11,864 research outputs found

    Probabilistic reaction time analysis

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    In many embedded systems, for instance, in the automotive, avionic, or robotics domain, critical functionalities are implemented via chains of communicating recurrent tasks. To ensure safety and correctness of such systems, guarantees on the reaction time, that is, the delay between a cause (e.g., an external activity or reading of a sensor) and the corresponding effect, must be provided. Current approaches focus on the maximum reaction time, considering the worst-case system behavior. However, in many scenarios, probabilistic guarantees on the reaction time are sufficient. That is, it is sufficient to provide a guarantee that the reaction does not exceed a certain threshold with (at least) a certain probability. This work provides such probabilistic guarantees on the reaction time, considering two types of randomness: response time randomness and failure probabilities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that defines and analyzes probabilistic reaction time for cause-effect chains based on sporadic tasks

    On the Equivalence of Maximum Reaction Time and Maximum Data Age for Cause-Effect Chains

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    Real-time systems require a formal guarantee of timing-constraints, not only for individual tasks but also for data-propagation. The timing behavior of data-propagation paths in a given system is typically described by its maximum reaction time and its maximum data age. This paper shows that they are equivalent. To reach this conclusion, partitioned job chains are introduced, which consist of one immediate forward and one immediate backward job chain. Such partitioned job chains are proven to describe maximum reaction time and maximum data age in a universal manner. This universal description does not only show the equivalence of maximum reaction time and maximum data age, but can also be exploited to speed up the computation of such significantly. In particular, the speed-up for synthesized task sets based on automotive benchmarks can be up to 1600. Since only very few non-restrictive assumptions are made, the equivalence of maximum data age and maximum reaction time holds for almost any scheduling mechanism and even for tasks which do not adhere to the typical periodic or sporadic task model. This observation is supported by a simulation of a ROS2 navigation system

    Modeling and Analysis of Automotive Cyber-physical Systems: Formal Approaches to Latency Analysis in Practice

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    Based on advances in scheduling analysis in the 1970s, a whole area of research has evolved: formal end-to-end latency analysis in real-time systems. Although multiple approaches from the scientific community have successfully been applied in industrial practice, a gap is emerging between the means provided by formally backed approaches and the need of the automotive industry where cyber-physical systems have taken over from classic embedded systems. They are accompanied by a shift to heterogeneous platforms build upon multicore architectures. Scien- tific techniques are often still based on too simple system models and estimations on important end-to-end latencies have only been tightened recently. To this end, we present an expressive system model and formally describe the problem of end-to-end latency analysis in modern automotive cyber-physical systems. Based on this we examine approaches to formally estimate tight end-to-end latencies in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The de- veloped approaches include a wide range of relevant systems. We show that our approach for the estimation of latencies of task chains dominates existing approaches in terms of tightness of the results. In the last chapter we make a brief digression to measurement analysis since measuring and simulation is an important part of verification in current industrial practice

    Optimizing Logical Execution Time Model for Both Determinism and Low Latency

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    The Logical Execution Time (LET) programming model has recently received considerable attention, particularly because of its timing and dataflow determinism. In LET, task computation appears always to take the same amount of time (called the task's LET interval), and the task reads (resp. writes) at the beginning (resp. end) of the interval. Compared to other communication mechanisms, such as implicit communication and Dynamic Buffer Protocol (DBP), LET performs worse on many metrics, such as end-to-end latency (including reaction time and data age) and time disparity jitter. Compared with the default LET setting, the flexible LET (fLET) model shrinks the LET interval while still guaranteeing schedulability by introducing the virtual offset to defer the read operation and using the virtual deadline to move up the write operation. Therefore, fLET has the potential to significantly improve the end-to-end timing performance while keeping the benefits of deterministic behavior on timing and dataflow. To fully realize the potential of fLET, we consider the problem of optimizing the assignments of its virtual offsets and deadlines. We propose new abstractions to describe the task communication pattern and new optimization algorithms to explore the solution space efficiently. The algorithms leverage the linearizability of communication patterns and utilize symbolic operations to achieve efficient optimization while providing a theoretical guarantee. The framework supports optimizing multiple performance metrics and guarantees bounded suboptimality when optimizing end-to-end latency. Experimental results show that our optimization algorithms improve upon the default LET and its existing extensions and significantly outperform implicit communication and DBP in terms of various metrics, such as end-to-end latency, time disparity, and its jitter

    Communication Centric Design in Complex Automotive Embedded Systems

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    Automotive embedded applications like the engine management system are composed of multiple functional components that are tightly coupled via numerous communication dependencies and intensive data sharing, while also having real-time requirements. In order to cope with complexity, especially in multi-core settings, various communication mechanisms are used to ensure data consistency and temporal determinism along functional cause-effect chains. However, existing timing analysis methods generally only support very basic communication models that need to be extended to handle the analysis of industry grade problems which involve more complex communication semantics. In this work, we give an overview of communication semantics used in the automotive industry and the different constraints to be considered in the design process. We also propose a method for model transformation to increase the expressiveness of current timing analysis methods enabling them to work with more complex communication semantics. We demonstrate this transformation approach for concrete implementations of two communication semantics, namely, implicit and LET communication. We discuss the impact on end-to-end latencies and communication overheads based on a full blown engine management system
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