11 research outputs found

    Enhancing apprentice-based learning of Java

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    Various methods have been proposed in the past to improve student learning by introducing new styles of working with assignments. These include problem-based learning, use of case studies and apprenticeship. In most courses, however, these proposals have not resulted in a widespread significant change of teaching methods. Most institutions still use a traditional lecture/lab class approach with a strong separation of tasks between them. In part, this lack of change is a consequence of the lack of easily available and appropriate tools to support the introduction of new approaches into mainstream courses.In this paper, we consider and extend these ideas and propose an approach to teaching introductory programming in Java that integrates assignments and lectures, using elements of all three approaches mentioned above. In addition, we show how the BlueJ interactive programming environment [7] (a Java development environment aimed at education) can be used to provide the type of support that has hitherto hindered the widespread take-up of these approaches. We arrive at a teaching method that is motivating, effective and relatively easy to put into practice. Our discussion includes a concrete example of such an assignment, followed by a description of guidelines for the design of this style of teaching unit

    TOPS – Collaboration and Competition to Stretch our Most Able Programming Novices

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    Finding effective means of meeting students’ varied needs during introductory programming classes is a perpetual challenge. Maintaining motivation and a sufficient level of engagement across an undergraduate group with diverse prior experience is not a simple task. Claims for successful approaches include forms of differentiated teaching and paired programming. Competitions run by professional bodies and the software industry are often used to provide further external motivation. This paper presents the outcomes of a collaborative initiative across four universities which drew on aspects of both these approaches. Academics in the partner institutions had already implemented specific practice to accommodate the variety of student needs. The TOPS project was designed to involve and extend students through the processes of devising and competing in an inter-university challenge. Analysis of the outcomes has enabled the development of further understanding and good practice in this important area

    Educational Programming on the Raspberry Pi

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    The original aim when creating the Raspberry Pi was to encourage “kids”—pre-university learners—to engage with programming, and to develop an interest in and understanding of programming and computer science concepts. The method to achieve this was to give them their own, low cost computer that they could use to program on, as a replacement for a family PC that often did not allow this option. With the original release, the Raspberry Pi included two programming environments in the standard distribution software: Scratch and IDLE, a Python environment. In this paper, we describe two programming environments that we developed and recently ported and optimised for the Raspberry Pi, Greenfoot and BlueJ, both using the Java programming language. Greenfoot and BlueJ are both now included in the Raspberry Pi standard software distribution, and they differ in many respects from IDLE; they are more graphical, more interactive, more engaging, and illustrate concepts of object orientation more clearly. Thus, they have the potential to support the original aim of the Raspberry Pi by creating a deeper engagement with programming. This paper describes these two environments and how they may be used, and discusses their differences and relationships to the two previously available systems

    Teaching Object-Oriented Software Engineering through Problem-Based Learning in the Context of Game Design

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    We performed resistance measurements on Fe1+δ-xCuxTe with xEDX ≤ 0.06 in the presence of in-plane applied magnetic fields, revealing a resistance anisotropy that can be induced at a temperature far below the structural and magnetic zero-field transition temperatures. The observed resistance anisotropy strongly depends on the field orientation with respect to the crystallographic axes, as well as on the field-cooling history. Our results imply a correlation between the observed features and the low-temperature magnetic order. Hysteresis in the angle-dependence indicates a strong pinning of the magnetic order within a temperature range that varies with the Cu content. The resistance anisotropy vanishes at different temperatures depending on whether an external magnetic field or a remnant field is present: the closing temperature is higher in the presence of an external field. For xEDX = 0.06 the resistance anisotropy closes above the structural transition, at the same temperature at which the zerofield short-range magnetic order disappears and the sample becomes paramagnetic. Thus we suggest that under an external magnetic field the resistance anisotropy mirrors the magnetic order parameter. We discuss similarities to nematic order observed in other iron pnictide materials

    Constructing programs, how children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) learn to program

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    Many learners find the study of introductory computer programming difficult. This is also true of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and we need an improved understanding of how they learn programming. After reviewing the constructivist approach to teaching and learning and investigating ADHD, this study explored strategies for constructive learning of introductory programming. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Karplus learning cycle to teach introductory programming. This was done through qualitative research from an interpretive perspective. Action research techniques were employed and data analysed using grounded theory methods. Four major constructivist teaching categories emerged, all of which support the use of the Karplus cycle. It is concluded that the three-phase Karplus cycle can be used to assist these learners learn introductory programming. However, it needs to be understood more broadly and the middle phase broken into two subphases to ensure effective learning.Mathematical SciencesM. Sc. (Mathematical Sciences

    Raspberry Pi Technology

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    Teaching and learning introductory programming : a model-based approach

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    The dissertation identifies and discusses impact of a model-based approach to teaching and learning introductory object-oriented programming both for practitioners and for computer science education research.Learning to program is notoriously difficult. This dissertation investigates ways to teach introductory object-oriented programming at the university level. It focuses on a model-based approach, describes and argues for this approach and investigates several of its aspects. It gives an overview of the research in teaching introductory programming in an objects-first way. The dissertation also investigates ways for university teachers to share and document best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming through pedagogical patterns. The dissertation addresses both traditional young full-time students and experienced programmers (although not in object-orientation) participating in part-time education. It examines whether the same success factors for learning programming apply to a model-based approach as to introductory programming courses in general for full-time students and gives a general overview of research in success factors for introductory programming. Some factors are the same, because students‘ math competence is positively correlated with their success. The dissertation examines how experienced programmers link a model-based programming course to their professional practices. The general answer is that the part-time students do not need to have a direct link to their specific work-practice, they expect to create the link themselves; but the teacher must be aware of the conditions facing the part-time students in industry. Furthermore, the dissertation addresses interaction patterns for part-time students learning model-based introductory programming in a net-based environment. A previously prepared solution to an exercise is found to mediate the interaction in three different ways. Design patterns have had a major impact on the quality of object-oriented software. Inspired by this, researchers have suggested pedagogical patterns for sharing best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming. It was expected that university teachers‘ knowledge of pedagogical patterns was limited, but this research proved that to be wrong; about half of the teachers know pedagogical patterns. One of the problems this dissertation identifies is the lack of a structuring principle for pedagogical patterns; potential users have problems identifying the correct patterns to apply. An alternative structuring principle based on a constructivist learning theory is suggested and analysed

    Reuse of Digital Learning Resources in Collaborative Learning Environments

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    With background in the proliferation of Information- and Communication Technologies(ICTs) in educational institutions, there is a growing interest in deploying ICT that complies with specifications and standards for learning technologies in these institutions. A key to obtaining the benefits of cost-efficiency and quality that motivate this interest is reuse of digital learning resources. Despite the significant efforts being made in design and deployment of learning technology standards facilitating the reuse of learning resources, the phenomenon of reuse is understudied. Central standardization initiatives originate in the requirements for training in large corporations and the US military. My research is concerned with learning resource reuse in educational institutions, with a particular interest in pedagogical approaches emphasizing the social aspects of learning. The central aim of my research is to develop a conception of reuse that facilitates systematic analysis of learning resource reuse in ICT-mediated collaborative learning environments. This aim locates my research at the intersection between learning technology standardization and the research area of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The theoretical basis for my research is sociocultural perspectives on human learning and development. This perspective contends that the process of learning is essentially a social process, situated in cultural and historical contexts. The sociocultural understanding of technological agency, that human actions are mediated by artifacts, has fundamentally shaped my understanding of learning resource reuse. I have used the more specific approach of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory as my analytical framework,which implies that I have studied the students, teachers, and technology designers’ engagement with learning resources as activity. The empirical basis for the research is formed by three interpretive case studies. Two of the case studies were carried out on an introductory course on object-oriented programming at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, during two consecutive semesters. The third case study was conducted on the development of a framework for technology-enhanced inquiry learning at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. The most important contribution of my research is that it brings the issue of how learning resources are reused in educational institutions into the foreground. The intermediate conv cept of reuse developed in this thesis informs the two research areas CSCL and learning technology standardization. It serves as a mechanism for discussing the issue of scalability of CSCL systems, and provides empirically informed perspectives on reuse to the learning technology standardization community. I argue that standardization will become more relevant for CSCL research as experimental CSCL systems are brought into educational institutions and help shape the everyday practice in these institutions. Learning technology standards represent an opportunity for the CSCL research community to reify findings on productive collaborative interactions, and to implement sustainable CSCL systems in educational institutions. The conception of reuse can be used in deliberations on standards deployment in educational institutions. It can help guide decisions on which learning resources to design according to standards, and the findings on how the specifications SCORM and IMS Learning Design accommodate collaborative learning approaches can assist decision-makers in choosing appropriate mechanisms for facilitating reuse of learning resources. For the design of learning technology standards, the conception of reuse offers an opportunity to think about how well the standards reflect reuse practice. The findings on how learning resources are reused can also be used for redesigning standards with respect to reducing complexity. In addition to the findings on reuse, my empirical research on social interactions in distributed CSCL settings has yielded new insights on the communicative conditions constituted by CSCL environments in the problem domain of university-level introductory objectoriented programming. My research pays particular attention to how the mediating ICTs shape these interactions, as well as taking other aspects of the learning situations into account