10 research outputs found

    Alignment Framework in Enterprise Architecture Development

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    The challenge of business-IT alignment, the increasing complexity of organizations’ operations and supporting organization transformation are the main drivers for organizations to adopt Enterprise Architecture (EA) concept. Despite the rapid interest in the EA, organizations are facing challenge to realize organizational value out of it. This challenge can be rooted to the lack of the stakeholders needs and concerns consideration in the final developed architecture which result in low utilization or no acceptance of EA. The enterprise architects and the stakeholders are the main players in the development phase of EA. Literature highlighted the need of alignment framework that can support the enterprise architects to align the development of EA with the stakeholders’ expectations. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of academic studies that shed the light on the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development of EA. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop a framework that supports the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders in EA development to ensure a mutual understanding and agreement. The study is guided by the interpretive paradigm to address the research gap through the utilization of a qualitative methodology. The research is using the case study approach to build in-depth understanding of the relationship between the enterprise architects and stakeholders in EA development. The understanding from Multiple Perspectives Theory is used to develop the initial research model to provide initial guidance in data collection and analysis. Currently, the research is at the analysis stage of case study data. The developed framework is expected to support the practitioners in the EA development by uncovering the factors influencing the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development process. Additionally, the study is building a comprehensive understanding on how the enterprise architects consider the stakeholders needs and concerns in the development of EA

    Perspektif Baru Enterprise Architecture Pemerintahan Kota Mataram Berbasis TOGAF ADM

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    TIK salah satu penentu keberhasilan sebuah organisasi dalam mencapai visi dan misinya. Terpilihnya pemimpin yang baru, terbentuknya SKPD baru dengan visi misi baru sehingga master plan yang lama di anggap sudah tidak relevan lagi, sehingga persoalan yang muncul diselesaikan dengan cara reaktif dan memungkinkan persoalan yang sama akan muncul kembali pada masa yang akan datang. Arsitektur enterprise adalah cara untuk membangun arsitektur TIK dari sebuah organisasi yang berfokus pada arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi dan arsitektur teknologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Enterprise Architecture TOGAF ADM sebagai kerangka acuan untuk perencanaan strategis TIK Pemerintahan Kota Mataram. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah responden yang memiliki kewenangan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait TIK dan pengguna TIK di Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika (DISKOMINFO). Kebutuhan bisnis yang terdiri dari Arsitektur Data, Aplikasi dan Teknologi diidentifikasi dan diusulkan untuk mendukung aktivitas bisnis demi pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dengan menganalisa penggunaan penerapan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi(TIK) Seperti Sumber daya Manusia yang terlibat, kebutuhan aplikasi dan infrastruktur jaringan komputer dalam untuk mendukung proses bisnis dalam pelaksanaan roda pemerintahan Kota Mataram, dengan menggunakan metode scorecard uji kelayakan dengan rata-rata perolehan 76%


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    The banking industry must keep up with the latest technological developments. If not, the banking industry will start to be abandoned by customers. This study presents enterprise architecture recommendations for the banking industry in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The architecture contained in this research consists of business architecture, information systems architecture, application architecture and technology architecture. The hope is that with the recommended architecture, we can adopt the latest technology and the banking industry can still compete in the midst of change


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    Smart village is one that is innovative in its use of information technology to improve quality of life, efficiency, and competitiveness in economic, social, and environmental aspects. Sumur Bandung sub-district can implement the smart village concept to intelligently solve their problems. Sumur Bandung sub-district is one of 30 sub-districts in the city of Bandung. Sumur Bandung sub-district has a Government Section which functions to carry out government duties in the sub-district. One of his duties is to be responsible for population administration services. For population administration services in Sumur Bandung sub-district still use a manual system that requires people to come to the sub-district to carry out population administration. As a result, it is necessary to implement a smart village in governance dimension that includes redesigning business processes for population administration services to use the latest information systems and technology. The use of this technology also needs to be aligned with the plan and strategy of Sumur Bandung sub-district. Enterprise architecture is a tool used to synchronize business needs with technology needs. Its design requires the TOGAF ADM 9.2 framework, which is used as a guide while creating enterprise architecture. The research method used is literature study. The results of this study are artifacts as general architecture. These results are expected to be useful and beneficial for Sumur Bandung sub-district, especially in the population administration service section, or become a reference for other researchers as well as insight for readers

    Enterprise Architecture Planning: Analyses of Requirements from Practice and Research

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    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) has become an increasingly important topic in practice due to the growing complexity of organizations and their underlying IT. While there is a strong interest in Enterprise Architecture (EA) modeling, evaluation, and frameworks, a lack of knowledge remains in the research field of EA planning. We conducted a series of expert interviews on the topic of EA planning. From these interviews we were able to extract requirements for EA planning from practice as the foundation of our analyses. Additionally, we conducted a structured literature review to elicit requirements for EA planning from a research perspective. This paper combines the results of both the practitioner interviews and the literature review to emphasize the gaps between the two worlds. As a result, we identified that current research does not adequately address the pressing problems of EA planning in practice

    Research Perspective in Enterprise Architecture

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    The challenges of aligning IT with business triggered the attention towards Enterprise Architecture (EA). Despite the increase interest of academic scholars in EA, there is scarcity of studies that provide an up to date comprehensive research perspective view. The purpose of this study is to examine the research methodologies and theories utilized in EA studies from 2010 to 2016. The study employed Systematic Literature Review (SLR) as method to explore and analyze the literature of EA. The study revealed the research approaches and data collection methods utilized in EA. It shows that case study approach and interviews are the highly used compared to other research approaches and data collection instruments. Furthermore, it pointed out the low employment of theories in EA studies. The study is contributing to the body of knowledge by providing a foundation for novice researchers in the area of EA through detailed discussions of research methodologies and theories which are expected to support them in designing future studies

    The modeling of laboratory information systems in higher education based on enterprise architecture planning (EAP) for optimizing monitoring and equipment maintenance

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    The laboratory is a place to conduct scientific research, experiments, measurements, or scientific training. FMIPA UNNES has several laboratories distributed in each department to support student lectures. Through the implementation of practicum in the laboratory, students are expected to be able to find a concept, foster scientific attitudes, and critical thinking skills. Good laboratory management is expected to be able to utilize laboratory resources effectively and efficiently. Laboratory equipment must be ensured to function properly and be ready to be used for practicum. To support this, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the equipment and immediately repair the equipment if any damage is found. The current obstacle is monitoring tool repairs manually, so there are shortcomings such as poor documentation, and equipment conditions that cannot be monitored online. In this study, an information system for monitoring the maintenance of laboratory equipment in the departments in the FMIPA UNNES environment will be built. The research method begins with a literature study, initial data collection and observation, EAP-based system design, system testing, system analysis, and system evaluation. This study uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) approach which is used to develop a product for the Monitoring Information System for the Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment. Testing is done using black box testing. From the results of development and testing, it can be concluded that the system can be used to simplify the process of managing laboratory equipment with a UAT value of 88% suitable for use

    The proposed alignment framework in enterprise architecture development for the Omani public sector

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    The misalignment between Enterprise Architecture (EA) development and stakeholders’ goals plays a vital role in the low acceptance of EA in organizations and governments. Literature has highlighted the need for an alignment framework to support enterprise architects to align the development process of EA with the stakeholders’ goals. Hence, this research developed an alignment framework to align the EA development process with the stakeholders to produce an agreed architecture that supports the architects. Multiple Perspectives Theory (MPT) was used to develop a preliminary research model that provided the initial guidance in data collection and analysis. The research employed a qualitative case study approach to build an in-depth understanding of EA development process, enterprise architects and stakeholders’ roles, as well as the factors influencing the alignment between them. The Government Architecture Framework (GAF) of the Omani public sector was used as the case study that included GAF documentation review, and interviews with architects and stakeholders who participated in the development of GAF. The findings showed that twelve alignment factors influenced the development of GAF which are standardization, development scope, principles, governance, top management support, culture, commitment, awareness, communication, value of EA, change management capability and experience. These factors were used as the base to develop the alignment framework followed by a focus group session with GAF architects was organized to validate the final framework. As a conclusion, the study has shown that the alignment framework provides a comprehensive understanding for practitioners and academicians about the factors and their influences at each EA development step

    Innovation-Driven Enterprise Architecture

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    Organizations don't use Enterprise Architecture (EA) to leverage innovation as much as they should. And this while the organization's ability to innovate is an essential capability in a competitive market. IT can enable business innovation and EA is rooted in IT. Therefore, IT is considered the common denominator between EA and business innovation. This exploratory research provides new insight to bridge a knowledge gap on how EA can enhance an organization‘s ability in IT-enabled business innovation. It reveals that organizational learning is critical to the innovative capabilities of organizations. With this in mind, the most important capability domains have been determined: Knowledge, Collaboration & communication, Information processing & coordination, and Ideation. To facilitate these capabilities, several technological and organizational assets are identified: Key stakeholders, Collaborative organizational culture, Web technologies, Knowledge management systems, and Data Analytics. We developed a conceptual model which positions the capability domains and key assets. This model has been validated through a case study, conducted within a global manufacturing company. Conclusion is that EA is a viable approach to systematically address and facilitate IT-enabled business innovation. By focusing on the capabilities and facilitating these through organizational and technical assets, organizations can enhance their ability in IT-enabled business innovation