109 research outputs found

    Energy harvesting and wireless transfer in sensor network applications: Concepts and experiences

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    Advances in micro-electronics and miniaturized mechanical systems are redefining the scope and extent of the energy constraints found in battery-operated wireless sensor networks (WSNs). On one hand, ambient energy harvesting may prolong the systems lifetime or possibly enable perpetual operation. On the other hand, wireless energy transfer allows systems to decouple the energy sources from the sensing locations, enabling deployments previously unfeasible. As a result of applying these technologies to WSNs, the assumption of a finite energy budget is replaced with that of potentially infinite, yet intermittent, energy supply, profoundly impacting the design, implementation, and operation of WSNs. This article discusses these aspects by surveying paradigmatic examples of existing solutions in both fields and by reporting on real-world experiences found in the literature. The discussion is instrumental in providing a foundation for selecting the most appropriate energy harvesting or wireless transfer technology based on the application at hand. We conclude by outlining research directions originating from the fundamental change of perspective that energy harvesting and wireless transfer bring about


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    Chapter 8: Energy Harvesting Technologies: Thick-Film Piezoelectric Microgenerato

    MEMS piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters and circuits for IoT applications

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) world, more and more sensor nodes are being deployed and more mobile power sources are required. Alternative solutions to batteries are the subjects of worldwide extended research. Among the possibilities is the harvesting of energy from the ambient. A novel energy harvesting system to power wireless sensor nodes is a necessity and inevitable path, with more and more market interest. Microelectromechnaical systems (MEMS) based piezoelectric vibrational energy harvesters (PVEH) are considered in this thesis due to their good energy densities, conversion efficiency, suitability for miniaturization and CMOS integration. Cantilever beams are favored for their relatively high average strains, low frequencies and simplicity of fabrication. Proof masses are essential in micro scale devices in order to decrease the resonance frequency and increase the strain along the beam to increase the output power. In this thesis, the effects of proof mass geometry on piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters are studied. Different geometrical dimension ratios have significant impact on the resonance frequency, e.g., beam to mass lengths, and beam to mass widths. The responses of various prototypes are studied. Furthermore, the impact of geometry on the performance of cantilever-based PVEH is investigated. Namely, rectangular and trapezoidal T-shaped designs are fabricated and tested. Optimized cross-shaped geometries are fabricated using a commercial technology PiezoMUMPs process from MEMSCAP. They are characterized for their resonant frequency, strain distribution and output power. The output of an energy harvester is not directly suited as a power supply for circuits because of variations in its power and voltage over time, therefore a power management circuit is required. The circuit meets the requirements of responding to an input voltage that varies with the ambient conditions to generate a regulated output voltage, and the ability to power multiple outputs from a fixed input voltage. In this thesis, new design architectures for a reconfigurable circuit are considered. A charge pump which modifies dynamically the number of stages to generate a plurality of voltage levels has been designed and fabricated using a CMOS 0.13 μm technology. This provides biasing voltages for electrostatic MEMS devices. Electrostatic MEMS require relatively high and variable actuation voltages and the fabricated circuit serves this goal and attains a measured maximum output voltage of 10.1 V from a 1.2 V supply. In this thesis, design recommendations are given and MEMS piezoelectric harvesters are implemented and validated through fabrications. T-shaped harvesters bring improvements over cantilever designs, namely the trapezoidal T-shaped structures. A cross-shaped design has the advantage of utilizing four beams and the proposed proof mass improves the performance significantly. A cross-coupled circuit rectifies the output efficiently towards an optimal energy harvesting solution

    Double smart energy harvesting system for self-powered industrial IoT

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    312 p. 335 p. (confidencial)Future factories would be based on the Industry 4.0 paradigm. IndustrialInternet of Things (IIoT) represent a part of the solution in this field. Asautonomous systems, powering challenges could be solved using energy harvestingtechnology. The present thesis work combines two alternatives of energy input andmanagement on a single architecture. A mini-reactor and an indoor photovoltaiccell as energy harvesters and a double power manager with AC/DC and DC/DCconverters controlled by a low power single controller. Furthermore, theaforementioned energy management is improved with artificial intelligencetechniques, which allows a smart and optimal energy management. Besides, theharvested energy is going to be stored in a low power supercapacitor. The workconcludes with the integration of these solutions making IIoT self-powered devices.IK4 Teknike

    ISM-Band Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Node

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    In recent years, the interest in remote wireless sensor networks has grown significantly, particularly with the rapid advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) technology. These networks find diverse applications, from inventory tracking to environmental monitoring. In remote areas where grid access is unavailable, wireless sensors are commonly powered by batteries, which imposes a constraint on their lifespan. However, with the emergence of wireless energy harvesting technologies, there is a transformative potential in addressing the power challenges faced by these sensors. By harnessing energy from the surrounding environment, such as solar, thermal, vibrational, or RF sources, these sensors can potentially operate autonomously for extended periods. This innovation not only enhances the sustainability of wireless sensor networks but also paves the way for a more energy-efficient and environmentally conscious approach to data collection and monitoring in various applications. This work explores the development of an RF-powered wireless sensor node in 22nm FDSOI technology working in the ISM band for energy harvesting and wireless data transmission. The sensor node encompasses power-efficient circuits, including an RF energy harvesting module equipped with a multi-stage RF Dickson rectifier, a robust power management unit, a DLL and XOR-based frequency synthesizer for RF carrier generation, and a class E power amplifier. To ensure the reliability of the WSN, a dedicated wireless RF source powers up the WSN. Additionally, the RF signal from this dedicated source serves as the reference frequency input signal for synthesizing the RF carrier for wireless data transmission, eliminating the need for an on-chip local oscillator. This approach achieves high integration and proves to be a cost-effective implementation of efficient wireless sensor nodes. The receiver and energy harvester operate at 915 MHz Frequency, while the transmitter functions at 2.45 GHz, employing On-Off Keying (OOK) for data modulation. The WSN utilizes an efficient RF rectifier design featuring a remarkable power conversion efficiency, reaching 55% at an input power of -14 dBm. Thus, the sensor node can operate effectively even with an extremely low RF input power of -25 dBm. The work demonstrates the integration of the wireless sensor node with an ultra-low-power temperature sensor, designed using 65 nm CMOS technology. This temperature sensor features an ultra-low power consumption of 60 nW and a Figure of Merit (FOM) of 0.022 [nJ.K-2]. The WSN demonstrated 55% power efficiency at a TX output power of -3.8 dBm utilizing a class E power amplifier

    Energy harvesting from body motion using rotational micro-generation

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    Autonomous system applications are typically limited by the power supply operational lifetime when battery replacement is difficult or costly. A trade-off between battery size and battery life is usually calculated to determine the device capability and lifespan. As a result, energy harvesting research has gained importance as society searches for alternative energy sources for power generation. For instance, energy harvesting has been a proven alternative for powering solar-based calculators and self-winding wristwatches. Thus, the use of energy harvesting technology can make it possible to assist or replace batteries for portable, wearable, or surgically-implantable autonomous systems. Applications such as cardiac pacemakers or electrical stimulation applications can benefit from this approach since the number of surgeries for battery replacement can be reduced or eliminated. Research on energy scavenging from body motion has been investigated to evaluate the feasibility of powering wearable or implantable systems. Energy from walking has been previously extracted using generators placed on shoes, backpacks, and knee braces while producing power levels ranging from milliwatts to watts. The research presented in this paper examines the available power from walking and running at several body locations. The ankle, knee, hip, chest, wrist, elbow, upper arm, side of the head, and back of the head were the chosen target localizations. Joints were preferred since they experience the most drastic acceleration changes. For this, a motor-driven treadmill test was performed on 11 healthy individuals at several walking (1-4 mph) and running (2-5 mph) speeds. The treadmill test provided the acceleration magnitudes from the listed body locations. Power can be estimated from the treadmill evaluation since it is proportional to the acceleration and frequency of occurrence. Available power output from walking was determined to be greater than 1mW/cm³ for most body locations while being over 10mW/cm³ at the foot and ankle locations. Available power from running was found to be almost 10 times higher than that from walking. Most energy harvester topologies use linear generator approaches that are well suited to fixed-frequency vibrations with sub-millimeter amplitude oscillations. In contrast, body motion is characterized with a wide frequency spectrum and larger amplitudes. A generator prototype based on self-winding wristwatches is deemed to be appropriate for harvesting body motion since it is not limited to operate at fixed-frequencies or restricted displacements. Electromagnetic generation is typically favored because of its slightly higher power output per unit volume. Then, a nonharmonic oscillating rotational energy scavenger prototype is proposed to harness body motion. The electromagnetic generator follows the approach from small wind turbine designs that overcome the lack of a gearbox by using a larger number of coil and magnets arrangements. The device presented here is composed of a rotor with multiple-pole permanent magnets having an eccentric weight and a stator composed of stacked planar coils. The rotor oscillations induce a voltage on the planar coil due to the eccentric mass unbalance produced by body motion. A meso-scale prototype device was then built and evaluated for energy generation. The meso-scale casing and rotor were constructed on PMMA with the help of a CNC mill machine. Commercially available discrete magnets were encased in a 25mm rotor. Commercial copper-coated polyimide film was employed to manufacture the planar coils using MEMS fabrication processes. Jewel bearings were used to finalize the arrangement. The prototypes were also tested at the listed body locations. A meso-scale generator with a 2-layer coil was capable to extract up to 234 µW of power at the ankle while walking at 3mph with a 2cm³ prototype for a power density of 117 µW/cm³. This dissertation presents the analysis of available power from walking and running at different speeds and the development of an unobtrusive miniature energy harvesting generator for body motion. Power generation indicates the possibility of powering devices by extracting energy from body motion
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