126 research outputs found

    Securing CNN Model and Biometric Template using Blockchain

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    Blockchain has emerged as a leading technology that ensures security in a distributed framework. Recently, it has been shown that blockchain can be used to convert traditional blocks of any deep learning models into secure systems. In this research, we model a trained biometric recognition system in an architecture which leverages the blockchain technology to provide fault tolerant access in a distributed environment. The advantage of the proposed approach is that tampering in one particular component alerts the whole system and helps in easy identification of `any' possible alteration. Experimentally, with different biometric modalities, we have shown that the proposed approach provides security to both deep learning model and the biometric template.Comment: Published in IEEE BTAS 201

    Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development

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    This open access book provides the first systematic overview of existing challenges and opportunities for responsible data linkage, and a cutting-edge assessment of which steps need to be taken to ensure that plant data are ethically shared and used for the benefit of ensuring global food security – one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The volume focuses on the contemporary contours of such challenges through sustained engagement with current and historical initiatives and discussion of best practices and prospective future directions for ensuring responsible plant data linkage. The volume is divided into four sections that include case studies of plant data use and linkage in the context of particular research projects, breeding programs, and historical research. It address technical challenges of data linkage in developing key tools, standards and infrastructures, and examines governance challenges of data linkage in relation to socioeconomic and environmental research and data collection. Finally, the last section addresses issues raised by new data production and linkage methods for the inclusion of agriculture’s diverse stakeholders. This book brings together leading experts in data curation, data governance and data studies from a variety of fields, including data science, plant science, agricultural research, science policy, data ethics and the philosophy, history and social studies of plant science

    Model Sistem Verifikasi Dokumen Ijazah Digital Berbasis Teknologi Blockchain

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    Blockchain is an information recording system and cannot be modified, hacked, or cheated. Along with the development of new technologies, researchers hope blockchain technology will have the same impact on the world of education, especially in universities in Indonesia. From the results of this study, there will be a model of a diploma verification system based on blockchain technology. From the problems above, it is necessary to make a prototype that can see or detect the authenticity of a document, especially for diplomas at tertiary institutions in Indonesia. Namely by implementing blockchain technology as the latest innovation for the future of the Digital Diploma Document Verification System in Indonesia and the World. Specific research objectives include; 1) Designing computer vision-based tools to determine the identification of the authenticity of diploma documents, 2) Developing prototypes and testing functional programming to determine the level of suitability with field conditions, 3) Implementing blockchain and similar technologies for diploma identification in order to accelerate diploma identification. The research flow begins by inputting the main image of the STMIK Indonesia Banda Aceh certificate. Then it is described in the Blockchain format of five chains, where each chain tests using the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) method, and the highest value is an identical image. This study's results indicate identical images founds using the Block Chain format and the PSNR method.Blockchain adalah sistem pencatatan informasi serta tidak dapat untuk mengubah, meretas, atau menipu. Seiring dengan perkembangan tentang teknologi baru, peneliti mengharapkan teknologi blockchain memiliki dampak yang sama pada dunia pendidikan khususnya di Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini, adanya suatu model sistem verifikasi ijazah berbasis teknologi blockchain. Dari permasalahan di atas, maka diperlukan membuat suatu prototipe yang dapat melihat atau mendeteksi keaslian suatu dokumen khususnya ijazah pada perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. yaitu dengan menerapkan teknologi blockchain sebagai inovasi terbaru bagi masa depan Sistem Verifikasi Dokumen Ijazah Digital di Indonesia dan Dunia. Tujuan khusus penelitian antara lain untuk; 1) Merancang piranti berbasis visi komputer untuk menentukan identifikasi keaslian dokumen Ijazah, 2) Mengembangkan prototipe dan menguji fungsional pemrograman untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian dengan kondisi lapangan, 3) Menerapkan teknologi blockchain dan sejenis untuk identifikasi Ijazah agar dapat mempercepat identifikasian ijazah. Alur penelitian dimulai menginput citra utama ijazah STMIK Indonesia Banda Aceh, kemudian diuraikan dalam format BlokChain sebanyak lima rantai, dimana setiap rantai diuji menggunakan metode Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) dan nilai tertinggi merupakan citra yang identik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menggunakan format Block Chain dan metode PSNR adalah ditemukan citra yang identik

    Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development

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    This open access book provides the first systematic overview of existing challenges and opportunities for responsible data linkage, and a cutting-edge assessment of which steps need to be taken to ensure that plant data are ethically shared and used for the benefit of ensuring global food security – one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The volume focuses on the contemporary contours of such challenges through sustained engagement with current and historical initiatives and discussion of best practices and prospective future directions for ensuring responsible plant data linkage. The volume is divided into four sections that include case studies of plant data use and linkage in the context of particular research projects, breeding programs, and historical research. It address technical challenges of data linkage in developing key tools, standards and infrastructures, and examines governance challenges of data linkage in relation to socioeconomic and environmental research and data collection. Finally, the last section addresses issues raised by new data production and linkage methods for the inclusion of agriculture’s diverse stakeholders. This book brings together leading experts in data curation, data governance and data studies from a variety of fields, including data science, plant science, agricultural research, science policy, data ethics and the philosophy, history and social studies of plant science

    Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on traceability technology among poultry farmers in Kedah

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    Animals and products traceability are the most important tools in food safety and disease management. Nowadays people’s concerns about food safety are extremely high and food security has become the main national agenda. Disease in animals and contaminated animals’ products are losses which become a threat to food safety. As a mature and rapidly growth industry, poultry traceability is important for farm production and trade purposes as well as disease outbreak management, public health and sustainable farming with concern on impact towards environment. In this industry, traceability elements of animals’ identification, premise registration and movements should be a part of daily husbandry practice. This study was conducted to evaluate the level of poultry farmers knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of traceability in Kedah. In a cross-sectional survey, a total of 62 farmers from different management backgrounds completed a questionnaire which aimed to evaluate their KAP domains of traceability. The results showed that 43.5% of poultry farmers have a high satisfactory knowledge of traceability elements and the national traceability system that has been introduced. Although the level of knowledge is moderate, the number of good attitude farmers to be compliant with traceability is high (71%) with 46.7% of population practicing good traceability. Attitude variables were also found to have a relationship towards best practices. Therefore, results from KAP study of poultry farmers reveal the level of knowledge, attitude and practice on upstream players of supply chain, suggesting the need of traceability training and education on systematic traceability system to ensure the national food safety and food security. The authority should strengthen the implementation of national traceability system for all the players involved along the food chain including at farm level for the benefits of local consumption as well as international trade in sustainable approach

    BlockNet Report: Exploring the Blockchain Skills Concept and Best Practice Use Cases

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    In order to explore the practical potential and needs of interdisciplinary knowledge and competence requirements of Blockchain technology, the project activity "Development of Interdisciplinary Blockchain Skills Concept" starts with the literature review identifying the state of the art of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Business and Finance, as well as Computer Science and IT-Security. The project activity further explores the academic and industry landscape of existing initiatives in education which offer Blockchain courses. Moreover, job descriptions and adverts are analyzed in order to specify today's competence requirements from enterprises. To discuss and define the future required competence, expert workshops are organized to validate the findings by academic experts. Based on the research outcome and validation, an interdisciplinary approach for Blockchain competence is developed. A second part focuses on the development of the Blockchain Best Practices activity while conducting qualitative empirical research based on case studies with industry representatives. Therefore, company interviews, based on the theoretical basis of Output 1, explore existing Blockchain use cases in different sectors. Due to the interdisciplinary importance of Blockchain technology, these skills will be defined by different perspectives of Blockchain from across multiple mentioned disciplines. The use cases and companies for the interviews will be selected based on various sampling criteria to gain results valid for a broad scale. The analysis of the various use cases will be conducted and defined in a standardized format to identify the key drivers and competence requirements for Blockchain technology applications and their adoption. On the one hand, this approach ensures comparability, on the other hand, it facilitates the development of a structured and systematic framework.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2102.0322

    Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordThis open access book provides the first systematic overview of existing challenges and opportunities for responsible data linkage, and a cutting-edge assessment of which steps need to be taken to ensure that plant data are ethically shared and used for the benefit of ensuring global food security – one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The volume focuses on the contemporary contours of such challenges through sustained engagement with current and historical initiatives and discussion of best practices and prospective future directions for ensuring responsible plant data linkage. The volume is divided into four sections that include case studies of plant data use and linkage in the context of particular research projects, breeding programs, and historical research. It address technical challenges of data linkage in developing key tools, standards and infrastructures, and examines governance challenges of data linkage in relation to socioeconomic and environmental research and data collection. Finally, the last section addresses issues raised by new data production and linkage methods for the inclusion of agriculture’s diverse stakeholders. This book brings together leading experts in data curation, data governance and data studies from a variety of fields, including data science, plant science, agricultural research, science policy, data ethics and the philosophy, history and social studies of plant science.Alan Turing InstituteEuropean Research Council (ERC
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