20 research outputs found

    Administración de grupos empresariales colaborativos

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    Actualmente, cada vez más empresas están conscientes y motivadas para adherirse a plataformas de colaboración como facilitadoras de negocios, permitiendo a grupos de empresas mejorar su oferta y competitividad. Como tal, el concepto de ecosistema empresarial se está convirtiendo en prominente. El análisis de la literatura muestra que una serie de contribuciones pueden encontrarse en varios campos de investigación, tales como, beneficios de colaboración y colaboración en la cadena de suministro. El propósito de este documento es el estudio de estas áreas, destacando sus posibles contribuciones sobre la evaluación de los beneficios y el desempeño en colaboración. Para ello se emplea como método investigativo una búsqueda bibliográfica en el directorio ScinceDirect y se seleccionan los artí­culos más citados en esta lí­nea investigativa.  

    Requirements for a Control Instrument of Intraorganizational Online Collaboration - A Maturity Model Analysis

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    Intraorganizational online collaboration (IOC) can be designed in various ways but there is still a backlog in how to control IOC and deriving corresponding actions. This paper aims to find and analyze approaches for an evaluation model of intraorganizational online collaboration. By using interview data, of in-depth interview with field experts the importance of an organizational control instrument for IOC is elaborated and a requirement catalogue for such instruments is deduced. This catalogue is applied in an initial analysis of maturity models (MM) as one identified approach of a control instrument for IOC. The findings show that the analyzed MMs fulfil the catalogue of requirements in different degrees and that suitable approaches exist. However, all MMs do have disadvantages and further developments of the models are required

    Utilizando social BPM na colaboração de equipes de TI em uma empresa pública

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    This paper presents the main concepts and analysis related to the Social BPM, Collaboration Maturity Model, showing how this procedure is becoming more and more necessary in the organizations routine. The main objective of this paper is to present the main steps of business process management applied within institutions, having as secondary objectives: to emphasize the importance of communication for the procedures to be well developed, to highlight the concept and application of social BPM and to highlight how the process of collaboration is developed within companies. The methodology applied throughout the work will be a collaborative maturity model, called CollabMM, which consists of descriptive research, highlighting the main steps for the collaboration maturity to be performed efficiently within organizations. Seeking to further highlight the information presented throughout the article, a case study was conducted in which the importance of planning and improvement processes to achieve better performance is verified.O presente trabalho busca apresentar ao longo dos seus tópicos os principais conceitos e análises referentes ao Social BPM, Modelo de Maturidade da Colaboração, evidenciando como esse procedimento vem se tornando cada vez mais necessário na rotina das organizações. O objetivo principal do trabalho consiste em apresentar os principais passos do gerenciamento de processos de negócios aplicados dentro das instituições, tendo como objetivos secundários: ressaltar a importância da comunicação para que os procedimentos sejam bem desenvolvidos, evidenciar o conceito e aplicação do social BPM e destacar como é desenvolvido o processo de colaboração dentro das empresas. A metodologia aplicada ao longo do trabalho será modelo de maturidade em colaboração, chamado CollabMM, que consiste na pesquisa descritiva, ressaltando os principais passos para que a maturidade da colaboração seja realizada de forma eficiente dentro das organizações. Buscando evidenciar ainda mais as informações apresentadas ao longo do artigo, foi realizado um estudo de caso onde se verifica a importância do planejamento e dos processos de aperfeiçoamento para que consiga obter um melhor desempenho

    Is there a link between industry involvement in higher education learning and student job creation intention?

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    This study examines how the constituents of industry involvement in higher education learning (IIHEL) – namely curriculum restructuring, renewed pedagogical approaches and competencies, building linkages between higher education and industry, and career training and mentoring – might impact student job creation intention. The study builds on social cognitive theory (self-efficacy) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (attitude towards behaviour) to assess the mechanisms through which these relationships exist. The researchers used cross-sectional data from 268 final-year undergraduate students of 12 Nigerian public universities to analyse these relationships. Structural equation modelling analysis (SEM-AMOS) was employed to test the direct relationships, and Hayes’ PROCESS Macro 3.5 was used to test the specific indirect effects. The findings show that all the constituents of IIHEL were associated positively with student job creation intention. However, only self-efficacy mediated the relationships between curriculum restructuring, renewed pedagogical approaches and competencies and student job creation intention. The findings provide practical implications for higher education teachers, managers, practitioners, policymakers and students by demonstrating the importance of IIHEL in boosting student job creation intention

    Um modelo de processos de gestão de federações de provedores de serviços de software

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2014.O desenvolvimento das TIs trouxe diversas mudanças na maneira como o software é desenvolvido e distribuído. A computação em nuvem é um dos motivos desta mudança, que propicia a distribuição de software não mais como produto e sim como serviço. Com isso, do ponto de vista de negócios, a necessidade de reuso e integração de serviços ampliou a adesão ao SOA, que facilita a interação dos serviços entre aplicações e empresas. Como grande parte da indústria deste ramo é movimentada pelas MPMEs, uma alternativa para busca do melhor aproveitamento das oportunidades de mercado é através das alianças estratégicas. Diversas abordagens são apresentadas na literatura, uma abordagem clássica bastante comum no contexto da cadeia de suprimentos são os arranjos produtivos locais (APL). Devido aos resultados trazidos pela globalização, as TICs impuseram profundas mudanças nos paradigmas organizacionais, favorecendo o estabelecimento de novas Redes Colaborativas, que são auxiliadas pela internet. Dentre as várias redes que existem com diferentes características e desdobramentos, o Ambiente de Criação de organizações Virtuais (ACV) busca facilitar o processo de criação de Organizações Virtuais (OVs) e sua finalidade é proporcionar uma aliança temporária para aproveitar uma oportunidade de negócios. Neste contexto é necessário tratar da gestão dessa colaboração, ou seja, saber o que fazer para colaborar e como manter essa colaboração. Para apoiar essa tarefa, nesta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvido um modelo de gestão de uma Federação de Provedores de Serviços de Software, para as empresas trabalharem colaborativamente a fim de prover serviços de software de maior valor agregado. Este modelo apresenta a gestão da Federação em diversos processos, de modo a enquadrar todos os requisitos necessários a sua manutenção. Os processos foram classificados conforme o ciclo de vida da Federação, e suas definições e objetivos foram também descritos. Para avaliar o modelo, houve uma interação com um grupo de especialistas através de um survey, cujo feedback atesta a relevância deste trabalho e a completude do modelo.Abstract : The IT development brought several changes in the way how software is developed and distributed. The cloud computing is one of the reasons of it by supporting the software distribution not as a product anymore, but as a service. In this way, at the business point of view, the need of software reuse and integration has increased the SOA adoption, which supports service interaction between applications and enterprises. Since most of the industry in this area is moved by SMEs, an alternative in order to better take the business opportunities is through strategic alliances. Several approaches are presented in the literature, a classical one very usual in the supply chain context are local productive arrangements. Due to the results brought by the globalization, the ICTs have imposed deeply changes into the organizational paradigms, it beneficiates the establishment of new Collaborative Networks, which is supported by the internet. Among various existent networks with distinct characteristics and endeavors, the Virtual Breeding Environment (VBE) seeks to assist the process of creation of Virtual Organizations (VOs) and your purpose is to provide a temporary alliance in order to take advantage of a business opportunity. In this regard it is necessary to deal with the management of collaboration, in other words, to know what to do to collaborate and how to maintain it. In order to support it, in this master?s thesis it was developed a model of management of a Federation of Software Service Providers, so that the enterprises work collaboratively to provide software service with higher value. This model presents the management of the Federation into processes, in a way to fit all the requirements needed to its maintenance. The processes were classified according to the Federation?s lifecycle, and its definitions and purposes were also described. To evaluate the model, there was an interaction with an expert group through a survey, whose feedback certifies the relevance of this work and the completeness of the model

    Factores habilitadores y/u obstaculizadores del trabajo colaborativo en el área de auditoría de una entidad financiera con sedes en Medellín y Panamá

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    Esta investigación buscó identificar los factores habilitadores y/u obstaculizadores del trabajo colaborativo en el área de auditoría de una entidad financiera con sedes en Medellín y Panamá. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo descriptivo de corte transversal; el diseño de la investigación fue un estudio de caso basado en entrevistas semiestructuradas a diez profesionales de la auditoria con experiencia en efectuar trabajos colaborativos en las sedes de Medellín y Panamá. Los datos obtenidos de dicha investigación indicaron que la colaboración no es simplemente una serie de pasos a seguir, mandataria y de poder, sino una forma de ser, y tiene que ver con la cultura que abarca particularmente valores, principios y comportamientos que, en conjunto, promueven el espíritu de colaboración. Se concluyó que, en la construcción del trabajo colaborativo, la tecnología tiene sus limitaciones de velocidad, capacidad y accesos. Cuando la cultura colaborativa es impulsada desde el más alto nivel jerárquico, las tareas conjuntas, complementarias o suplementarias, se piensan con mayor integridad y permiten la coordinación de los equipos colaborativos.This research aimed to identify the facilitating and obstructing factors of collaborative work in the audit area of a financial institution headquartered in Medellín and Panama. In order to do so, a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The research was designed through a case study based on semi-structured interviews to ten professionals of audit with experience in the performance of collaborative work in Medellín and Panama headquarters. The data obtained from this research indicated that collaboration is not just a series of steps to follow, mandatory and of power, but a way of being; it has to do with the culture that encompasses particularly values, principles and behaviors that altogether promote the collaboration spirit. It was concluded that during the construction of the collaborative work, technology has limitations of speed, capacity and accesses. When collaborative culture is driven from the highest hierarchical level the combined tasks, whether complementary or supplementary, are thought with greater integrity allowing the coordination between collaborative teams

    Enterprise Collaboration Maturity Model (ECMM): Preliminary Definition and Future Challenges

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    Tieteenalojen lähentymisen rooli ja toteutuminen datan, mutoilun ja liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa: Tapaustutkimus Solita Oy

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    This thesis examines the role and actualisation of disciplinary convergence in data, design and business consulting and tries to understand how consultancies can accelerate disciplinary boundaries crossing deep collaboration, namely disciplinary convergence. Literature review and qualitative research activities at the case study consultancy Solita Oy unveil that the actualisation of disciplinary convergence requires intention and taking responsibility for the change at different levels: leadership, organisational structures, employees, and ways of working. Moreover, the thesis defines objectives and practices for accelerating disciplinary convergence and a framework for measuring the maturity of disciplinary boundaries crossing collaboration in expert organisations. The Disciplinary Convergence Maturity Index (DCMI) concludes the qualitative research outcomes in an actionable and usable format. The index can be used to measure organisational maturity, discover maturity gaps, and give direction on how to increase disciplinary convergence. At the end of the thesis, there are three strategic suggestions that challenge some formulations of consultancies and unleash disciplinary convergence’s full potential. The strategic suggestions are to 1. Form disciplinary diverse teams around a shared goal 2. Form experts in industry domains, and 3. Formulating a new role, ‘Bridgers.’Tässä maisterintutkielmassa tarkastellaan tieteenalojen lähentymisen roolia ja toteutumista datan, muotoilun ja liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa ja pyritään ymmärtämään, miten asiantuntijaorganisaatioissa voidaan edistää syvää poikkitieteellistä yhteistyötä, joka ylittää tieteenalojen rajat. Kirjallisuuskatsaus ja kvalitatiivinen tutkimus tutkimuskohteena olevassa konsulttitoimistossa Solita Oy:ssä paljastavat, että tieteenalojen konvergenssin toteutuminen edellyttää aikomusta ja vastuun ottamista muutoksesta eri tasoilla: johtamisessa, organisaatiorakenteissa, työntekijöissä ja toimintatavoissa. Lisäksi tutkimus määrittää tavoitteita ja käytäntöjä tieteenalojen lähentymisen kiihdyttämiseksi datan, muotoilun ja liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnissa sekä konvergenssin kypsyyden mittaamisen työkalun, DCM indeksin. Laadullisen tutkielman tulokset esitellään toimintaan innostavassa muodossa Disciplinary Convergence Maturity -indeksinä (DCMI), jolla voidaan mitata organisaation tieteenalojen lähentymisen kypsyyttä, havaita puutteita ja ohjata organisaation kehitystä oikeaan suuntaan. Tutkielman lopussa esitellään kolme strategista ehdotuksta kuinka kiihdyttää tieteenalojen lähentymistä yrityksessä. Toimintaehdotukset ovat 1. Muodostetaan tieteenalojen välisiä tiimejä yhteisen tavoitteen ympärille. 2. Muodostetaan tieteenalojen välisiä tiimejä yhteisen toimialan ympärille. Muodostetaan toimialojen asiantuntijoita ja 3. Muodostetaan uusi rooli "Bridgers" (sillanrakentajat)

    Um modelo de capacidade e maturidade para melhoria de processo de software para SaaS colaborativo

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2013.Atualmente, o cenário de desenvolvimento e disponibilização de software se mostra altamente exigente e dinâmico. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) traz consigo uma série de vantagens que atraem provedores e clientes para tirarem proveito do cloud computing. Esses novos paradigmas permitem (com mais facilidade) a terceirização das soluções de TI e a colaboração entre provedores de serviços de software, tentando buscar novas oportunidades se beneficiando das alianças. As formas como as novas tecnologias e conceitos se relacionam, mudam e surgem, são muito dinâmicas, gerando grande cobrança nas empresas provedoras de serviço de software, para que elas acompanhem essas mudanças. A confiança na contratação dos serviços SaaS é uma necessidade que surge junto a essa mudança de paradigma computacional. Existem diversas frentes que vêem apoiar uma possível resolução deste problema, e uma delas é a adoção de melhoria de processo de software nesses provedores de serviços, cujas premissas da Engenharia de Software já são bastante difundidas, como fazem a norma ISO/IEC 15504 e o CMMI-DEV. Porém, os atuais modelos de referência e normas que norteiam essa necessidade são voltadas para o desenvolvimento de software tradicional, não cobrindo totalmente um ambiente de desenvolvimento SaaS e colaboração. Alguns modelos voltados para serviços também já estão disponíveis, como o CMMI for services e o MPS.br guia geral de serviços, porém, eles apresentam "serviços" como sendo um serviço atendimento ao cliente, e não como serviço de software, como é trazido nesta tese. Com isso, nesta tese de doutorado foi desenvolvido um Modelo de Capacidade e Maturidade para Melhoria de Processo de Software para Software-as-a-Service e para Colaboração. Esse Modelo é um repositório de boas práticas de processos (de desenvolvimento de serviços de software e colaboração), baseados na engenharia de software e princípios de gestão do processo. Ele é organizado em níveis de capacidade e maturidade, projetado para melhorar os processos. Esse Modelo vem oferecer uma possibilidade de adequação às exigências de qualidade para os provedores, oferecendo mais argumentos positivos em sua contratação e potencializando a colaboração entre os provedores. Abstract : Nowadays, the scenario of software development and availability hasshown highly demanding and dynamic. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)brings a lot of advantages that is attracting providers and customers whoare already familiar with the facility coming from cloud computing.These new paradigms allow (more easily) outsourcing of IT solutionsand collaboration among providers (trying to reach new opportunities tobenefit from alliances). The ways in which this new technologies andconcepts are related, emerge and change are very dynamic, generating ahuge demand to software development providers. Trustworthiness in thehiring of SaaS services is a necessity that comes close to this paradigmshift. There are several options that support this problem, and one ofthem is implement software process improvement of services providers,whose premises the Software Engineering are already known, likeISO/IEC 15504 standard and CMMI-DEV. However, current referencemodels and standards available are geared towards the development oftraditional software, do not completely covering SaaS developmentenvironment. Some models focused to services are available like CMMIfor services and MPS.br general guide for services, but they introducethe term ?service? like a customer service, differently that term softwareservice that is assumed in this thesis. Thus, in this doctoral thesis wasdeveloped a Capability and Maturity Model for Software ProcessImprovement for Collaborative Software-as-a-Service. This Model is arepository of best practices to Services Development Processes (SaaS)and Collaboration. Based on software engineering and managementprinciples of the process, it is organized into capability and maturitylevels, designed to improve processes. This Model can offer a chance toadapt to the quality demands for providers, offering more positivearguments in its hiring and supporting the collaboration among providers

    Development of a risk response model to handle delays of construction projects in the United Arab Emirates.

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    Due to the complex nature of construction projects, delay risks are more widespread in the construction sector than elsewhere. This poses a problem for the industry, since it is already at risk because of the recent global economic recession. Indeed, the financial crisis in late 2008 arrested economic development in the construction sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with the result that investors confidence in the sector is severely depressed. In this situation, effective risk response is urgently required, since it aims to ensure that all project objectives, including avoiding delays, are met. In itself, the risk response process is a core element of risk management and perhaps the most important area needs to be improved. The aim of the research work that underpins this thesis was to develop a model for effective risk response to help in controlling delay risks. First, the strengths and weaknesses of current risk response processes have been analysed through a comprehensive critical literature review. Common causes of delay risks have been identified and various traditional measures used for their control have been critically reviewed. The greatest deficiencies in all published measures of delay risks control in construction projects are related to the lack of risk response development and appropriate measures (preventative/mitigating), within the risk management process. From the literature review it was also possible to identify the most appropriate methodology to adopt for the current research. A robust research methodology was then outlined which involved a questionnaire survey, case studies and interviews to confirm the literature review results and to achieve the research objectives. The questionnaire was piloted with nine construction professionals in the UAE for its suitability with the envisaged sample. After the pilot the questionnaire was refined then administered in 35 construction, consultancy, and contracting companies, attracting 102 usable responses. The results of the questionnaire confirmed the literature review results. Accordingly, six case studies from three companies were identified and supplemented by face-to-face interview, documents and direct observations. This strategy allowed the research evidence to be triangulated and thus the researcher to be more confident in testing a particular concept or theory. From the results it emerged that most organisations have immature project management systems and poor risk response processes. Hence, 22 Key Success Factors (KSFs) of preventative measures and 15 KSFs of mitigation measures were identified to achieve risk response development by maturity levels in the pre-construction stage and in the construction stage, respectively. The analysis of the case studies revealed the great potential for employing five KSFs of mitigation measures in the risk response development to control delay risks. Having considered these outcomes a risk response development model to control delay risks has been outlined. The model has been carefully validated, both theoretically and in practical terms, through the discussions with interviewees from the selected case studies. The interviewees agreed on the practicality of the model to identify the risk response development, however it is recommended that the project risk event severity and the company capability would need to be taken into account, and the demand to format the test stage for the maturity levels at the transition stages (Disciplinary, Consistency, Integration, and Optimisation) to achieve the effectiveness and the transparency of the model. Based on the validation, it is anticipated that by developing the risk response model, the process itself will be more objective, particularly in delay risks control. The study brings forward findings that can be promoted as the means to enhance opportunities to control delay risks, and benefit practitioners in the UAE given that so far, there has been no model of risk response development by maturity levels for delay risks control. Moreover, one of the unique features of the study is the creation of new knowledge by focusing on the UAE. At the same time, the use of maturity modeling to handle construction delay risks provides new knowledge for a wider audience