14 research outputs found

    Collection of abstracts of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry

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    International audienceThe 24th European Workshop on Computational Geomety (EuroCG'08) was held at INRIA Nancy - Grand Est & LORIA on March 18-20, 2008. The present collection of abstracts contains the 63 scientific contributions as well as three invited talks presented at the workshop

    Abstracts for the twentyfirst European workshop on Computational geometry, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands, March 9-11, 2005

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    This volume contains abstracts of the papers presented at the 21st European Workshop on Computational Geometry, held at TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands) on March 9–11, 2005. There were 53 papers presented at the Workshop, covering a wide range of topics. This record number shows that the field of computational geometry is very much alive in Europe. We wish to thank all the authors who submitted papers and presented their work at the workshop. We believe that this has lead to a collection of very interesting abstracts that are both enjoyable and informative for the reader. Finally, we are grateful to TU Eindhoven for their support in organizing the workshop and to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for sponsoring the workshop

    Identification of Change in a Dynamic Dot Pattern and its use in the Maintenance of Footprints

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    Examples of spatio-temporal data that can be represented as sets of points (called dot patterns) are pervasive in many applications, for example when tracking herds of migrating animals, ships in busy shipping channels and crowds of people in everyday life. The use of this type of data extends beyond the standard remit of Geographic Information Science (GISc), as classification and optimisation problems can often be visualised in the same manner. A common task within these fields is the assignment of a region (called a footprint) that is representative of the underlying pattern. The ways in which this footprint can be generated has been the subject of much research with many algorithms having been produced. Much of this research has focused on the dot patterns and footprints as static entities, however for many of the applications the data is prone to change. This thesis proposes that the footprint need not necessarily be updated each time the dot pattern changes; that the footprint can remain an appropriate representation of the pattern if the amount of change is slight. To ascertain the appropriate times at which to update the footprint, and when to leave it as it is, this thesis introduces the concept of change identifiers as simple measures of change between two dot patterns. Underlying the change identifiers is an in-depth examination of the data inherent in the dot pattern and the creation of descriptors that represent this data. The experimentation performed by this thesis shows that change identifiers are able to distinguish between different types of change across dot patterns from different sources. In doing so the change identifiers reduce the number of updates of the footprint while maintaining a measurably good representation of the dot pattern

    Adaptive Methods for Robust Document Image Understanding

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    A vast amount of digital document material is continuously being produced as part of major digitization efforts around the world. In this context, generic and efficient automatic solutions for document image understanding represent a stringent necessity. We propose a generic framework for document image understanding systems, usable for practically any document types available in digital form. Following the introduced workflow, we shift our attention to each of the following processing stages in turn: quality assurance, image enhancement, color reduction and binarization, skew and orientation detection, page segmentation and logical layout analysis. We review the state of the art in each area, identify current defficiencies, point out promising directions and give specific guidelines for future investigation. We address some of the identified issues by means of novel algorithmic solutions putting special focus on generality, computational efficiency and the exploitation of all available sources of information. More specifically, we introduce the following original methods: a fully automatic detection of color reference targets in digitized material, accurate foreground extraction from color historical documents, font enhancement for hot metal typesetted prints, a theoretically optimal solution for the document binarization problem from both computational complexity- and threshold selection point of view, a layout-independent skew and orientation detection, a robust and versatile page segmentation method, a semi-automatic front page detection algorithm and a complete framework for article segmentation in periodical publications. The proposed methods are experimentally evaluated on large datasets consisting of real-life heterogeneous document scans. The obtained results show that a document understanding system combining these modules is able to robustly process a wide variety of documents with good overall accuracy

    Large bichromatic point sets admit empty monochromatic 4-gons

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    We consider a variation of a problem stated by Erd˝os and Szekeres in 1935 about the existence of a number fES(k) such that any set S of at least fES(k) points in general position in the plane has a subset of k points that are the vertices of a convex k-gon. In our setting the points of S are colored, and we say that a (not necessarily convex) spanned polygon is monochromatic if all its vertices have the same color. Moreover, a polygon is called empty if it does not contain any points of S in its interior. We show that any bichromatic set of n ≥ 5044 points in R2 in general position determines at least one empty, monochromatic quadrilateral (and thus linearly many).Postprint (published version

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum

    Design and Optimization Methods for Pin-Limited and Cyberphysical Digital Microfluidic Biochips

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    <p>Microfluidic biochips have now come of age, with applications to biomolecular recognition for high-throughput DNA sequencing, immunoassays, and point-of-care clinical diagnostics. In particular, digital microfluidic biochips, which use electrowetting-on-dielectric to manipulate discrete droplets (or "packets of biochemical payload") of picoliter volumes under clock control, are especially promising. The potential applications of biochips include real-time analysis for biochemical reagents, clinical diagnostics, flash chemistry, and on-chip DNA sequencing. The ease of reconfigurability and software-based control in digital microfluidics has motivated research on various aspects of automated chip design and optimization.</p><p>This thesis research is focused on facilitating advances in on-chip bioassays, enhancing the automated use of digital microfluidic biochips, and developing an "intelligent" microfluidic system that has the capability of making on-line re-synthesis while a bioassay is being executed. This thesis includes the concept of a "cyberphysical microfluidic biochip" based on the digital microfluidics hardware platform and on-chip sensing technique. In such a biochip, the control software, on-chip sensing, and the microfluidic operations are tightly coupled. The status of the droplets is dynamically monitored by on-chip sensors. If an error is detected, the control software performs dynamic re-synthesis procedure and error recovery.</p><p>In order to minimize the size and cost of the system, a hardware-assisted error-recovery method, which relies on an error dictionary for rapid error recovery, is also presented. The error-recovery procedure is controlled by a finite-state-machine implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) instead of a software running on a separate computer. Each state of the FSM represents a possible error that may occur on the biochip; for each of these errors, the corresponding sequence of error-recovery signals is stored inside the memory of the FPGA before the bioassay is conducted. When an error occurs, the FSM transitions from one state to another, and the corresponding control signals are updated. Therefore, by using inexpensive FPGA, a portable cyberphysical system can be implemented.</p><p>In addition to errors in fluid-handling operations, bioassay outcomes can also be erroneous due the uncertainty in the completion time for fluidic operations. Due to the inherent randomness of biochemical reactions, the time required to complete each step of the bioassay is a random variable. To address this issue, a new "operation-interdependence-aware" synthesis algorithm is proposed in this thesis. The start and stop time of each operation are dynamically determined based on feedback from the on-chip sensors. Unlike previous synthesis algorithms that execute bioassays based on pre-determined start and end times of each operation, the proposed method facilitates "self-adaptive" bioassays on cyberphysical microfluidic biochips.</p><p>Another design problem addressed in this thesis is the development of a layout-design algorithm that can minimize the interference between devices on a biochip. A probabilistic model for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed; based on the model, the control software can make on-line decisions regarding the number of thermal cycles that must be performed during PCR. Therefore, PCR can be controlled more precisely using cyberphysical integration.</p><p>To reduce the fabrication cost of biochips, yet maintain application flexibility, the concept of a "general-purpose pin-limited biochip" is proposed. Using a graph model for pin-assignment, we develop the theoretical basis and a heuristic algorithm to generate optimized pin-assignment configurations. The associated scheduling algorithm for on-chip biochemistry synthesis has also been developed. Based on the theoretical framework, a complete design flow for pin-limited cyberphysical microfluidic biochips is presented.</p><p>In summary, this thesis research has led to an algorithmic infrastructure and optimization tools for cyberphysical system design and technology demonstrations. The results of this thesis research are expected to enable the hardware/software co-design of a new class of digital microfluidic biochips with tight coupling between microfluidics, sensors, and control software.</p>Dissertatio

    Automating the conversion of natural language fiction to multi-modal 3D animated virtual environments

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    Popular fiction books describe rich visual environments that contain characters, objects, and behaviour. This research develops automated processes for converting text sourced from fiction books into animated virtual environments and multi-modal films. This involves the analysis of unrestricted natural language fiction to identify appropriate visual descriptions, and the interpretation of the identified descriptions for constructing animated 3D virtual environments. The goal of the text analysis stage is the creation of annotated fiction text, which identifies visual descriptions in a structured manner. A hierarchical rule-based learning system is created that induces patterns from example annotations provided by a human, and uses these for the creation of additional annotations. Patterns are expressed as tree structures that abstract the input text on different levels according to structural (token, sentence) and syntactic (parts-of-speech, syntactic function) categories. Patterns are generalized using pair-wise merging, where dissimilar sub-trees are replaced with wild-cards. The result is a small set of generalized patterns that are able to create correct annotations. A set of generalized patterns represents a model of an annotator's mental process regarding a particular annotation category. Annotated text is interpreted automatically for constructing detailed scene descriptions. This includes identifying which scenes to visualize, and identifying the contents and behaviour in each scene. Entity behaviour in a 3D virtual environment is formulated using time-based constraints that are automatically derived from annotations. Constraints are expressed as non-linear symbolic functions that restrict the trajectories of a pair of entities over a continuous interval of time. Solutions to these constraints specify precise behaviour. We create an innovative quantified constraint optimizer for locating sound solutions, which uses interval arithmetic for treating time and space as contiguous quantities. This optimization method uses a technique of constraint relaxation and tightening that allows solution approximations to be located where constraint systems are inconsistent (an ability not previously explored in interval-based quantified constraint solving). 3D virtual environments are populated by automatically selecting geometric models or procedural geometry-creation methods from a library. 3D models are animated according to trajectories derived from constraint solutions. The final animated film is sequenced using a range of modalities including animated 3D graphics, textual subtitles, audio narrations, and foleys. Hierarchical rule-based learning is evaluated over a range of annotation categories. Models are induced for different categories of annotation without modifying the core learning algorithms, and these models are shown to be applicable to different types of books. Models are induced automatically with accuracies ranging between 51.4% and 90.4%, depending on the category. We show that models are refined if further examples are provided, and this supports a boot-strapping process for training the learning mechanism. The task of interpreting annotated fiction text and populating 3D virtual environments is successfully automated using our described techniques. Detailed scene descriptions are created accurately, where between 83% and 96% of the automatically generated descriptions require no manual modification (depending on the type of description). The interval-based quantified constraint optimizer fully automates the behaviour specification process. Sample animated multi-modal 3D films are created using extracts from fiction books that are unrestricted in terms of complexity or subject matter (unlike existing text-to-graphics systems). These examples demonstrate that: behaviour is visualized that corresponds to the descriptions in the original text; appropriate geometry is selected (or created) for visualizing entities in each scene; sequences of scenes are created for a film-like presentation of the story; and that multiple modalities are combined to create a coherent multi-modal representation of the fiction text. This research demonstrates that visual descriptions in fiction text can be automatically identified, and that these descriptions can be converted into corresponding animated virtual environments. Unlike existing text-to-graphics systems, we describe techniques that function over unrestricted natural language text and perform the conversion process without the need for manually constructed repositories of world knowledge. This enables the rapid production of animated 3D virtual environments, allowing the human designer to focus on creative aspects