1,652 research outputs found

    Entropy Dynamics of Community Alignment in the Italian Parliament Time-Dependent Network

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    Complex institutions are typically characterized by meso-scale structures which are fundamental for the successful coordination of multiple agents. Here we introduce a framework to study the temporal dynamics of the node-community relationship based on the concept of community alignment, a measure derived from the modularity matrix that defines the alignment of a node with respect to the core of its community. The framework is applied to the 16th legislature of the Italian Parliament to study the dynamic relationship in voting behavior between Members of the Parliament (MPs) and their political parties. As a novel contribution, we introduce two entropy-based measures that capture politically interesting dynamics: the group alignment entropy (over a single snapshot), and the node alignment entropy (over multiple snapshots). We show that significant meso-scale changes in the time-dependent network structures can be detected by a combination of the two measures. We observe a steady growth of the group alignment entropy after a major internal conflict in the ruling majority and a different distribution of nodes alignment entropy after the government transition

    Flow of online misinformation during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on every human activity and, because of the urgency of finding the proper responses to such an unprecedented emergency, it generated a diffused societal debate. The online version of this discussion was not exempted by the presence of d/misinformation campaigns, but differently from what already witnessed in other debates, the COVID-19 -- intentional or not -- flow of false information put at severe risk the public health, reducing the effectiveness of governments' countermeasures. In the present manuscript, we study the effective impact of misinformation in the Italian societal debate on Twitter during the pandemic, focusing on the various discursive communities. In order to extract the discursive communities, we focus on verified users, i.e. accounts whose identity is officially certified by Twitter. We thus infer the various discursive communities based on how verified users are perceived by standard ones: if two verified accounts are considered as similar by non unverified ones, we link them in the network of certified accounts. We first observe that, beside being a mostly scientific subject, the COVID-19 discussion show a clear division in what results to be different political groups. At this point, by using a commonly available fact-checking software (NewsGuard), we assess the reputation of the pieces of news exchanged. We filter the network of retweets (i.e. users re-broadcasting the same elementary piece of information, or tweet) from random noise and check the presence of messages displaying an url. The impact of misinformation posts reaches the 22.1% in the right and center-right wing community and its contribution is even stronger in absolute numbers, due to the activity of this group: 96% of all non reputable urls shared by political groups come from this community.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. The Abstract, the Introduction, the Results, the Conclusions and the Methods were substantially rewritten. The plot of the network have been changed, as well as table

    Big Data Research in Italy: A Perspective

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    The aim of this article is to synthetically describe the research projects that a selection of Italian universities is undertaking in the context of big data. Far from being exhaustive, this article has the objective of offering a sample of distinct applications that address the issue of managing huge amounts of data in Italy, collected in relation to diverse domains

    Bow-tie structures of twitter discursive communities

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    Bow-tie structures were introduced to describe the World Wide Web (WWW): in the direct network in which the nodes are the websites and the edges are the hyperlinks connecting them, the greatest number of nodes takes part to a bow-tie, i.e. a Weakly Connected Component (WCC) composed of 3 main sectors: IN, OUT and SCC. SCC is the main Strongly Connected Component of WCC, i.e. the greatest subgraph in which each node is reachable by any other one. The IN and OUT sectors are the set of nodes not included in SCC that, respectively, can access and are accessible to nodes in SCC. In the WWW, the greatest part of the websites can be found in the SCC, while the search engines belong to IN and the authorities, as Wikipedia, are in OUT. In the analysis of Twitter debate, the recent literature focused on discursive communities, i.e. clusters of accounts interacting among themselves via retweets. In the present work, we studied discursive communities in 8 different thematic Twitter datasets in various languages. Surprisingly, we observed that almost all discursive communities therein display a bow-tie structure during political or societal debates. Instead, they are absent when the argument of the discussion is different as sport events, as in the case of Euro2020 Turkish and Italian datasets. We furthermore analysed the quality of the content created in the various sectors of the different discursive communities, using the domain annotation from the fact-checking website Newsguard: we observe that, when the discursive community is affected by m/disinformation, the content with the lowest quality is the one produced and shared in SCC and, in particular, a strong incidence of low- or non-reputable messages is present in the flow of retweets between the SCC and the OUT sectors. In this sense, in discursive communities affected by m/disinformation, the greatest part of the accounts has access to a great variety of contents, but whose quality is, in general, quite low; such a situation perfectly describes the phenomenon of infodemic, i.e. the access to "an excessive amount of information about a problem, which makes it difficult to identify a solution", according to WHO

    Exploring the Adoption of Service-Dominant Logic as an Integrative Framework for Assessing Energy Transitions

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    Energy transitions (ETs) can solve some societal problems but must transform societies. Accordingly, socio-technical transitions and other systemic frameworks have been used to assess ETs. However, based on these frameworks, assessments miss a value co-creation orientation, the focus on actors' researched benefits and enabled service exchange, and the consideration of needed de/re-institutionalization practices. Analyzing those elements could prevent socioeconomic shocks and loss of opportunities and unfold possible ET challenges against ET viability and sustainability. Intending to develop a theory synthesis work for enriching previous frameworks, we propose service-dominant logic (S-D logic) as an integrative framework to assess ETs. We offer a literature review on ET systems' frameworks to compare them with the proposal. We also identify the implications of adopting S-D logic for rethinking energy systems' dynamics and ETs. Thus, we contribute to the literature by providing an integrative framework for assessing ETs and we illustrate its potentialities by deriving some challenges of the current Italian ET. This study paves the way for deeper analyses on the contribution of S-D logic to ETs and the operationalization of other systems' frameworks in our integrative one. Merging with quantitative models could also follow

    All the ties that bind. A socio-semantic network analysis of Twitter political discussions

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    Social media play a crucial role in what contemporary sociological reflections define as a ‘hybrid media system’. Online spaces created by social media platforms resemble global public squares hosting large-scale social networks populated by citizens, political leaders, parties and organizations, journalists, activists and institutions that establish direct interactions and exchange contents in a disintermediated fashion. In the last decade, an increasing number of studies from researchers coming from different disciplines has approached the study of the manifold facets of citizen participation in online political spaces. In most cases, these studies have focused on the investigation of direct relationships amongst political actors. Conversely, relatively less attention has been paid to the study of contents that circulate during online discussions and how their diffusion contributes to building political identities. Even more rarely, the study of social media contents has been investigated in connection with those concerning social interactions amongst online users. To fill in this gap, my thesis work proposes a methodological procedure consisting in a network-based, data-driven approach to both infer communities of users with a similar communication behavior and to extract the most prominent contents discussed within those communities. More specifically, my work focuses on Twitter, a social media platform that is widely used during political debates. Groups of users with a similar retweeting behavior - hereby referred to as discursive communities - are identified starting with the bipartite network of Twitter verified users retweeted by nonverified users. Once the discursive communities are obtained, the corresponding semantic networks are identified by considering the co-occurrences of the hashtags that are present in the tweets sent by their members. The identification of discursive communities and the study of the related semantic networks represent the starting point for exploring more in detail two specific conversations that took place in the Italian Twittersphere: the former occured during the electoral campaign before the 2018 Italian general elections and in the two weeks after Election day; the latter centered on the issue of migration during the period May-November 2019. Regarding the social analysis, the main result of my work is the identification of a behavior-driven picture of discursive communities induced by the retweeting activity of Twitter users, rather than determined by prior information on their political affiliation. Although these communities do not necessarily match the political orientation of their users, they are closely related to the evolution of the Italian political arena. As for the semantic analysis, this work sheds light on the symbolic dimension of partisan dynamics. Different discursive communities are, in fact, characterized by a peculiar conversational dynamics at both the daily and the monthly time-scale. From a purely methodological aspect, semantic networks have been analyzed by employing three (increasingly restrictive) benchmarks. The k-shell decomposition of both filtered and non-filtered semantic networks reveals the presence of a core-periphery structure providing information on the most debated topics within each discursive community and characterizing the communication strategy of the corresponding political coalition

    Modeling and Analyzing Collective Behavior Captured by Many-to-Many Networks

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