13 research outputs found

    Enhancing Interaction Flow Modeling Language Metamodels for Designing Features of Rich Internet Applications

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    Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) became to standard of interactive web applications on the internet fastly. It is a complex application with a rich user interface that distributed the data between client and server also allowing an asynchronous communication between them, but web engineering methods are not able to design and implement these features impeccably. The recent web engineering method is Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) which adopted by Object Management Group (OMG). It has many features for developing interactions in web application compared with other web engineering methods but also has limitation for designing RIA features. In this paper, we enhance IFML method through extension the metamodels by using UML extension mechanism, in which, we define new IFML metamodel and some new elements to cope RIA features designing in data distribution between client and server. The results show that this enhancement enables IFML to develop the new types of web applications efficiently

    Development of a design model for functionality and content access from rich internet application requirements

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    Ponencia presentada en The 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. May 20-22, 2015, in Lisbon, PortugalWe have found several methodologies for the development of rich internet applications (RIA); however, they did not give enough attention to the problem of defining both appropriate notations and adequate process for developing the user interface (UI) of functionality and content access (UIFCA). The UIFCA is important, because it concerns with the global organization/behaviour of the UI of a RIA application; the UIFCA is complex in several RIA applications due to the several tasks/workflows/business process that need to be organized/accessed, and the use of single page applications and desktop like UIs. A good model for functionality and content access (MFCA) should be expressive enough, respect some abstraction requirements, and be understandable by the client; a good process to develop a MFCA should consider the creation of parts of the MFCA by the client, its completion by analysts, its early validation by clients, and the refinement of MFCA elements. In this work, we defined a metamodel called RIAFCA for building MFCAs, and a development process involving RIAFCA respecting these requirements. The metamodel and the process are illustrated with the help of an online e-mail application case study.acceptedVersionFil: Casalánguida, Hernán. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Durán, Juan Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Ciencias de la Computació


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    Web アプリケーションの開発では,クライアント側のユーザビリティ向上が重要になってきており,Ajax により非同期通信が使われることで,クライアント側の操作をブロックせずに動作することが可能となっている.しかしながら,非同期通信によって予期しない順序でサーバ処理が行われる可能性がある.本研究では,特に資源の獲得・解放と非同期通信の使用時に起こる可能性のある問題と解決方法を示す.従来はこのような問題に対し,モデル検査などの形式検証手法が有効であると考えられてきたが,専門知識が必要でかつ検証の労力が大きいという課題があった.本論文では,モデル検査による検証手法を,一般の技術者にも容易に利用可能とするためにソースコードからPROMELA 記述の変換方法を提案した.これにより開発者は資源競合の検証を行う際に,Web アプリケーションのモデルを記述しないで良くなるので,専門知識が不要となり,かつ検証時の労力の大幅な軽減が可能となった.例題に手法を適用し,非同期通信時にはデッドロックが発生することを確かめた.電気通信大学201

    A navigational role-centric model oriented web approach - MoWebA

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    [EN] This study presents MoWebA, a navigational role-centric model driven development (MDD) proposal for web applications development. The approach was conceived considering a previous study of web methods and analysing some open issues. This article presents the fundamentals of the proposal; the methodological aspects for modelling and transformation processes; and the defined notations/techniques for modelling and transformation tasks, including their abstract and concrete syntax definitions. We include a summary of the validation experiences and main results, and a comparison against other related proposals, in order to highlight the main contributions of MoWebA.This research is partially supported by the CONACYT (Paraguay), through the INV-056 Project.González Toñánez, M.; Cernuzzi, L.; Pastor López, O. (2016). A navigational role-centric model oriented web approach - MoWebA. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. 11(1):29-67. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJWET.2016.075963S296711

    Una Propuesta Basada en Model Driven Architecture para el Soporte de Rich Internet Applications

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    Las Rich Internet Applications (RIA) han surgido para permitir apli caciones en la Web con características similares a las de escritorio. Este trabajo se enfoca en las características RIA relacionadas a la validación local de datos y a la inclusión de widgets interactivos de amplia utilización para extender Model Oriented Web Approach (MoWebA). MoWebA es una aproximación de desa rrollo de aplicaciones Web fundamentada en los principios de Model Driven Architecture (MDA).CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Adaptive model for web engineering methods to develop multi web applications in agile environment

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    Model Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is an application of a model driven paradigm in the domain of web software development. MDWE is helpful because technologies and platforms of web applications constantly evolve into Web Engineering Methods (WEMs). The evolution of web applications has consequently introduced new features and challenges, therefore existing WEMs need to be improved. These WEMs have failed to develop modern web applications’ features. Furthermore, no single WEM is capable of covering the whole lifecycle phases. These issues decrease the usability. In addition, the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) as a recent method has also not been able to address them. This thesis developed a new WEM, Useable Adaptive Agile IFML (UAA-IFML) to solve these issues in several steps. In this research, mixed methods used were qualitative and quantitative methodologies. In the first step, a new adaptive model was defined for supporting the features of multi-web applications. The new model was developed via an adaptive model into the IFML metamodels known as Adaptive IFML (AIFML). In the second step, IFML was enriched through MockupDD for covering lifecycle, known as Agile IFML (A-IFML). This is because MockupDD provides an agile environment, hence agile lifecycle can solve the lifecycle issue. In the third step, a new adaptive model and agile process were combined as Adaptive Agile IFML (AAIFML). This integration increased the usability of the IFML method. In presenting the usability of AA-IFML, experimentation of the framework was extended to evaluate the usability of WEMs. Besides, feedbacks on the usability of AA-IFML were obtained from developers around the world using three instruments, namely performing tasks, answering questionnaires, and interviewing experts. Analysis on the feedback indicated a 20% improvement usability of the AA-IFML compared with current IFML. The findings have shown that the UAA-IFML is beneficial for developers, as they would only need to use one method to design modern web application features in the whole lifecycle phases

    A indústria 4.0 no Tâmega e Sousa numa dupla perspetiva: indústria vs empresas tecnológicas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaA tecnologia está a mudar as nossas vidas e a um ritmo cada vez mais elevado. Contudo, muitos de nós (pessoas e organizações), não têm ainda a dimensão exata do que ainda advirá e do impacto que essa transformação provocará. No contexto organizacional, é notória a radical transformação da forma como são já fabricados os produtos que consumimos; aqui, entra o conceito de indústria 4.0, que está a elevar o conceito da internet para outro nível, interligando as organizações, as pessoas e de modo geral para todas as coisas. Este fenómeno denomina-se internet das coisas. Aquilo que parecia apenas futurístico está efetivamente a acontecer já, com máquinas interagindo entre si e com os seres humanos, tomando decisões, trocando uma gigantesca quantidade de dados e informação. O “remasterizado” conceito de indústria 4.0 e o impacto das novas tecnologias que lhe estão subjacentes, é o tema genérico desta dissertação. Concretamente, apresenta-se um estudo do impacto da indústria 4.0 na região do Tâmega e Sousa, quer da perspetiva das empresas industriais quer das empresas tecnológicas. A forma como o conceito I4.0 está a ser compreendido pelas organizações da região do Tâmega e sousa, e o grau de preparação para o fenómeno é debatido neste documento. A constatação da impreparação das organizações para a adoção de estratégias ou projeto I4.0, e a incapacidade que as tecnológicas da região revelaram em inverter esta situação, motivou a apresentação de um conjunto prático de recomendações. O quadro de recomendações traduz de forma pragmáticas as diferentes dimensões associadas aos desafios inerentes à I4

    Auto-generation of rich Internet applications from visual mock-ups

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    Capturing and communicating software requirements accurately and quickly is a challenging activity. This needs expertise of people with unique skills. Traditionally this challenge has been compounded by assigning specialist roles for requirements gathering and analysis, design, and implementations. These multiple roles have resulted in information loss mainly due to miscommunication between requirement specialists, designers and implementers. Large enterprises have managed the information loss by using document centric approaches, leading to delays and cost escalations. But documentation centric and multiple role approaches are not suitable for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) because they are vulnerable to market competitions. Moreover, SMEs require effective online applications to provide their service. Hence the motivation for carrying out this research is to explore the possibilities of empowering requirement specialists such as Business Analysts’ (BAs) to take on additional responsibilities of designers and implementers to generate web applications. In addition, SME owners and BAs can communicate better if they perceive the application requirements using a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) approach. Hence, this research explores the design and development of mock-up-based auto-generating tool to develop SME applications. A tool that auto-generates an application from a mock-up should have the capacity to extract the essential implementation details from the mock-up. Hence a visual mock-up language was created by extending existing research on meta-models of UIs for a class of popular modern web-based business applications called Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). The popularity of RIAs is due to their distinctive client-side processing power with desktop application like responsiveness and look and feel. The mock-ups drawn with the mock-up language should have sufficient level of details to auto-generate RIAs. To support this, the mock-up language includes constructs for specifying a RIA’s mock-up in terms of layouts and the widgets within them. In addition, the language uses annotations on the mock-up to specify the behaviour of the system. In such an approach the only additional effort required of a Business Analyst is to specify the requirements in terms of a mock-up of the expected interfaces of the SME application. Apart from the mock-up language, a tool was designed and developed to auto-generate the desired application from the mock-up. The tool is powered by algorithms to derive the database structure and the client-side and server-side components required for the auto-generated application. The validation of the mock-up language and auto-generating tool was performed by BAs to demonstrate its usability. The measurement and evaluation results indicate that the mock-up language and the auto-generator can be used successfully to help BAs in the development of SME application and thereby reduce delays, errors and cost overruns. The important contributions of this research are: (i) the design of a mock-up language that makes it easy to capture the structure and behaviour of SME web applications. (ii) algorithms for automatic derivation of the expected database schema from a visual mock-up. (iii) algorithms for automatic derivation of the client and server-side application logic. (iv) application of an existing measurement and evaluation process for the usability testing of the mock-up language and the auto-generated application. This research followed the Design Science Research (DSR) method for Information System to guide the IS design and to capture the knowledge created during the design process. DSR is a research method useful in solving wicked problems requiring innovative solutions for incomplete, contradictory or changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. This research opens new ways of thinking about web application development for future research. Specifically, mock-ups with few easy to understand annotations can be used as powerful active artifacts to capture the structure and behaviour of applications not just of small but also large enterprises. Auto-generating tools can then create fully functional and usable applications holistically from such mock-ups, thereby reducing delays and cost overruns during software engineering