49 research outputs found

    Níveis de utilização dos sistemas de informação de base tecnológica : a gamification como estratégia de melhoria

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    exploração de tecnologias de informação e de comunicação têm sido alvo de grande prosperidade e desenvolvimento. Apesar disso, as pessoas enquanto utilizadores de tecnologia, seja num âmbito corporativo ou num âmbito pessoal e social, utilizam estes recursos nem sempre de forma aprofundada e sistémica, inviabilizando tirar completo partido dos recursos disponíveis. Com o objetivo de criar uma experiência de trabalho positiva e, sobretudo, de exploração completa e adequada dos meios ao dispor, que sirva os interesses da gestão no plano do controlo e da tomada de decisão, obriga os gestores a iniciativas de motivação inovadoras. Uma dessas iniciativas consiste na gamification, isto é, a utilização de elementos de jogo em contextos exógenos. Esta técnica tem sido adotada nos últimos anos, por várias organizações, nos mais variados campos, de maneira a desenvolver o envolvimento dos utilizadores em determinado ambiente. O trabalho apresentado, de carácter exploratório, apresenta um processo sistemático de análise documental e de text mining a 68 documentos científicos relacionados com a gamification. Esta abordagem permite identificar o potencial da utilização de elementos de jogo, com o propósito de melhorar a experiência dos funcionários em contexto laboral. Em adição, foi desenhado um instrumento que visa compreender a perceção que os colaboradores da CH Business Consulting têm sobre as suas experiências nas aplicações corporativas.The exploration of information and communication technologies has been subjected to prosperous development. However, people - as users both in corporative, personal and social environments - do not always employ technology in a meaningful and systemic fashion, rendering available resources inefficacious. With the main purpose of creating a positive workplace experience, and above all on that is focused on complete and adequate exploration of available means, that serves interests both in planning and management, as well as decision making, managers are pressed to find innovative motivation initiatives. Such initiative is gamification, i.e. utilizing game elements in exogenous contexts. This technique has been adopted over the last decade by various organizations within a multitude of interest fields as a way of developing user engagement in a determined environment. The presented work - within an exploratory scope - presents a systematic process for documental analysis and text mining of a total of 68 scientific documents related to gamification. This approach allows one to identify the potential of using game elements to improve staff experience in a workplace context. Additionally, an instrument to evaluate CH Business Consulting's collaborators' perception of their experiences in corporative applications was designed

    Stillborn: The Libidinal Economy of Gadgetized Mediation in the Era of Socialization for Consumption; An Explanatory Political Project

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    This project captures an attempt to politicize one aspect of Western middle class youth’s everyday experience growing up and living in postindustrial consumer society—the replacement of experiential, material, and libidinal gratification with that of ideological satisfaction. The dissertation takes up problematic adolescent gaming as a site to interrogate the ways and means of technologically-backed consumer socialization, and draw out the implications for subject-formation and possibility of self-determination. Developing new ways to conceptualize politics of youth, the project re-reads existing academic research on youth and gaming. Its main goal is to create a theoretical framework that can sustain an understanding of the importance of consumerizing gadget-mediated self-self cultivation across the dimensions of political economy and its strict materiality, psycho-sociality and its relational concreteness, and the realm of the mind in which ideology meets consciousness. Under the guise of critiquing the banality of gaming studies, the project excavates ideas from various critical theory, phenomenological and psychoanalytic traditions to raise political questions of social reproduction and clarify a concretely political path beyond the present circumstances. I am interested in exploring how it is that generation after generation young people born in the compromised consumption-rendered centers of global capital do not revolt against the seemingly repressive institutions shaping their lives. In this question, there is an intergenerational politics, a politics in which the question of youth and their otherness is crashed into the structuration of political economy and social reproduction within it. This is ultimately the theme of my inquiry. The present work is a study of gaming as a site where we should expect to see the manifestations of this kind of intersection, but instead what we see is a single-minded preference for celebrating the gaming industry and securing the ideologically soothing reproduction. I want to address the politics signaled by the changing role of play in advanced consumer economy, where in the site of gaming, through controlled bursts of traumatization and regularization, prediction of subjective experience is commodified into the global capitalistic circuits

    And inclusion became necessary: educational experiences in teaching-learning English as a foreign language for students with intellectual disabilities in Colombia (2015-2020)

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    Representaciones gráficas de conceptos, tablas de organización de datos, matriz de análisis de contenidoLa discapacidad intelectual tiene muchas explicaciones y niveles para comprender el complejo funcionamiento del cerebro para desarrollar algunos problemas de aprendizaje en muchas situaciones, especialmente con razonamiento matemático y comprensión del lenguaje. Colombia tiene una gran discusión sobre la inclusión en la educación desde el preescolar hasta los programas universitarios, pero la ley tiene muchos vacíos. En este contexto, la monografía buscó experiencias y publicaciones significativas sobre el proceso educativo para desarrollar una inclusión integral de estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual desde 2015 hasta 2020 en Colombia, pero el punto focal es comprender el proceso de aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera porque este es un requisito importante para la mayoría de las profesiones en el contexto global. Por eso, es importante identificar, describir y generar estrategias en diferentes publicaciones para hacer un análisis general, porque de esta manera el futuro docente conocerá algunos elementos importantes en la práctica pedagógica y ayudará en el proceso de inclusión de los estudiantes. La monografía quiere abrir otros entornos de investigación para la sistematización y generación de nuevas propuestas para hacer de la inclusión una realidad en el sistema educativo.Intellectual disability has many explanations and levels for understanding the brain complex for developing some learning problems in many situations, especially with mathematics reasons and language comprehension. Colombia has a big discussion about inclusion in education from preschool until university programs but the law has many black points already. In this context, the monography searches significant experiences and publications about the educative process for developing an integral inclusion to students with intellectual disabilities from 2015 until 2020 in Colombia, but the focus point is to understand the process of learning a foreign language because this is an important requirement for most professions in Colombia context. For that reason, is important to identify, describe, and generate strategies in different publications for doing a general analysis because in this way the future teacher will know some important elements in the pedagogical practice and will help in the inclusion process of students. The monography wants to open other research environments for systematization and generation of new proposes to do inclusion a reality in the educational system

    Integration of new methodologies/methods/examples of best practices in the pedagogy studies process

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    Project: Optimizing the Network of Higher Education Institutions and Improving the Quality of Studies by Merging Šiauliai University and Vilnius University SFMIS No: 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001, funded by European Structural Funds Agenc

    Alternative timelines: Counterfactuals as an approach to design pedagogy

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    Counterfactual histories modify the outcome of a historical event and then extrapolate an alternative version of history. In literature, imaginaries based on a counterfactual history can offer thought-provoking insights on contemporary life:   It’s America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive hide under assumed names. In San Francisco the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some 20 years earlier the United States lost a war and is now occupied jointly by Nazi Germany and Japan. (Dick, 1992)   The Man in the High Castle describes the consequences of one popular starting point for counterfactual histories, Germany winning World War II. Historians tend to focus on military "decision points" at which events could have taken another path (Bernstein, 2000), or they imagine the absence of powerful individuals to speculate on how things might have been different. Since history is “often written by the victors, it tends to ‘crush the unfulfilled potential of the past’, as Walter Benjamin so aptly put it. By giving a voice to the ‘losers’ of history, the counterfactual approach allows for a reversal of perspectives” (Deluermoz & Singaravélou, 2021). A counterfactual approach offers much potential as a methodology for practice-based design research and pedagogy – designers typically design for the world as it is rather than as it could be (Dunne & Raby, 2013). Design happens within entrenched systems whose foundations in many cases were laid centuries ago. Systems of economy, infrastructure and popular culture inform and constrain design methods, motivations and approaches to the evaluation of designed artefacts. Technological advances are applied via these rules, facilitating the iterative development of products and providing a neat lineage from the past and, more importantly, into the future (Auger et al, 2017). This version of design is increasingly being revealed as fundamentally flawed – highly successful in placating shareholders, it is not fit for purpose where ethical or environmental issues are concerned.   Counterfactuals provide an almost surreptitious method of combining design theory with practice. Through a rigorous analysis of history, the designer identifies key elements that are problematic when viewed through a contemporary lens. The approach can expose dominant structures of power and the influence these have on design culture and metrics: for example, the influence of legacy systems and how they limit the imagination and reveal the hidden or unexpected historical events that influenced the timeline. In A New Scottish Enlightenment, Mohammed J. Ali proposes a different outcome to the 1979 Scottish independence referendum (Debatty, 2014). A “yes” vote leads to the creation of a new Scottish government, whose ultimate goal is the delivery of energy independence and a future free from fossil fuels. The project was exhibited shortly before the 2014 referendum. This starting point (a yes or no vote) resonates because it vividly presents a life that could have been. It makes us think about the power of our vote and the potential implications of a “bad choice”. The second aspect that gives the project wider relevance is the agenda used to drive extrapolation from its fictional starting point – a simple paradigm shift on energy generation and distribution. By defining energy independence as a national goal, it becomes possible to outline the ways this might happen. Important earlier examples of a counterfactual approach to design include Pohflepp and Chambers (Auger, 2012; Dunne & Raby, 2013).   Here is a rough summary of a counterfactual design methodology:   1.      The approach begins with the choice of subject – what is to be designed and the creation of a detailed and diverse timeline of its history. 2.      The identification of key moments that have led to the state of things; in particular the elements that could be critiqued from alternative value systems. 3.      The creation of a counterfactual timeline based on numerous possibilities – this is the key difference in method between historiography and design. The approach facilitates the creation of new value systems, motivations, rules and constraints that can be applied in practice. 4.      The design of things along the new timeline; it can be furnished at key moments with artefacts informed by the alternative rules.   A recent Master’s project at the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay followed this brief. Themes included rethinking approaches to aging based on the elimination of the royalist doctrines of 18th century France; a counterfactual history of agriculture with the tool acting as intermediary between the person working and their environment; and the archive – an examination of the modalities for a deployment of queer, feminist and trans-feminist archive design forms in everyday life. With its focus on underrepresented groups and unrealised possibilities, this last concept resonates with a broader discourse about decolonising design. What alternative value systems and approaches to design might have emerged if 20th-century design history had not been defined by the works of Morris, Dreyfus, Bel Geddes, Gropius, Rams, Starck, Ives, Dyson, and the rest?   Taking up Benjamin’s point about “the unfulfilled potential of the past”, the most vital use of counterfactuals in design is to allow different voices to emerge that were drowned out by dominant or “standard” narrative(s). Recognising alternative histories can open up valuable future paths and create space for new possibilities and imaginaries to flourish. Works Cited   Auger, James (2012). Why Robot? Speculative design, the domestication of technology and the considered future. PhD thesis, Royal College of Art, London.   Auger, James, Hanna, Julian and Encinas, Enrique (2017). Reconstrained Design. Nordes, Oslo, 2-4 June 2017. ISSN 1604-9705.   Bernstein, R. B. (2000). Review of Ferguson, Niall, ed., Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals. H-Law, H-Net Reviews. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=3721   Chambers, James (2010). Artificial Defence Mechanisms. https://jameschambers.co.uk/artificial-defense-mechanisms   Debatty, Régine (2014). A New Scottish Enlightenment. We Make Money Not Art. https://we-make-money-not-art.com/a_new_scottish_enlightenment/   Deluermoz, Quentin & Pierre Singaravélou (2021). A Past of Possibilities: A History of What Could Have Been. Yale University Press.   Dick, Phillip K. (1992). The Man in the High Castle. Vintage.   Dunne, Anthony & Fiona Raby (2013). Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. MIT Press.   Pohflepp, Sascha (2009). The Golden Institute. http://cargocollective.com/saschapohflepp/Work/The-Golden-Institut

    The StartUPS Project at Politecnica Salesiana University (UPS): a Common Good Approach to Institutional Management and Human Development

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the StartUPS project from the Politecnica Salesiana University and see how this open environment has enhanced people capabilities considering the person-centered vision and how the project base in common good management and capability approach helped the human development of these project participants. In this analysis the concept of development is reviewed from the well-fare to the well-being and contrast with modern and Andean perspectives aiming to understand different forms of development and management of common pool resources and how this set up a line for future research about how to mix these perspectives with the commonly known indicators to measure development. To measure the impact of the project over the participants development, quantitative and qualitative data was collected from the multiple activities and projects that took place under the project open spaces, data shown how almost unanimously not only the participants but also the mentors, professors and strategic allies improve their capabilities and indirectly their perceived self-well-being. Leaving also new research lines to study how strategic planned activities targeting specific functionings could be applied and improved, how Universities seen as an open environment could become community engagement agents improving the community and national well-being.Lo scopo di questa ricerca è analizzare il progetto StartUPS dell'Università Politecnica Salesiana e studiare come questo ambiente aperto abbia migliorato le capacità delle persone, considerando una visione centrata sulla persona e i pilastri del progetto: la gestione del bene comune e il capability approach, in modo che l'insieme migliorasse lo sviluppo umano dei partecipanti. Questa analisi passa in rassegna i concetti di sviluppo, dall'assistenza sociale (statale) al welfare [integrale], e li contrappone alle prospettive moderne e andine per comprendere le diverse forme di sviluppo, la gestione delle risorse del bene comune e, da questa prospettiva, stabilire una linea di ricerca che si combini con gli indicatori comunemente noti per misurare lo sviluppo. Per misurare l'impatto del progetto StartUPS sullo sviluppo dei partecipanti, sono stati raccolti dati quantitativi e qualitativi dalle molteplici attività e progetti realizzati negli ambienti aperti del progetto, dati che mostrano come quasi all'unanimità, non solo i partecipanti ma anche i mentori, i docenti e gli alleati dell'università abbiano migliorato le loro capacità e indirettamente il loro benessere percepito. Questa analisi propone anche nuove linee di ricerca per studiare come le attività strategiche possano essere implementate e migliorate per le functioning, e come le università, viste come un ambiente aperto, potrebbero diventare agenti di coinvolgimento della comunità che migliorano il benessere della comunità e del Paese

    Engineering an adaptive and socially- aware feedback acquisition.

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    Self-adaptive software systems are characterised by their ability to monitor changes in their dynamic environment and react to these changes when needed. Adaptation is driven by these changes in the internal state of the system and its external environment. Social Adaptation is a kind of adaptation which gives users’ feedback a primary role in shaping adaptation decisions. Social Adaptation infers and employs users’ collective judgement on the alternative behaviours of a system as the main driver in tailoring adaptation decision. Users’ collective judgement is determined through individual users’ feedback collected during the lifetime of the software. Social Adaptation still lacks systematic and efficient engineering mechanisms of the acquisition process of users’ feedback. The goal of this thesis is to devise an engineering method for a systematic and adaptive acquisition of users’ feedback. Given the various contextual information which could influence how feedback should be collected from users, this thesis looks at the acquisition process itself as an adaptive process. The goal of such adaptation is to optimize the quality of obtained feedback without affecting users’ experience. In order to achieve the goal of this thesis, several empirical studies with software engineering experts and end-users have been conducted. This helped gaining insights into how the role of users’ feedback is perceived by software experts and how users behave and react to feedback acquisition. The outcomes of the empirical studies are then exploited to achieve the aim of thesis. The findings informed by these studies suggest that users’ behaviours to feedback acquisition highly varies and an adaptive feedback acquisition is highly needed to cater for differences in behaviours, improve users’ satisfaction, feedback quality and software success. To tackle this problem, the concept of Persona is employed to aid software engineers understand the various users’ behaviours and improve their ability to design feedback acquisition techniques more efficiently. The personas are developed based on a mixture of the qualitative and quantitative studies conducted throughout this thesis. In addition, this thesis proposes PAFA, a Persona-based method for a systematic design of an Adaptive Feedback Acquisition and reports on its evaluation. Finally, this thesis is also meant to contribute to the knowledge of software engineering community on developing systematic ways for feedback engineering which are hoped to lead to a better quality feedback and maintained users experience

    Challenges for engineering students working with authentic complex problems

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    Engineers are important participants in solving societal, environmental and technical problems. However, due to an increasing complexity in relation to these problems new interdisciplinary competences are needed in engineering. Instead of students working with monodisciplinary problems, a situation where students work with authentic complex problems in interdisciplinary teams together with a company may scaffold development of new competences. The question is: What are the challenges for students structuring the work on authentic interdisciplinary problems? This study explores a three-day event where 7 students from Aalborg University (AAU) from four different faculties and one student from University College North Denmark (UCN), (6th-10th semester), worked in two groups at a large Danish company, solving authentic complex problems. The event was structured as a Hackathon where the students for three days worked with problem identification, problem analysis and finalizing with a pitch competition presenting their findings. During the event the students had workshops to support the work and they had the opportunity to use employees from the company as facilitators. It was an extracurricular activity during the summer holiday season. The methodology used for data collection was qualitative both in terms of observations and participants’ reflection reports. The students were observed during the whole event. Findings from this part of a larger study indicated, that students experience inability to transfer and transform project competences from their previous disciplinary experiences to an interdisciplinary setting

    Life and career game Who You Are Matters!® among university students, The: a bricolage in postmodern career counseling

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    Includes bibliographical references.2020 Summer.Career counseling has been expanding from traditional trait and personality models to constructivist models that emphasize subjective experiences, holistic interventions, psychological resources, narratives, and context. This study examines the narrative life and career game Who You Are Matters!® to learn about player experience, stories, and actions gaining a deeper understanding of the processes of storytelling and storylistening in life and career exploration and goal setting. Participants in the study were female, first-year, second-year, and/or first-generation college students who ranged between 18-23 years of age. Experiences and stories are explored through multiple lenses including well-being, psychological capital, agency, and transformational learning. Gratitude and broaden-and-build are also briefly examined as contributing factors that amplify player benefits. The findings are presented loosely as a bricolage that shapes the construction and interpretation of meanings and patterns that inform career exploration in game play. Findings suggest that the structure and context of game play focuses and funnels intentional goal setting and action through six synergistic themes. The study demonstrates how the game Who You Are Matters!® is efficacious in promoting life and career exploration, engendering psychological capital, and cultivating well-being, answering the National Career Development Association's call for more creative and holistic interventions that equip and inspire action and agency