12 research outputs found

    Come on Down!”: Gaming in the Flipped Classroom

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    This session will discuss the experience of librarians at the University of Northern Iowa who have incorporated gaming into their library credit course to increase student engagement and learning both in and out of the flipped classroom. The session will demonstrate how using Kahoot, Quizlet and “Team Challenges” in the classroom facilitated individual learning and peer teaching. Attendees will learn about free and easy to use web gaming apps (i.e., Kahoot, Quizlet), and learn how to incorporate gaming into any of their classroom environments (i.e, one shot sessions, credit course, embedded classroom). This session is targeted towards any library, and for library users of all ages

    Kahoot! Como ferramenta de revisão de conteúdo em neurociências / Kahoot! As a tool for content review in neuroscience

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    O aprendizado baseado em jogos é uma estratégia com crescimento progressivo, sobretudo com o advento de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. O Kahoot! é uma ferramenta virtual para a criação de Quiz com questões de múltipla escolha. Assim, esse estudo pretende relatar a implementação do Kahoot! na disciplina de Neurociências como estratégia de revisão de conteúdos antes da prova discursiva nos cursos de graduação em Biomedicina e Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (Campus Nova Friburgo). As questões foram elaboradas pelos estudantes em grupos conforme os temas de aula que seriam cobrados na prova discursiva, revisadas pelo docente e inseridas no Kahoot! pelo monitor. No dia da aplicação do Kahoot!, as questões foram projetadas no quadro branco e os estudantes responderam as questões em grupo através de seus dispositivos móveis (Bring Your Own Device). Como resultado, notou-se grande interação entre o docente e os estudantes, assim como entre os estudantes na discussão das alternativas de resposta. O desempenho dos grupos foi satisfatório, demandando pouco tempo para responder às questões. O Kahoot! gera um rank em tempo real dos grupos e acertos e isso motivou os estudantes a se empenharem na atividade para ficar na primeira colocação. Concluímos que o Kahoot! é uma ferramenta dinâmica e valiosa como instrumento de avaliação, motivação e engajamento dos estudantes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    Educational Games in Elementary Education: Unlocking the Potentials

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    The advent of technology has made big strides in the development of humans’ life in different spheres. The integration of technology in education has introduced other teaching methods that could improve and emulate the traditional way of teaching. The use of educational games is a by-product of integrating technology into teaching to enhance teaching methods and students’ performance. This study, hence, aims to evaluate the effect of using educational games in teaching mathematics to second-graders in a Palestinian school using a quasi-experimental approach. Thirty male and female second-graders from Al Aqsa Integrated School, Kuala Lumpur, were the targeted sample. The sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. A selected educational game was used to explain mathematics lessons, namely addition within 99 or 999, to the experimental group. The same content was taught to the students in the control group using the traditional method. Findings showed that teaching mathematics via educational games was significantly effective in improving students’ achievement in the experimental group compared to the achievement of their counterparts taught via the traditional method. These findings provide evidence that educational games could substantially improve primary second-grade students’ skills in mathematics compared to the traditional teaching method

    All Work and No Play? Facilitating Serious Games and Gamified Applications in Participatory Urban Planning and Governance

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    As games and gamified applications gain prominence in the academic debate on participatory practices, it is worth examining whether the application of such tools in the daily planning practice could be beneficial. This study identifies a research–practice gap in the current state of participatory urban planning practices in three European cities. Planners and policymakers acknowledge the benefits of employing such tools to illustrate complex urban issues, evoke social learning, and make participation more accessible. However, a series of impediments relating to planners’ inexperience with participatory methods, resource constraints, and sceptical adult audiences, limits the broader application of games and gamified applications within participatory urban planning practices. Games and gamified applications could become more widely employed within participatory planning processes when process facilitators become better educated and better able to judge the situations in which such tools could be implemented as part of the planning process, and if such applications are simple and useful, and if their development process is based on co-creation with the participating publics

    Could Gamification Be a Protective Factor Regarding Early School Leaving? A Life Story

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    The European Union has recognized the close relationship between mental health, wellbeing, and education, encouraging studies and whole school interventions that work in the interrelationship between mental health and school, especially in aspects related to Early School Leaving (ESL). Literature shows that there are research gaps in this regard, but there are some inklings to think that innovative teaching methods can improve both adolescent´s mental health and reduce the rates of ESL. The main objective of this article was to find out how the use of game-based teaching techniques affects the well-being of students at risk of ESL. The life story of one young student that has left school early has been studied, focusing on the impact that gamification had in his scholar trajectory and well-being. Data analysis was carried using the constructivist version of the grounded theory. Results showed a certain degree of interrelation between all three aspects. Pointing that a period of gamification can have a positive effect in school engagement as a result of better levels of wellbeing, but also, that if this methodology is not maintained or accompanied it can cause a rebound effect acting as a risk factor to ESL

    Creative teaching methods in marketing higher education: A case study of a portuguese marketing school

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    This dissertation investigates the creative teaching methods applied in marketing courses. Its purpose is to understand how marketing higher education institutions can improve the students’ learning experience by using creative teaching methods. A qualitative approach was used, and an exploratory case study was conducted, which contributed to getting a deeper insight into the problem. Data were collected through document analysis, and eleven interviews were conducted with marketing higher education students of IPAM Porto, to understand (1) the creative teaching methods applied in marketing courses, (2) the specific application of each method, (3) their influence on the students’ learning experience, and (4) the improvement of the learning experience of students by innovating methods’ application. The findings of this study can support marketing higher education institutions and teachers understanding how the application of creative teaching methods improves the students’ learning experience. Suitable and contextualized creative teaching methods that promote direct contact with the business world, adaptation to new situations, teamwork, the development of creative skills, and that are seen as a new challenge, enrich the learning experience of students. Due to this study’s approach, the number of interviewees, and the fact that interviews were conducted mainly online, these findings may not be generalized.The high demand for marketers’ creative skills, as well as the lack of studies and depthless understanding of the improvement of the students’ learning experience through the application of creative teaching methods, reveal the relevance of this research

    The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Title 1 Elementary Students\u27 Math Achievement

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    The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate game-based learning, using a computer game system as a supplementary tool in math for elementary students in a low-income Title 1 school. The research question asked, “What are the effects of a game-based learning supplemental instruction on math achievement of Title 1 students?” The null hypothesis was rejected for all five hypotheses. Dreambox is a research-based computer game system that is aligned according to various curricula needs to meet the fourth-grade standards. Four fourth-grade classes, two classes each, were divided into a comparative group and an experiential group. Both the groups were administered the Test of Mathematical Ability-3 pretest. The experiential group received treatment via a computer game system for a seven-week period; whereas, the comparative group received instructions through traditional approaches. Both the groups were given Test of Mathematical Ability-3 as a pre- and post-test. They were tested in (a) mathematical symbols and concepts, (b) math computation, (c) math in everyday life, and (d) math word problem-solving. The independent t-test was used to compare the mean of the pre- and post-test scores of the groups on the afore-mentioned four subtests. The results indicated the experiential group exceeded the comparative group in all four areas: (a) Recognizing mathematical symbols, Subtest 1, experiential group: M = 3.20, SD = 2.02; comparative group: M = .60, SD = 2.79); (b) math computation, Subtest 2, experiential group: M = 3.58, SD = 2.30; comparative group: M = 1.70, SD = 1.87); (c) math in everyday life, Subtest 3, experiential group: M = 3.73, SD = 1.83; comparative group: M = .95, SD = 3.15); and (d) math word problem-solving, Subtest 4: experiential group: M = 3.68, SD = 1.85; comparative group: M = 1.40, SD = 6.42). The difference in improvement between the comparative group and experiential group demonstrated that game-based learning had the potential to benefit students academically. In addition, game-based treatment helped students in the experiential group to develop a positive attitude toward math. Utilizing game instruction as a supplement proves advantageous and helps to promote learning and positive attitudes for students of math

    Digital game-based learning : developing a pedagogical model for primary mathematics education

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    Since they contribute to the learning environment and significantly influence all levels of education, digital games are used as educational tools in various learning activities. However, implementation barriers and other difficulties limit the effective use of such games in the classroom, affecting students’ motivation and learning enhancement. The present study was conducted to address this pedagogical gap through the development of a novel learning environment involving digital games, with the overarching purpose of facilitating primary mathematics education via digital game-based learning. The specific aim of the study was to develop a pedagogical model that would highlight appropriate ways in which digital game-based learning can be applied. To this end, theoretical and pedagogical approaches that explicate game-based learning were determined, and a theoretical and empirical pedagogical model for digital game-based learning in primary mathematics education was designed. The research focused on the following themes: (a) teacher scaffolding strategies and effects and (b) collaborative digital gameplay for engagement. Various theoretical and methodological perspectives were considered. Design-based research, a case study, and a systematic literature review were used to answer the research questions. Three datasets were utilized from studies reported in three previous articles. In the first two studies, the participating students used a digital game called Wuzzit Trouble to solve integer arithmetic problems. The first study investigated the various approaches to teacher scaffolding in digital game-based learning classrooms and their influence on students’ perceptions of mathematics learning through the digital game. The second examined the effects of collaborative digital gameplay on three dimensions of student engagement in mathematics. The data collection methods for these two studies included classroom observations, individual interviews, photo-elicitation interviews, and pre- and post-surveys. The third study involved a systematic literature review and analysis of relevant research papers on teacher scaffolding strategies for different stages of game-based learning and their correlative influence on students’ learning. The main result of the present study was a pedagogical model for digital gamebased learning in mathematics. This represents a culmination of educational theories, previous studies related to game-based learning, and the results of the three studies mentioned above. The model provides a pedagogical foundation for mathematics teachers and educational practitioners to design innovative digital game-based learning environment in the classroom. It captures the phases of orientation, gameplay, and expectation in the digital game-based learning process — that is, teachers adopt various approaches to scaffold students in the orientation and gameplay phases, in turn supporting students’ learning activities and outcomes in the expectation phase. The results of the study lay a theoretical foundation for learning and teaching with digital games in education. They also provide a design process for and meaningful perceptions of digital game-based learning in mathematics and can help identify areas for further empirical research and development in primary education. Future research directions and design principles are suggested in this paper.Digitaalisia pelejä käytetään oppimisvälineinä, koska ne tukevat oppimisympäristöä ja niillä on merkittävä vaikutus kaikilla koulutusasteilla. Toteutuksen esteet ja muut vaikeudet silti rajoittavat pelien tehokasta käyttöä opiskelussa ja vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden motivaatioon ja oppimisprosessin etenemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin vastaamaan kyseiseen pedagogiseen haasteeseen kehittämällä uusi oppimisympäristö digitaalisten pelien avulla. Perustarkoituksena oli edistää alemman perusasteen matematiikan koulutusta digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvan oppimisen avulla. Erityistavoitteena oli kehittää pedagoginen malli, joka tuo esille tarkoituksenmukaisia tapoja soveltaa digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvaa oppimista. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi määriteltiin teoreettisia ja pedagogisia lähestymistapoja, jotka havainnollistavat peleihin perustuvaa oppimista sekä kehitettiin teoreettinen ja empiirinen pedagoginen malli digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvalle oppimiselle alemman perusasteen matematiikan koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksen keskiössä olivat seuraavat teemat: a) opettajien tukistrategiat ja niiden vaikutukset sekä b) yhteisöllinen digitaalinen pelaaminen osallistamisen tukena. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin myös eri teoreettisia ja metodologisia näkökulmia. Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastattiin kehittämistutkimuksen, tapaustutkimuksen ja systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Käytössä oli kolme tietoaineistoa tutkimuksista, joista on julkaistu kolme artikkelia. Kahdessa ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa opiskelijaosallistujat käyttivät digitaalista peliä nimeltä Wuzzit Trouble, jolla tehtiin laskutoimituksia kokonaisluvuilla. Ensimmäinen tutkimus käsitteli lähestymistapoja opettajan antamaan tukeen digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvassa luokkahuoneessa sekä niiden vaikutusta opiskelijoiden käsityksiin matematiikan oppimisesta digitaalisen pelin avulla. Toisessa tutkimuksessa keskityttiin yhteisöllisen digitaalisen pelaamisen vaikutuksiin matematiikassa kolmella opiskelijan osallistamisen tasolla. Näihin kahteen tutkimukseen oli kerätty aineistoa käyttäen muun muassa luokassa tapahtuvaa havainnointia, yksilöhaastatteluja, valokuvamenetelmään perustuvia haastatteluja sekä esi- ja jälkikyselyjä. Kolmanteen tutkimukseen kuului systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja analyysi relevanteista tutkimuksista, joissa on tarkasteltu opettajien tukistrategioita peleihin perustuvan oppimisen eri vaiheissa ja strategioiden vaikutusta opiskelijan oppimiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen päätuotoksena oli digitaaliseen peleihin perustuvan oppimisen pedagoginen malli matematiikassa. Se edustaa kasvatusteorioiden huippua, on jatkoa aikaisemmille peleihin perustuvan oppimisen tutkimuksille ja liittyy yllä mainittujen kolmen tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Malli luo pedagogisen pohjan matematiikan opettajille ja muille kasvatusalan ammattilaisille kehittää innovatiivisia digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvia oppimisympäristöjä. Se kattaa orientaatio-, peli- ja tavoitevaiheet digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvassa oppimisprosessissa. Toisin sanoen opettajat käyttävät eri lähestymistapoja tukeakseen opiskelijoita orientaatio- ja pelivaiheissa, ja vastaavasti avustavat opiskelijoita oppimisaktiviteeteissa ja osaamistavoitteiden saavuttamisessa tavoitevaiheen aikana. Tutkimustulokset luovat teoreettisen perustan oppimiselle ja opetukselle digitaalisten pelien avulla. Ne esittelevät myös digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvan matematiikan oppimisen suunnitteluprosessin ja mielekkään tavan hahmottaa aihetta. Samoin ne voivat auttaa tunnistamaan empiirisen jatkotutkimuksen ja -kehittämisen tarpeita alemman perusasteen koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa esitetään myös jatkotutkimuksen linjauksia ja suunnitteluperiaatteita

    O desenvolvimento da competência criatividade no currículo do ensino superior online

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação (Área de Especialidade em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2021O presente estudo vem entender sobre como é a percepção de gestores de uma determinada instituição de ensino superior, dos cursos EaD e Híbrido, a respeito da necessária mudança na educação e como estimulam a competência criatividade na sua equipe e nos estudantes. Os desafios da prática e suas facilidades também são pontos levantados. As ferramentas, instituições e o modelo pedagógico também foram incluídos como questões importantes a serem respondidas. É fato que a educação está sofrendo muitas mudanças, e o ensino online propõe formatos e experiências diferentes das que os personagens do ensinar e aprender desenvolveram até o momento em suas vidas. Por isso, é abordado esse contexto de mudança, seja na educação ou na educação do ensino superior na modalidade EaD. A aprendizagem criativa, as metodologias inovadoras e as teorias de aprendizagem também são trazidas para este estudo, a fim de trazer um enquadramento sobre a competência criatividade e suas aplicações na educação. Também são detalhados os processos da pesquisa qualitativa descritiva que foi desenvolvida, a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados, a abordagem aos entrevistados, como foi realizado o registro das entrevistas, os cuidados éticos, o guião de entrevista, a categorização e a análise do conteúdo. As respostas foram trazidas pela percepção dos coordenadores e do pró-reitor que participaram das entrevistas de forma presencial, porém algumas online quando do início da pandemia. Como conclusão a este estudo é percebido que há muito o que se desenvolver na educação a distância para compor toda a experiência necessária ao estímulo da competência criatividade e suas competências adjacentes. Contudo, é na formação de todos os profissionais envolvidos neste processo do ensino online, não apenas o docente, na forma como enxergamos uma educação mais envolvida com a formação do cidadão, do profissional e do ser humano, o qual devolverá em soluções, inovação e bem-estar para a comunidade em que vive.This study comes to understand how is the perception of managers of a certain institution of higher education, of the distance and hybrid courses, about the necessary change in education and how they are stimulating the creativity competence in their team and in the students. The challenges of practice and its facilities are also points raised. Institutional tools and the pedagogical model were also included as important questions to be answered. It is a fact that education is undergoing many changes and online teaching proposes formats and experiences different from those that the characters of teaching and learning have developed so far in their lives. For this reason, it is approached about this context of change, whether in education or in higher education in the distance education modality. Creative learning, innovative methodologies and learning theories are also brought to this study, in order to provide a framework on the creativity competence and its applications in education. It is also detailed the processes of the qualitative descriptive research that was developed, the data collection, the instruments used, the approach to the interviewees, how the interviews were recorded, the ethical care, the interview guide, the categorization and analysis of the content. The answers were brought by the perception of the coordinators and dean who participated in the interviews in person and some online, due to the beginning of the pandemic. As a conclusion to this study, it is perceived that there is much to be developed within distance education to compose all the experience necessary to stimulate the creativity competence and its adjacent competences. However, it is in the training of all professionals involved in this online teaching process, not just the teacher, in the way we see an education more involved with the training of citizens, professionals and human beings that will return solutions, innovation and well-being and be for the community in which you live