12 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency benefits of RAN-as-a-service concept for a cloud-based 5G mobile network infrastructure

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    This paper focuses on energy efficiency aspects and related benefits of radio-access-network-as-a-service (RANaaS) implementation (using commodity hardware) as architectural evolution of LTE-advanced networks toward 5G infrastructure. RANaaS is a novel concept introduced recently, which enables the partial centralization of RAN functionalities depending on the actual needs as well as on network characteristics. In the view of future definition of 5G systems, this cloud-based design is an important solution in terms of efficient usage of network resources. The aim of this paper is to give a vision of the advantages of the RANaaS, to present its benefits in terms of energy efficiency and to propose a consistent system-level power model as a reference for assessing innovative functionalities toward 5G systems. The incremental benefits through the years are also discussed in perspective, by considering technological evolution of IT platforms and the increasing matching between their capabilities and the need for progressive virtualization of RAN functionalities. The description is complemented by an exemplary evaluation in terms of energy efficiency, analyzing the achievable gains associated with the RANaaS paradigm

    SDN for 5G Mobile Networks: NORMA perspective

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    Proceeding of: 11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2016)To build a flexible and an adaptable architecture network supporting variety of services and their respective requirements, 5G NORMA introduced a network of functions based architecture breaking the major design principles followed in the current network of entities based architecture. This revolution exploits the advantages of the new technologies like Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in conjunction with the network slicing and multitenancy concepts. In this paper we focus on the concept of Software Defined for Mobile Network Control (SDM-C) network: its definition, its role in controlling the intra network slices resources, its specificity to be QoE aware thanks to the QoE/QoS monitoring and modeling component and its complementarity with the orchestration component called SDM-O. To operate multiple network slices on the same infrastructure efficiently through controlling resources and network functions sharing among instantiated network slices, a common entity named SDM-X is introduced. The proposed design brings a set of new capabilities to make the network energy efficient, a feature that is discussed through some use casesThis work has been performed in the framework of the H2020-ICT-2014-2 project 5G NORMA

    Energy Efficiency Benefits of RAN-as-a-Service Concept for a Cloud-Based 5G Mobile Network Infrastructure

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    This paper focuses on energy efficiency aspects and related benefits of radio-access-network-as-a-service (RANaaS) implementation (using commodity hardware) as architectural evolution of LTE-advanced networks toward 5G infrastructure. RANaaS is a novel concept introduced recently, which enables the partial centralization of RAN functionalities depending on the actual needs as well as on network characteristics. In the view of future definition of 5G systems, this cloud-based design is an important solution in terms of efficient usage of network resources. The aim of this paper is to give a vision of the advantages of the RANaaS, to present its benefits in terms of energy efficiency and to propose a consistent system-level power model as a reference for assessing innovative functionalities toward 5G systems. The incremental benefits through the years are also discussed in perspective, by considering technological evolution of IT platforms and the increasing matching between their capabilities and the need for progressive virtualization of RAN functionalities. The description is complemented by an exemplary evaluation in terms of energy efficiency, analyzing the achievable gains associated with the RANaaS paradigm

    Efficient sharing mechanisms for virtualized multi-tenant heterogeneous networks

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    The explosion in data traffic, the physical resource constraints, and the insufficient financial incentives for deploying 5G networks, stress the need for a paradigm shift in network upgrades. Typically, operators are also the service providers, which charge the end users with low and flat tariffs, independently of the service enjoyed. A fine-scale management of the network resources is needed, both for optimizing costs and resource utilization, as well as for enabling new synergies among network owners and third-parties. In particular, operators could open their networks to third parties by means of fine-scale sharing agreements over customized networks for enhanced service provision, in exchange for an adequate return of investment for upgrading their infrastructures. The main objective of this thesis is to study the potential of fine-scale resource management and sharing mechanisms for enhancing service provision and for contributing to a sustainable road to 5G. More precisely, the state-of-the-art architectures and technologies for network programmability and scalability are studied, together with a novel paradigm for supporting service diversity and fine-scale sharing. We review the limits of conventional networks, we extend existing standardization efforts and define an enhanced architecture for enabling 5G networks' features (e.g., network-wide centralization and programmability). The potential of the proposed architecture is assessed in terms of flexible sharing and enhanced service provision, while the advantages of alternative business models are studied in terms of additional profits to the operators. We first study the data rate improvement achievable by means of spectrum and infrastructure sharing among operators and evaluate the profit increase justified by a better service provided. We present a scheme based on coalitional game theory for assessing the capability of accommodating more service requests when a cooperative approach is adopted, and for studying the conditions for beneficial sharing among coalitions of operators. Results show that: i) collaboration can be beneficial also in case of unbalanced cost redistribution within coalitions; ii) coalitions of equal-sized operators provide better profit opportunities and require lower tariffs. The second kind of sharing interaction that we consider is the one between operators and third-party service providers, in the form of fine-scale provision of customized portions of the network resources. We define a policy-based admission control mechanism, whose performance is compared with reference strategies. The proposed mechanism is based on auction theory and computes the optimal admission policy at a reduced complexity for different traffic loads and allocation frequencies. Because next-generation services include delay-critical services, we compare the admission control performances of conventional approaches with the proposed one, which proves to offer near real-time service provision and reduced complexity. Besides, it guarantees high revenues and low expenditures in exchange for negligible losses in terms of fairness towards service providers. To conclude, we study the case where adaptable timescales are adopted for the policy-based admission control, in order to promptly guarantee service requirements over traffic fluctuations. In order to reduce complexity, we consider the offline pre­computation of admission strategies with respect to reference network conditions, then we study the extension to unexplored conditions by means of computationally efficient methodologies. Performance is compared for different admission strategies by means of a proof of concept on real network traces. Results show that the proposed strategy provides a tradeoff in complexity and performance with respect to reference strategies, while reducing resource utilization and requirements on network awareness.La explosion del trafico de datos, los recursos limitados y la falta de incentivos para el desarrollo de 5G evidencian la necesidad de un cambio de paradigma en la gestion de las redes actuales. Los operadores de red suelen ser tambien proveedores de servicios, cobrando tarifas bajas y planas, independientemente del servicio ofrecido. Se necesita una gestion de recursos precisa para optimizar su utilizacion, y para permitir nuevas sinergias entre operadores y proveedores de servicios. Concretamente, los operadores podrian abrir sus redes a terceros compartiendolas de forma flexible y personalizada para mejorar la calidad de servicio a cambio de aumentar sus ganancias como incentivo para mejorar sus infraestructuras. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar el potencial de los mecanismos de gestion y comparticion de recursos a pequei\a escala para trazar un camino sostenible hacia el 5G. En concreto, se estudian las arquitecturas y tecnolog fas mas avanzadas de "programabilidad" y escalabilidad de las redes, junto a un nuevo paradigma para la diversificacion de servicios y la comparticion de recursos. Revisamos los limites de las redes convencionales, ampliamos los esfuerzos de estandarizacion existentes y definimos una arquitectura para habilitar la centralizacion y la programabilidad en toda la red. La arquitectura propuesta se evalua en terminos de flexibilidad en la comparticion de recursos, y de mejora en la prestacion de servicios, mientras que las ventajas de un modelo de negocio alternativo se estudian en terminos de ganancia para los operadores. En primer lugar, estudiamos el aumento en la tasa de datos gracias a un uso compartido del espectro y de las infraestructuras, y evaluamos la mejora en las ganancias de los operadores. Presentamos un esquema de admision basado en la teoria de juegos para acomodar mas solicitudes de servicio cuando se adopta un enfoque cooperativo, y para estudiar las condiciones para que la reparticion de recursos sea conveniente entre coaliciones de operadores. Los resultados ensei\an que: i) la colaboracion puede ser favorable tambien en caso de una redistribucion desigual de los costes en cada coalicion; ii) las coaliciones de operadores de igual tamai\o ofrecen mejores ganancias y requieren tarifas mas bajas. El segundo tipo de comparticion que consideramos se da entre operadores de red y proveedores de servicios, en forma de provision de recursos personalizada ya pequei\a escala. Definimos un mecanismo de control de trafico basado en polfticas de admision, cuyo rendimiento se compara con estrategias de referencia. El mecanismo propuesto se basa en la teoria de subastas y calcula la politica de admision optima con una complejidad reducida para diferentes cargas de trafico y tasa de asignacion. Con particular atencion a servicios 5G de baja latencia, comparamos las prestaciones de estrategias convencionales para el control de admision con las del metodo propuesto, que proporciona: i) un suministro de servicios casi en tiempo real; ii) una complejidad reducida; iii) unos ingresos elevados; y iv) unos gastos reducidos, a cambio de unas perdidas insignificantes en terminos de imparcialidad hacia los proveedores de servicios. Para concluir, estudiamos el caso en el que se adoptan escalas de tiempo adaptables para el control de admision, con el fin de garantizar puntualmente los requisitos de servicio bajo diferentes condiciones de trafico. Para reducir la complejidad, consideramos el calculo previo de las estrategias de admision con respecto a condiciones de red de referenda, adaptables a condiciones inexploradas por medio de metodologias computacionalmente eficientes. Se compara el rendimiento de diferentes estrategias de admision sobre trazas de trafico real. Los resultados muestran que la estrategia propuesta equilibra complejidad y ganancias, mientras se reduce la utilizacion de recursos y la necesidad de conocer el estado exacto de la red.Postprint (published version

    Δίκτυα Υποδομής και Τεχνολογίες Δικτύωσης για Συστήματα 5ης Γενιάς.

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    Η σημερινή εποχή με τις τεράστιες απαιτήσεις σε ευρος ζώνης, κινητικότητα και ταχύτητες σχεδόν σε πραγματικό χρόνο, πλέον αρχίζει να μη μπορέι να εξυπηρετηθεί από τις υφιστάμενες τεχνολογίες. Ο κατακλυσμός της αγοράς από έξυπνες συσκευές, ταμπλέτες και διάφορες άλλες δικτυωμένες συσκευές δημιουργεί μεγαλύτερες απαιτήσεις από το δίκτυο. Το μεγαλύτερο φορτίο στο δίκτυο καταγράφεται, όπως είναι φυσικό από τη μεταφορά δεδομένων, όπως υψηλής ανάλυσης βίντεο, online gaming και μια πληθώρα ακόμα από υπηρεσίες οι οποίες ακόμα και εν κινήσει θα πρέπει να εξυπηρετούνται. Επίσης, και η ποιότητα και η εμπειρία της υπηρεσίας για τον χρήστη θα πρέπει να είναι άριστη ακόμα και σε πολυσύχναστα σημεία και σε ώρες αιχμής. Όπως αντιλαμβανόμαστε η μετάβαση από τα σημερινά δίκτυα στα δίκτυα πέμπτης γενιάς καθιστάται επιβεβλιμένη και γι’ αυτό το λόγο, ερευνητικές ομάδες από διάφορα πανεπιστήμια και εταιρίες τηλεπικοινωνιών έχουν αναλάβει αυτό το δύσκολο έργο, ώστε να επιτευχθούν οι απαιτήσεις και οι στόχοι των 5G δικτύων. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική, στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο, γίνεται αναφορά στα κίνητρα ανάπτυξης καθώς και στις απαιτήσεις των συστημάτων 5ης γενιάς δικτύων. Επίσης γίνεται αναφορά στην προτυποποίηση των συστημάτων όπως και στις παραμέτρους που πρέπει να ικανοποιηθούν και να ρυθμιστούν από τους αρμόδιους φορείς. Στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται διάφορα χρηματοδοτούμενα ερευνητικά προγράμματα τα οποία στοχεύουν στην υλοποίηση των δικτύων 5ης γενιάς. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο αναλύονται εκτενώς οι αρχιτεκτονικές και οι τεχνολογίες που αναμένεται να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την υλοποίηση των 5G δικτύων. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται και αναλύονται εκείνα τα κομμάτια του δικτύου που αρχιτεκτονικά θα υλοποιούνται στα 5G δίκτυα. Επίσης δίνεται έμφαση στις ασύρματες τεχνολογίες όπου στο τέλος του κεφαλαίου, γίνεται μια σύγκριση αυτών.In this diploma, in the first chapter, reference is made to the development motivations as well as to the requirements of the 5th generation networks. Reference is also made to the standardization of the systems as well as to the parameters to be met and regulated by the competent bodies. Next, various funded research projects are presented which aim at the implementation of 5th generation networks. The second chapter analyzes extensively the architectures and technologies that are expected to be used to implement the 5G networks. The third chapter presents and analyzes those parts of the network that will be architecturally implemented in 5G networks. Also, emphasis is placed on wireless technologies where at the end of the chapter a comparison is made

    Energy Efficient Network Function Virtualisation in 5G Networks

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    Once the dust settled around 4G, 5G mobile networks become the buzz word in the world of communication systems. The recent surge of bandwidth-greedy applications and the proliferation of smart phones and other wireless connected devices has led to an enormous increase in mobile traffic. Therefore, 5G networks have to deal with a huge number of connected devices of different types and applications, including devices running life-critical applications, and facilitate access to mobile resources easily. Therefore given the increase in traffic and number of connected devices, intelligent and energy efficient architectures are needed to adequately and sustainably meet these requirements. In this thesis network function virtualisation is investigated as a promising paradigm that can contribute to energy consumption reduction in 5G networks. The work carried out in this thesis considers the energy efficiency mainly in terms of processing power consumption and network power consumption. Furthermore, it considers the energy consumption reduction that can be achieved by optimising the locations of virtual machines running the mobile 5G network functions. It also evaluates the consolidation and pooling of the mobile resources. A framework was introduced to virtualise the mobile core network functions and baseband processing functions. Mixed integer linear programming optimisation models and heuristics were developed minimise the total power consumption. The impact of virtualisation in the 5G front haul and back haul passive optical network was investigated by developing MILP models to optimise the location of virtual machines. A further consideration is caching the contents close to the user and its impact on the total power consumption. The impact of a number of factor on the power consumption were investigated such as the total number of active users, the backhaul to the fronthaul traffic ratio, reduction/expansion in the traffic due to baseband processing, and the communication between virtual machines. Finally, the integration of network function virtualisation and content caching were introduced and their impact on improving the energy efficiency was investigated

    Energy E fficiency Oriented Full Duplex Wireless Communication Systems

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    Full-duplex (FD) transmission is a promising technique for fifth generation (5G) wireless communications, enabling significant spectral efficiency (SE) improvement over existing half-duplex (HD) systems. However, FD transmission consumes higher power than HD transmission, especially for millimetre wave band. Therefore, energy efficiency (EE) for FD systems is a critical yet inadequately addressed issue. This thesis addresses the critical EE challenges and demonstrates promising solutions for implementing FD systems, as detailed in the following contributions. In the first contribution, a comprehensive EE analysis of the FD and HD amplify-and-forward (AF) relay-assisted 60 GHz dual-hop indoor wireless systems is presented. An opportunistic relay mode selection scheme is developed, where FD relay with different self-interference (SIC) techniques or HD relay is opportunistically selected. Together with transmission power adaptation, EE is maximised with given channel gains. A counter-intuitive finding is shown that, with a relatively loose maximum transmission power constraint, FD relay with two-stage SIC is preferable to both FD relay with one-stage SIC and HD relay, resulting in a higher optimised EE. A full range of power consumption sources are considered to rationalise the analysis. The effects of imperfect SIC at relay, drain efficiency and static circuit power on EE are investigated. Simulation results verify the theoretical analysis. In the second contribution, EE oriented resource allocation for FD decode-of-forward (DF) relay-assisted 60 GHz multiuser systems is investigated. In contrast to the existing SE oriented designs, the proposed scheme maximises EE for FD relay systems under cross-layer constraints, addressing the typical problems at 60 GHz. A low-complexity EE-orientated resource allocation algorithm is proposed, by which the transmission power allocation, subcarrier allocation and throughput assignment are performed jointly across multiple users. Simulation results verify the analytical results and confirm that the FD relay systems with the proposed algorithm achieve a higher EE than the FD relay systems with SE oriented approaches, while offering a comparable SE. In addition, a much lower throughput outage probability is guaranteed by the proposed resource allocation algorithm, showing its robustness against channel estimation errors. In the third contribution, it is noticed that in wireless power transfer (WPT)-aided relay systems, the SE of the source-relay link plays a dominant role in the system SE due to limited transmission power at the WPT-aided relay. A novel asymmetric protocol for WPT-aided FD DF relay systems is proposed in multiuser scenario, where the time slot durations of the two hops are designed to be uneven, to enhance the degree of freedom and hence the system SE. A corresponding dynamic resource allocation algorithm is developed by jointly optimising the time slot durations, subcarriers and transmission power at the source and the relay. Simulation results con rm that, compared to the symmetric WPT-aided FD relay (Sym-WPT-FR) and the time-switching based WPT-aided FD relay (TS-WPT-FR) systems in the literature, the proposed asymmetric WPT-aided FD relay system achieves up to twice the SE and higher robustness against the relay's location and the number of users. In the final contribution, to strike the balance between high SE and low power consumption, a hybrid duplexing strategy is developed for distributed antennas (DAs) systems, where antennas are capable of working in hybrid FD, HD, and sleeping modes. To maximise the system EE with low complexity, activation/deactivation of transmit/receive chain is first performed, by a proposed channel-gain-based DA clustering algorithm, which highlights the characteristics of distributed deployment of antennas. Based on the DAs' con figuration, a novel distributed hybrid duplexing (D-HD)-based and EE oriented algorithm is proposed to further optimise the downlink beamformer and the uplink transmission power. To rationalise the system model, self-interference at DAs, co-channel interference from uplink users to downlink users, and multiuser interference in both uplink and downlink are taken into account. Simulation results confirm that the proposed system provides significant EE and SE enhancements over the colocated FD MIMO system, showing the advantages in alleviating high path loss as well as in cutting the carbon footprint. Compared to the sole-FD DA system, the proposed system shows much higher EE with marginal loss in SE. Also, the SIC operation in the proposed system is much more simplified compared to the two benchmarks