41 research outputs found

    Insights into the molecular correlates modulating functional compensation between monogenic and polygenic disease gene duplicates in human

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    AbstractFunctional redundancy by gene duplication appears to be a common phenomenon in biological system and hence understanding its underlying mechanism deserves much attention. Here, we investigated the differences between functional compensation of monogenic and polygenic disease genes which are unexplored till date. We found that the competence of functional buffering varies in the order of non-disease genes>monogenic disease genes>polygenic disease genes. This fact has been explained by the sequence identity, expression profile similarity, shared interaction partners and cellular locations between duplicated pairs. Moreover, we observed an inverse relationship between backup capacity and the non-synonymous substitution rate of disease and non-disease genes while the opposite trend is found for their corresponding paralogs. Logistic regression analysis among sequence identity, sharing of expression profile, interaction partners and cellular locations with backup capacity between duplicated pairs demonstrated that the sharing of expression profile is the most dominant regulator of backup capacity

    Candidate genes and bioinformatic analysis of biological pathways for epistatic regulation of growth in chicken

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    Selective breeding programmes for desired phenotypes in animals provide a good resource for researchers to understand the genetic basis underlying those phenotypes. Most traits of economic importance in animals are quantitative traits, which are controlled by genetic as well as environmental factors. Previous studies have shown that the mapping of the genomic regions containing genetic factors, which control the diverse phenotypes in complex traits of interest, resulted in the successful identification of causative mutations. The same forward genetics approach, which endeavours to identify the genetic basis of phenotypic diversity, was followed in this study. To identify and functionally evaluate the mutations controlling diverse phenotypic differences between the High-weight and Low-weight chicken lines, the previously fine mapped interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL) for growth in chicken were scanned for the presence of genes. Gene databases (Ensembl, RefSeq) and gene prediction tools (Genscan and N-Scan) were used to reveal as many genes as possible. To identify candidate genes for growth, the conservation pattern of those genes was studied using the phastCons programme in the PHAST package. The genes most conserved in evolution were identified and selected for further analysis. The evidence based, well-supported and annotated Ensemble conserved genes were identified as candidate genes for growth in general. Gene ontology terms for the candidate genes were obtained from the Gene Ontology (GO) database to study the molecular and biological functions of those candidate genes. KEGG biological pathways were mapped for the presence of identified candidate genes. The candidate genes were found having roles in many biological pathways. The biological pathways that contained candidate genes from multiple interacting QTL were identified as candidate pathways. Major candidate pathways include the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) signalling pathway, which affects growth in general, and Adipocytokine signalling pathway, which imparts its anorectic effect through the leptin hormone. Further studies are required to analyse the functional effects of those candidate genes and pathways and eventually to identify the mutations affecting growth

    RNA-seq analysis of differential gene expression in liver from lactating dairy cows divergent in negative energy balance

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    peer-reviewedBackground: The liver is central to most economically important metabolic processes in cattle. However, the changes in expression of genes that drive these processes remain incompletely characterised. RNA-seq is the new gold standard for whole transcriptome analysis but so far there are no reports of its application to analysis of differential gene expression in cattle liver. We used RNA-seq to study differences in expression profiles of hepatic genes and their associated pathways in individual cattle in either mild negative energy balance (MNEB) or severe negative energy balance (SNEB). NEB is an imbalance between energy intake and energy requirements for lactation and body maintenance. This aberrant metabolic state affects high-yielding dairy cows after calving and is of considerable economic importance because of its negative impact on fertility and health in dairy herds. Analysis of changes in hepatic gene expression in SNEB animals will increase our understanding of NEB and contribute to the development of strategies to circumvent it. Results: RNA-seq analysis was carried out on total RNA from liver from early post partum Holstein Friesian cows in MNEB (n = 5) and SNEB (n = 6). 12,833 genes were deemed to be expressed (>4 reads per gene per animal), 413 of which were shown to be statistically significantly differentially expressed (SDE) at a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.1% and 200 of which were SDE (FDR of 0.1%) with a ≥2-fold change between MNEB and SNEB animals. GOseq/KEGG pathway analysis showed that SDE genes with ≥2- fold change were associated (P <0.05) with 9 KEGG pathways. Seven of these pathways were related to fatty acid metabolism and unexpectedly included ‘Steroid hormone biosynthesis’, a process which mainly occurs in the reproductive organs rather than the liver. Conclusions: RNA-seq analysis showed that the major changes at the level of transcription in the liver of SNEB cows were related to fat metabolism. 'Steroid hormone biosynthesis', a process that normally occurs in reproductive tissue, was significantly associated with changes in gene expression in the liver of SNEB cows. Changes in gene expression were found in this pathway that have not been previously been identified in SNEB cows.This work was funded by Teagasc under the Irish National Development Plan and Chris Creevey is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Stokes lecturer scheme (07/SK/B1236A)

    Design of RNAi reagents for invertebrate model organisms and human disease vectors

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    RNAi has become an important tool to silence gene expression in a variety of organisms, in particular when classical genetic methods are missing. However, application of this method in functional studies has raised new challenges in the design of RNAi reagents in order to minimize false positive and false negative results. Since the performance of reagents can be rarely validated on a genome-wide scale, improved computational methods are required that consider experimentally derived design parameters. Here, we describe computational methods for the design of RNAi reagents for invertebrate model organisms and human disease vectors, such as Anopheles. We describe procedures on how to design short and long double-stranded RNAs for single genes, and evaluate their predicted specificity and efficiency. Using a bioinformatics pipeline we also describe how to design a genome-wide RNAi library for Anopheles gambiae

    Orthology confers intron position conservation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With the wealth of genomic data available it has become increasingly important to assign putative protein function through functional transfer between orthologs. Therefore, correct elucidation of the evolutionary relationships among genes is a critical task, and attempts should be made to further improve the phylogenetic inference by adding relevant discriminating features. It has been shown that introns can maintain their position over long evolutionary timescales. For this reason, it could be possible to use conservation of intron positions as a discriminating factor when assigning orthology. Therefore, we wanted to investigate whether orthologs have a higher degree of intron position conservation (IPC) compared to non-orthologous sequences that are equally similar in sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To this end, we developed a new score for IPC and applied it to ortholog groups between human and six other species. For comparison, we also gathered the closest non-orthologs, meaning sequences close in sequence space, yet falling just outside the ortholog cluster. We found that ortholog-ortholog gene pairs on average have a significantly higher degree of IPC compared to ortholog-closest non-ortholog pairs. Also pairs of inparalogs were found to have a higher IPC score than inparalog-closest non-inparalog pairs. We verified that these differences can not simply be attributed to the generally higher sequence identity of the ortholog-ortholog and the inparalog-inparalog pairs.</p> <p>Furthermore, we analyzed the agreement between IPC score and the ortholog score assigned by the InParanoid algorithm, and found that it was consistently high for all species comparisons. In a minority of cases, the IPC and InParanoid score ranked inparalogs differently. These represent cases where sequence and intron position divergence are discordant. We further analyzed the discordant clusters to identify any possible preference for protein functions by looking for enriched GO terms and Pfam protein domains. They were enriched for functions important for multicellularity, which implies a connection between shifts in intronic structure and the origin of multicellularity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that orthologous genes tend to have more conserved intron positions compared to non-orthologous genes. As a consequence, our IPC score is useful as an additional discriminating factor when assigning orthology.</p

    The zinc transporter ZIP12 regulates the pulmonary vascular response to chronic hypoxia

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    The typical response of the adult mammalian pulmonary circulation to a low oxygen environment is vasoconstriction and structural remodelling of pulmonary arterioles, leading to chronic elevation of pulmonary artery pressure (pulmonary hypertension) and right ventricular hypertrophy. Some mammals, however, exhibit genetic resistance to hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension1, 2, 3. We used a congenic breeding program and comparative genomics to exploit this variation in the rat and identified the gene Slc39a12 as a major regulator of hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodelling. Slc39a12 encodes the zinc transporter ZIP12. Here we report that ZIP12 expression is increased in many cell types, including endothelial, smooth muscle and interstitial cells, in the remodelled pulmonary arterioles of rats, cows and humans susceptible to hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. We show that ZIP12 expression in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells is hypoxia dependent and that targeted inhibition of ZIP12 inhibits the rise in intracellular labile zinc in hypoxia-exposed pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cells and their proliferation in culture. We demonstrate that genetic disruption of ZIP12 expression attenuates the development of pulmonary hypertension in rats housed in a hypoxic atmosphere. This new and unexpected insight into the fundamental role of a zinc transporter in mammalian pulmonary vascular homeostasis suggests a new drug target for the pharmacological management of pulmonary hypertension

    A human functional protein interaction network and its application to cancer data analysis

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    A high-quality human functional protein interaction network is constructed. Its utility is demonstrated in the identification of cancer candidate genes