760 research outputs found

    Processor Microarchitecture Security

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    As computer systems grow more and more complicated, various optimizations can unintentionally introduce security vulnerabilities in these systems. The vulnerabilities can lead to user information and data being compromised or stolen. In particular, the ending of both Moore\u27s law and Dennard scaling motivate the design of more exotic microarchitectural optimizations to extract more performance -- further exacerbating the security vulnerabilities. The performance optimizations often focus on sharing or re-using of hardware components within a processor, between different users or programs. Because of the sharing of the hardware, unintentional information leakage channels, through the shared components, can be created. Microarchitectural attacks, such as the high-profile Spectre and Meltdown attacks or the cache covert channels that they leverage, have demonstrated major vulnerabilities of modern computer architectures due to the microarchitectural~optimizations. Key components of processor microarchitectures are processor caches used for achieving high memory bandwidth and low latency for frequently accessed data. With frequently accessed data being brought and stored in caches, memory latency can be significantly reduced when data is fetched from the cache, as opposed to being fetched from the main memory. With limited processor chip area, however, the cache size cannot be very large. Thus, modern processors adopt a cache hierarchy with multiple levels of caches, where the cache close to processor is faster but smaller, and the cache far from processor is slower but larger. This leads to a fundamental property of modern processors: {\em the latency of accessing data in different cache levels and in main memory is different}. As a result, the timing of memory operations when fetching data from different cache levels, e.g., the timing of fetching data from closest-to-processor L1 cache vs. from main memory, can reveal secret-dependent information if attacker is able to observe the timing of these accesses and correlate them to the operation of the victim\u27s code. Further, due to limited size of the caches, memory accesses by a victim may displace attacker\u27s data from the cache, and with knowledge, or reverse-engineering, of the cache architecture, the attacker can learn some information about victim\u27s data based on the modifications to the state of the cache -- which can be observed by the timing~measurements. Caches are not only structures in the processor that can suffer from security vulnerabilities. As an essential mechanism to achieving high performance, cache-like structures are used pervasively in various processor components, such as the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) and processor frontend. Consequently, the vulnerabilities due to timing differences of accessing data in caches or cache-like structures affect many components of the~processor. The main goal of this dissertation is the {\em design of high performance and secure computer architectures}. Since the sophisticated hardware components such as caches, TLBs, value predictors, and processor frontend are critical to ensure high performance, realizing this goal requires developing fundamental techniques to guarantee security in the presence of timing differences of different processor operations. Furthermore, effective defence mechanisms can be only developed after developing a formal and systematic understanding of all the possible attacks that timing side-channels can lead to. To realize the research goals, the main main contributions of this dissertation~are: \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item Design and evaluation of a novel three-step cache timing model to understand theoretical vulnerabilities in caches \item Development of a benchmark suite that can test if processor caches or secure cache designs are vulnerable to certain theoretical vulnerabilities. \item Development of a timing vulnerability model to test TLBs and design of hardware defenses for the TLBs to address newly found vulnerabilities. \item Analysis of value predictor attacks and design of defenses for value predictors. \item Evaluation of vulnerabilities in processor frontends based on timing differences in the operation of the frontends. \item Development of a design-time security verification framework for secure processor architectures, using information flow tracking methods. \end{itemize} \newpage This dissertation combines the theoretical modeling and practical benchmarking analysis to help evaluate susceptibility of different architectures and microarchitectures to timing attacks on caches, TLBs, value predictors and processor frontend. Although cache timing side-channel attacks have been studied for more than a decade, there is no evidence that the previously-known attacks exhaustively cover all possible attacks. One of the initial research directions covered by this dissertation was to develop a model for cache timing attacks, which can help lead towards discovering all possible cache timing attacks. The proposed three-step cache timing vulnerability model provides a means to enumerate all possible interactions between the victim and attacker who are sharing a cache-like structure, producing the complete set of theoretical timing vulnerabilities. This dissertation also covers new theoretical cache timing attacks that are unknown prior to being found by the model. To make the advances in security not only theoretical, this dissertation also covers design of a benchmarking suite that runs on commodity processors and helps evaluate their cache\u27s susceptibility to attacks, as well as can run on simulators to test potential or future cache designs. As the dissertation later demonstrates, the three-step timing vulnerability model can be naturally applied to any cache-like structures such as TLBs, and the dissertation encompasses a three-step model for TLBs, uncovering of theoretical new TLB attacks, and proposals for defenses. Building on success of analyzing caches and TLBs for new timing attacks, this dissertation then discusses follow-on research on evaluation and uncovering of new timing vulnerabilities in processor frontends. Since security analysis should be applied not just to existing processor microarchitectural features, the dissertation further analyzes possible future features such as value predictors. Although not currently in use, value predictors are actively being researched and proposed for addition into future microarchitectures. This dissertation shows, however, that they are vulnerable to attacks. Lastly, based on findings of the security issues with existing and proposed processor features, this dissertation explores how to better design secure processors from ground up, and presents a design-time security verification framework for secure processor architectures, using information flow tracking methods

    Runtime-assisted optimizations in the on-chip memory hierarchy

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    Following Moore's Law, the number of transistors on chip has been increasing exponentially, which has led to the increasing complexity of modern processors. As a result, the efficient programming of such systems has become more difficult. Many programming models have been developed to answer this issue. Of particular interest are task-based programming models that employ simple annotations to define parallel work in an application. The information available at the level of the runtime systems associated with these programming models offers great potential for improving hardware design. Moreover, due to technological limitations, Moore's Law is predicted to eventually come to an end, so novel paradigms are necessary to maintain the current performance improvement trends. The main goal of this thesis is to exploit the knowledge about a parallel application available at the runtime system level to improve the design of the on-chip memory hierarchy. The coupling of the runtime system and the microprocessor enables a better hardware design without hurting the programmability. The first contribution is a set of insertion policies for shared last-level caches that exploit information about tasks and task data dependencies. The intuition behind this proposal revolves around the observation that parallel threads exhibit different memory access patterns. Even within the same thread, accesses to different variables often follow distinct patterns. The proposed policies insert cache lines into different logical positions depending on the dependency type and task type to which the corresponding memory request belongs. The second proposal optimizes the execution of reductions, defined as a programming pattern that combines input data to form the resulting reduction variable. This is achieved with a runtime-assisted technique for performing reductions in the processor's cache hierarchy. The proposal's goal is to be a universally applicable solution regardless of the reduction variable type, size and access pattern. On the software level, the programming model is extended to let a programmer specify the reduction variables for tasks, as well as the desired cache level where a certain reduction will be performed. The source-to-source compiler and the runtime system are extended to translate and forward this information to the underlying hardware. On the hardware level, private and shared caches are equipped with functional units and the accompanying logic to perform reductions at the cache level. This design avoids unnecessary data movements to the core and back as the data is operated at the place where it resides. The third contribution is a runtime-assisted prioritization scheme for memory requests inside the on-chip memory hierarchy. The proposal is based on the notion of a critical path in the context of parallel codes and a known fact that accelerating critical tasks reduces the execution time of the whole application. In the context of this work, task criticality is observed at a level of a task type as it enables simple annotation by the programmer. The acceleration of critical tasks is achieved by the prioritization of corresponding memory requests in the microprocessor.Siguiendo la ley de Moore, el nĂșmero de transistores en los chips ha crecido exponencialmente, lo que ha comportado una mayor complejidad en los procesadores modernos y, como resultado, de la dificultad de la programaciĂłn eficiente de estos sistemas. Se han desarrollado muchos modelos de programaciĂłn para resolver este problema; un ejemplo particular son los modelos de programaciĂłn basados en tareas, que emplean anotaciones sencillas para definir los Trabajos paralelos de una aplicaciĂłn. La informaciĂłn de que disponen los sistemas en tiempo de ejecuciĂłn (runtime systems) asociada con estos modelos de programaciĂłn ofrece un enorme potencial para la mejora del diseño del hardware. Por otro lado, las limitaciones tecnolĂłgicas hacen que la ley de Moore pueda dejar de cumplirse prĂłximamente, por lo que se necesitan paradigmas nuevos para mantener las tendencias actuales de mejora de rendimiento. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es aprovechar el conocimiento de las aplicaciones paral·leles de que dispone el runtime system para mejorar el diseño de la jerarquĂ­a de memoria del chip. El acoplamiento del runtime system junto con el microprocesador permite realizar mejores diseños hardware sin afectar Negativamente en la programabilidad de dichos sistemas. La primera contribuciĂłn de esta tesis consiste en un conjunto de polĂ­ticas de inserciĂłn para las memorias cachĂ© compartidas de Ășltimo nivel que aprovecha la informaciĂłn de las tareas y las dependencias de datos entre estas. La intuiciĂłn tras esta propuesta se basa en la observaciĂłn de que los hilos de ejecuciĂłn paralelos muestran distintos patrones de acceso a memoria e, incluso dentro del mismo hilo, los accesos a diferentes variables a menudo siguen patrones distintos. Las polĂ­ticas que se proponen insertan lĂ­neas de cachĂ© en posiciones lĂłgicas diferentes en funciĂłn de los tipos de dependencia y tarea a los que corresponde la peticiĂłn de memoria. La segunda propuesta optimiza la ejecuciĂłn de las reducciones, que se definen como un patrĂłn de programaciĂłn que combina datos de entrada para conseguir la variable de reducciĂłn como resultado. Esto se consigue mediante una tĂ©cnica asistida por el runtime system para la realizaciĂłn de reducciones en la jerarquĂ­a de la cachĂ© del procesador, con el objetivo de ser una soluciĂłn aplicable de forma universal sin depender del tipo de la variable de la reducciĂłn, su tamaño o el patrĂłn de acceso. A nivel de software, el modelo de programaciĂłn se extiende para que el programador especifique las variables de reducciĂłn de las tareas, asĂ­ como el nivel de cachĂ© escogido para que se realice una determinada reducciĂłn. El compilador fuente a Fuente (compilador source-to-source) y el runtime ssytem se modifican para que traduzcan y pasen esta informaciĂłn al hardware subyacente, evitando asĂ­ movimientos de datos innecesarios hacia y desde el nĂșcleo del procesador, al realizarse la operaciĂłn donde se encuentran los datos de la misma. La tercera contribuciĂłn proporciona un esquema de priorizaciĂłn asistido por el runtime system para peticiones de memoria dentro de la jerarquĂ­a de memoria del chip. La propuesta se basa en la nociĂłn de camino crĂ­tico en el contexto de los cĂłdigos paralelos y en el hecho conocido de que acelerar tareas crĂ­ticas reduce el tiempo de ejecuciĂłn de la aplicaciĂłn completa. En el contexto de este trabajo, la criticidad de las tareas se considera a nivel del tipo de tarea ya que permite que el programador las indique mediante anotaciones sencillas. La aceleraciĂłn de las tareas crĂ­ticas se consigue priorizando las correspondientes peticiones de memoria en el microprocesador.Seguint la llei de Moore, el nombre de transistors que contenen els xips ha patit un creixement exponencial, fet que ha provocat un augment de la complexitat dels processadors moderns i, per tant, de la dificultat de la programaciĂł eficient d’aquests sistemes. Per intentar solucionar-ho, s’han desenvolupat diversos models de programaciĂł; un exemple particular en sĂłn els models basats en tasques, que fan servir anotacions senzilles per definir treballs paral·lels dins d’una aplicaciĂł. La informaciĂł que hi ha al nivell dels sistemes en temps d’execuciĂł (runtime systems) associada amb aquests models de programaciĂł ofereix un gran potencial a l’hora de millorar el disseny del maquinari. D’altra banda, les limitacions tecnolĂČgiques fan que la llei de Moore pugui deixar de complir-se properament, per la qual cosa calen nous paradigmes per mantenir les tendĂšncies actuals en la millora de rendiment. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi Ă©s aprofitar els coneixements que el runtime System tĂ© d’una aplicaciĂł paral·lela per millorar el disseny de la jerarquia de memĂČria dins el xip. L’acoblament del runtime system i el microprocessador permet millorar el disseny del maquinari sense malmetre la programabilitat d’aquests sistemes. La primera contribuciĂł d’aquesta tesi consisteix en un conjunt de polĂ­tiques d’inserciĂł a les memĂČries cau (cache memories) compartides d’Ășltim nivell que aprofita informaciĂł sobre tasques i les dependĂšncies de dades entre aquestes. La intuĂŻciĂł que hi ha al darrere d’aquesta proposta es basa en el fet que els fils d’execuciĂł paral·lels mostren diferents patrons d’accĂ©s a la memĂČria; fins i tot dins el mateix fil, els accessos a variables diferents sovint segueixen patrons diferents. Les polĂ­tiques que s’hi proposen insereixen lĂ­nies de la memĂČria cau a diferents ubicacions lĂČgiques en funciĂł dels tipus de dependĂšncia i de tasca als quals correspon la peticiĂł de memĂČria. La segona proposta optimitza l’execuciĂł de les reduccions, que es defineixen com un patrĂł de programaciĂł que combina dades d’entrada per aconseguir la variable de reducciĂł com a resultat. AixĂČ s’aconsegueix mitjançant una tĂšcnica assistida pel runtime system per dur a terme reduccions en la jerarquia de la memĂČria cau del processador, amb l’objectiu que la proposta sigui aplicable de manera universal, sense dependre del tipus de la variable a la qual es realitza la reducciĂł, la seva mida o el patrĂł d’accĂ©s. A nivell de programari, es realitza una extensiĂł del model de programaciĂł per facilitar que el programador especifiqui les variables de les reduccions que usaran les tasques, aixĂ­ com el nivell de memĂČria cau desitjat on s’hauria de realitzar una certa reducciĂł. El compilador font a font (compilador source-to-source) i el runtime system s’amplien per traduir i passar aquesta informaciĂł al maquinari subjacent. A nivell de maquinari, les memĂČries cau privades i compartides s’equipen amb unitats funcionals i la lĂČgica corresponent per poder dur a terme les reduccions a la prĂČpia memĂČria cau, evitant aixĂ­ moviments de dades innecessaris entre el nucli del processador i la jerarquia de memĂČria. La tercera contribuciĂł proporciona un esquema de prioritzaciĂł assistit pel runtime System per peticions de memĂČria dins de la jerarquia de memĂČria del xip. La proposta es basa en la nociĂł de camĂ­ crĂ­tic en el context dels codis paral·lels i en el fet conegut que l’acceleraciĂł de les tasques que formen part del camĂ­ crĂ­tic redueix el temps d’execuciĂł de l’aplicaciĂł sencera. En el context d’aquest treball, la criticitat de les tasques s’observa al nivell del seu tipus ja que permet que el programador les indiqui mitjançant anotacions senzilles. L’acceleraciĂł de les tasques crĂ­tiques s’aconsegueix prioritzant les corresponents peticions de memĂČria dins el microprocessador

    A framework for the dynamic management of Peer-to-Peer overlays

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications have been associated with inefficient operation, interference with other network services and large operational costs for network providers. This thesis presents a framework which can help ISPs address these issues by means of intelligent management of peer behaviour. The proposed approach involves limited control of P2P overlays without interfering with the fundamental characteristics of peer autonomy and decentralised operation. At the core of the management framework lays the Active Virtual Peer (AVP). Essentially intelligent peers operated by the network providers, the AVPs interact with the overlay from within, minimising redundant or inefficient traffic, enhancing overlay stability and facilitating the efficient and balanced use of available peer and network resources. They offer an “insider‟s” view of the overlay and permit the management of P2P functions in a compatible and non-intrusive manner. AVPs can support multiple P2P protocols and coordinate to perform functions collectively. To account for the multi-faceted nature of P2P applications and allow the incorporation of modern techniques and protocols as they appear, the framework is based on a modular architecture. Core modules for overlay control and transit traffic minimisation are presented. Towards the latter, a number of suitable P2P content caching strategies are proposed. Using a purpose-built P2P network simulator and small-scale experiments, it is demonstrated that the introduction of AVPs inside the network can significantly reduce inter-AS traffic, minimise costly multi-hop flows, increase overlay stability and load-balancing and offer improved peer transfer performance

    Service Abstractions for Scalable Deep Learning Inference at the Edge

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    Deep learning driven intelligent edge has already become a reality, where millions of mobile, wearable, and IoT devices analyze real-time data and transform those into actionable insights on-device. Typical approaches for optimizing deep learning inference mostly focus on accelerating the execution of individual inference tasks, without considering the contextual correlation unique to edge environments and the statistical nature of learning-based computation. Specifically, they treat inference workloads as individual black boxes and apply canonical system optimization techniques, developed over the last few decades, to handle them as yet another type of computation-intensive applications. As a result, deep learning inference on edge devices still face the ever increasing challenges of customization to edge device heterogeneity, fuzzy computation redundancy between inference tasks, and end-to-end deployment at scale. In this thesis, we propose the first framework that automates and scales the end-to-end process of deploying efficient deep learning inference from the cloud to heterogeneous edge devices. The framework consists of a series of service abstractions that handle DNN model tailoring, model indexing and query, and computation reuse for runtime inference respectively. Together, these services bridge the gap between deep learning training and inference, eliminate computation redundancy during inference execution, and further lower the barrier for deep learning algorithm and system co-optimization. To build efficient and scalable services, we take a unique algorithmic approach of harnessing the semantic correlation between the learning-based computation. Rather than viewing individual tasks as isolated black boxes, we optimize them collectively in a white box approach, proposing primitives to formulate the semantics of the deep learning workloads, algorithms to assess their hidden correlation (in terms of the input data, the neural network models, and the deployment trials) and merge common processing steps to minimize redundancy

    Colocation aware content sharing in urban transport

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    People living in urban areas spend a considerable amount of time on public transport. During these periods, opportunities for inter-personal networking present themselves, as many of us now carry electronic devices equipped with Bluetooth or other wireless capabilities. Using these devices, individuals can share content (e.g., music, news or video clips) with fellow travellers that happen to be on the same train or bus. Transferring media takes time; in order to maximise the chances of successfully completing interesting downloads, users should identify neighbours that possess desirable content and who will travel with them for long-enough periods. In this thesis, a peer-to-peer content distribution system for wireless devices is proposed, grounded on three main contributions: (1) a technique to predict colocation durations (2) a mechanism to exclude poorly performing peers and (3) a library advertisement protocol. The prediction scheme works on the observation that people have a high degree of regularity in their movements. Ensuring that content is accurately described and delivered is a challenge in open networks, requiring the use of a trust framework, to avoid devices that do not behave appropriately. Content advertising methodologies are investigated, showing their effect on whether popular material or niche tastes are disseminated. We first validate our assumptions on synthetic and real datasets, particularly movement traces that are comparable to urban environments. We then illustrate real world operation using measurements from mobile devices running our system in the proposed environment. Finally, we demonstrate experimentally on these traces that our content sharing system significantly improves data communication efficiency, and file availability compared to naive approaches

    Study and analysis of innovative network protocols and architectures

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    In the last years, some new paradigms are emerging in the networking area as inspiring models for the definition of future communications networks. A key example is certainly the Content Centric Networking (CCN) protocol suite, namely a novel network architecture that aims to supersede the current TCP/IP stack in favor of a name based routing algorithm, also introducing in-network caching capabilities. On the other hand, much interest has been placed on Software Defined Networking (SDN), namely the set of protocols and architectures designed to make network devices more dynamic and programmable. Given this complex arena, the thesis focuses on the analysis of these innovative network protocols, with the aim of exploring possible design flaws and hence guaranteeing their proper operation when actually deployed in the network. Particular emphasis is given to the security of these protocols, for its essential role in every wide scale application. Some work has been done in this direction, but all these solutions are far to be considered fully investigated. In the CCN case, a closer investigation on problems related to possible DDoS attacks due to the stateful nature of the protocol, is presented along with a full-fledged proposal to support scalable PUSH application on top of CCN. Concerning SDN, instead, we present a tool for the verification of network policies in complex graphs containing dynamic network functions. In order to obtain significant results, we leverage different tools and methodologies: on the one hand, we assess simulation software as very useful tools for representing the most common use cases for the various technologies. On the other hand, we exploit more sophisticated formal methods to ensure a higher level of confidence for the obtained results

    Architecting Secure Processor Caches

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    Caches in modern processors enable fast access to data and help alleviate the performance overheads from slow access to DRAM main-memory. While sharing of cache resources between multiple cores, especially the last-level cache, boosts cache utilization and improves system performance, it has been shown to cause serious security vulnerabilities in the form cache side-channel attacks. Different cores of a system can simultaneously run sensitive and malicious applications which can contend for the shared cache space. As a result, accesses of a sensitive application can influence the cache utilization and the execution time of a malicious application, introducing a side-channel of information leakage. Such cache interactions between a sensitive victim and a malicious spy have been shown to allow leakage of encryption keys, user-sensitive data such as files or browsing histories, confidential intellectual property such as machine-learning models, etc. Similarly, such cache interactions can also be used as a channel for covert communication be- tween two colluding malicious applications, when direct communication via network ports is disabled. The focus of this thesis is to develop principled and practical mitigation for such cache side channel and covert channel attacks. To develop principled defenses, it is necessary to develop a deep understanding of attacks. So, first, this thesis investigates the capabilities of attackers and in the process develops a new cache covert channel attack called Streamline, which is considerably faster than current state-of-the-art attacks, with fewer requirements. With an asynchronous and flushless information transmission protocol, Streamline reaches bit-rates of more than 1 MB/s while being applicable to all ISAs and micro-architectures. This demonstrates the need for effective defenses against cache attacks across all platforms. Second, this thesis develops new principled and practical defenses utilizing cache lo- cation randomization. Randomized caches obfuscate the mappings of addresses to cache locations to prevent malicious programs from inferring contention patterns on shared last- level caches with victim programs. However, successive defenses relying on randomization have been broken by recent attacks. To end the arms race in randomized caches, this thesis proposes a principled defense, MIRAGE, which provides the security of a fully-associative design in a practical manner for randomized caches. This eliminates set-conflicts and set- conflict based cache attacks in a future-proof manner. Third, this thesis explores cache-partitioning based defenses to eliminate all potential cache side channels through shared last-level caches. Such defenses map mistrusting applications to isolated cache partitions, thus preventing any information leakage across applications through cache state changes. However, existing solutions are not scalable or do not allow flexible usage of DRAM and cache resources. To address these problems, this thesis provides a scalable and flexible cache-isolation framework, Bespoke Cache Enclaves, supporting hundreds of partitions independent of memory utilization. This work enables practical adoption of cache-isolation defenses against cache side-channel attacks. Lastly, this thesis develops techniques to secure caches against exploitation in transient execution attacks. Attacks like Spectre and Meltdown exploit processor speculation to illegally access secrets and leak these out through cache covert channels, i.e., making transient changes to processor caches. This thesis enables CleanupSpec, one of the first defenses against such attacks, which reverses speculative modifications to caches on mis- speculations, to limit such transient information leakage via caches. This solution prevents caches from being exploited by attacks like Spectre with minimal overheads. Overall, this thesis enables several techniques that provide principled yet practical security for processor caches against side channels and covert channels. These techniques can potentially enable the wide adoption of secure cache designs in future processors and support efforts to enable confidential computing in systems.Ph.D

    Improving the Energy Efficiency of Microprocessor Cores Through Accurate Resource Utilisation Prediction

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    CMOS technology scaling improves the speed and functionality of microprocessors by reducing the size of transistors. Static power dissipation also increases as a result of scaling however, and has been identified as a limiting factor in technology scaling. As current technology approaches that limit, techniques are required both at the technology-level and in the architecture design to reduce sub-threshold leakage, which accounts for the majority of static power dissipation. This thesis presents an approach to predict the idle periods of execution units at runtime and power-gate them during these periods to eliminate their static power leakage. We exploit similar execution characteristics across loop iterations to build a prediction of the units required to execute an entire loop from the units used over the first few iterations. The utilisation of each execution unit is monitored for each iteration, and thresholds are used to determine which units should be power-gated for the remainder of the loop. Three techniques are presented: Loop-Directed Mothballing (LDM), Extended Loop-Directed Mothballing (ELDM) and schedule balancing. LDM power-gates execution units only during innermost loops, which are simple to detect at runtime. ELDM extends this method to all loops using loop entry and exit information gathered offline. The balancing scheduler is developed to balance the types of instruction issued each cycle, to encourage reuse of execution units and make unnecessary units easier to detect. Extensive simulation using traces of 16 benchmarks from the SPEC CPU2006 suite demonstrates that LDM reduces the energy-delay product of our simulated superscalar processor by 10.3%. For traces with a low proportion of executed instructions inside innermost loops, ELDM improves the energy-delay product by up to 13% by allowing the technique to be applied to other loops in the trace. Employing schedule balancing with ELDM achieves similar savings, and simplifies the hardware required to make predictions

    Models and Protocols for Resource Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks are built on a mix of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless links to form a multihop ad hoc network. An emerging application area for wireless mesh networks is their evolution into a converged infrastructure used to share and extend, to mobile users, the wireless Internet connectivity of sparsely deployed fixed lines with heterogeneous capacity, ranging from ISP-owned broadband links to subscriber owned low-speed connections. In this thesis we address different key research issues for this networking scenario. First, we propose an analytical predictive tool, developing a queuing network model capable of predicting the network capacity and we use it in a load aware routing protocol in order to provide, to the end users, a quality of service based on the throughput. We then extend the queuing network model and introduce a multi-class queuing network model to predict analytically the average end-to-end packet delay of the traffic flows among the mobile end users and the Internet. The analytical models are validated against simulation. Second, we propose an address auto-configuration solution to extend the coverage of a wireless mesh network by interconnecting it to a mobile ad hoc network in a transparent way for the infrastructure network (i.e., the legacy Internet interconnected to the wireless mesh network). Third, we implement two real testbed prototypes of the proposed solutions as a proof-of-concept, both for the load aware routing protocol and the auto-configuration protocol. Finally we discuss the issues related to the adoption of ad hoc networking technologies to address the fragility of our communication infrastructure and to build the next generation of dependable, secure and rapidly deployable communications infrastructures
