20 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Compliance with Regulations in Nigeria

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    The effect of different industrial sector activity on the environment varies enormously but it is an incontrovertible statement that damages are been done to the environment world wide. Environmental concerns rarely form an integral part of development plans particularly in third world countries like Nigeria. The realization that sustainable development can only be achieved through interdependence between economic growth and environmental quality through compliance with existing regulations has compelled some governments to now regard the environment as valued and integral part of Economic growth. Hence, environmental problems have become a priority by Government both in domestic and international scene. However, environmental policies and regulations are not lacking but are rarely enforced especially in Nigeria. The inability of Government to implement stringent environmental regulations is compounded by the fact that the goals of most corporate organizations are purely economic. Little attention is devoted to their social responsibilities. Corruption is another aspect. Most corporate bodies saddled with the responsibilities of implementing these regulations lack the political will to do so. This paper attempts to discuss the concept and history of corporate social responsibility, environment, stakeholders and sustainable development, regulatory framework and corporate social responsibility and environmental audit

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Compliance with Regulations in Nigeria

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    The effect of different industrial sector activity on the environment varies enormously but it is an incontrovertible statement that damages are been done to the environment world wide. Environmental concerns rarely form an integral part of development plans particularly in third world countries like Nigeria. The realization that sustainable development can only be achieved through interdependence between economic growth and environmental quality through compliance with existing regulations has compelled some governments to now regard the environment as valued and integral part of Economic growth. Hence, environmental problems have become a priority by Government both in domestic and international scene. However, environmental policies and regulations are not lacking but are rarely enforced especially in Nigeria. The inability of Government to implement stringent environmental regulations is compounded by the fact that the goals of most corporate organizations are purely economic. Little attention is devoted to their social responsibilities. Corruption is another aspect. Most corporate bodies saddled with the responsibilities of implementing these regulations lack the political will to do so. This paper attempts to discuss the concept and history of corporate social responsibility, environment, stakeholders and sustainable development, regulatory framework and corporate social responsibility and environmental audit

    Environmental Auditing and Sustainable Development in Nigeria

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    This study seeks to examine the issues of environmental auditing on sustainable development. The quest for industrialization and sustained development in Nigeria and the attendant improvement in the quality of life of the populace has taken its toll on the environment. The domineering influence of economic sophistication on every aspect of living had negative climatic impacts which sustainability sets out to correct. As sustainability pursues equitable distribution of opportunities between present and future generations through conservative use of resources, economic development promotes uncontrolled consumption of resources to increase material wealth.   Primary data was collected with the use of questionnaire and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics method, correlation matrix and binary logit. The study hypothesis was also validated. It was revealed that this result is quite distorting, which implies that the more environmental audit carried out the less the effect on sustainable development, environmental engagement and impact assessment. Thus it was concluded that while companies subscribe to the policy of being environmentally friendly, only few engage environmental audit services. This might be a fall out from the voluntary nature of environmental audit. KEYWORDS: Environmental Audit, Sustainable Development and Environmental Impact Assessment

    An Evaluation of Community Relations Impact in Managing Environmental Related Crisis in the Niger Delta

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    The paper is aimed at evaluating relations impact in managing the environmental crisis emanating from the activities of the companies operation in the region. Data are sourced from both primary and secondary.  The primary source is from oral interviews and observations, while the secondary source is from the literatures and the analysis is qualitative. The paper explains and evaluates the relationship between community relation or the corporate social responsibilities of the companies operating in the region and its impact on the environment. It observes that though there are community relations at communities were companies are operating, there is no relationship between community relations and the corporate responsibility and environment management in the Niger Delta Region. Keywords: community relations, environment, crisis and Niger Delt

    Corporate Social and Environmental Auditing: Perceived Responsibility or Regulatory Requirement?

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    This paper aims to explore and develop understanding of auditing specifically in the context of social and environmental disclosures by corporate entities. The paper is framed within a theoretical conception and is primarily literature-based. The purpose is to seek an understanding of the basis of financial auditors carrying out social and environmental audit in order to provide a basis for future research work. The study finds that, aside regulatory issues, one major motivating factor for auditors conducting social and environmental audit is as a result of and the relationship between the audit company and the society and/or stakeholder groups of interest. The study establishes that, even though statutory auditors as part of their work have also embraced the reviewing of social and environmental disclosures by management, for now, there are no regulatory standards backing the concept. The study therefore calls on accountancy regulatory bodies on the need for immediate formulation and implementation of standard policy to that effect. The implications of the study relate to the need to improve the insightfulness of social and environmental reporting and the possibility of the accounting literature offering more insights to the social and environmental auditing. Keywords: Social audit, Environmental audit, Corporate Disclosure

    The Effects of Environmental Orientation on Firm Performance and a Mediating Role of Employee-Based Brand Equity: A Comparative study

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    The studies striving to investigate the interrelationships between environmental orientation-company’s performance, and its mediator constructs remain fragmented. This study provides insights to illuminate the process through which environmental orientation transfers into business results. It proposes hypotheses based on Social Identity Theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action and empirically test it in a comparative, cross-cultural study. The findings observe that employee-specific idiosyncrasies influence business performance through employee-based brand equity. Thus, the study suggests an increased role for management-induced practices to effectively transform brand values into a higher level of employee engagement and better business results

    Effectiveness of environmental impact assessment process in the Maltese Islands

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    A successful Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) helps in contributing effectively to all spheres of sustainability namely environmental, social, cultural, and economic spheres. The objective of this study is to explore the extent of use in the EIA tool, to analyse the effectiveness of EIA throughout the entire cycle of the process focusing on the prediction and mitigation of impacts, public participation, monitoring and follow-up, and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of EIA in the Maltese Islands based on feedback from a variety of stakeholders involved in the named process, and to identify gaps and/or factors which limit effectiveness. The national EIA legislation of the Maltese Islands is valid and sound and is also in line with the European Union Directives but is weak in implementation. Notwithstanding a number of EIA strengths, there is a large number of shortcomings which unless addressed and solved blunt EIA effectiveness. These shortcomings stem from inadequate and half-hearted enforcement throughout the whole EIA process particularly in the follow-up stage which practically determines whether an EIA has reached its sustainability objectives or not

    Marketing ecológico y sistemas de gestión ambiental: conceptos y estrategias empresariales

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNos últimos anos, as empresas móvense nun novo escenario de competitividade onde non só se enfrontan a unha dimensión económica e social, senón tamén a unha esixencia ecolóxica. Conscientes da modificación que está a se producir na contorna da empresa, neste artigo analizamos cómo a empresa debe orienta-la súa xestión cara á nova relación de intercambio empresa-contorna natural-”stakeholders” e as estratexias que deben adoptar no ámbito do márketing ecolóxico (producto, prezo, comunicación e distribución). Paralelamente, presentámo-los mecanismos propostos por organismos internacionais –que lles facilitan ás empresas implementar un Sistema de Xestión Ambiental de forma voluntaria (EMAS-1993, EMAS-2001 e ISO 14001)–, reflexionando sobre as súas semellanzas e diferencias. Así mesmo, efectuamos unha análise do grao de implementación do sistema europeo EMAS e da norma internacional ISO 14001 nas empresas que desempeñan a súa actividade económica en GaliciaIn the latest years, companies are in a new competence scene facing not only economic an social rules, but also ecological ones. Being aware of the changes that are taking place around firms, in this paper we analyse the way a company must direct its management toward the new relationship between firm-natural environment-stakeholders and the ecological marketing strategies (product, prize, promotion and place). We also present the mechanisms proposed by International Organizations, which make it easy to implement an Environment Management System, in a voluntary way, considering its similarities and differences. Besides, this research analyses the degree of implementation of the European System EMAS and the international rule ISO 14001 in the Galician firmsEn los últimos años, las empresas se mueven en un nuevo escenario de competitividad donde no sólo se enfrentan a una dimensión económica y social, sino también a una exigencia ecológica. Conscientes de la modificación que se está produciendo en el entorno de la empresa, en este artículo analizamos cómo la empresa debe orientar su gestión hacia la nueva relación de intercambio empresa-entorno natural-”stakeholders” y las estrategias que deben adoptar en el ámbito del marketing ecológico (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución). Paralelamente, presentamos los mecanismos propuestos por Organismos Internacionales- que facilitan a las empresas implementar un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental de forma voluntaria (EMAS-1993, EMAS-2001 e ISO 14001)- reflexionando sobre sus semejanzas y diferencias. Asimismo, efectuamos un análisis del grado de implementación del sistema europeo EMAS y de la norma internacional ISO 14001 en las empresas que desempeñan su actividad económica en GaliciaS

    Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship

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    Engaging with Environmental Justice: Governance, Education and Citizenship

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