1,854 research outputs found

    Fifteenth Biennial Status Report: March 2019 - February 2021

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    Psychophysiological indices of recognition memory

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    It has recently been found that during recognition memory tests participants’ pupils dilate more when they view old items compared to novel items. This thesis sought to replicate this novel ‘‘Pupil Old/New Effect’’ (PONE) and to determine its relationship to implicit and explicit mnemonic processes, the veracity of participants’ responses, and the analogous Event-Related Potential (ERP) old/new effect. Across 9 experiments, pupil-size was measured with a video-based eye-tracker during a variety of recognition tasks, and, in the case of Experiment 8, with concurrent Electroencephalography (EEG). The main findings of this thesis are that: - the PONE occurs in a standard explicit test of recognition memory but not in “implicit” tests of either perceptual fluency or artificial grammar learning; - the PONE is present even when participants are asked to give false behavioural answers in a malingering task, or are asked not to respond at all; - the PONE is present when attention is divided both at learning and during recognition; - the PONE is accompanied by a posterior ERP old/new effect; - the PONE does not occur when participants are asked to read previously encountered words without making a recognition decision; - the PONE does not occur if participants preload an “old/new” response; - the PONE is not enhanced by repetition during learning. These findings are discussed in the context of current models of recognition memory and other psychophysiological indices of mnemonic processes. It is argued that together these findings suggest that the increase in pupil-size which occurs when participants encounter previously studied items is not under conscious control and may reflect primarily recollective processes associated with recognition memory

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Role of the Drosophila Melanogaster Indirect Flight Muscles in Flight and Male Courtship Song: Studies on Flightin and Mydson Light Chain - 2

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    Complex behaviors using wings have facilitated the insect evolutionary success and diversification. The Drosophila indirect flight muscles (IFM) have evolved a highly ordered myofilament lattice structure and uses oscillatory contractions by pronounced stretch activation mechanism to drive the wings for high powered flight subject to natural selection. Moreover, the IFM is also utilized during small amplitude wing vibrations for species-specific male courtship song (sine and pulse), an important Drosophila mating behavior subject to sexual selection. Unlike flight, the contractile mechanism and contribution of any muscle gene in courtship song is not known. To gain insight into how separate selection regimes are manifested at the molecular level, we investigated the effect on flight and mating behaviors of mutations in two contractile proteins essential for IFM functions: an IFM-specific protein, flightin (FLN), known to be essential for structural and mechanical integrity of the IFM, and a ubiquitous muscle protein, myosin regulatory light chain (MLC2), known to enhance IFM stretch activation. Comparison of FLN sequences across Drosophila spp., reveal a dual nature with the N-terminal region (63 aa) evolving faster (dN/dS=0.4) than the rest of the protein (dN/dS=0.08). A deletion of the N-terminal region (fln�N62) resulted in reduced IFM fiber stiffness, oscillatory work and power output leading to a decreased flight ability (flight score: 2.8±0.1 vs 4.2±0.4 for fln+ rescued control) despite a normal wing beat frequency. Interestingly, the FLN N-terminal deletion reduced myofilament lattice spacing and order suggesting that this region is required to improve IFM lattice for enhancing power output and flight performance. Moreover, fln�N62 males sing the pulse song abnormally with a longer interpulse interval (IPI, 56±2.5 vs 37±0.7 ms for fln+) and a reduced pulse duty cycle (PDC, 2.6±0.2 vs 7.3±0.2 % for fln+) resulting in a 92% reduction in their courtship success. This suggested that FLN N-terminal region fine-tunes sexually selected song parameters in D. melanogaster, possibly explaining its hypervariability under positive selection. That FLN N-terminal region is not essential but required to optimize IFM functions of both flight and song, indicate that FLN could be an evolutionary innovation for IFM-driven behaviors, possibly through its role in lattice improvement. Mutations of the highly conserved MLC2 [N-terminal 46 aa deletion (Ext), disruption of myosin light chain kinase phosphorylations (Phos), and the two mutations put together (Dual)] are known to impair or abolish flight through severe reductions in acto-myosin contractile kinetics and magnitude of the stretch activation response. Unlike FLN, these MLC2 mutations do not show a pleitropic effect on flight and song. Flight abolished Phos and Dual mutants are capable of singing suggesting that these mutations affect song minimally compared to flight. Moreover, unlike FLN, none of these mutations affect interpulse interval, the most critical sexually selected song parameter in Drosophila. Also, in contrary to the known additive effects of Ext and Phos in the Dual mutant on flight wing beat frequency, a subtractive effect on sine song frequency is found in this study. That mutations in MLC2 are manifested differently for song and flight suggest that stretch activation plays a minimal or no role in song production. The results in this study suggest that the conserved regions of FLN and MLC2 are essential to support underlying IFM contractile structure and function necessary for flight, whereas the fast evolving FLN N-terminal region optimizes IFM\u27s biological performance in flight and species-specific song possibly under positive selection regime

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 367)

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    This bibliography lists 205 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during Aug. 1992. Subject coverage includes the following: aerospace medicine and physiology, life support systems and man/system technology, protective clothing, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, planetary biology, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010