1,867 research outputs found

    Spatial Queries in Wireless Broadcast Environments [Keynote Speech]

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    Advanced Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We present fast and efficient algorithms for routing in road and public transit networks. An algorithm for public transit can handle very large and poorly structured networks in a fully realistic scenario. Algorithms to answer flexible shortest path queries consider additional query parameters, such as edge weight or restrictions. Finally, specialized algorithms compute sets of related shortest path distances for time-dependent distance table computation, ride sharing and closest POI location

    Graph Theory Applications in Advanced Geospatial Research

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    Geospatial sciences include a wide range of applications, from environmental monitoring transportation to infrastructure planning, as well as location-based analysis and services. Graph theory algorithms in mathematics have emerged as indispensable tools in these domains due to their capability to model and analyse spatial relationships efficiently. This article explores the applications of graph theory algorithms in geospatial sciences, highlighting their role in network analysis, spatial connectivity, geographic information systems, and various other spatial problem-solving scenarios like digital twin. The article provides a comprehensive idea about graph theory's key concepts and algorithms that assist the geospatial modelling processes and insights into real-world geospatial challenges and opportunities. It lists the extensive research, innovative technologies and methodologies implemented in this domain

    Advancing Urban Mobility with Algorithm Engineering

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    Searching and mining in enriched geo-spatial data

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    The emergence of new data collection mechanisms in geo-spatial applications paired with a heightened tendency of users to volunteer information provides an ever-increasing flow of data of high volume, complex nature, and often associated with inherent uncertainty. Such mechanisms include crowdsourcing, automated knowledge inference, tracking, and social media data repositories. Such data bearing additional information from multiple sources like probability distributions, text or numerical attributes, social context, or multimedia content can be called multi-enriched. Searching and mining this abundance of information holds many challenges, if all of the data's potential is to be released. This thesis addresses several major issues arising in that field, namely path queries using multi-enriched data, trend mining in social media data, and handling uncertainty in geo-spatial data. In all cases, the developed methods have made significant contributions and have appeared in or were accepted into various renowned international peer-reviewed venues. A common use of geo-spatial data is path queries in road networks where traditional methods optimise results based on absolute and ofttimes singular metrics, i.e., finding the shortest paths based on distance or the best trade-off between distance and travel time. Integrating additional aspects like qualitative or social data by enriching the data model with knowledge derived from sources as mentioned above allows for queries that can be issued to fit a broader scope of needs or preferences. This thesis presents two implementations of incorporating multi-enriched data into road networks. In one case, a range of qualitative data sources is evaluated to gain knowledge about user preferences which is subsequently matched with locations represented in a road network and integrated into its components. Several methods are presented for highly customisable path queries that incorporate a wide spectrum of data. In a second case, a framework is described for resource distribution with reappearance in road networks to serve one or more clients, resulting in paths that provide maximum gain based on a probabilistic evaluation of available resources. Applications for this include finding parking spots. Social media trends are an emerging research area giving insight in user sentiment and important topics. Such trends consist of bursts of messages concerning a certain topic within a time frame, significantly deviating from the average appearance frequency of the same topic. By investigating the dissemination of such trends in space and time, this thesis presents methods to classify trend archetypes to predict future dissemination of a trend. Processing and querying uncertain data is particularly demanding given the additional knowledge required to yield results with probabilistic guarantees. Since such knowledge is not always available and queries are not easily scaled to larger datasets due to the #P-complete nature of the problem, many existing approaches reduce the data to a deterministic representation of its underlying model to eliminate uncertainty. However, data uncertainty can also provide valuable insight into the nature of the data that cannot be represented in a deterministic manner. This thesis presents techniques for clustering uncertain data as well as query processing, that take the additional information from uncertainty models into account while preserving scalability using a sampling-based approach, while previous approaches could only provide one of the two. The given solutions enable the application of various existing clustering techniques or query types to a framework that manages the uncertainty.Das Erscheinen neuer Methoden zur Datenerhebung in räumlichen Applikationen gepaart mit einer erhöhten Bereitschaft der Nutzer, Daten über sich preiszugeben, generiert einen stetig steigenden Fluss von Daten in großer Menge, komplexer Natur, und oft gepaart mit inhärenter Unsicherheit. Beispiele für solche Mechanismen sind Crowdsourcing, automatisierte Wissensinferenz, Tracking, und Daten aus sozialen Medien. Derartige Daten, angereichert mit mit zusätzlichen Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen wie Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen, Text- oder numerische Attribute, sozialem Kontext, oder Multimediainhalten, werden als multi-enriched bezeichnet. Suche und Datamining in dieser weiten Datenmenge hält viele Herausforderungen bereit, wenn das gesamte Potenzial der Daten genutzt werden soll. Diese Arbeit geht auf mehrere große Fragestellungen in diesem Feld ein, insbesondere Pfadanfragen in multi-enriched Daten, Trend-mining in Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken, und die Beherrschung von Unsicherheit in räumlichen Daten. In all diesen Fällen haben die entwickelten Methoden signifikante Forschungsbeiträge geleistet und wurden veröffentlicht oder angenommen zu diversen renommierten internationalen, von Experten begutachteten Konferenzen und Journals. Ein gängiges Anwendungsgebiet räumlicher Daten sind Pfadanfragen in Straßennetzwerken, wo traditionelle Methoden die Resultate anhand absoluter und oft auch singulärer Maße optimieren, d.h., der kürzeste Pfad in Bezug auf die Distanz oder der beste Kompromiss zwischen Distanz und Reisezeit. Durch die Integration zusätzlicher Aspekte wie qualitativer Daten oder Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken als Anreicherung des Datenmodells mit aus diesen Quellen abgeleitetem Wissen werden Anfragen möglich, die ein breiteres Spektrum an Anforderungen oder Präferenzen erfüllen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert zwei Ansätze, solche multi-enriched Daten in Straßennetze einzufügen. Zum einen wird eine Reihe qualitativer Datenquellen ausgewertet, um Wissen über Nutzerpräferenzen zu generieren, welches darauf mit Örtlichkeiten im Straßennetz abgeglichen und in das Netz integriert wird. Diverse Methoden werden präsentiert, die stark personalisierbare Pfadanfragen ermöglichen, die ein weites Spektrum an Daten mit einbeziehen. Im zweiten Fall wird ein Framework präsentiert, das eine Ressourcenverteilung im Straßennetzwerk modelliert, bei der einmal verbrauchte Ressourcen erneut auftauchen können. Resultierende Pfade ergeben einen maximalen Ertrag basieren auf einer probabilistischen Evaluation der verfügbaren Ressourcen. Eine Anwendung ist die Suche nach Parkplätzen. Trends in sozialen Medien sind ein entstehendes Forscchungsgebiet, das Einblicke in Benutzerverhalten und wichtige Themen zulässt. Solche Trends bestehen aus großen Mengen an Nachrichten zu einem bestimmten Thema innerhalb eines Zeitfensters, so dass die Auftrittsfrequenz signifikant über den durchschnittlichen Level liegt. Durch die Untersuchung der Fortpflanzung solcher Trends in Raum und Zeit präsentiert diese Arbeit Methoden, um Trends nach Archetypen zu klassifizieren und ihren zukünftigen Weg vorherzusagen. Die Anfragebearbeitung und Datamining in unsicheren Daten ist besonders herausfordernd, insbesondere im Hinblick auf das notwendige Zusatzwissen, um Resultate mit probabilistischen Garantien zu erzielen. Solches Wissen ist nicht immer verfügbar und Anfragen lassen sich aufgrund der \P-Vollständigkeit des Problems nicht ohne Weiteres auf größere Datensätze skalieren. Dennoch kann Datenunsicherheit wertvollen Einblick in die Struktur der Daten liefern, der mit deterministischen Methoden nicht erreichbar wäre. Diese Arbeit präsentiert Techniken zum Clustering unsicherer Daten sowie zur Anfragebearbeitung, die die Zusatzinformation aus dem Unsicherheitsmodell in Betracht ziehen, jedoch gleichzeitig die Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes auf große Datenmengen sicherstellen

    Unified routing and map rendering

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    Two major areas worth improving in route planning and the maps accompanying it are customization and routing with limited connectivity. This thesis will tackle both while unifying the mapping and routing aspects in a single always consistent scheme. For this we created an extensible framework based on the Contraction Hierarchy scheme originally developed to speed up routing. This scheme combined with data structures from computational geometry allows us to identify which road segments within a view are most important for routing with a given cost function. Additionally it provides us with a simple yet powerful way to refine roads for rendering at different resolutions and pixel densities. Leading to maps that automatically adapt to both the individual routing scenario and required level of detail. To allow routing under limited connectivity the identified road segments are packaged as self-contained subgraphs. These subgraphs may then be encoded for transfer to the client where they can be combined into larger graphs that can be rendered as a map and routed on

    Sequencing geographical data for efficient query processing on air in mobile computing.

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    Three cost models are derived to measure Data Broadcast Wait (DBW), Data Access Time in the multiplexing scheme (ATDataMul) where both data and indices are broadcast in the same channel, and Data Access Time in the separate channel scheme (ATDataSep) where data and indices are broadcast in two separate channels. Hypergraph representations are used to represent the spatial relationships of both point data and graph data. The broadcast data placement problem is then converted to the graph layout problem. A framework for classifying ordering heuristics for different types of geographical data is presented. A low-polynomial cost approximation graph layout method is used to solve the DBW minimization problem. Based on the proven monotonic relationship between ATData Sep and DBW, the same approximation method is also used for AT DataSep optimization. A novel method is developed to optimize ATDataMul. Experiments using both synthetic and real data are conducted to evaluate the performance of the ordering heuristics and optimization methods. The results show that R-Tree traversal ordering heuristic in conjunction with the optimization methods is effective for sequencing point data for spatial range query processing, while graph partition tree traversal ordering heuristic in conjunction with the optimization methods is suitable for sequencing graph data for network path query processing over air.Geographical data broadcasting is suitable for many large scale dissemination-based applications due to its independence of number of users, and thus it can serve as an important part of intelligent information infrastructures for modern cities. In broadcast systems, query response time is greatly affected by the order in which data items are being broadcast. However, existing broadcast ordering techniques are not suitable for geographical data because of the multi-dimension and rich semantics of geographical data. This research develops cost models and methods for placing geographical data items in a broadcast channel based on their spatial semantics to reduce response time and energy consumption for processing spatial queries on point data and graph data

    Optimal Routing in Battery-Powered Vehicles

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    The increased interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions has motivated renewed interest in electric vehicles technology as an alternative to current fossil-fuel based transportation equipment. Electric vehicles (EVs) are envisioned as a promising viable technology because of their friendly impact on the environment and higher efficiency over conventional vehicles that rely on fossil fuel. However, the EVs’ limited battery capacity, resulting in limited cruising range and long recharging time, hinders the widespread adoption of EVs. An essential requirement of EV motors is the ability to operate with minimum energy consumption in order to provide at least the same driving range as their Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) counterparts. Energy-optimal routing, which aims to find the least energy consuming routes, under battery constraints has been recognized as a viable approach to prolonging the cruising range of the EV battery. This thesis addresses the problem of optimal routing for EVs and proposes a solution to overcome the difficulties of optimal energy/time routing under battery constraints. A multi-criteria path-finding technique is proposed. The proposed technique functions in two modes and solves the problem of optimal energy/time routing in EVs with worst time complexity of . First, an energy mode to solve the problem of energy-optimal routing under battery constraints is introduced. This mode computes the most energy-efficient route from a source to a destination, thus extending the limited cruising range of a battery. Second, a time mode to solve the problem of optimal travel time routing under battery constraints, by computing the most efficient travel-time route from a source to a destination, is proposed. An EV can operate under these two modes to strike a balance between power consumption and travel time so as to satisfy user constraints and needs. In addition, a technique to reduce the effects of range anxiety on the vehicle operator is proposed. This technique computes a robust estimate of driving range. Furthermore, the technique analyzes an EV’s battery capacity required by the vehicle in order to reach a charging station. The thesis reports experimental work conducted to test and validate the proposed techniques under various driving conditions

    Optimization of time-dependent routing problems considering dynamic paths and fuel consumption

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    Ces dernières années, le transport de marchandises est devenu un défi logistique à multiples facettes. L’immense volume de fret a considérablement augmenté le flux de marchandises dans tous les modes de transport. Malgré le rôle vital du transport de marchandises dans le développement économique, il a également des répercussions négatives sur l’environnement et la santé humaine. Dans les zones locales et régionales, une partie importante des livraisons de marchandises est transportée par camions, qui émettent une grande quantité de polluants. Le Transport routier de marchandises est un contributeur majeur aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) et à la consommation de carburant. Au Canada, les principaux réseaux routiers continuent de faire face à des problèmes de congestion. Pour réduire significativement l’impact des émissions de GES reliées au transport de marchandises sur l’environnement, de nouvelles stratégies de planification directement liées aux opérations de routage sont nécessaires aux niveaux opérationnel, environnemental et temporel. Dans les grandes zones urbaines, les camions doivent voyager à la vitesse imposée par la circulation. Les embouteillages ont des conséquences défavorables sur la vitesse, le temps de déplacement et les émissions de GES, notamment à certaines périodes de la journée. Cette variabilité de la vitesse dans le temps a un impact significatif sur le routage et la planification du transport. Dans une perspective plus large, notre recherche aborde les Problèmes de distribution temporels (Time-Dependent Distribution Problems – TDDP) en considérant des chemins dynamiques dans le temps et les émissions de GES. Considérant que la vitesse d’un véhicule varie en fonction de la congestion dans le temps, l’objectif est de minimiser la fonction de coût de transport total intégrant les coûts des conducteurs et des émissions de GES tout en respectant les contraintes de capacité et les restrictions de temps de service. En outre, les informations géographiques et de trafic peuvent être utilisées pour construire des multigraphes modélisant la flexibilité des chemins sur les grands réseaux routiers, en tant qu’extension du réseau classique des clients. Le réseau physique sous-jacent entre chaque paire de clients pour chaque expédition est explicitement considéré pour trouver des chemins de connexion. Les décisions de sélection de chemins complètent celles de routage, affectant le coût global, les émissions de GES, et le temps de parcours entre les nœuds. Alors que l’espace de recherche augmente, la résolution des Problèmes de distribution temporels prenant en compte les chemins dynamiques et les vitesses variables dans le temps offre une nouvelle possibilité d’améliorer l’efficacité des plans de transport... Mots clés : Routage dépendant du temps; chemins les plus rapides dépendant du temps; congestion; réseau routier; heuristique; émissions de gaz à effet de serre; modèles d’émission; apprentissage superviséIn recent years, freight transportation has evolved into a multi-faceted logistics challenge. The immense volume of freight has considerably increased the flow of commodities in all transport modes. Despite the vital role of freight transportation in the economic development, it also negatively impacts both the environment and human health. At the local and regional areas, a significant portion of goods delivery is transported by trucks, which emit a large amount of pollutants. Road freight transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to fuel consumption. To reduce the significant impact of freight transportation emissions on environment, new alternative planning and coordination strategies directly related to routing and scheduling operations are required at the operational, environmental and temporal dimensions. In large urban areas, trucks must travel at the speed imposed by traffic, and congestion events have major adverse consequences on speed level, travel time and GHG emissions particularly at certain periods of day. This variability in speed over time has a significant impact on routing and scheduling. From a broader perspective, our research addresses Time-Dependent Distribution Problems (TDDPs) considering dynamic paths and GHG emissions. Considering that vehicle speeds vary according to time-dependent congestion, the goal is to minimize the total travel cost function incorporating driver and GHG emissions costs while respecting capacity constraints and service time restrictions. Further, geographical and traffic information can be used to construct a multigraph modeling path flexibility on large road networks, as an extension to the classical customers network. The underlying physical sub-network between each pair of customers for each shipment is explicitly considered to find connecting road paths. Path selection decisions complement routing ones, impacting the overall cost, GHG emissions, the travel time between nodes, and thus the set of a feasible time-dependent least cost paths. While the search space increases, solving TDDPs considering dynamic paths and time-varying speeds may provide a new scope for enhancing the effectiveness of route plans. One way to reduce emissions is to consider congestion and being able to route traffic around it. Accounting for and avoiding congested paths is possible as the required traffic data is available and, at the same time, has a great potential for both energy and cost savings. Hence, we perform a large empirical analysis of historical traffic and shipping data. Therefore, we introduce the Time-dependent Quickest Path Problem with Emission Minimization, in which the objective function comprises GHG emissions, driver and congestion costs. Travel costs are impacted by traffic due to changing congestion levels depending on the time of the day, vehicle types and carried load. We also develop time-dependent lower and upper bounds, which are both accurate and fast to compute. Computational experiments are performed on real-life instances that incorporate the variation of traffic throughout the day. We then study the quality of obtained paths considering time-varying speeds over the one based only on fixed speeds... Keywords : Time-dependent routing; time-dependent quickest paths; traffic congestion; road network; heuristic; greenhouse gas emissions; emission models; supervised learning

    An Algorithmic View on Sensor Networks - Surveillance, Localization, and Communication

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    This thesis focuses on scalability issues of diverse problems on sensor networks and presents efficient solutions. First, we show that it is NP-hard to find optimal activation schedules for monitoring areas and provide an EPTAS algorithm. Second, we present a distributed algorithm for the detection of network boundaries that only requires local connectivity information. Finally, we introduce an FPTAS for computing shortest paths and describe an algorithm for determining alternative routes
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