853 research outputs found

    One-Shot Learning of Ensembles of Temporal Logic Formulas for Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are prevalent in critical infrastructures and a prime target for cyber-attacks. Multivariate time series data generated by sensors and actuators of a CPS can be monitored for detecting cyber-attacks that introduce anomalies in those data. We use Signal Temporal Logic (STL) formulas to tightly describe the normal behavior of a CPS, identifying data instances that do not satisfy the formulas as anomalies. We learn an ensemble of STL formulas based on observed data, without any specific knowledge of the CPS being monitored. We propose an algorithm based on Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming (G3P) that learns the ensemble automatically in a single evolutionary run. We test the effectiveness of our data-driven proposal on two real-world datasets, finding that the proposed one-shot algorithm provides good detection performance

    Sound and Complete Runtime Security Monitor for Application Software

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    Conventional approaches for ensuring the security of application software at run-time, through monitoring, either produce (high rates of) false alarms (e.g. intrusion detection systems) or limit application performance (e.g. run-time verification). We present a runtime security monitor that detects both known and unknown cyber attacks by checking that the run-time behavior of the application is consistent with the expected behavior modeled in application specification. This is crucial because, even if the implementation is consistent with its specification, the application may still be vulnerable due to flaws in the supporting infrastructure (e.g. the language runtime system, libraries and operating system). This runtime security monitor is sound and complete, eliminating false alarms, as well as efficient, so that it does not limit runtime application performance and so that it supports real-time systems. The security monitor takes as input the application specification and the application implementation, which may be expressed in different languages. The specification language of the application software is formalized based on monadic second order logic and event calculus interpreted over algebraic data structures. This language allows us to express behavior of an application at any desired (and practical) level of abstraction as well as with high degree of modularity. The security monitor detects every attack by systematically comparing the application execution and specification behaviors at runtime, even though they operate at two different levels of abstraction. We define the denotational semantics of the specification language and prove that the monitor is sound and complete. Furthermore, the monitor is efficient because of the modular application specification at appropriate level(s) of abstraction

    Proceedings of the 2nd Computer Science Student Workshop: Microsoft Istanbul, Turkey, April 9, 2011

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    Contributions to time series data mining towards the detection of outliers/anomalies

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    148 p.Los recientes avances tecnológicos han supuesto un gran progreso en la recogida de datos, permitiendo recopilar una gran cantidad de datos a lo largo del tiempo. Estos datos se presentan comúnmente en forma de series temporales, donde las observaciones se han registrado de forma cronológica y están correlacionadas en el tiempo. A menudo, estas dependencias temporales contienen información significativa y útil, por lo que, en los últimos años, ha surgido un gran interés por extraer dicha información. En particular, el área de investigación que se centra en esta tarea se denomina minería de datos de series temporales.La comunidad de investigadores de esta área se ha dedicado a resolver diferentes tareas como por ejemplo la clasificación, la predicción, el clustering o agrupamiento y la detección de valores atípicos/anomalías. Los valores atípicos o anomalías son aquellas observaciones que no siguen el comportamiento esperado en una serie temporal. Estos valores atípicos o anómalos suelen representar mediciones no deseadas o eventos de interés, y, por lo tanto, detectarlos suele ser relevante ya que pueden empeorar la calidad de los datos o reflejar fenómenos interesantes para el analista.Esta tesis presenta varias contribuciones en el campo de la minería de datos de series temporales, más específicamente sobre la detección de valores atípicos o anomalías. Estas contribuciones se pueden dividir en dos partes o bloques. Por una parte, la tesis presenta contribuciones en el campo de la detección de valores atípicos o anomalías en series temporales. Para ello, se ofrece una revisión de las técnicas en la literatura, y se presenta una nueva técnica de detección de anomalías en series temporales univariantes para la detección de fugas de agua, basada en el aprendizaje autosupervisado. Por otra parte, la tesis también introduce contribuciones relacionadas con el tratamiento de las series temporales con valores perdidos y demuestra su aplicabilidad en el campo de la detección de anomalías

    A Multi-type Classifier Ensemble for Detecting Fake Reviews Through Textualbased Feature Extraction

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    The financial impact of online reviews has prompted some fraudulent sellers to generate fake consumer reviews for either promoting their products or discrediting competing products. In this study, we propose a novel ensemble model - the Multitype Classifier Ensemble (MtCE) - combined with a textual-based featuring method, which is relatively independent of the system, to detect fake online consumer reviews. Unlike other ensemble models that utilise only the same type of single classifier, our proposed ensemble utilises several customised machine learning classifiers (including deep learning models) as its base classifiers. The results of our experiments show that the MtCE can adequately detect fake reviews, and that it outperforms other single and ensemble methods in terms of accuracy and other measurements in all the relevant public datasets used in this study. Moreover, if set correctly, the parameters of MtCE, such as base-classifier types, the total number of base classifiers, bootstrap and the method to vote on output (e.g., majority or priority), further improve the performance of the proposed ensemble

    Analyzing Granger causality in climate data with time series classification methods

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    Attribution studies in climate science aim for scientifically ascertaining the influence of climatic variations on natural or anthropogenic factors. Many of those studies adopt the concept of Granger causality to infer statistical cause-effect relationships, while utilizing traditional autoregressive models. In this article, we investigate the potential of state-of-the-art time series classification techniques to enhance causal inference in climate science. We conduct a comparative experimental study of different types of algorithms on a large test suite that comprises a unique collection of datasets from the area of climate-vegetation dynamics. The results indicate that specialized time series classification methods are able to improve existing inference procedures. Substantial differences are observed among the methods that were tested