210 research outputs found

    Informed algorithms for sound source separation in enclosed reverberant environments

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    While humans can separate a sound of interest amidst a cacophony of contending sounds in an echoic environment, machine-based methods lag behind in solving this task. This thesis thus aims at improving performance of audio separation algorithms when they are informed i.e. have access to source location information. These locations are assumed to be known a priori in this work, for example by video processing. Initially, a multi-microphone array based method combined with binary time-frequency masking is proposed. A robust least squares frequency invariant data independent beamformer designed with the location information is utilized to estimate the sources. To further enhance the estimated sources, binary time-frequency masking based post-processing is used but cepstral domain smoothing is required to mitigate musical noise. To tackle the under-determined case and further improve separation performance at higher reverberation times, a two-microphone based method which is inspired by human auditory processing and generates soft time-frequency masks is described. In this approach interaural level difference, interaural phase difference and mixing vectors are probabilistically modeled in the time-frequency domain and the model parameters are learned through the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. A direction vector is estimated for each source, using the location information, which is used as the mean parameter of the mixing vector model. Soft time-frequency masks are used to reconstruct the sources. A spatial covariance model is then integrated into the probabilistic model framework that encodes the spatial characteristics of the enclosure and further improves the separation performance in challenging scenarios i.e. when sources are in close proximity and when the level of reverberation is high. Finally, new dereverberation based pre-processing is proposed based on the cascade of three dereverberation stages where each enhances the twomicrophone reverberant mixture. The dereverberation stages are based on amplitude spectral subtraction, where the late reverberation is estimated and suppressed. The combination of such dereverberation based pre-processing and use of soft mask separation yields the best separation performance. All methods are evaluated with real and synthetic mixtures formed for example from speech signals from the TIMIT database and measured room impulse responses

    Deep Learning for Environmentally Robust Speech Recognition: An Overview of Recent Developments

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    Eliminating the negative effect of non-stationary environmental noise is a long-standing research topic for automatic speech recognition that stills remains an important challenge. Data-driven supervised approaches, including ones based on deep neural networks, have recently emerged as potential alternatives to traditional unsupervised approaches and with sufficient training, can alleviate the shortcomings of the unsupervised methods in various real-life acoustic environments. In this light, we review recently developed, representative deep learning approaches for tackling non-stationary additive and convolutional degradation of speech with the aim of providing guidelines for those involved in the development of environmentally robust speech recognition systems. We separately discuss single- and multi-channel techniques developed for the front-end and back-end of speech recognition systems, as well as joint front-end and back-end training frameworks

    Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement and Its Application to Speech Recognition

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    Speech enhancement is the task that aims to improve the quality and the intelligibility of a speech signal that is degraded by ambient noise and room reverberation. Speech enhancement algorithms are used extensively in many audio- and communication systems, including mobile handsets, speech recognition, speaker verification systems and hearing aids. Recently, deep learning has achieved great success in many applications, such as computer vision, nature language processing and speech recognition. Speech enhancement methods have been introduced that use deep-learning techniques, as these techniques are capable of learning complex hierarchical functions using large-scale training data. This dissertation investigates the deep learning based speech enhancement and its application to robust Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). We start our work by exploring generative adversarial network (GAN) based speech enhancement. We explore the techniques to extract information about the noise to aid in the reconstruction of the speech signals. The proposed framework, referred to as ForkGAN, is a novel general adversarial learning-based framework that combines deep-learning with conventional noise reduction techniques. We further extend ForkGAN to M-ForkGAN, which integrates feature mapping and mask learning into a unified framework using ForkGAN. Another variant of ForkGAN, named S-ForkGAN, operates on spectral-domain features, which could directly apply to ASR. Systematic evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Then, we propose a novel multi-stage learning speech enhancement system. Each stage comprises a self-attention (SA) block followed by stacks of temporal convolutional network (TCN) blocks with doubling dilation factors. Each stage generates a prediction that is refined in a subsequent stage. A fusion block is inserted at the input of later stages to re-inject original information. Moreover, we design several multi-scale architectures with perceptual loss. Experiments show that our proposed architectures can achieve the state of the art performance on several public datasets. Recently, modeling to learn the acoustic noisy-clean speech mapping has been enhanced by including auxiliary information such as visual cues, phonetic and linguistic information, and speaker information. We propose a novel speaker-aware speech enhancement (SASE) method that extracts speaker information from a clean reference using long short-term memory (LSTM) layers, and then uses a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRN) to embed the extracted speaker information. The SASE framework is extended with a self-attention mechanism. It is shown that a few seconds of clean reference speech is sufficient, and that the proposed SASE method performs well for a wide range of scenarios. Even though speech enhancement methods that are based on deep learning have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance when compared with conventional methodologies, current deep learning approaches heavily rely on supervised learning, which requires a large number of noisy- and clean-speech sample pairs for training. This is generally not practical in a realistic environment. One cannot simultaneously obtain both noisy and clean speech samples. Thus, most speech enhancement approaches are trained with simulated speech and clean targets. In addition, it would be hard to collect large-scale dataset for the low-resource languages. We propose a novel noise-to-noise speech enhancement (N2N-SE) method that addresses the parallel noisy-clean training data issue, we leverage signal reconstruction techniques by only using corrupted speech. The proposed N2N-SE framework includes a noise conversion module that is an auto-encoder that learns to mix noise with speech, and a speech enhancement module, that learns to reconstruct corrupted speech signals. In addition to additive noise, speech is also affected by reverberation, which is caused by the attenuated and delayed reflections of sound waves. These distortions, particularly when combined, can severely degrade speech intelligibility for human listeners and impact applications, e.g., automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speaker recognition. Thus, effective speech denoising and dereverberation will benefit both speech processing applications and human listeners. We investigate the deep-learning based approaches for both speech dereverberation and speech denoising using the cascade Conformer architecture. The experimental results show that the proposed cascade Conformer can be effective to suppress the noise and reverberation

    Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systems

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    This thesis is related to the field of Sound Source Separation (SSS). It addresses the development and evaluation of these techniques for their application in the resynthesis of high-realism sound scenes by means of Wave Field Synthesis (WFS). Because the vast majority of audio recordings are preserved in twochannel stereo format, special up-converters are required to use advanced spatial audio reproduction formats, such as WFS. This is due to the fact that WFS needs the original source signals to be available, in order to accurately synthesize the acoustic field inside an extended listening area. Thus, an object-based mixing is required. Source separation problems in digital signal processing are those in which several signals have been mixed together and the objective is to find out what the original signals were. Therefore, SSS algorithms can be applied to existing two-channel mixtures to extract the different objects that compose the stereo scene. Unfortunately, most stereo mixtures are underdetermined, i.e., there are more sound sources than audio channels. This condition makes the SSS problem especially difficult and stronger assumptions have to be taken, often related to the sparsity of the sources under some signal transformation. This thesis is focused on the application of SSS techniques to the spatial sound reproduction field. As a result, its contributions can be categorized within these two areas. First, two underdetermined SSS methods are proposed to deal efficiently with the separation of stereo sound mixtures. These techniques are based on a multi-level thresholding segmentation approach, which enables to perform a fast and unsupervised separation of sound sources in the time-frequency domain. Although both techniques rely on the same clustering type, the features considered by each of them are related to different localization cues that enable to perform separation of either instantaneous or real mixtures.Additionally, two post-processing techniques aimed at improving the isolation of the separated sources are proposed. The performance achieved by several SSS methods in the resynthesis of WFS sound scenes is afterwards evaluated by means of listening tests, paying special attention to the change observed in the perceived spatial attributes. Although the estimated sources are distorted versions of the original ones, the masking effects involved in their spatial remixing make artifacts less perceptible, which improves the overall assessed quality. Finally, some novel developments related to the application of time-frequency processing to source localization and enhanced sound reproduction are presented.Cobos Serrano, M. (2009). Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8969Palanci

    An Overview of Deep-Learning-Based Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement and Separation

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    Speech enhancement and speech separation are two related tasks, whose purpose is to extract either one or more target speech signals, respectively, from a mixture of sounds generated by several sources. Traditionally, these tasks have been tackled using signal processing and machine learning techniques applied to the available acoustic signals. Since the visual aspect of speech is essentially unaffected by the acoustic environment, visual information from the target speakers, such as lip movements and facial expressions, has also been used for speech enhancement and speech separation systems. In order to efficiently fuse acoustic and visual information, researchers have exploited the flexibility of data-driven approaches, specifically deep learning, achieving strong performance. The ceaseless proposal of a large number of techniques to extract features and fuse multimodal information has highlighted the need for an overview that comprehensively describes and discusses audio-visual speech enhancement and separation based on deep learning. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey of this research topic, focusing on the main elements that characterise the systems in the literature: acoustic features; visual features; deep learning methods; fusion techniques; training targets and objective functions. In addition, we review deep-learning-based methods for speech reconstruction from silent videos and audio-visual sound source separation for non-speech signals, since these methods can be more or less directly applied to audio-visual speech enhancement and separation. Finally, we survey commonly employed audio-visual speech datasets, given their central role in the development of data-driven approaches, and evaluation methods, because they are generally used to compare different systems and determine their performance