2,824 research outputs found

    An improved Ant Colony System for the Sequential Ordering Problem

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    It is not rare that the performance of one metaheuristic algorithm can be improved by incorporating ideas taken from another. In this article we present how Simulated Annealing (SA) can be used to improve the efficiency of the Ant Colony System (ACS) and Enhanced ACS when solving the Sequential Ordering Problem (SOP). Moreover, we show how the very same ideas can be applied to improve the convergence of a dedicated local search, i.e. the SOP-3-exchange algorithm. A statistical analysis of the proposed algorithms both in terms of finding suitable parameter values and the quality of the generated solutions is presented based on a series of computational experiments conducted on SOP instances from the well-known TSPLIB and SOPLIB2006 repositories. The proposed ACS-SA and EACS-SA algorithms often generate solutions of better quality than the ACS and EACS, respectively. Moreover, the EACS-SA algorithm combined with the proposed SOP-3-exchange-SA local search was able to find 10 new best solutions for the SOP instances from the SOPLIB2006 repository, thus improving the state-of-the-art results as known from the literature. Overall, the best known or improved solutions were found in 41 out of 48 cases.Comment: 30 pages, 8 tables, 11 figure

    Linear-time heuristic partitioning technique for mapping of connected graphs into single-row networks

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    In this paper, a model called graph partitioning and transformation model (GPTM) which transforms a connected graph into a single-row network is introduced. The transformation is necessary in applications such as in the assignment of telephone channels to caller-receiver pairs roaming in cells in a cellular network on real-time basis. A connected graph is then transformed into its corresponding single-row network for assigning the channels to the caller-receiver pairs. The GPTM starts with the linear-time heuristic graph partitioning to produce two subgraphs with higher densities. The optimal labeling for nodes are then formed based on the simulated annealing technique. Experimental results support our hypothesis that GPTM efficiently transforms the connected graph into its single-row network

    A Micro Power Hardware Fabric for Embedded Computing

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) mitigate many of the problemsencountered with the development of ASICs by offering flexibility, faster time-to-market, and amortized NRE costs, among other benefits. While FPGAs are increasingly being used for complex computational applications such as signal and image processing, networking, and cryptology, they are far from ideal for these tasks due to relatively high power consumption and silicon usage overheads compared to direct ASIC implementation. A reconfigurable device that exhibits ASIC-like power characteristics and FPGA-like costs and tool support is desirable to fill this void. In this research, a parameterized, reconfigurable fabric model named as domain specific fabric (DSF) is developed that exhibits ASIC-like power characteristics for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) style applications. Using this model, the impact of varying different design parameters on power and performance has been studied. Different optimization techniques like local search and simulated annealing are used to determine the appropriate interconnect for a specific set of applications. A design space exploration tool has been developed to automate and generate a tailored architectural instance of the fabric.The fabric has been synthesized on 160 nm cell-based ASIC fabrication process from OKI and 130 nm from IBM. A detailed power-performance analysis has been completed using signal and image processing benchmarks from the MediaBench benchmark suite and elsewhere with comparisons to other hardware and software implementations. The optimized fabric implemented using the 130 nm process yields energy within 3X of a direct ASIC implementation, 330X better than a Virtex-II Pro FPGA and 2016X better than an Intel XScale processor

    Models Development for Single-Row Networks from Connected Graphs

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    In this paper, we present a collection of models for connected graphs mapping into single–row networks. The collection involves three specific models for perfect binary trees, trees and partially dense graphs, and three general models for connected graphs. These models are compared in terms of their structures, energy values, congestion and number of doglegs in the single–row transformation. The numerical experiments are run by each respective developed program. The transformation is necessary in applications such as in the assignment of telephone channels to caller–receiver pairs roaming in cells in a cellular network on real–time basis

    Spanning Tree Transformation of Connected Graph into Single-Row Network

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    A spanning tree of a connected graph is a tree which consists the set of vertices and some or perhaps all of the edges from the connected graph. In this paper, a model for spanning tree transformation of connected graphs into single-row networks, namely Spanning Tree of Connected Graph Modeling (STCGM) will be introduced. Path-Growing Tree-Forming algorithm applied with Vertex-Prioritized is contained in the model to produce the spanning tree from the connected graph. Paths are produced by Path-Growing and they are combined into a spanning tree by Tree-Forming. The spanning tree that is produced from the connected graph is then transformed into single-row network using Tree Sequence Modeling (TSM). Finally, the single-row routing problem is solved using a method called Enhanced Simulated Annealing for Single-Row Routing (ESSR)

    Partitioning Technique for Transformation of Connected Graphs into Single-Row Network

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    In this paper, we present our work called Connected Graph Sequence (CGS) which transforms a partially dense graph into the single-row network. Partially dense graph is a graph where a number of connected components, namely subgraphs, are connected by some links and each subgraph has a higher density value compare to the graph. The transformation is necessary in applications such as in the assignment of telephone channels to caller-receiver pairs roaming in cells in a cellular network on real-time basis. In this channel assignment application, each caller and receiver in a call is treated as a node, while their pair connection is treated as the edge. A specific case of the graph in the form of a partially dense graph is then transformed into its corresponding single-row network for assigning the channels to the caller-receiver pairs

    Simulated Annealing with min-cut and greedy perturbations

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    Custom integrated circuit design requires an ever increasing number of elements to be placed on a physical die. The process of searching for an optimal solution is NP-hard so heuristics are required to achieve satisfactory results under time constraints. Simulated Annealing is an algorithm which uses randomly generated perturbations to adjust a single solution. The effect of a generated perturbation is examined by a cost function which evaluates the solution. If the perturbation decreases the cost, it is accepted. If it increases the cost, it is accepted probabilistically. Such an approach allows the algorithm to avoid local minima and find satisfactory solutions. One problem faced by Simulated Annealing is that it can take a very large number of iterations to reach a desired result. Greedy perturbations use knowledge of the system to generate solutions which may be satisfactory after fewer iterations than non-greedy, however previous work has indicated that the exclusive use of greedy perturbations seems to result in a solution constrained to local minima. Min-cut is a procedure in which a graph is split into two pieces with the least interconnection possible between them. Using this with a placement problem helps to recognize components which belong to the same functional unit and thus enhance results of Simulated Annealing. The feasibility of this approach has been assessed. Hardware, through parallelization, can be used to increase the performance of algorithms by decreasing runtime. The possibility of increased performance motivated the exploration of the ability to model greedy perturbations in hardware. The use of greedy perturbations while avoiding local minima was also explored

    A Metaheuristic Method for Fast Multi-Deck Legalization

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringIn the field of circuit design, decreasing the transistor size is getting harder and harder. Hence, improving the circuit performance also becoming difficult. For the better circuit performance, various technologies are being tired and multi-deck standard cell technology is one of them. The standard cell methodology is a fundamental structure of EDA (Electric Design Automation). Using the standard cell library, EDA tools can easily design, and optimize the physical design of chips. In order to conventional standard cell, multi-deck standard cell occupies multiple rows on the chip. This multiple occupation increases complexity of the circuit physical design for EDA tools. Thus, legalization problem has become more challenging for the multi-deck standard cells. Recently, various multi-deck legalization methods are proposed because the conventional single-deck legalization method is not effective for multi-deck legalization. A state-of-the-arts legalization method is based on quadratic programming with the linear complementary problem(LCP). However, these previous researches can only cover the double-deck case because of runtime burden. In this thesis, we propose the fast and enhanced the multi-deck standard cell legalization algorithm which can handle higher than double-deck standard cell cases. The proposed legalization method achieves the most fastest runtime result for the dominant number of benchmarks on ICCAD Contest 2017 [1] compared with Top 3 results.ope

    A parallel simulated annealing algorithm for standard cell placement on a hypercube computer

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    A parallel version of a simulated annealing algorithm is presented which is targeted to run on a hypercube computer. A strategy for mapping the cells in a two dimensional area of a chip onto processors in an n-dimensional hypercube is proposed such that both small and large distance moves can be applied. Two types of moves are allowed: cell exchanges and cell displacements. The computation of the cost function in parallel among all the processors in the hypercube is described along with a distributed data structure that needs to be stored in the hypercube to support parallel cost evaluation. A novel tree broadcasting strategy is used extensively in the algorithm for updating cell locations in the parallel environment. Studies on the performance of the algorithm on example industrial circuits show that it is faster and gives better final placement results than the uniprocessor simulated annealing algorithms. An improved uniprocessor algorithm is proposed which is based on the improved results obtained from parallelization of the simulated annealing algorithm