di condurre un'ottimizzazione del front-end UMTS, giungendo a specifiche ottime a livello di sistema per l'amplificatore stesso

    Parametric Macromodels of Differential Drivers and Receivers

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    This paper addresses the modeling of differential drivers and receivers for the analog simulation of high-speed interconnection systems. The proposed models are based on mathematical expressions, whose parameters can be estimated from the transient responses of the modeled devices. The advantages of this macromodeling approach are: improved accuracy with respect to models based on simplified equivalent circuits of devices; improved numerical efficiency with respect to detailed transistor-level models of devices; hiding of the internal structure of devices; straightforward circuit interpretation; or implementations in analog mixed-signal simulators. The proposed methodology is demonstrated on example devices and is applied to the prediction of transient waveforms and eye diagrams of a typical low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) data link

    Bifurcations and synchronization using an integrated programmable chaotic circuit

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    This paper presents a CMOS chip which can act as an autonomous stand-alone unit to generate different real-time chaotic behaviors by changing a few external bias currents. In particular, by changing one of these bias currents, the chip provides different examples of a period-doubling route to chaos. We present experimental orbits and attractors, time waveforms and power spectra measured from the chip. By using two chip units, experiments on synchronization can be carried out as well in real-time. Measurements are presented for the following synchronization schemes: linear coupling, drive-response and inverse system. Experimental statistical characterizations associated to these schemes are also presented. We also outline the possible use of the chip for chaotic encryption of audio signals. Finally, for completeness, the paper includes also a brief description of the chip design procedure and its internal circuitry

    Study of Adjustable Gains for Control of Oscillation Frequency and Oscillation Condition in 3R-2C Oscillator

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    An idea of adjustable gain in order to obtain controllable features is very useful for design of tuneable oscillators. Several active elements with adjustable properties (current and voltage gain) are discussed in this paper. Three modified oscillator conceptions that are quite simple, directly electronically adjustable, providing independent control of oscillation condition and frequency were designed. Positive and negative aspects of presented method of control are discussed. Expected assumptions of adjustability are verified experimentally on one of the presented solution

    SIRENA: A CAD environment for behavioural modelling and simulation of VLSI cellular neural network chips

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    This paper presents SIRENA, a CAD environment for the simulation and modelling of mixed-signal VLSI parallel processing chips based on cellular neural networks. SIRENA includes capabilities for: (a) the description of nominal and non-ideal operation of CNN analogue circuitry at the behavioural level; (b) performing realistic simulations of the transient evolution of physical CNNs including deviations due to second-order effects of the hardware; and, (c) evaluating sensitivity figures, and realize noise and Monte Carlo simulations in the time domain. These capabilities portray SIRENA as better suited for CNN chip development than algorithmic simulation packages (such as OpenSimulator, Sesame) or conventional neural networks simulators (RCS, GENESIS, SFINX), which are not oriented to the evaluation of hardware non-idealities. As compared to conventional electrical simulators (such as HSPICE or ELDO-FAS), SIRENA provides easier modelling of the hardware parasitics, a significant reduction in computation time, and similar accuracy levels. Consequently, iteration during the design procedure becomes possible, supporting decision making regarding design strategies and dimensioning. SIRENA has been developed using object-oriented programming techniques in C, and currently runs under the UNIX operating system and X-Windows framework. It employs a dedicated high-level hardware description language: DECEL, fitted to the description of non-idealities arising in CNN hardware. This language has been developed aiming generality, in the sense of making no restrictions on the network models that can be implemented. SIRENA is highly modular and composed of independent tools. This simplifies future expansions and improvements.ComisiĂłn Interministerial de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a TIC96-1392-C02-0
