734 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of Datacenter Workloads On Low-Power Embedded Micro Servers

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    This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of an ultra-low power cluster, built upon the Intel Edison based micro servers. The improved performance and high energy efficiency of micro servers have driven both academia and industry to explore the possibility of replacing conventional brawny servers with a larger swarm of embedded micro servers. Existing attempts mostly focus on mobile-class micro servers, whose capacities are similar to mobile phones. We, on the other hand, target on sensor-class micro servers, which are originally intended for uses in wearable technologies, sensor networks, and Internet-of-Things. Although sensor-class micro servers have much less capacity, they are touted for minimal power consumption (< 1 Watt), which opens new possibilities of achieving higher energy efficiency in datacenter workloads. Our systematic evaluation of the Edison cluster and comparisons to conventional brawny clusters involve careful workload choosing and laborious parameter tuning, which ensures maximum server utilization and thus fair comparisons. Results show that the Edison cluster achieves up to 3.5× improvement on work-done-per-joule for web service applications and data-intensive MapReduce jobs. In terms of scalability, the Edison cluster scales linearly on the throughput of web service workloads, and also shows satisfactory scalability for MapReduce workloads despite coordination overhead.This research was supported in part by NSF grant 13-20209.Ope

    BigDataBench: a Big Data Benchmark Suite from Internet Services

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    As architecture, systems, and data management communities pay greater attention to innovative big data systems and architectures, the pressure of benchmarking and evaluating these systems rises. Considering the broad use of big data systems, big data benchmarks must include diversity of data and workloads. Most of the state-of-the-art big data benchmarking efforts target evaluating specific types of applications or system software stacks, and hence they are not qualified for serving the purposes mentioned above. This paper presents our joint research efforts on this issue with several industrial partners. Our big data benchmark suite BigDataBench not only covers broad application scenarios, but also includes diverse and representative data sets. BigDataBench is publicly available from http://prof.ict.ac.cn/BigDataBench . Also, we comprehensively characterize 19 big data workloads included in BigDataBench with varying data inputs. On a typical state-of-practice processor, Intel Xeon E5645, we have the following observations: First, in comparison with the traditional benchmarks: including PARSEC, HPCC, and SPECCPU, big data applications have very low operation intensity; Second, the volume of data input has non-negligible impact on micro-architecture characteristics, which may impose challenges for simulation-based big data architecture research; Last but not least, corroborating the observations in CloudSuite and DCBench (which use smaller data inputs), we find that the numbers of L1 instruction cache misses per 1000 instructions of the big data applications are higher than in the traditional benchmarks; also, we find that L3 caches are effective for the big data applications, corroborating the observation in DCBench.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, The 20th IEEE International Symposium On High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-2014), February 15-19, 2014, Orlando, Florida, US

    Dynamic Deferral of Workload for Capacity Provisioning in Data Centers

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    Recent increase in energy prices has led researchers to find better ways for capacity provisioning in data centers to reduce energy wastage due to the variation in workload. This paper explores the opportunity for cost saving utilizing the flexibility from the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and proposes a novel approach for capacity provisioning under bounded latency requirements of the workload. We investigate how many servers to be kept active and how much workload to be delayed for energy saving while meeting every deadline. We present an offline LP formulation for capacity provisioning by dynamic deferral and give two online algorithms to determine the capacity of the data center and the assignment of workload to servers dynamically. We prove the feasibility of the online algorithms and show that their worst case performance are bounded by a constant factor with respect to the offline formulation. We validate our algorithms on a MapReduce workload by provisioning capacity on a Hadoop cluster and show that the algorithms actually perform much better in practice compared to the naive `follow the workload' provisioning, resulting in 20-40% cost-savings.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    TimeTrader: Exploiting Latency Tail to Save Datacenter Energy for On-line Data-Intensive Applications

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    Datacenters running on-line, data-intensive applications (OLDIs) consume significant amounts of energy. However, reducing their energy is challenging due to their tight response time requirements. A key aspect of OLDIs is that each user query goes to all or many of the nodes in the cluster, so that the overall time budget is dictated by the tail of the replies' latency distribution; replies see latency variations both in the network and compute. Previous work proposes to achieve load-proportional energy by slowing down the computation at lower datacenter loads based directly on response times (i.e., at lower loads, the proposal exploits the average slack in the time budget provisioned for the peak load). In contrast, we propose TimeTrader to reduce energy by exploiting the latency slack in the sub- critical replies which arrive before the deadline (e.g., 80% of replies are 3-4x faster than the tail). This slack is present at all loads and subsumes the previous work's load-related slack. While the previous work shifts the leaves' response time distribution to consume the slack at lower loads, TimeTrader reshapes the distribution at all loads by slowing down individual sub-critical nodes without increasing missed deadlines. TimeTrader exploits slack in both the network and compute budgets. Further, TimeTrader leverages Earliest Deadline First scheduling to largely decouple critical requests from the queuing delays of sub- critical requests which can then be slowed down without hurting critical requests. A combination of real-system measurements and at-scale simulations shows that without adding to missed deadlines, TimeTrader saves 15-19% and 41-49% energy at 90% and 30% loading, respectively, in a datacenter with 512 nodes, whereas previous work saves 0% and 31-37%.Comment: 13 page