11 research outputs found

    Safe Delivery of Sensed Data in Wireless Sensor Networks for Gas Leak Detection: a Boiler Facility Scenario

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    AbstractIn this work we share our experience in the deployment of a Wireless Gas Sensor Network (WGSN) in an operational boiler facility. Our setup is based on a state-of-the-art WGSN platform which ensures reliable gas detection and long–term operation of the network. We first describe the deployment of the network and then evaluate its wireless links using Received Signal Strenght Indicator (RSSI) and Link Quality Indicator (LQI) metrics

    Monitoring Co dan Deteksi Dini Kebocoran Gas Lpg pada Perumahan Menggunakan Wireless Sensor Network

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    Ancaman bahaya pada lingkungan Perumahan antara lain berasal dari kebocoran tabung gas LPG dan pencemaran gas karbonmonoksida (CO). Gas CO sangat sulit dikenali oleh manusia dan jika masuk ke tubuh manusia pada konsentrasi tertentu akan berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang mampu memonitor besarnya konsentrasi gas CO di dalam ruangan dan terintegrasi dengan deteksi dini kebocoran LPG. Pada penelitian ini, dirancang sistem monitoring CO dan deteksi dini kebocoran LPG berbasis wireless sensor network (WSN) dengan menggunakan standar komunikasi zigbee. Ada 3 titik WSN yang membentuk jaringan bertopologi bus dan star. Sensor yang digunakan adalah LM35DZ sebagai pembaca suhu, HSM 20-G sebagai pembaca kelembaban, TGS 2600 sebagai pembaca gas CO, dan MQ-4 sebagai detektor gas LPG. Data pembacaan node-node sensor terkumpul pada node kordinator yang terhubung pada server. Data pada server ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik kemudian dikirimkan kepada user menggunakan komunikasi G-Talk. Jangkauan pengiriman data antar node sejauh ± 53 meter, dimana rata-rata error pembacaan sensor TGS 2600 sebesar 4,414 %. Jarak yang ideal dan aman antara sensor dengan tabung gas LPG adalah 25 cm, dan waktu untuk mendeteksi kebocoran gas LPG ± 12 detik


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    The increase in the number of visitors to the Ijen crater in Banyuwangi Regency must be balanced with an increase in services to tourists. One of the most important service factors is safeguarding tourists from the dangers of toxic gases released by volcanic craters, namely the Ijen Crater. The potential for the emergence of deadly toxic gas is quite large. Rainwater makes the surface of the hot crater cool. So that the explosion appeared in the crater carrying volcanic gas material. The gas was in the form of hydrogen sulfide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfuric acid (H2S). Since 2013, based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in the districts of Banyuwnagi and Bondowoso, the toxic gas of Mount Ijen has killed 70 people. This is due to the lack of tools that provide signs of the emergence of toxic gases installed in sulfur and crater areas. Research on the design of toxic gas detectors that have been made can only provide signals in the form of buzzer sounds of toxic gases without providing information on the intensity of the amount of gas in the affected area. Therefore, it is necessary to design a monitoring system that helps read the appearance of the toxic gas detection sensors that can be monitored directly. In this research activity created a java desktop display as a medium for monitoring toxic gas with a sensor connection using serial cable. As a result, the MQ-9 sensor for CO gas and MQ-136 sensor for H2S can detect the presence of both gases and display it in a monitoring system for toxic gas detection based on java desktop

    Realtime gas emission monitoring at hazardous sites using a distributed point-source sensing infrastructure

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    This paper describes a distributed point-source monitoring platform for gas level and leakage detection in hazardous environments. The platform, based on a wireless sensor network (WSN) architecture, is organised into sub-networks to be positioned in the plant’s critical areas; each sub-net includes a gateway unit wirelessly connected to the WSN nodes, hence providing an easily deployable, stand-alone infrastructure featuring a high degree of scalability and reconfigurability. Furthermore, the system provides automated calibration routines which can be accomplished by non-specialized maintenance operators without system reliability reduction issues. Internet connectivity is provided via TCP/IP over GPRS (Internet standard protocols over mobile networks) gateways at a one-minute sampling rate. Environmental and process data are forwarded to a remote server and made available to authenticated users through a user interface that provides data rendering in various formats and multi-sensor data fusion. The platform is able to provide real-time plant management with an effective; accurate tool for immediate warning in case of critical events

    Contribución a la aplicación de las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN's) en problemas de modelos de dispersión de gases basados en técnicas de dinámica de fluidos computacionales (CFD) en aplicaciones agrícolas y ambientales

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    [ES] Estudio de la calibración y la validación de un modelo de flujo de fluidos para la dispersión de contaminantes en aplicaciones agrícolas, ganaderas y ambientales usando WSN's[EN] Calibration and validation study of a fluid flow model for the pollutants dispersion in agricultural, livestock and environmental using WSN'sMarulanda Tobón, A. (2013). Contribución a la aplicación de las redes inalámbricas de sensores (WSN's) en problemas de modelos de dispersión de gases basados en técnicas de dinámica de fluidos computacionales (CFD) en aplicaciones agrícolas y ambientales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38280Archivo delegad

    Diseño e implementación de estrategias de auto-optimización y autoadaptación para sistemas distribuidos a gran escala

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    Large scale distributed software systems are complex systems that need to be able to adapt to a highly dynamic environment and changing user needs. In this context, the main objective of this project is the development of new selfadaptive strategies, along with the methodologies and tools required for their analysis and design. In this work, we design and implement a self-adaptive architecture inspired by IBM's Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Act over a Knowledge base architecture, and we develop new self-adaptive strategies specific for wireless sensor networks following a methodology borrowed from control engineering. More in detail, we start this work by designing in UML a software library for the development of self-adaptive capabilities, which will be implemented as a Java package. After that, we model two distributed software systems using an actor oriented approach in Ptolemy II. Next, we develop the self-adaptive strategies based on fuzzy inference systems and introduce them in the models as new actors. Finally, we are able to execute a simulation of the system, which allows us to perform an automatic optimization of the parameters of the sytem with the cross-entropy method and to test the suitability of the designed strategies. Based on the simulation results, we have assessed the good results yielded by the strategies and the potential of the modeling tool for the design and simulation of distributed software systems. But more importantly, this work demonstrates the usefulness of a control engineering approach to solve problems related to the dynamic behavior of software systems.Los sistemas distribuidos a gran escala son sistemas complejos que necesitan adaptarse a un entorno altamente dinámico y a las distintas necesidades del usuario. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de auto-adaptación, a la vez que las metodologías y herramientas necesarias para su análisis y diseño. En este trabajo, diseñamos e implementamos una arquitectura para capacidades autoadaptativas en sistemas software insipirada en la arquitectura Monitor- Analyze-Plan-Act over a Knowledge base de IBM, y desarrollamos nuevas estrategias de auto-adaptación específicas para redes de sensores inhalámbricas siguiendo una metodología tomada de la ingeniería de control. Más concretamente, comenzamos este trabajo diseñando en UML una librería software para el desarrollo de capacidades auto-adaptativas, que luego implementamos como un paquete Java. A continuación, modelamos dos sistemas distribuidos usando un enfoque orientado a actores en Ptolemy II. Posteriormente, desarrollamos estrategias auto-adaptativas basadas en sistemas de inferencia difusa y las insertamos en los modelos como nuevos actores. Finalmente, ejecutamos varias simulaciones del sistema, lo cual nos permite realizar una optimización automática de los parámetros del sistema mediante el uso del método de entropía cruzada y, además, probar el desempeño de las estrategias diseñadas. Basándonos en los resultados de estas simulaciones, hemos podido comprobar los buenos resultados que ofrecen las estrategias de auto-adaptación implementadas y el potencial de la herramienta de modelado para el diseño y la simulación de sistemas distribuidos. Pero lo más importante es que este trabajo demuestra la utilidad de enfocar desde la ingeniería de control la resolución de problemas relacionados con el comportamiento dinámico de sistemas software