19 research outputs found

    An improved search ability of particle swarm optimization algorithm for tracking maximum power point under shading conditions

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    Introduction. Extracting maximum possible power from solar energy is a hot topic of the day as other sources have become costly and lead to pollution. Problem. Dependency on sunlight for power generation makes it unfeasible to extract maximum power. Environmental conditions like shading, partial shading and weak shading are the major aspect due to which the output of photovoltaic systems is greatly affected. Partial shading is the most known issue. Goal. There have been many proposed techniques and algorithms to extract maximum output from solar resources by use of photovoltaic arrays but every technique has had some shortcomings that couldn’t serve the complete purpose. Methodology. Nature inspired algorithms have proven to be good to search global maximum in a partially shaded multipeak curve which includes particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony algorithm, and flower pollination algorithm. Methods. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is best among these in finding global peaks with less oscillation around maximum power point, less complexity, and easy to implement nature. Particle swarm optimization algorithm has the disadvantage of having a long computational time and converging speed, particularly under strong shading conditions. Originality. In this paper, an improved opposition based particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to track the global maximum power point of a solar photovoltaic module. Simulation studies have been carried out in MATLAB/Simulink R2018a. Practical value. Simulation studies have proved that opposition based particle swarm optimization algorithm is more efficient, less complex, more robust, and more flexible and has better convergence speed than particle swarm optimization algorithm, perturb and observe algorithm, hill climbing algorithm, and incremental conductance algorithm.Вступ. Отримання максимально можливої потужності із сонячної енергії є надзвичайно актуальним наразі, оскільки інші джерела енергії стали коштовними та призводять до забруднення. Проблема. Залежність від сонячного світла для вироблення електроенергії унеможливлює отримання максимальної потужності. Умови навколишнього середовища, такі як затінення, часткове затінення і слабке затінення, є основним аспектом, від якого сильно залежить потужність фотоелектричних систем. Часткове затінення – найвідоміша проблема. Мета. Було запропоновано багато методів та алгоритмів для отримання максимальної віддачі від сонячних ресурсів за допомогою фотоелектричних батарей, але кожен метод мав деякі недоліки, які не могли служити досягненню повної мети. Методологія. Алгоритми, натхненні природою, виявилися хорошими для пошуку глобального максимуму на частково затіненій кривій з багатьма піками, включаючи оптимізацію рою частинок, алгоритм штучної бджолиної колонії та алгоритм запилення квітів. Методи. Алгоритм оптимізації рою частинок найкраще підходить для пошуку глобальних піків з меншими коливаннями навколо точки максимальної потужності, меншою складністю та простотою реалізації. Алгоритм оптимізації рою частинок має недолік, що полягає у тривалому часі обчислень та швидкості збіжності, особливо в умовах сильного затінення. Оригінальність. У цій статті пропонується покращений алгоритм оптимізації рою частинок на основі протилежності для відстеження глобальної точки максимальної потужності сонячного фотоелектричного модуля. Розрахункові моделювання проводились у MATLAB/Simulink R2018a. Практична цінність. Дослідження за допомогою моделювання довели, що алгоритм оптимізації рою частинок на основі протилежності є більш ефективним, менш складним, надійнішим і гнучкішим і має кращу швидкість збіжності, ніж алгоритм оптимізації рою частинок, алгоритм збурення та спостереження, алгоритм сходження на пагорб та алгоритм інкрементальної провідності

    Opposition-Based Barebones Particle Swarm for Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems

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    This paper presents a modified barebones particle swarm optimization (OBPSO) to solve constrained nonlinear optimization problems. The proposed approach OBPSO combines barebones particle swarm optimization (BPSO) and opposition-based learning (OBL) to improve the quality of solutions. A novel boundary search strategy is used to approach the boundary between the feasible and infeasible search region. Moreover, an adaptive penalty method is employed to handle constraints. To verify the performance of OBPSO, a set of well-known constrained benchmark functions is used in the experiments. Simulation results show that our approach achieves a promising performance

    PMT : opposition based learning technique for enhancing metaheuristic algorithms performance

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising performance in solving sophisticated real-world optimization problems. Nevertheless, many metaheuristic algorithms are still suffering from a low convergence rate because of the poor balance between exploration (i.e. roaming new potential search areas) and exploitation (i.e., exploiting the existing neighbors). In some complex problems, the convergence rate can still be poor owing to becoming trapped in local optima. Opposition-based learning (OBL) has shown promising results to address the aforementioned issue. Nonetheless, OBL-based solutions often consider one particular direction of the opposition. Considering only one direction can be problematic as the best solution may come in any of a multitude of directions. Addressing these OBL limitations, this research proposes a new general OBL technique inspired by a natural phenomenon of parallel mirrors systems called the Parallel Mirrors Technique (PMT). Like existing OBL-based approaches, the PMT generates new potential solutions based on the currently selected candidate. Unlike existing OBL-based techniques, the PMT generates more than one candidate in multiple solution-space directions. To evaluate the PMT’s performance and adaptability, the PMT was applied to four contemporary metaheuristic algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, and Whale Optimization Algorithm, to solve 15 well-known benchmark functions as well as 2 real world problems based on the welded beam design and pressure vessel design. Experimentally, the PMT shows promising results by accelerating the convergence rate against the original algorithms with the same number of fitness evaluations comparing to the original metaheuristic algorithms in benchmark functions and real-world optimization problems

    An Integrated DC Series Arc Fault Detection Method for Different Operating Conditions

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    A single-machine scheduling problem with multiple unavailability constraints: A mathematical model and an enhanced variable neighborhood search approach

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    AbstractThis research focuses on a scheduling problem with multiple unavailability periods and distinct due dates. The objective is to minimize the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness of jobs. In order to optimize the problem exactly a mathematical model is proposed. However due to computational difficulties for large instances of the considered problem a modified variable neighborhood search (VNS) is developed. In basic VNS, the searching process to achieve to global optimum or near global optimum solution is totally random, and it is known as one of the weaknesses of this algorithm. To tackle this weakness, a VNS algorithm is combined with a knowledge module. In the proposed VNS, knowledge module extracts the knowledge of good solution and save them in memory and feed it back to the algorithm during the search process. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and effective

    A wavelet thresholding method for vibration signals denoising of high-piled wharf structure based on a modified artificial bee colony algorithm

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    Vibration monitoring signals are widely used for damage alarming among the structural health monitoring system. However, these signals are easily corrupted by the environmental noise in the collecting that hampers the accuracy and reliability of measured results. In this paper, a modified artificial bee colony (MABC) algorithm-based wavelet thresholding method has been proposed for noise reduction in the real measured vibration signals. Kent chaotic map and general opposition-based learning strategies are firstly adopted to initialize the colony. Tournament selection mechanism is then employed to choose the food source. Finally, the Kent chaotic search is applied to exploit the global optimum solution according to the current optimal value. Moreover, a generalized cross validation (GCV) based fitness function is constructed without requiring foreknowledge of the noise-free signals. A physical model experiment for a high-piled wharf structure is implemented to verify the feasibility of the proposed signal denoising approach. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, basic artificial bee colony (BABC) algorithm and Logistic chaos artificial bee colony (LABC) algorithm and are also taken as contrast tests. Comparison results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in terms of convergence speed and precision, and can effectively reduce the noise from the measured vibration signals of the high-piled wharf structure

    OBKA-FS: an oppositional-based binary kidney-inspired search algorithm for feature selection

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    Feature selection is a key step when building an automatic classification system. Numerous evolutionary algorithms applied to remove irrelevant features in order to make the classifier perform more accurate. Kidney-inspired search algorithm (KA) is a very modern evolutionary algorithm. The original version of KA performed more effectively compared with other evolutionary algorithms. However, KA was proposed for continuous search spaces. For feature subset selection and many optimization problems such as classification, binary discrete space is required. Moreover, the movement operator of solutions is notably affected by its own best-known solution found up to now, denoted as Sbest. This may be inadequate if Sbest is located near a local optimum as it will direct the search process to a suboptimal solution. In this study, a three-fold improvement in the existing KA is proposed. First, a binary version of the kidney-inspired algorithm (BKA-FS) for feature subset selection is introduced to improve classification accuracy in multi-class classification problems. Second, the proposed BKA-FS is integrated into an oppositional-based initialization method in order to start with good initial solutions. Thus, this improved algorithm denoted as OBKA-FS. Third, a novel movement strategy based on the calculation of mutual information (MI), which gives OBKA-FS the ability to work in a discrete binary environment has been proposed. For evaluation, an experiment was conducted using ten UCI machine learning benchmark instances. Results show that OBKA-FS outperforms the existing state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms for feature selection. In particular, OBKA-FS obtained better accuracy with same or fewer features and higher dependency with less redundancy. Thus, the results confirm the high performance of the improved kidney-inspired algorithm in solving optimization problems such as feature selection